INSURE Page 4 General Mr In Y our Home Company Pacific States Fire las. Co. Uncl« Tom’s Cabin" WM The Scio Tribune will be brought to Scio on Saturday- ! Jone 20. 8:16 p. tn , in a mammoth waterproof tent, having -eat* for nearly 2000 people- Mr. Harvell's company numbers nearly 50 people, travelling in their own train of mo­ tor ears, trucks and trailers. Two , free concerts on the principal streets ; daily of the worth while kind. SURFACE CO01.ER IS BEST FOR COOLING ’ w limi tv. ir "i■< i ire »ime It I» . g tnnk or thrwe J-grue» of tba <>l »(«ring or weil water, snerward piacevi In thè wt .-re fu.-ther chllllng caa water lu ibi» vai khoulil m«t t»v a bove 46 «Icgreea t fi, u iik hua bc-ii coolati hy • »ur f»- <- <■ ith-r II ■ au he belìi al Alt de ■ >' - ' l>> piaclng In thè vai two t<> tv -mi a hnlf poumta t»f Ica (or evet - g ì n of milk. If thè milk la i> ' | r. <■«! l-cfore helng placrd Iti tb- vai, f'-ur poun-ta or more of le« are n< - 4 >i e.n h gallo«, of milk. Tht» pr......... Utig wlll etti in hall thè at> - uni of l<< rvqiilrvd in (he tank. The u»< <»f »tnall top milk pali» and ci- *t-rlllo-d utctialla. aud tbo i -ili i. "f >' « rr.a out of milk. Some • >• . I n.wr, »!>*) unica» thè milk I» c '-■! qulrkly they multlply rapi-! y In ,«rm milk baderla don I •- i! r . > every half bour. Al SO «I . » Hit 5 rvprvdtice very sluwly. In many respects W. J Harvall’s Prompt cooling to DO <1rgr<-ev lab- Vncie Tool’s 1'abin” is ’he must renhWt I» aba-dutely rs»*-tillnl for pro­ J S STICMA. Agasi Sos. Ongsa importyit of the « um'i produc­ ducing milk of low bacteria count, tions. In the first place it serves ta*e«-» over the oul»l«le Surfai* rion'* picture of the New Orleans GETTING SOMETHING TO In n thin lay«-r. t'olii water Is cirro jcio . . . OREGON slave mart; and «eeondly. it has GO WITH WHAT YOU HAVE laici through the Itisi,le and thua chili» the milk By this mean» th«- brought I «ack into prominence the DR. A. G. PRILL **Wbea I atn buying one now nrticte lampemture of the milk can be meniorivm of that grand old lady, Physician brought within two or three ileim-a I always try to aotret aotnrthing that Harriet Beocber Stowe, and serves I will go a ell with what I hare «■« of the trtttp-'mtnh- of the water Ice ami Surgeon watet will be tww«to .ell. District Surgwou 8. P. Railway to be learned by careful attention.1 I Morning’s milk »i>--ultl l«e cooil'd to cbooaing new ctvlbea. Second t<> the Holy B#ok does Inc!« Scio, Or. least flit ttogrves rahnniit-it For IhMance. If you gray him. at Tom's Cabin rank as a »acred in- don't buy a brown drew», but rbt«>w Night'» milk ma; however, he eootr«! , ........ ~ s ruetor. The oulpit has endorsed black or blue or gray, so that next winter they will look wait together PR. C F I U Q it as a moral teacher worthy of man­ But If you have a brown bat. do not Ollb-e II-«ita: b te 13 a rn,, 2 to 5 p m. « I »ilice : mo l’honr» : kind’s rapport. while the board ofi »elect a gray drvaa. but taka a brown DENTIST t R cj M3 education in many of the targe cities ona. Albany Oregon When a woman buys at random any has encouraged scholars in witness­ color »he may fancy. It can readily ing the worthy dramatisation of the ba seen that »be will require many story thst was instrumental in mak- • more clothes than -the woman who Chiropractor mg <>ur country religious, free and ■electa everything new to harmonise with something »he already has. *01-2 First Nati'-ral llnnk Ht A Ih Ab r. I) kk <> un happy. Many a hat look» well with one It is » known fact that W. J Her- suit, but does not go with