■» * r '* • « jF. «7-• •«--;« . j *• < t * ■ 4 'CT„.fla* -. » The Scio Tribune General Page 4 THE SCIO SPHINX Volume 4 May Day For two weeks before that mem­ orable day. Mav first, queer sounds have been issuing, at any or all parts of the day. from the gymnasium. Alarmed at first, our qualms were soon quieted by the announcement of a Mav Day program being in a state of preparation by the grade rooms. Il came off on that aforesaid day. May first, with a flourish, and the grade teachers have since town •*- cretly shaking their hands and pat­ ting their backs over the success of it. We don’t mean to insinuate, of course, that they were the only ones In on the Handshaking and back-pat­ ting process, for all witnesses heart ily agree with them as to its success and told them so in the above men­ tioned manner, as well as others Not often in a month, even tho it be May, does a person witness the brilliant colored "flowers" that flocked all over the gym. All pupils were in eoeumee of a certain type, and the col'ec’ion of petals that clothed these flowers" were of more shades and varieties of a shade than even a box of crayolas. First. Queen Myrtle, with her at tendants, marched to the throne where the crowning of our "serene, illustrious, etc. (to quote the Sopho­ more classic, "The Tale of Two Cit­ ies") queen was crowned. After this. Spring, a representative of the primary room, summoned the flow­ ers. birds, brownies, etc , to "work for their queen." A drill was en- . . . , . . acted by them, after which th«- 6. 7, 8th grade room very succvs.rully .. V . . wound the May Foie. Next, th« intermediate room andvaneed and presented recitations and songs for the queen's lienefit. Lastly, another May Foie was wound by the pupils of the same room. Not only was the entertainment of interest, but an exhibit was pre­ pared by each room and was on dis­ play in the gym. The only part ta­ ken by the high school was the exhi­ bit of some of the work dune by the A council of war was held by the cast and it was decided to utilize ’he three days to the utmost extent for practice and present the play in Stayton. This they proceeded to do -all but the last part. The news reached us Thursday evening that the Stayton professor had made a mistake, and the date was filled. !int lished. to have an annual this year of difference. 7 to 8. but In favor It will be. according to all indica­ of Tangent. The boys showed im­ tions. a great improvement over provement in passing especially at d that of la»t year, so if one of these the batting was also bettor. Con- days in the immediate future you trol, and then only slightly, was lost take the advice offered in the the five inning game a 3 to 2 score above paragraph and prepare to resulted. Why schedule games and . have tie price <60e) <0 hand, prepare for them? These spontane­ _ ~ “ ous and unexpected sort seem to lie Senior Class Note# more successful, so let’s do them all We ar# now studying Shakes- that way! BJLSY SljeLTOÇ The boys won two l>all frames* Real F.Mf RroJfee The planned presentation *f "All and Notary Public a Mistake" in Stayton was ail a mis- Jltulntti Obtained, (^lamined taka? JOO . - . OREGON We had a school picnltf? It was ''mobs*' of fun? DR. A. (J. PRILL We had to be told the next day Physician and that we'd had the picnic yesterday* Surgeon The students formerly in the as­ District Surgeon 8. P. Railway sembly room first period now attend Scio, Or. Geometry cl a«»? The Annual is coming slowly but surely? The Mav Dav program was the beet vet? m TAYTON, - . . ORCUON The Scio-Jefferson game was post­ t alb bay or Night poned? TubrrcuUn Testing .McKenzie has a new girl since the picnic? If you don't, r< ad thia issue of the Any Kind Anywhere Aay Time Sphinx and you'll find out. HCK G. F. Korinek Veterinarian HAULING Baptist Church Note« Fred Sturges, Scio,Oregon KQ.XDU) CARRIER Sunday school at 10 o'clock every Lowe &. Morrison Sunday morning. Everybody is in­ Rellablo UnSsrtahers vited to attend. All funeral« given to-raonal attention Christian Endeavor every Sundav by Mr. Lowe evening at 7:00. N. c. n>»s N. 1. Moaaisos Lrbsnon I’bone-Pay. 397 Fraver meciing every Saturday Phone 91 Phone— Night, 395 night at 8:00. r ♦♦ I THOM a * I augi : ResKhDiMui ♦ • ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ *• News From Lyons. Citv anil Farm Property Sold ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ • • ♦ • + May II List with me—No exclusive contract Albert Guier returned to Lyons Sunday after visiting his mother th< W . A. Ewing, T. J. 51 unker», I‘re lent Vice Free. past week. E. I). Myers. Cashier A. King is having a bedroom ad-' dition built to his house. Mr. Smith * The Scio State Bank is doing the carpenter work. Mrs Elmer Hiatt and daughter Does a General Bankin Hi««- Interest pai of Salem were week-end visitors at on time deposits. the Alex Bodeker home. Dellis Westenhouve made a bus. nest trip to Scio Friday. Mrs. George t'olby is in Mill Citj nursing her mother, who underwent an operation at the Mill City huspi-, tai last week. Obtained. Send model or sketch and wc will promptly send you a Jim Berry spent the week-end at report. Otir b< >k on Patents and the U. S. Berry home. Tract marks will be sent to you on request. Marion Forrest was a caller at J. H. Johnston's Monday moraiog. Mrs. Jack Johnston returned home — PATENT LAWYERS*. Saturday, after being at the home 305 Seventh