The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, May 28, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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Th« Scio Tribun«
Pag« 3
Generai .News
34 Eighth Grader*
Albany's Only
(Continual from page 1 I
the number uf graduates from ea h
1* as follows: Riverview 3, Oakview
4. Shelburn 5, Cole I. Art old 3,
Sam Gaines 2. Munkers 4. Scio 6.
Badger* Hill I, Bilyeu Den 1. Mt
Pleasant 3. Jordan. Provi i«-tb'c.
District No. 1. Bergen Hollow. D»
DeVaney. Richardson Gap The last
six school* we were unable to learn
the number uf graduate-*
Optical Parlor
|j?t s find a little homestead
Nestkt! eoay in tin* hills,
Where tlu-te'- i . ppi! ’
and laughter.
When* the blessed sunshine fills
Every day with hope and promise;
We cspi work with eagerness
Where we know that every effort
Serves to bring our ow n suer-ess.
Bancroft Optical Co.
>11 »Ml Fira Sow!
A» mt
I want a home where friendship
I . • .
¡id rest,
Where all na’un-
ih i welcome
And where life is at its best.
For therv always comes a yearning
When the evening shadows fall
Ami we'll never becontented
nil we I <. <1 it« fr;i ndly call,
1 he Ite!ter you eat
The l>ct ter you live
Imperial Cafe
P at M vrp HY, Proprietor
Albany. Ore.
Southern Pact fie Company will di*
continue th* afternoon train s-»et
on the Woodbura-West Sc
and « n and after that date ><
will leave Alhanv in ’h
returning from W dtotirn n th
morning imtn«-4lately -m ■ ■ n-
the train from pm .»
Coles* other arrangio . 1
made we, in this section, will t< u-
able to get the afternoon paper*.
The baccalaureate sermon to the
high school graduates will be given
by Rev. Fol I is of the M. K church
of Alltany at th* Christian church
next Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock,
and the graduating exercises will be
held at the school auditorium on Fn
day evening June 5,
The public is Invited to attend all
these exercise*.
Last Thursday evening a large dele«
gation of ma*»ns cam- from Salem,
Jrff*r*on and Stayton to visit the
Scio lodge and witness work in the
third degree. After the work was
finished refreshment* were served
Frank Wald, whose home is a «bort
distance this ride of Jefferson, wa<
Wheels, Rims, Springs
ai.d are equipped to
do all kinds of F.lcc
trie & Gas Welding.
404 E. 2d st.
Albany. Ore.
Farm Loans
Write for booklet describing our
twentv-y*ar amortised rural cre­
dit farm loan. Insurance compa­
ny rates are very low.
No com­
mission or otkp-r expense.
Beam Land Co
Albany, Orc.
Try Hall's
l»ll. H*r|a«»4 If
Alhtn »
“Every woman u> <1* ul |.<»t two
hair brush**;" d*< lares u well known
head of a Chicago hair «Ir«-«- 114 bou»*.
“<»*• a pebetratlng flat »urfn«" l»i: h
for the sen ip. th* other n large. vial
$1.00 Collection
of Small Plants for
Porch Boxes, t>ost-
imid Io your address.
Ix-t us know what
vnu want to aid u>
in making • selec­
Floral and Music Shop
Phone I hb-1
Albany. Cfe«.
Let Us Make
If you arc on the farm, we
have the
you Berd to re­
pair your barn
and sheds.
Your Car
If you are in
town, we can
supply you with
what you need.
Look Like New
At a comparatively
small coat.
Call in and let ua
tell you about it.
C. O. Kendig
Aut* R*lnt*r
J. W. Copeland Yards
Albany, Ore.
415 Lvon st.
brivtiv brusii fur oie hair.
Hut whether you are «Impplng f««r
<>ne genera) utility bru«h, or roveral
■|nl«l purpoac HIM, the problem of
quality »tight to b* the first >-omvrn.
A gixnl»li nut only give« mor*
«■at! »fact I«*. but lasts a lifettme. A
cheap brush la hard on the hair, more
trouble to k.-«-p i*le.,n, and very »bort
Bn> h quality dr|»rnd* first upon th*
kind of brl*tle uw I, und then, al moot
«1» Important. <-n how well It la fa»-
tine<| Io the bncfc or handle
brushes are made up with a fiber whisk
or low grade aalsnst brittle, while in
the beat quality brush«-* only »elect
hog bridle* are um ««L
It 1* Interest­
ing to know that northern hugs pro-
due* the beat brush brl*tlrs -th*
tlaeat grade of all cotulng from a *11«
Siberian boar.
To see If a brush haa rent animal
bristles or Just filer, there are throe
easy tc»t* (I) Free* down the «enter'
«•f the brash. tber. rrmovw the han<l
Middenly True brl tie* will straight«*
up quicker than Imitation
I-1 l‘ut
11 bristle In tile tin lie of u« h
it burn* like hair. It I* nnlnml brlstts,
if like paper, It 1» a veg«-table prvaliiv t.
(3) l*ult a bristle quickly over tie
back of a knife. The true bristle will
< url down, but the fil«er la likely to
Nuw aa to the method of fiulenlng
the bristles to the back of the bnish.
Tli* poor**! »»> la to glue them. f«»r
they «til *<M>n havaen amt rome out.
In the hard ruM«-r brush, a ver> rf-
fe, five way la to eel the brlatle* la
molten robber, and then finlah when
Other k « mh 1 qualliy brushes have th*
bristle* "druwn" or sewed In with wir*.
