The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, June 18, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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Tiit» Scio Tribune
Central News
I See By The
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Tandy of Jeffer­
Albany «Only
son. became the bride of Mr Marvin
Andrew Hutchins of Portland. Rev
the Slayton
cannery is handling a lot of berriag.
Albvn Eason officiating.
11 veryth inf Czbid^l
that there is a great demand
Hubbard Enterprise that the Ma­
for its output. Also that the Men’s
rion county Sunday school picnic
Community Club has taken step; to!
will be held at the state fairgrounds
secure better mail service fur Stay-' next Saturday. June 20.
Bancroft Optical Co.
City, and not letting the newspaper
in V m ru«t a«»»<
and postmaster do it all.
Optical Parlor
Mehama end
Harrisburg Bulletin that Eugene
plans on securing the S. P. shops bv
h-xik or erook.
Jefferson Review that a very pret­ crooks is to trade
The Ircttcr you rat
The Letter you live
Auction Sale!
one of
TAI the Shirk Yards. West Scio, Oregon, an
the S. P. Co. a
Monday, June 22, 1925
ty wedding wu solemnized Wednes­ fine tract of land for its Springfield
Sale starts at 1 o'clock sharp.
day. June 10. at 2 p. m . when M ini holdings. Springfield »• mad all over
Carload of broke work horses, valley raised.
Martha* Davit Tandy. daughter of and ca'ia Eugene a thief in big let­
Thia bunch of stock have been working on the
Natron Cut-off in lane county
having finished their work, this stock must ba
sold regard Iras of price to the highest bidder.
ters. for Springfield has. as every- '
body knows, had those shops in its
Imperial Cafe
vest pocket for 10 years!
They are all grain fed and ready to go to
The following is a partial description -
1 team Shire Mares, weight 3100 pounds.
1 tram. Sorrel Marr and Gelding, weight 2800.
1 Shire Horse, weight 1800.
I Bay Horse, weight 1600
1 Brown Horse, weight 1250.
1 small Mule, well broke to work or pack.
I team Bays. Mare and Gelding, weight 3800.
& head of extra well broke saddle horse«.
Balance about same as the al>uveVadvertised,
consisting of mated t* am* of Mares and Gakl-
Albany Democrat-Herald that Old
P at M urpiiy ,
Albany, Orc.
Glory, the national emblem 148 years i
old Sunday, was paid due tribute by
Cylinder Rcboring
the Elka lodge at
(■encrai Auto Repairing
Hrvant park, which
A. R. Burr
K iapotz
M. A.
the pavilion in
was attended
Albany. Oregon
Flags were
by hundreds of people.
unturlud in the business
throughout the day.
lndept-ndendrnce Enterprise that
Remember, every horse must be sold regard-
leaa of price. A guarantee given with each and
every horse.
the Polk County Farmers Union pic­
nic will l>e held al Rickreall next
Saturday. June 20. James S.Burch
of Corvallis and Seymour Jones of
J. K.
C. H.
Salem will deliver addresses.
Farm Loans
Write for booklet describing our
twentv-yrar amortised rural cre­
dit farm loan. Inauratie»- cum pa- •
ny rates are very low.
No com­
mission or other ex|>ense.
Beam Land Co
Allianv, Orc.
Reconditioning Shop
Pads for All Cara.—
Oregon Statesman
Phone 379
212 E. First
successfully passed the examination
necessary to enter Gallaudet College
Abortion, T. B. Testing
Phone lbb-J
Thia ««I is
If you arc on the farm, wc
Church Authority Runt
Along National Linet
Your Car
Look Like New
Al a comparati*clv
amali ii*t.
He Deliter
C. O. Kendig
Aule Fainter
415 Lyon st,
If you
town, we can
•apply you with
what you need.
Cali in and lei us
teli you atmut it.
i ('
Albany, Orc.
J. W. Copeland Yards I
Q uality : S ervice
Second and Calapooia
A lbany , O re .
Phone 275
Bring us vour job Printing
Inuch and Scientista
have the
Albany, Orc.
Let Us Make
The state
Bcltmtials are making a sj »octal
study of animai and Insect life as a
means of determining changes wblrti
have takrei place In the earth. The re
latlona Insects of one region lowr to
those of another Indicate that certain
Isianda were ooce connected.
