A r- i -V*’- .'v «• y * ♦ B i’*?/: ♦ ♦ * • IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE <»F OREGON FOR LINN COUNTY I HE SCIO TRIBUNE I >epar (men t No. 2 First National Bank of Stayton, a curywa lion. Plaintiff, SMUB8RS Our phone number ia 42-5: call us vs. \ 4 L ; ','v r ”< *• ’v t* ' J'-' d •j*:. ' / / // O « * * • r t *« hk Jw- g ' 4 k ’* ■ < • J «1 rC ‘ > A- t'* ’ *’ J i t ! Ï / / * 1 L. T. Titus. Defendant, J To the above named Defendant, L. T. Titus: I n thk N am »: or tub ntatb or Oar G on , Y ou are hereby rv.«uir«i u> «p|M ar and answer complaint filed against vou in the above entitled cause on or before six weeks from the date of first publi­ cation <>f tin* Summons. io wit: on or Iwfore the ’JUth day of June, 1926. *"d if you fail so to answer said complaint, a the plaintiff will apply to th*' Court for the relief «h-man«ie*i in it» mm« ai d herein, a succinct statement of whu-h is as follows: A Judgment against you for the * irn of fTUU.&i with interest thereon at tiw- ralc of it per emt per annum fn>ni the 1st day of June, 1923, »nd for th« fur­ ther sum of <•’ aAattorncv's f«---s. and fur plaintiff'» mats and l< and ■ mortgage made by (J. A. Neyroeyer j and France» Neymeyrr. hi* wife, tn favor of L. T.Titus ami recorded on t' • 2Sth day of April. 1923, in Velum« Aflat page 53 of the Record of M<«rtgag«s for , Linn County, Oregon, to be »old ami ___ Watch the dale following your C_ the , proceed* of »urh *»i< 'J ¡name (hi« (>a|«er. It tells wh«n toward the amounts due plaintiff, and y «ur time expires. If a blue pencil that defendant and all persons clajmir»* . or i -.ir name, it mean« by, through or under him be for< < ’<«»<-•: j of all right, title or interest In or to At m two weeks. said note and mortgage, and for such im'i-HH ni,»*, I Starts when paid further and different relief a» is juat and equitable, a* more fully appear* in for. »tous at expiration. the complaint on file herein. Vou are further notified that th • Summon* ia nerved upon you by publi cation thereof in the -ci«» lrii««H>< . \\ ■■ pr. iict a big crowd in town printed and published in Scio, Linn County, Oreg«in. ami that (he dal«- >»f next Saturday, when Uncle, Little the fir»t publication thereof i* the 7th •lay of May, I92A, anil that th«- <3«te of Eva .»nd I -wit: tart ho. Three *3) and the east one-half < I* || of l«ot No. Two <21 in Block No. Two (2) in Wheeler’s Addition to the City of * chi , Linn County, Mat. of Oregon. Now Therefore, in pursuance of saui order and of the statutes in such caaes ma«is and provided. I will on Saturday, the 2Uth day of June, HU5, at th«- hour of one o'clock p. m. on said day. at lhe front dour of the county court hou»c in the city of Albany, Linn county, stat« of Oregon, «ell at public auction, for cash in hand to the highest bidder, all the right, title, interval ami claim u! Uw s*-vrral parties plaintiff ai d «>< fen danta in said suit in and to the r«-ai property hereinabove described. A. K. M> M ahan . Referee. Dated and first published May 21. 1.*. Dale of last publication June IM, 11«.5. '■ large and email tract» The outlook for better price» for farm produce am never Iwlter. | the Anti-Saloon league ia initiât* mg a law to go before the people at i (he next election for their approval that will regulate road houses a« se­ vere an is the dance law in unincor­ porated communities. Thia move ia meritorious, and long since needed, for more young people are ruined and started to perdition in place* of that kind nowadays than the saloon ever dl l. Thia is something every parent »hould be interested in. and we believe they are. Volunteer ao- iicitors for aignaturra to initiate the law arc wanted, and if anyone can devote the time, he or she ia asked to writ«' U J. livrwig, 1024 Cham­ ber oft «mniercebudding, Portland, Oregon. the Crabtree family reunion last Sunday brings the thought that time ia making radical change*. IL.w IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Ok THE diff.-rent the s'ylrs of today and of STATE Ok OREGON FOR THE i 75 y.-at* ago when John Crabtree COUNTY OF LINN. E mma H anson . Plaintiff. v». A'.*» The Scio Tribun® Éditoriali Page 2 I ’«■1 V* «Z I ! SlIIIIMM und family h •rne*deaded on a farm bordering >>n the ereek that bears In» name! flow different the farm­ At.r<>no II. H anson , ing 1» d*»ne today, with tractors, rid­ Defendant. j ing plows, and othae power rnachin- To Alford II. Hanson. U h - above named «try, to that of oxteam», wooden Defendant: IN THE NAME OF Till STATE plows and tramping of grain to OF OREiiON. you are hereby r>«|umme day as Jublicatlun by an ord« r duly made by udge B. M. Payne, Judge of theCouniy it soar» and climbs toward the zen­ for I.inn County. Oregon, and dated the ith acconijianied by the roar of ita 11 th dav of June, 1926. the first publi­ cation of this Summon* being made on powerful motor. Smaller and smal­ the llith dav of June. 192f>. ami the last ler it grows. Fainter and fainter publication being lie made on the IWth becomes the hum of the motor day of July, 1925. WKATHaar<>ai> A W yatt . Higher and higher the pilot chmba. