The Scio Tribune I Î Country Correspondent* GILKEY STATION Jun* 17 The all day meeting and children's day program al the school house Sunday was largely attended. Th* program at eleven o'clock was given by the young folk* of thia Sunday school and also the Corvallis Sunday school. Preaching in the afternoon was by Rev. T. W. Cooper of Jeffer­ son. Miss Vivian Colvin of Aumsville visited from Wednesday until Friday at the home of Miss Marian Gilkey. Muw Eunice Lewis, also of Aumsville, visited Mias Lucille Summer. Will Moore, »on and daughter. Kelly and Eileen, of Salem visited Sunday at the home* of J. H. Kelly and J. G. Holt. The local baseball team played JetTi r»"« nt Jefferson Sunday. The ■core 4 to 14 in favor of Jefferson, being the first defeat this season for the local team. Mrs. Frank DeWall is now home from Albany where she was caring for her mother. John Shepherd and wife attended the community club meeting at Riv­ erside Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs Heine's son and wife of North Dakota and two sisters of Mrs. Heine, who have been visiting here for the past week, left Monday Werner Yunker and wife and her sister. M Frances Schmckenberg of Mill City sjient Sunday at th* home of Mr ami Mrs Otto Yunker. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scheiman are th«- parents of an eight pound daughter, born Wednesday, June 10. This is their first child. John DeWall has purchased a new llumley tractor and separator. Miss Pearl Mitchell went to Port­ land Sunday to visit her sister. S. B. Holt, wife and son, Melvin, attended the baccalaureate services at Monmouth Sunday Quite a number from here attend­ ed the children's day exercises at Crabtree Sunday night. Word has just been received here of the death of Marion Holt, nephew of T. M. and J. G. Holt, in an auto- for her home in Central Oregon. af­ mobil* accident in Portland Monday ter an extended visit with th* Par­ night. He was the youngest *on of berry a. Mrs. Nora Holt of Albany The ► toto to to to toto to to-to to to to to to to to body ha* been shipiwd to Albany, I è but no arrangment* have been made • SHELBURN NEWS a for the funeral. n-to-tobw* to-to to to * • + Richard Struckmeier and wife, T i Jun* id M Holt and wife. J G. Holt and Mr». M C. McLain of Portland i* wtf*. Meadames S. B. H>>lt. W J. visiting home folk* while M C is and J H Kelly and J F Summer j away to Alaska with th* Navy Re­ attended the funeral of Mr*. IWnni* serve on their summer cruise, Watkins Tuesday Mr* L. George «pent last Sunday Edwin, age kx . aon of Wm Wruck afternoon with Mr*. Goo. Spicer of was saver* I v bruised Sunday when North Santiam, be fell out of the back of a Ford At the annual school meeting, C roadster, driven by hi* father O. McClain war elected director for A miscellaneous shower was given three year* and Mr* l«ena McClain Wednesday night at the E F Krebs clerk. home fur Miss Mabel Zv»«-t, bride­ Mrs. Lee George helped her moth­ elect, Sh* received many l*enutiful er with houaecleaning last Thursday. and useful presents. Carl Smith and wife *i>ent Sun dav with his mother at Jordan. W. H. McLain gathered strawber­ Ptarh hr tte I ni I iiìi ries al Isaac Bennett's Tuesday fore­ noon. June 16 II. O. Shilling attended the funer­ R. F. Darbv and family spent last al <>f hi« cousin, Mrs Dennis Wat Sunday with home folk«, M. I’ ln. day* with her «Isler at We*t Scio. Tony Geisler and family spent last John Frost and sister, Mr«. Smith, Sunday at Aegerter « and her daughter. Gladys ami hus­ The annual acho >1 meeting was band and son. were Sunday evening held at the Cole » h< ..