The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, May 28, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
iN-portmcnt No. 2
First Rank uf I
Stayton, a cortiora- I
I'hunUff, I $8SSJ35
U T. Titus. Defendant, j
PuU Owd Knev TSursS« b»
Our phone numlter is 42-5; call us
rector 'V and will expect to have it
out soon.
Wil! those who have contracted
for advertising space in the direc­
tory and have not yet sent their copy
»end it at once so that we will
V. l.viX M c C rookkv .
First National Hank Bkig.
May ton. Oregon,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
mayf-14 JI-ÜH-jum-F-Jl-lfi
have no further delay?
Ih-partmcnt No. 2.
Albany Issue» Folder
The new folder juat issued bv
the Albany Chamlier of Commerce
is a dandy. It haa a map of Linn
county, showing all the principal
cities and town», and ought to do a
lol in bringing settlers and buaioeae
enterprise» to Linn county.
course it boosts Albany, and why
not? They are paying for it, and
we hope it does. if Albany proa-
pera so will Linn county.
IHUiw ami All
Whom It May «.‘oncern.
Defendants. t
To Myrl Bilow and All W horn It May
("oi; ern. Defendants:
lai- notier lhat un the 9th day of
May. 192Ú, an Application was filed bv
th- «aid I <-ww E Covell and Ruby P.
C'ovcll in the Circuit Court of the State
uf Or- i - n In and for Linn County for
initial rvgi»tration of the title to the
above <ie«cribe<1 land.
Xow, ttnleea you, and each of you.
appear on <»r before the 17th day of
June. 1925. and »Mw cause why such
Application »hall not be granted, the
»ame will bo taken as confewsod and a
dic-e<- will be rnterwd according to the
t-rnyr* m the Application and each of
y< will Jia forever Varied from disput­
ing the «an*
Witness my hand and th- seal of said
.it C«-urt thia 9th day of May, 1925
R M Rl’ssutt.t..
Co-inty C.etk and ex-Ortlcio Clerk . f
thv Circuit t ourt of the Stato of
Or» gon for the County uf Linn.
A. K M c M ahan ,
Yttorney for Applicants.
F. O. Address: Albany. Oregon,
may 14-21 SB-june 4-11
Just The Thing To wrap canned
fruit up with, or lunches, or to
kindle flrear old new »papers
bi* bundle for 10c at theTrihune
* « H mm n n««,«t
May 26
Tu th« abuve named Defendant, L. T.
I n ths N amm or thk ntatk or Oar-
gon , You an- hereby reouirvd to appear
and answer complaint filed against vou
in the above entitled cswh > on or before
six week» from the dale of first publi­
cation uf this Summons, to wit; on or
liefore the 3hth day of June. 1925. ami
if you fall so to answer said complaint,
th»« plaintiff will npply to the Court for
U mt ¡ t «’ lief demanded in its complaint
h« r- in, a «uccinct »tatementof which is
latrai «¿vertto»« mmw» twt I mm
iw follows:
(Mai lay alwMMIsMamtf, »wr ln«lk
A judgment against you for the sum C-tyd vf îtottto
at < *>akdnl«*«rNk
with int«-r»*sl thereon at the
r .i of K per cent per annum from the
iz < r j j:«-. 19X1, ami for the fur
tlier sum of *7 OO as attorney's fees,
aral for plaintiff's rusts and dtsbureu-
mrnts incurred in this suit. Ami for a
I bUdfv
, . , r. c requiring a certain note and
m» rtaer
th* R*t ub
i’ ~'r >gr ma«ic by G. A. Neymeyrr
lie <«•» •hirb H «lAtadA.
ami France» Ncymvyer. his wife, in
«*• Nat kan. tadhtfto
with l.Uwftr and J«»»
favor of L. T Titus ata! recorded on the
tire fw »II
a ila of April, 1922, in Volume Mint
>;•>! the Record of Mortgages for
l inn l <>unty, On-gon, to be sold ami
Watch the date following your
th«- prorc«!«te of such »ale to l>e ai»pli*d name on this paper. It tells wh*n
the »mount» due plaintiff, and <
that «lefendant
and all
all persona
claiming >our, V'"«
• b,ue P*™1
drfrndant ami
prrvons clairninr
by, through or under him lx- foreclosed mark is under vour name, it means
i all right tills <>r Interest in or io lour paper will stop in two weeka.