any of the -AYTON, - • • tn: It.oN vali poasesm-s the original version of others. Ah evening coat may took lowly with your blur drew», but p«>al Calls answered Pay nr N ight Mrs. Stowe's story and x that it has I lively bldeoua with the ¡«Ink one. bo Tuberculm Testing been unanim- usiy accepted by the that they can never l«e woni together pros», pulpit and public of America If you know that blue ami brown, for example. arw your moat becoming col and England. The Harvall revival ora, you should decide whlrli of th<*»«> •i PawrtaW Or«**» Awtawiebiie Rregerty ^ILSY S56LT0I) Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy G. F. Koriuck Veterinarian HAULING Any Kind Any Time Anywhere SEE Fred Sturges, S io.< THOMAS LARGE RtsMeal tytl BONDED CARRIER Citv and Farm Projwty Lowe &. Morrison Sold Reliable Undertakers I ist with me- -N<> exclusive contract All funerals given by Mr. N. tX I-owa i-ebaaon Phone »I personal attention lx>w» ■V. A Ewing, T. J. Munken, N. I. Moaaiaow President Vice Pres. I'hone -Pay. £‘~ E. 1). Myers. Cashier Phone— Night. 395 PATENTS Obtained. Send model or sketch and we will promptly send you a report. Our book un Patents and Trade-marks will be sent to you on request. D. SWIFT & CO. — PATENT LAWYERS — 305 Seventh St. Washington. D. C- Ow M Tsars’ E»|»eriewca The Sen State Bank Doe« a General Banking Bucinerà. Interest paid on time deposits. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine Thus« who arw tn a **rua-downM condt- l'-n will nolle* i»Mt Catarrh bothers them ■tCich mors than when they arc m good • alth This fact proves that w hll« •i'»irt> la a Io- al disease, It Is greatly «need by ronstltuttonvl .-ondltlons " “ 1 ' ' » i Ml in. 1M: nmMm-l Treatment both local »nd ta- Ureal end h»a he«n eu-ceasr-d tn the liniment of Catarrh for >»er fo.ty years. M-»ld bv all i«m will then be Just the thing to wear with Ute next new au It. In the «ama «»y. If you can afford only one naw ontflt, and you tliu-i-le that a tailored »ult Ivat nil* y«nr need do not »poll It by purchn»lt;g an ovrr-elalM>n»te hat. ■>r sh-*s meant only for party wear, Or tf you bara found by nsperlence that rtuffy, frill' things best fulfllt your purpose, do not change over to tailored clothre all at once, and expect to keep a harmoni­ ous effect Thia la one of the greatest secrets of economical dressing. If you will plan y«ur wardrobe so that any article you buy can be worn with any of the others, you will tlnd that you d«> not begin to tired so many hats, gloves, ihoea, furs, petticoats, parasols, and the like, as the woman who d<»-s not use such foresight In her shopping A SPECIAL i ,; li. ( MOTOR CARS, TRUCKS AND i PA £RS 3 Uni h -P 'of .Tent with Seating Capacity lor Twu Thousan' People * PACK OF Rl SIAN BLOOD HOUNDS Want to Make Money 5OO--RtSERVED0PERA CHAIRS--5OO !■—■■■ ■■ To ice this property, tall at T M. Russell's after 5 p. m. week days, if you must see it during the day, phone Mr. Russell f<»r appointment. This equipment has I wen used just enough to make it work letter than new. T. M. J^ussell, agent, route 2, Scio, Oregon or inquire at the Scio Tribune office. ft—.... , - • -- ----------- — - ■ Th© Barrum x.f Them A l. Moro Grand Novelties Fhun Ever Presented With One Shew Here’s Your Chance I Case Threshing Machine, 22 inch cylinder, 36 inch riddle, run four seasons, good condition. I Fordson 1 ractor, good condition. I 2-gang 14 inch plow. I Double Disc, for tractor or horse power. I Wood Saw, mounted. I 4-section Harrow. I Kelly Duplex Mill (2 ton feed grinder) new burrs. , AN IMMENSE STAGE SOR