The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, May 28, 1925, Image 1

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    traveler ere returns. It is he
and th«< others of all wars yet
living that should claim our
attention neat Saturday. It
should be a duty all could per­
form with pleasure.
While I hey are
With Us
let u« all join in honoring
In a few sh >rt years
at rioet. those yet with us
will have Rone to join the
ranks of the invisible hosts
which preceded them, so we
have only a little time in
which to show to the re­
maining few our apprecia­
tion of their wonderful ser­
vice to the nation.
S<> far as the Tribune has
knowledRe. our venerable
townsman.W S. Carpenter,
is the only Civil War veteran
living in Scio or this com­
He is hale and
hearty, tho up in the 80s
In thought and action, he is
still young, and like all his
comrades of 1861-5. he real,
iies he must soon journey
to the land from whence no
Gone but not forgotten are the
Heroes of the wars which were
waged for and by this great
country of ours, that we. as a
nation, might survive thruout
the ages to come. They gave
unstinting'y of their all. and it
io only just and right that we
bow our heads in silent tribute
to them on thia, our National
Day of Memory. If you have
ho immediate relatives who
made the supreme sacrifice, it
is your opportunity to show
your gratitude to those who
did bv decorating their last
resting place in a fitting man­
ner. Let us all join In a mo­
ment of aiient tribute to the
Heroes of Our Wars.
dav before. But it wai not tn ta.
New players wore «the uniform.
and others were shifted to positions
where they had never worked, and
i thus errors and more errors were
It Is believed that if the
Game Sunday Was Beit Dis­ team of the week before had been
play of Errors Ever Com­
arrayed against Washougal the dis­
parity in the score would have t>een
mitted by Home Team
less noticeable.
That Washougal has a strong and
The baseball game Sunday be- gentlemanly trim is true, and the
tween Washougal and Scio was wit- battery. Joe Gaines ami Glenn Hol-
R. M. Cramer Passes
Anything But Humane
The two hangings in Salem last
Friday was anything but humane if
reports air true. One is said to
have dangled in blood from the
breaking an old wound, and the
other, a cripple, was strangled to
Torture is not provided for in the
death warrant, and to prevent an­ leaves a wife, who was formerly
other such occurrence come other Agnes Burmester, and a host ot
means of taking a life should lie friend* to mourn his death. He was
nested by a large and disappointed land. • harmonious unit, together provided, if we must have capital about 55 years old and i native of
jCarbondale. Pa . from wh-re he
crowd of fans, who had expected to with each man on the line on their punishment.
transferred his Knight« of Pyti.las
see the locals perform equal to or
membership to Scio.
Gaines is a
better than in the game of the Sun- hard to uenetrate.
The stores will close at noon
The funeral services were held
southpaw ami <>ur boys could not urday. Decoration Day. while th«}
'connect with him
Besides Glenn bank will be closed all day. The at the Bilyeu Don cemetery yes­
terday afternoon at 2 o’cl« <"k. Jtev.
Holland. Maurice White also playa P'Mtofliev close« at 9 for the day.
on the Washougal team
G. A. Hay officiating
The pall
bearers were
Shelton. W. J.
sprained his right ankle in the 7th
Chromy. P. H. MacDonald. Frank
inning while sliding to 2d base, he
Bartu. 1. Hoagland and J.S. Sticha
Cu£ck Batik Building
Others attending were J. L. Kelly
Miller and Bellmore was Scio's
Albany, Oregon
and Wm. Young.
battery, and they played a heady
Burial was in the Burmester bur­
DK.C. p’lcy
Plate* That Fit
Crown and Bridge Work,
Plates. Fillings, Painless
Extraction. It will be to
your advantage to get my
Dr. C. Ficq, Dentist
not committed so many errors the
score would have been 2-1 Instead
of 11 1 in fa.or of Washougal.
E. G. Arnold and hlmo White
umpired the game.
Shedd meets the locals Saturday
afternoon on the local diamond. In
the evening the dub gives a benefit
dance in the Z. C. B J. hall; music
by 6-piece orchestra.
Tli? Perfect Cast, i ndud-
ing Sylvia Breamer. Bessie
l-ove, Henry B. Walthall,
Hobart Busworth and oth­
ers in
Also a Good Como Jr. See
this program. you’IJ like it
w«iwe a u pé ai u p aeiipwei
[5. W Griffith’s Masterpiece,
A story of the building
ot our Nation
Lexington. Concord and
Bunker Hill •
Old Time Dance at Q F.
hall. Stayton, Oregon, Satur­
day night. May 30. Old time
music, old time orchestra.
Come all and enjoy your­
selves. Admission $ 1.00, tax
People* Theatre
At M l Pleasant
Star Theatre
Saturday sad Sunday
May 50 and 31
Matinee Sunday at 2 £0 p.i
Rev. J. Y. Stewart will hold Mem­
orial Day Service at Mt. Pleasant
church Sunday evening at 8.00
o’clock. A special invitation is giv­
en to all the bovs who wore the
khaki as well as those who wore the
blue to attend this service.
Am I \
Miles of Smiles
Admission ,
las naa a
R. M Cramer of Stayton. a mem­
ber of the local Knights of Pvthiaa.
died Monday in a Salem hospital,
where he hail t>*en operated on last
Scio Will be Host to all Eighth
week for a bladder trouble.
Grade Graduates Next
The deceased was of a kind and
charitable nature, and was well
Wednesday Night
liked by all who knew him. He
ial plot.
Newton Thomas Passes
The night of June 3 in the school
auditorium in Scio the graduation
exercises of the eighth grade pupils
of th<« Scio school and 15 rural schools
fron the surrounding community
will take place.
The '.'rsmmsr’gradex of the Scio
school will present the program for
the evening. Rehearsals are taking
place dailv under direction of Mias
Frols Ih&yer, the teacher, for the
opcr tta.'The Belles of Fol-De-Rol,”
which is to be the main feature of
the program.
Assistant Slate Superintendent of
Public Instruction W. M. Smith has
accepted the Invitauion to be pres­
ent and present the «iiplomaa to the
class. The schools participating and
Turn to page 3. p'es«e
Word was received bv George M.
Bilyeu late Tuesday evening that
I Newton Thomas had just paired
■sway at hit home in Salem, the
' eauae of his death being cancer on
' the liver, for which he underwent
an operation in a Salem hospital tn
I I March.
He ia survived by the widow, two
itU. Percy of Jefferson and Clyde
of Jordan, and two daughters, Mrs.
He vie Bilyeu and Mrs. Ethel Merry
of Cut Bsnk. Moru., all of whom
were with him except Mrs. Merry,
ami »he ia expected to come for the
funeral, which is to be held at the
Webb funeral home in Salem at 11
Friday forenoon
will be at Salem.
Mr. Thomae was born at Jordan
and spent several vears of his life in
this community. He was about 65
vears of age. ile was one of the
Thomas brothers for whom Thomas
creek was named.
See Us for
Gradual ’n
Fountain Pens
Eversharp Pencils
Toilet Seta
Ivory Goods
Salety Raz< >rs
Yours for
Sea vict !