I note siw! mortgage, and for such j Unlr*» renewed. Starts when paid
:ttb- mid dinetwl r« h<r an •• jo«t ...
. ~ -.(Uitable. »« more fully appear, in , for-
tin- complaint on file herein.
I *H1 »! -I»»-. .Ma\ .>. 1925
You an- further tx.tiflvd that this
Summotl» is ►ervv.l upon you by publi- ,
< aiton thereof in the r-cio tribune,!
Busy Day* for U«
printed and published in Seio. Unn|
County, Oregon, and that the date of,
the fin>! publication thereof w the ?lh
We are very busy thia week on
<!»> of M»/. 192 «, and lhat the date of
it . r .>f will i . t|.. the high ».-h.--.1 Annual, and hut»- to
"f June. 1'1.1.
I -
M pui.iiahsd ami h«va It ready for delivery next Mi«
aetvrd upon yuu imtsuauil U> the order |dav<
uf lion. Percy R Kelly, Judge- of said!
A fl t<*r the annual ia finished we
('ourt. which order was made aid so |
U rwl uf record on the 2d day of May, put full lime on the telephone di­
H Titr Marrga nr tub 1
I. kwim K, COVgLl. and
Hr in I’. C' ovku ., hus­
band and wife, to regis­
ter title to the foilowing
described land, to-wit:
beginning nt point on
the North tw.uidary line
of Hection 23, in Town­
ship 10, South of Range
2 Wwt of tbs Willam­
ette Meridian, Oregon,
said point being 1.0?
chain« West from the
Nurtbwi-st corner of »aid
Rw-tion 23 in »aul Town­
ship and Range and run­
ning thence i-outh 22.SI
chains, thenec East par­
allel with the North
Ixtuhdary tine o f said
Section 5.2B chain»,
thence North 2». 53 i
chains to a point 2.2X
chains • out hot the North
boundary line of »aid
Section 23: thence Ea»t
parallel with the North
Ixnindary line o f »aid
.section 10.47 chains;
Uience North 2 2» chains
to the North boundary
line of said Section,
thence West along the
North boundary lina of
aaid S ■etInn 15.95 chaina
to th« ■ placo of begin-
containing 14 4H
mor* or let*. all
IjrtflX *nd brdnir «Ituated
in Unn County, btetr of
The Scio TnbuUÔ
Demanding 5c More
[?«o/»«J r»K rimut. J>>i li JO]
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rryanl and
two daughters of Albany, and Mrs
Sandstrom of Oakland. Calif . wi re
calling on Shelburn friends Thurs­
day evoning.
Mra. l^ee George and children
spent Thursday evening with A
> Shanks, wife and daughter at Scio
■The Shanks' are attending to Dr j
Prill’s chores while he is away on
his vacation.
J. H. Smith of Louisiana is visit­
ing his son. Paul, the S. P. agent at
Shelburn. He came dressed in his
southern clothes and thinks on«-
needs an overcoat in this western
George Hlatchford, wife and son
uf Molalla were calling on Shelburn
friends Sunday
Two of the Zavodaky girls spent
Saturday with lheir friend. Opal
. Shilling.
H O. Shilling took Sunday dinner
with Charles McClain and family.
Mrs. W. H. Mellin went over to
Bellefountain Wednesday morning
to remain for Decoration Dav
Ge->, C. Miller, T J Giboons. T
M Russell and W H McLain were
all transacting business in Albany
Wed new! ay.
Mrs L. George and eon Walter
spent the week-end with
George’s mother. Mrs. Nancy Troll-
Frank Bryant and L. A. Swink of
Albany calie«l on Shelburn friends
Monday evening
Mrs. J. J. Ransom and her broth­
er. Mr. Gray, returned home safely
Friday from Michigan, where they
had been to attend the funeral of
lheir father.
Clair Mcl-ain. wife and sons of
Portland, spent the week-end with
his parents.