St.. Washington. D. C- of an aunt in Stayton the past two - O»rr 34 Year»' Espariaoeo weeks The Fox Valley »«hool closed Mon­ HOW’S THIS? day with the exception of the 8th H»U*> < VIVKHII MiU’K INK WUI V. • at «• ,.n. f T It -Vi your >yat«m grade exams. PATENTS peace's "Midsummer Night's A Picnic Dream." which we find very inter- esting and also enjoyable. The high school picnic of April Bobbie Thayer was absent from 30 at Jefferson was a grand success school Wednesday. as she was away About 9 o'clock a. m. Thursday the on business concerning the annual. bunch started for Jefferson in a We are glad to see Anna Dolezal J truck and three ear«. The girls fur­ back Bft~ an nished the lunch and the boys the manual training claas. ««-nee of over a week. She was ab- transportation. Upon arriving at ...... ———----------- »ent on account of the serious illness Camp Santiam. which is just across the bridge at Jefferson, the 'bunch* The Day o( Surpri«-. at Hand •' We are now practicing our olay. unpacked and t>egan to explore. We thot that all this tv|n- of sur­ which will l»e given at the end of Before the lunch the boys indulged prises were all over and done, for ■r ««inrrh or Li«afn«maUon. and Ethauslrtl ■ *bnnoe| üwltnmse <»ss»«q«ort. *•14 by drum««« far nv»r *• Tears •ven in this day of impossibilities F. J Chrrer A Co.. Toledo Ohio all very industrious (It's abcut a crumb remained. In the after­ m'sieur !—l»ndo«i Humortot l>«cuniing possible and even probable, time!) noon the boys' team played a game and one of the greatest known to of ball with Jefferaon, and at the Scio.high school was hurled upon it Our Latest Publication end of the game the score stood 3 when Anna Dulexal. a senior in our ft is exceptional, we know, for a to 2 in favor of Scio —their first vic- worthy institution of education, ap­ In the evening, a wemie tory! peared here on a Monday morning i school of our six«* to have two pub­ r<>aat was held, after w hich the par­ two weeks ago minus the length of lications but it is done here. Be- ticipants retraced the road for home hair she has worn all thru her high , sides "Thu Sphinx." a monthly pa­ along with the memories of an en­ per. "rhe Hot Dog" has had two school life, anti so far back as we joyable day. Many were glad to have known her. Needless to pro- k .« uiw printed and with promises for When at times we sit and jxynder have another day of slumlier on Fri­ more |t h purely laughable, better On the lessons life has taught, dtaim. we were amazed and sur­ day. (P 8.— We're not mentioning When we pause tn count the blcsrings prised. but distinctly appnving. I than the "Whizzbang.” and much the "after effects ” i That experience has brought. Anna works much more in her ele­ i mor«- likely to l»e permitted to be read in school time. Frances Wcee- There ’s a certain joyful moment ment. or in other words, matches the Good (?) Candy That we always shall recall Iv is the ambitious author of this surrounding scenery much better With delightful recollection The D. S. girls, for one week, magazine. She deserves to be con after this change. We sincerely As the happiest of all. made candy each day. It looked congratulate her upon taking this gratulated. Only one copy of the paper is and smelled delicious, and bv the drastic (?) but artistic step. Since that day the bktes are brighter, C- written and thi» mysteriously ad­ girls* testimon.es, it was. Such dry After Anna's bobbed condition Mubic has a finer tone; classes as medieval and modern his­ has come to pass, only one more of dressed to ".Madame Goat." It has Flowers breathe a sweeter fragrance; tory and higher arithmetic, held in our members, with the exception of been suggested by some that the Love since then has richer grown. Miss Sher’v. is in the "unshorn" name ta too intense since warm wea­ the D. 8. period, were only intensi­ Gates that lead to realms of rapture t ypmilllllJKII fied in their poedominating element class Kunice Crabtree, a freshman, ther started in, that it be changed ii- th t dty wen op ww when the smell of various kinds of persistently clings to her trouble- to "Warm Pup." When our littl«* home wm paid for, candy drifted Into the rooms. It *- All the world seemed glorified! aome mass of hair. After Anna seems someone must have t>een des­ "fell." tho. we have taken new hope. Freshmen Class Notes j perate and tried to get revenge for Who can tell? We hope for the There are five Freshmen out for this torment, for one dav the girls best! baseball, and each one is working found the candy, left in the desks, his hardest to make a winning team. missing. This practice was kept up All a Mistake! We are also working to help get until one day the girls fixed a spe­ cial "batch** with red pepper and a Tuesday morning a few out a good annual for the school. One of our members (we're not aoda. set it ia the most frequently ago. the Stay ton prof< feasor ealled our principal and said an un­ mentioning any names, but you'll visited desk and awaited develop­ expected »pen date had been found find him mostly in the comic column I ments. Several wrv faces were for toe coming Friday, and we wears an attractive red tie which made that noon, and oeedleea to might, if wo wished, proor nt our seems to please the girls eyes, for ' add. the D. 8. girls have been enjoy- D. SWIFT 4 CO ^■¿^0. Lawrence Hawthorne-- ' _ L1 Ail a Mistake." I they're aJwava looking at it. VM1