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Then »ilence The motor is stopped. Postoffice Address: 122 West First St., Sailing gracefully as a hawk the Albany, Oregon machine seems to renain in the june 19-26-july >-»-1« »» erly the pilot hold» his elevation. But like everything tn thia world •he must either climb higher or drop lower. Gradually abe begin» to grow larger and larger until fin­ ally she points her nose toward the earth and gracefully alights again on terra firms. The life of a man and the life of a community may be likened to the flight of thia machine. When You atop the motor of individual effort or community initiative, you imme­ diately begin a descent to a dead level of mediocrity. If you deaire to improve vour op­ portunities year after year, y«>u must devote your leisure time to those intellectual or mental pursuit» which will make vou more rflkirnt. If you want thia community to stand forth ns a better community than the average, each one of u» must do our part to create more community spirit. For individual effort and community enthu»m»m are the m<- tors which keep the man. hia city ot community constantly climbing higher ahd better things. Go s»*m. «' < , th«, »ummrr. rhn to make it the |i.«pp!«:»t vacation you ever had. Roundtrip Fares Loir ate in efJect throughout the sum* v, hat they u ill enable you to vecanddo. So go this vacation. Know Ore « t. Vi t ill! ( 1“”: i ‘“I' i rtuhe«, Cooj Hay iiuhiin R«. sorts, Cm ter Coves. i « upon our agents for ' ■ fi. a. Ask for our illn irjfed booklet "On t n ()utíloor$.,, d : ' ■1 ' Southern Pacific C. W. Bragg, locai agent QUITE RIGHT C. R. Richard*, county agricultur­ al agent of Cooa county, announced in an adjress reporter! by MarahtieM New» that “euunty agents were no longer organising farmer* to buy wholesale cooperatively" but "were cooperating with merchants to stim­ ulate agricultural development." Commenting on the above, the Oregon Voter says; "Cooperative buying is entirely legitimate.but th«* loaaes uaua'ly exceed the saving*, and it was a waste of lime for a tax-paid official to devote his energy to fostering an eff rt which could mean so little to the farmers com­ pared with the convenience of hav­ ing local stores carry stock» of goods and extend credit. The local mer­ chant means more to a neighborhood than any profit he can gain from the business. It would be more helpful for the county agent to foster the buy-at-home spirit. In order to help build up the local merchant as a neighborhood convenience, than to foster a practice the logical result of which is to deprive the neighbor­ hood of the stocks of goods, 'he tax- •ble values and thq credit conven­ ience of the merchant. It speak» > well for the good sen»« of 0 A C in calling the county agenta away from, an effort that injures the rural neighborhood by depriving if of on«' of its principal aww-ts, the local •tore.” Quite right. Mr. Chapman The countv agents and others have been pumping the well dry, and today the cash goes away from the local •tores to mail order houses and in wholesale buying as long as lhe citi­ zen has it. and the home merchant has the "pleasure" of extending the credit to suit the customer's own convenience. But the change as announced will bring about a brtter understanding between merchant and customer, we hope. 111 - " .... .. ........ 1 Baptist Church Notes Sunday school at 10 o'clock every Sunday morning Everybody is in­ vited to attend. Christian Endeavor every Sunday evening at 7:00. Prayer meeting every Saturday night at 8:00. Junior Endeavor every 2d •nd 4th Friday at 2:50. Putting an Ad in ¡This Paper la chez per and will bring greater results than if you had a bov to erv your ware*. If you have anything to sell or want to buy aomething.let it be known through the Tribune. Any girl in trouble may communi­ cate with Ensign Lee of the Sal­ vation Army at the White Shield heights for a time. How beautiful­ Home. 565 Mayfair Ave.. Port- ly ahe banks the curves. How dev- MR. DAIRYMAN Do you know that you can Dispose of a cow in a day, but to I Produce one requires from 2'/2 to 3 years? Oregon Milk Company Condensery, Scio, Oregon Plymouth Twine 1 wine of Qyality. Get it at N. I. MORRISON SCIO, OtfBQON U c have the new tv.li .«ml game laws, effective May 28. .\»k for one. »