Jamaica, mvntly, they explored a
very ancient section of that country
that has been above the ara for a long
er time than Ita neighboring land and
which shelters Insert triI»es of great
age Thia dlacovery lends authorities
to tirile«e that animal life of that Isle
is more cioaely associated with those
of Haiti or Cubs. and that It original
ly found Its way from the mainland
over a land bridge long stara engulfed
by the ocean.— Family Herald.
Floral and Music Shop
D. C.
the alate.
1 IA IJ /
will now have five students there,
I for which $400 each is allowed by
Phone«:—Office, ¡84 J; Res. 702
of Small Plants for
Porch Boxes, r l»<>st-
Ivaid to your address.
x-t us know what
you want to aid us
in making a selec­
al«! from the Oregon Deaf School
$1.00 Collection
four of
the right deaf students who gradu­
Try Hall’s
G xkkr , Auctioneer.
H amnett . Clerk.
Authority lb Ihr «-astern <>rtb<>d>«>
ehurvhr- Is divided along uailmial
lines There la a llusslati chlir, h •
Rumanian church, a Greek chun li aoc
so on. slth primates, uietrv»|H>lltana vi
patriarchs of their own nationality «
the head of each.
Four efll<«-s to which a great ant I
ancient prestige attaches are the patrl
arch at «a of Constantinople. Alexandria
Abtlvsh and Jt-ruaalera. and that ol
the eoumenical patriarch of Constan
ttnople has the most weight of all: hit
Influence extends throughout the east
era churches; though his authority
dt*e« nut.
Rut the Russian chprvh, for Instance
Is a sister church to that of Constan
tln< pie aud not at all a subsidiary
Nor la this a result of re.ent events
In Russia, the autonomy of the Rua
sian orthodox faith dating to 1721.
Under the ctars thia was the es
tabllahed church. Soviet Russia ha*
disestablished It and appropriated rar-
tain of Its projiertlee. and the govern
merit policy Includes a propaganda
against all religion
But any faith
whntevet; may be freely professed In
Russia, »o far as Soviet law la cob
i-erncd - t'levrland Plain I Waler
Io the Makkovlk leurdltig •<h.«.|
There th«-, must remain until tlo '
long winter Is over, for in such ter I
tibls cold, and With n»> - »»nveyan»« !
but dog sledgra, It is impossible fol
children to travel.
That they are'
happy govs without saying, and will» i
a gramophone, a piano, aud a finv ».
lection of lant«*rn slide«, «« w«-tl as
an excellent library, the children get
not only a go<>d education but also a
good tluie.
All Will 8« Fine.
“Sir.“ said the haughty lady who
was holding up traffic. "I never hold
a cutiveraation with a man to whom
I have not property been introduced “
“That's all right, madams” replied
the traffic cop, as he Jotted down her
number, “you meet me In the police
court tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock
and the Judge will attend to that little
formality.“—Brooklyn Eagle.
Cash Prices Paid
Come and get
prices from us I<fore
you sell.
for all
kinds of Junk.
Albany Bargain House
Correr 2d Ä Baker
Phone 411-J
Albany, Orc.
Alvstractcrs of city and country property in Linn county. Work
quickly completed. Our certificates guarantee safety. Prices
conform to the established rates throughout the country.
L eila M itxhfi . i
L. M. C url . President
Attorney and Manager
Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon
Office- Phone 6
Residence: 21«
Send for Ostsupathic Literature
Office lirst ravings Bank Building
A l H am Y. O mv X in
Moravian Church Hat
School in Far North
Phone K
Night Calls. W« I
Fisher-Braden Company
Licensed Embalmers—Funeral Directeurs
Second and Bn»adalbin Sta.
Albany. 4Oregon
At Makkovtk, la the Ice-bound pen
instils of the North American contineat
known as laibrsdor. a country where
one ma) travel hundreds of miles with
out sc-lng a human habitation, and
where the trn>|>eraturv tn winter Is
often <k> <l«*gn-ee belt»« sera, there Is
a boarding school kept by two Kng
It is under the control of the Mors
vian church; ami is one of the most
remarkable as well as the least sc-
cwMtNe schools m the world- A mis­
sion steamer goes <>ut «nee a year with
goods for the Eskimos. and on her last
trip along the coast, prior to her re
turn, she takes both
AU kinds of iron and Brass Castings
Frail and Hop Furnaces
Repair Work and Blacksmithing
Albany Iron Works
Engines, Mill and Mining Machinery
Live Rolla, Head Blocks, l.<«g Turners. I og Rauls.
Cable Conveyors and Rope Feed Work.
Albany, Oregon