Íif’-.Q The Scio Tribune Country Correspondence ♦ I New* From Lyon ♦«■».............. .. ......................... May 26 I « CIAITIH CHRONICLES May 26 GILKEY STATION . May 26 The teachers and students of the Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison Misa Laura Turnidge of Milton is Crabtree high school went on s pic- of Salem »pent Sunday with Mrs spending awhile visiting at the H. me up Crabtree creek Friday to tha I Garrison's father and brother. Le» F. Bodeker home and with other old Clark sawmill, within eight miles , and Herman Zeller. friends in this vicinity. of Snow Peak. Otto Yunker. who ha» been work­ Jack Johnston and family were Some of them wishing to get a ing in Camp 17. Mill City, came Sundav visitors at Arthur Vaughns. better view started fir the top of ■ home Thursday, being laid off on Mr and Mrs. Carl Hoflich of Snow Peak, but many fell bv the account of a sprained rnkle. Portland spent the week-end at the wayside. Those who succeeded in Mr. and Mr» J G. Holt. W H. home of Mrs. Hoflieh’a mother.Mrs. reaching the tup were: Alfred Helen Vaughan. Wendling. Hugh Woolard, Ijiura Holt. Mr. and Mr». J H Kelly. Mr. land Mr». S. B. Holt, T. M Holt. Mrs. L. T. Dyke and daughter of Freeman. Ruth Wirt, Edith Roddy. Mill City visited Lvon» friend» over Andrew Bilyeu, E w. »i Greg n Loetto Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. R it and Clara Warren. All returned in Struckmeier and family. Mrs. W. J. Sunday Kelly, Mr». R R. Preever. Mr and Mrs. Margaret Strayer of Aums­ the evening tired and happy. Mr» John Shepherd attended the The baccalaureate sermon to the ville *j>ent the week-end with Lyons Jersey jubilee in Albany Saturday. graduates of Crabtree high school relatives. . A Children’» Day program, with a was delivered bv Rev. J. Merle Ap- Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Roberta of I piegate at the Christian church on basket dinner and aftutnoon service, Salem were Sundav visitors with Sunday evening to a large and ap­ will be held at the Riverview school Alden Roberta and wife, returning house Sunday. June 14. Everybody preciative audience. home in the evening. I invited to come. A Memorial Day program and George Kinxer hr.« sold his farm The Thursday Thimble Club met sermon by Rev. J. C. Unn will be to Albert Volkman. with Mrs Burkhalter rhuraday. 17 rendered on Saturday. Mav 30. at Mrs. Maude Burmeater and her members being present snd a most 10 o’clock, at Fox Valley cemetery. niece. Ila Robinson, of Coon Bay enjoyable afternoon »pent. The Everyone is cordially invited to at­ made a short call at the J. N. Bit club will meet with Mrs Jessie Cor tend. veu home Sunday. Mrs Hurmesler nett st tho next regular meeting The school entertertainment at came to lake her mother. Mrs. A M. date, June 4th. Lyons hall Saturday evening was Shelton, home with her for the sum­ Mrs. V»is Whetstone snd child­ well attended and very much en­ mer. ren of Albuny came out Monday joyed by all present. At the close Mrs. Otto Cole and children of «r>end a few days at the home of the program a cafeteria lunch Astoria are visiting friend* and rela­ her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. was served and proceeds were to tives at Crabtree. Holt, and other relatives. benefit the gym fund. George Vana ha* taken over the Herman Zeller made a businesa A. Ring and family entertained company from the east the past garage and "Bud" Miller ha* moved trip to Salem Thursday. away. Mr Vana ha* bought more week. Bert Mitchell came home Satur­ Ralph Trask had the misfortune ground and will soon double the size day from Berkt ntield with a broken of meeting with a severe accident of the parent garage. wrist, received while working in the Mre. J. N. Bilyeu received a ca­ mill at that place. in the Hammond logging camp Fri­ I blegram on Mother's Day from her day morning, when * log rolled over i The Oakview school cloned Tues- hitn, cutting several deep gashes eon. Kenneth, who is in the U. S. day with a picnic on Thomas creek. about his head and face, also a knot navy at Howaii, saying "With love near Gilkey station. striking his chest and necessitating I and beet wishes to mother." Those from here who attended several stitches. He is reported as The graduating exerci*e» of the th . baccalaureate sermon at Crab­ not seriously injured, but it will be , high school will be held at the Chris­ tree Sunday night, preached by some time before he will be able to tian church nexl Friday night, Rev. Applegate, were Mr. and Mrs i There will be five graduates Floyd work again. S. B. Holt. Mrs. Sherman and Or­ Rev. Linn and family were callers i ' Crenshaw, Lola Watson. Marlin and ville, Walter Goar, Pearl Mitchell. at Mr*. George Johnston's Sunday Alva Ferabee. Minnie Sullivan. Mr». Mitchell. Lucille and Floyd evening. Mr. Southard, who recently pur­ Crenshaw. Mrs. George Berry is among those chased the Turnidge store, has mov­ Mij* Marian Gilkey went with the on the siex list the past week. ed his family here and the Turnidge junior and aenior cla«rs of ihe Mr. Scott and Mr. Sharp were family has moved to Albany. Aumsville school to Ocean »ide. Tilla­ Portland visitors Friday. mook county, Friday, returning Sat­ Lawrence Trask was • Salem vis­ urday night. I itor Sunday. Mrs S. B. Holt and M r». J. F. JORDAN ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Ed Trask enter- - Summer were businrwi visitor» in tertained company from Stavton Í Albany Monday. May 26 Sunday afternoon. Lynn Mr and Mrs. Morris Mrs. Linn Lambert and children Dwight Merser and wife. Floyd and Hand Young of Portland, spent Marlin and wife took in the annual were Jordan shoppers M rge. is there anything in life bat love?" "Nothing in all the wide, wide world~-wl.cn is dinner ready, dear?" This store is a good place to anchor your grocery trade, and George will be easily satisfied with each meal J. F. Wesely, Grocer Furnishing* Chinaware Garden Scoi» For The Baby \V< h »I an«l Knitted Sweater*. Bootees. Blankets. ' ■ i ....t 11 Hihler & Gill Company See F. E. SHAFER for I I T ARNESS I 70 S. Coml Street Salem, Oregon 2| in. heavy Double it Stitched brace. 14 in. Hip Strap». 5-ring Breeching Back Straps If inch. Hold Back* H inch. Pole Straps If inch. Bridles Cut» Blinds i inch. Breast Strap» If inch Lincs H in. by 20 led, Back Band Felt Lined, Mar­ ket Tug IJ inch, Good Wide Belly Bands. 2X” Harness, steel hames.... ...... $60.00 I size 2” lighter 1 lamess............. 50.00 A heavy 1 earn Collar, $4-65 each up Lincs. Lines. Lincs. } inch 1 inch bv 20 feet H inch by 20 Let ... Ij inch by 20 feet Team Bridles. juiir I6.2S 7 00 8.00 5 (Ml All Harness made of California Oak Tanned Leather Hand Bags Suit Cases Gloves Purses Puttees A tine Line of I'mlcr the-Arm Ladies Bags in Genuine Leather Richardson Gap Review» Mr. Mutchler, blacksmith of Stay- Mav 26 ton. plyed his trad- a few hours Sun­ Andv Shindler and wife. Mary May 26 day in the Jordan shop instead of A. Hora. David Aegerter and Elsie Pe­ Mr. and Mie. J. R. Piatt and J. Salxal who i> ,11 with the tlu. ter» were Sunday evening caller» at. J. H. Wortman and wife. E. J the Charlev Peter» home. daughters. Mra. Joe Ambroeek and the Misses l%te and Delta, were Burna and wife and Rider Chrome The Parberry families »pent la it visitors at Joe Harlans a week ago motored to Lacomb Sunday. week visiting with hi» mother. wl*o Haman Shelton of Crabtree visited la very ill, in Washington. Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Clinton Arnold and a few days recently with hi» «on. Jay Shank.» spool laat Sunday with Loren Clayton of Albany were visit­ John. here. home folka at Crabi ree. Mrs. Pruitt and daughter and John Be id la and family spent ors at George Arnold's Sunday. Miss Effie Rhoda of Astoria has guests from Seattle motored to Mill Sunday with Mrs. Bendta' mother. return« d home after a visit with her City and Gate« the last of the week Mre. Cai I Peters Blasting In the canyon for the Mr. Hora and Joe and Harley parents. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Rhoda. She was accompanied by her little market road »till continues, giving Darby made a trip to Corvallis last pormisa for a better road in the fu­ Friday. sister. Maxine. Joe Ambroeek. wife and eon. Ev­ ture. here's hoping. Louis Geisler and family made a R F. Bruner and Mr. Priehet of business call at Mill City one dav erett. were visitors at Ed Ambro- Ixtbanon made a business call at Jor­ lam week. ask's Sundav. Mr. Priehet is an ex­ G. E. Rodger» and wife, Mra. dan Monday Ben Darby, wife ar d son. Harley, and Joe Hora were tr *lmg in Alba­ Lora Piatt and daughters were Sun­ perienced miller, we understand. Frank Pepperling and family via- ny laat Thursday after ooon. day visitors at the Quincy Grumes ited in Lacomb Sundav. Hora. Mr». Dave Aegerter. Joe home near Shelburn. Ray Revenue, accompanied by I Mr. Cose and wife of Seattle were Ben Darby and Harley Darby were Ernest Heiser and bookkeeper,made auesta of M,a. Pruitt and daughter trading in Stayton Mon day. a few days laat week. Mr. Coot la a A program, marshi nallow and a trip to Portland Sunday. Miss Delta Piatt, accompanied by Seattle bueineea man. but being weinie roast was given at the Mt. Ralph Tate and Raymond Leffler of country raised, he enjoyek the rug- Pleasant school house I a honor of Stay ton. were in Lebanon Sunday ged hills and classic woods we’ll the last day of school. Vouch safe, as this is hi« first vieit evening. here for some time. John Smallnafin. ex-sh •riff of Linn Earl Comer and family of Win* county, cana» our fro ai Portland When you enter Lain, let us furnish Monday to etai t hi« aus f. Mrs R* ter*. Calif., are eiatting al the of Mr. and Mrs K. F Marna. NOTHING TAKES HIE PLACE OE ' fT LEATHER I + The Scio Meat Market Having purchased the tw*» meat market» in Scio, I consolidated them under the above name, anti will strive to render efficient service ami give courteous treatment at all time». Will carry a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats 1 will buy your beef cattle, veal anJ hogs (alive or dressed) and pay you the (op prices. See me fir»t. 'Herbert Shelton. Mgr Shop. tb« Tribune advertiser* “»ting'1 you, tall ua; if b treat* you right, tell him ' . r i ,J' «» , ’u ■ C. J. BRUCE. Proprietor I «»..-eV