|. Di-t. 11, guests of Mr. and Mr*. Carl Smith. Monday afternoon, and C D l--x They served, ice cream and cake on ler was elected director and .Mi- the lawn. Geo. Sand nr r was r^-elected clerk. Mr« M. C McLain wa* »hupping Joe Sandner and sister of Tacoma in Shelburn Monday afternoon. are visiting with their brother. John Sandner, ar. The Tribune. >1.75 the year While preparing «upi>er last Fri­ day evening, Mrs. L. C. Quick oi> ened a can of corn. Her custom is to taste the content*, and having a peculiar taste, »he had her husband taste it. They decided it best not to serve it. but about 9 o'clock she was taken violently *ick and Stay ton doctor was called, wh > pronounced Tk«y Work While You Sleep! it ptomain pois ming. She is re­ ported as getting along nicely and W* are proud of our Classified out of danger. column, tiecause it la full of hu­ Mra, Keating of Seattle. Wash., is man interest—it bring*people to­ visiting her sister. Mrs. John Sand gether a* nothing rise can do. If ner, *r you have anything to sell, or want to buy something, there Is noth­ A family reunion wa» held at the ing quicker nor surer. And the John Sandner. ar., home Sunday, at Order Your Envel­ opes Now—$5.00 per Thousand i See the Window Display '»’our» to live and let live. J. F. Wesely, Grocer Furnishing» Chinaware Garden Seed» Noti» >n» cost is cheap. Yes, we are also proud of our job department and the work we du. See us for any­ thing in the printing line. Men $ Outing Shoes Now is the time for Outing Shoes See our line in the window and conic in and try them on Hibler & Gill Company Scio, Oregon See F. E. SHAFER for HARNS 170 S. Comi Street Salem, Oregon 2| in. heavy Iloublc «'» Stitched I race. li in. Hip Straws, »-ring Breeching Back Straps li inch, Hokl Back» l| inch, Pole Strap» lj inch. Bridle* Cup Blinds a inch. Breast Strap« lj inch Line* in. I>y 20 feet. Back Kami I’elt Lined. Mar­ ket Tug inch, (»< kh I Wide Belly Bands. 2%” Harness, steel Fames........... $60.00 I size 2” lighter 1 lamess............. 50.00 A heavy 1 earn Collar, $4.65 each up Line*. Line*, Lincs. ft inch 1 inch l»v 20 Icct li incli L.x 21» l it I) inch by 20 in I Team Bridle*, pair . ................... $6.25 ................... 7 00 ...... ................ H.00 ..................... 5 00 All Harness made of California Oak 1 anned Leather Hand Bags Suit Cases Gloves Purses Puttees A fine* of I ruler thc-Arm Ladies Bags . in Genome leather cd Glimpse NOTHING TAKES THE PLACE OF J# LEATHER by O. Lawrence Hawthorne OA g O. BAROLI» ALBRO. .Manufacturing Optimas Vases Flower Bowls or Fruit Baskets Mt. Pleasant Cole News Optometrist ALBANY 1 For You Roses I which 30 relatives were pre-ont. The Parberry families and Mr- Bow*bv motored to Albany Monday, where Mrs Bow »by took 'he trau>( Gk-ies for evening wear and sny of thè numeruua styles in Pearls are item* neersaary tu completa th* out- tit of thè Jun. Bride. Pearls Bearle Pearls Page A ’ "See my new pant«!” He comes to me With eyes aglow and manly stride; He’s just as pleased as lie can lie; He fairly scintillates with pride. ‘An’ here’s some pockets in ’em too!" He yells, then struts arroMi the floor That I may have a better view— May see him aft as well as fore. And as I watch I think h«»w swift The years have flown since I was three. When she whom* hands designed his gift Was fasiiioning such clothes for rae. Oh. how I wish I were a lad Of three tonight ami had a chants To marrh again up to my dad And yell at him, “See my new pants!" ^The ó'cio Meat Market Having pwehaaed the tw<> nicnt markets in Scio, i consolidated them under the alxive name anil wid strive to render eflnient service and give courteous treatment at all time» W JI carry a full line of » Fresh and Cured Meats I will buy your !■**{ cattle, veal and I ■ gs (alive or dressed) and pay you the top prices. See me lir»t. Herbert Shelton. Mgr Shop. C. I BRUCE. Proprietor If oue of the Tribune advertiser* "sting ' you, Uli us; if he tret’a you right, tell him.