Roundtrip Excursion Fares
every day throughout the summer
•e.iion. Stopover w hert ver and as long
a» vou please within final return limit
—IXtoKr 31st.
Now pla n your va cat ion jou meys to
the east. Lit our.n nts .' Met in fixing
your itinerary. And include
eithergoingor returning,or both ways,
if vou choose. See it’s manifold won­
der at little, if any. additional expense.
AA any Agent
C. W. Bragg, local agent
Oshee Hour«; λ to 12 a m., 2 to5 p.m.
And by Appointment.
Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy
^•5 > vC-
401-2 Firat National Hank Building
A lbany . Q rkgon
We arc ¡raying
7 c foi C -aseara Bark
Red C ettar tel >anon Shingllb (delivered) at
$ 3.50 per M
Scio Mill & Elevator Co.
Make Good Showing
Of the 27 pupils from the Scio
school who took the state examine-
lion last week 19 passed.
who did not pass failed only bv a
small margin, and they will take
the subjects in which they did not
pass, again in June
One of the
the teachers said that more pupils
failed to paas the examinations this
year than ever before in Linn coun-
The reason for this is thought
! J
i i
' '
i !
! >
' !
! !
i !
! I
Waol growers and buyers are at
to be that those who corrected the I
a standstill just now, the former
papers spent more time in so doing !
demanding be more than the buyer
graded them more closely ‘than
is willing
to pay. The grower ia
enlitied to more, measured by the
wide dlffere ce in price between the
C. E. Party
raw material and the finisbed prod­
Aa a result of the cm test the
Mr* I). C. Thoma returned Tues­ Chriatian Endeavor
society haa
day from a visit of several weeks at been having, the White aide will
the home of her aiater. Mrs. G. H. entertain the Blue side Friday
Jett, in Portland. Bet niece, little evening. May 29. al the Odd Fel­
.Miu Jett, accompanied her for a lows hall. All C. F. goers are in
two weeka visit.
Thia contest has extended over a
Rtlertii Nobci
period of three months and points
Notice is hereby given that the un- were given for attendance, getting
d«r»ign«-d was by an order duly made
and entered of record on the 14th day I new members and memorizing parts
of May. 19115, in that certain suit in the of scripture assigned for each week.
i ircult Court of the Mate of Oregon,
Those who had charge of the con-'
for the county <>f l inn, in l»ei>attment
. '.»heron Ralph Hollis, a minor, test say that much good resulted.
by U M. Curl, his guardian ad litem, is
plaintiff and Nell Hollis-Hllveu and
Myrtle Hollis, a minor, are defendants,
14th Anniversary
du'y appointed referee to make sale of
the following described real property,
Last Friday was the 14th wedding
l.ot No. Three <3) and the
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
ea«t one-half f jl of I-ot No.
I wo 2» In Block No. Two (2)
Bragg, and in the evening about 20
in W heeler's Addition to the
lheir friends gave them a sur­
< ity of »cm, Linn County, Mate
of < >rrg»>n.
prise party. 500 formed the diver-
Now lherefore. in pursuance of said
for a pleasant evening which
order aid of the statutes in such cases
made and provided, I will on Saturday. ’ dosed with the serving of refresh­
the 20th day uf June, 1925. at the hour |
of one o'clock p m. on »aid dev. at the I ments the gueata brought with them.
front door of the county court house in |
Prizes were awarded Mra E G
the city of A lhany, Linn county, state
G. Arnold and Vilas Philippi for
of Oregon, sell at public auction, for1
• a-h in hare! to the highest bidder, all high scores and Mrs. Gordon Wese-
the right, title, interest and claim of
the several parties plaintiff and defen­ ly and E. D. Myers for low scores.
dants in »aid suit in and to the real
property hereinabove described.
A. K. M c M ahan . Referee.
Dated and Amt published May 21. UM*.
Date of last puhlbrwtwa Jane K IS* 11
Do you know that you can
of a cow in a day, but to
one requires from 2/4 to 3 years?
Oregon Milk Company
Condenzery, Scio, Oregon
Eledtric Curling Irons
60 cents
We have the new fi«h and game laws,
effective May 28. Ask for one.
Bring Your Job Printing to the Tribune