Thia I* 11 fnirly »Imp!« proc«** when
the back haa a ven«-er t««p to hide th*
»tllche*. but tn the solid handle« a
heavy wtre muai be ran through ths
luik to catch In the loop« of bent
brlarle« which have b«a-n shoved up
Into amnll hole« made to re«-chs them.
Thia Iwks the bristles In mid make*
an "vverlaatlng" bri»»h.
A little eiatniiwtlon will •Iiow «hieb
of the meth«ala was used
In the solid
handle brush you <-*n usiinlly *ro
• here two 1 wire hoim have lo-en
pluggevl In »be front end.
Second and Calapooi«»
Phone 275
A lbany , Owt.
Bring us vour job Printing.
gw unti sii rung* from f«.ur to flf-
tei-n fret In length, the sword Itself
Irins •• long na three feet In »«»tD*
-------------- y---. «-
Service Hat Many Dutiee
JOI F H.cena »«.
Cterrer Bjhsr,
Jenning s .Auto Top Shop
Auto Trimming
Stationary Top* and Winter Inclosures
N. L. JgNMiwoa.
. 41N-J
Night Calla SM I
Phone 95
Fisher-Braden Company
Licensed Embalmer s— Funeral Directors
Snwul and Broadalbin Sts.
Albany, Oregon
The l'hlted MtatS« c«»o>t guani
servire «a* « realevi by ah art of <-ot>
gres» of January UN. IVI A. by ron>-
blnlnf thereln thè IVtesme-ratter »eri
Ice and tite llfeaavlng Service.
dulie« are to render asa!«t«ii<e t» ve»
•ri« in dl»tre*s, «avlng llfe and f**|»
rrty ; deatructlon or removai «»f «r*rk»
and «rther Hosting dangvrs to navlga-
tlon; raienaion of iiM-diral aiti lo A «ter
lc«n vraaeia enzsged In deep «ea fiali •
erte« ; protectlon <«f thè cu«t>>ms rev-
mite; operatlon aa a pgrt of thè navv
In titne of w«r <>j wben rhe Prmiden
•hall *> direct ; erifurcetnent of la*»
and rerulatlons gnvernlng nn«-hora«v
of veels in navi»-.itile water*, and
quarantine and ueutrallty; auppro*»
ing niotinle* on mrr«hant vesseta; en
forcetnent of tmvlgatlon ami other
laws governlnr meridiani veaaela. rie. ;
protectlon «f game and seni and otbor
fi*hrries la Alaska and work a» aa in-
ternatl*Q«i ice patrot off Newfouad
riding with the Jefferson men. anti
a* they neared his home, and he was
about to alight he stepped off the
running board before the car hai
•topped and In so doing he tripped
and fell cutting an ugly ga*h in the
back of hi* head. He wa* taken to
Jefferson to a doctor and later to his
home where he lay In a semi-eon«
scmus stat* until Sunday when he
was ruported to Ire some easier.
Mr. Wald I* 73 years of age
Codle and get the
price* from us lx-fore
you s/ll. <] I light st
price* paid for all
kind* of funk.
C<«r er 2vl Ä Baker
Plume 411-1
Albany. On-
The Highway »••••»<
Repair Shop Ban./.u
Telephone 44
Cylinder Reboring
General Auto Repairing
A. R. Ht
M. A K la poti
Alltany, Oregon
Why we Boost the S. P.
The Swsihern Pacific paid |1, I ts.
CommerKemcnl Time
097 4»> tus*« in the »late of Oregon
for the year 1924. or 3 14' of all For the Graduate: Wnst Watch*«.
12 size Ihm model Elgin Watches.
taxes levied >a Jhe stale.
Searf Pins, Sport t'hain«.
7 34% of the utal taxes of c<nin-1
Waldemar < hains. Combs Dicket»,
tie* in which they operate »»< paid Cuff Link». Ihren Stran Pearls, and
many other attractiv* Gifla—and a
by the Southern Faeifie.
In Linn County th* total tax rol uair «f well lilted Glasae* if you
was 11.125,233.02 laat year
I h. nee«) thvtn
Southern Pacific paid S90.S32 87. or
8 05% of the county'« taxe*
Train Schedule Changed
We are just advi*« I that c««m
mencrng neat Monday. June 1st. the
Optom etrist.
A lbany . om
Manufacturing Optician
Wfun iti ¿n(*ai»ij
Call in anti gee our select line of
$aintd ani
The only exclusive Paint ami Wall Papur store in Linn county
Third St
Albany, Or.
Albany Planing Mill
K. W. SCARS, Pro*.
Safh. Door«, Moulding, Glass. General Mill Work. Windshields,
Kitchen Cupboard«, Window ami Door Scieens,
Hardwood Flooring, etc.
Bring Ur Your Estimates
Phone 140-R
Prompt Service
Albany. Oregon
All kind* of Iron and Hr*** Casting*
Fruit and Hop Fu macro
Rejmir Work ami Blacksmithing
Albany Iron Works
Engines, Mill end Mining Machinery
Uss Roils. Head Blocks. tx»g Turt ers, ' og Hauls.
liable Conveyors and Hope Fee«! Work,
Hmm 61
Cash Prices Paid
Albany Bargain House
Ha* Bad Accident
We carry a Full Line of
Albany, Oregon
-vw <*>