The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, April 30, 1925, Image 1

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    Vol. 28
11.75 the Year
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Wool Men Meet
Monday afternoon at the city hall
a «mall company of men met to hear
the wool question discussed by men
who underatand the buaineaa
It la
too bad th* hall waa not filled with
men interested in aheep. but th* day
wa* an ideal on* for outdoor work,
which ia needed on the farm juat
H. A. Lindgten. livestock field
man of the U A C. waa introduced
by the chairman of the meeting, G.
A. Sandner. and Mr. Lindgren im­
mediately launched into hi* subject
in a moat convincing manner. He
carries chart* with him showing juat
what a ewe will coat per year and
al»» what »he will net her owner,
busing hi* figure* on average* over
a period of several year*. He also
explained the difference in wool and
how grading influenced the market
price. He also showed the differ­
ence in wool from the same breed of
sheep and told how to hav* a supe­
rior quality by selecting ram* with
a clear wool to. htad the flooka. In
selling fleeces it ia beet, he said, to
separate your good, better and beat
to insure the proper price. Fleeces
of mohair should also be separated,
he said, especially the kid fleece, for
it commands a much higher price.
Mr. Hurd nor Mr. McCornack
were able to be present, but G. H.
Thompson of McCleay. a grower and
former memtier of the board of di­
rectors of the Pacific Wool Growers
Cooperative Association, came in
their stead. He is not an orator,
only an ordinary farmer, but he can
convince anyone that he believe* in
cooperation as a means to bring the
greatest returns to the producer.
He produced figures to show that
Association members received 4}c a
pound more for their wool last year
than non-membera. which to the
2800 members meant several thou­
sand dollars; in round number* he
Mid it waa S252.000. He atrongly
urged every wool grower to join the
Association. At th* conclusion sev­
eral present signed the contract, aa
it ia called.
To Observe Mother's Day
Oo You Remember
*—' — ‘
Mra. G L Sutherland waa in Eu-
gene Sunday.
Mra. P. H. MacDonald I* spending
th* we*« in Portland.
J. N. Weddle waa In Albany ot>
buaineaa Saturday afternoon.
Boll Morri* and wife are down
from Detroit for a few day»' viait.
Miaae* Vella Brenner and Dorria
Weddle attended the »how in Salem
Raymond Harris is on the tick list.
He waa in town to consult a doctor
Art Shelton, wife and »on. Elden
Knauf, viaited in Cam«». -Wash.,
laat week.
Mr. and Mr». Clarence Pepper
went to Albany Monday evening to
see Murdock
Mr. and Mra. Eord Cary of Camas,
Wssh . spent the weekend at the
Art Shelton home
Jake Weideman and Earl Brown­
ing were down from their ranch« i
Saturday on busine»»
Albany, Oregon
Plates That Fit
Crown and Bridge Work.
Plate*. Filling*. Painleaa
Extraction. It will be to
your advantage to get my
Henry Stepanek Write*
May Day Exercise*
Monday we received a letter from
Henry Stepanek, who ia on a home­
stead io Southern Oregon, tn which
he say* in part:
"You know I am writing this from
the homestead, and you know they
ar* not supposed to know very much
about writing, but in case of this
kind I must try and write a few
line* *0 you won't forget that I ever
lived in Scio. I want to subscribe
The Scio grade achool will giv.« *
program tn the gymmuium torn«»«
row afternoon at 2:00 o'clock
I *»■
crowning of a May Queen and an ■ a
hibit of the work done by the pupi-
during the year will be the prim ip >>
feature* of the event.
It is especially urg<d lb at parent«
lay aside the many other duties de­
manding their attention and viait
during thia time with their children
and view some of the school work
they have been doing
The gem-rat
public ia also invited.
The Tribune had hoped to be able
to print the picture of Myrtle Hodge,
who i* to be Queen of Mav, but the
Portland Telegram got mixed up and
used the wrong picture over the Scio
story and mailed it to ua. Sorrv it
hapiwned. but mistake* will occur.
for your paper * > I can at least rrad
what's going on there.
J. O. Thompson and I startni to-
gather and help one another to get
our provisions to our residences,
such a* they ate. for we've been
working together for almost three
year*, working for the S. P. Co.
with a bridge crew, and now we
have both landed on a homestead.
Mr. Thompson had bad luck with
his residence A big maple tree up­
rooted and fell across the end of
the house, and of course the tree
didn't do a thing but take it clear
off. so he wm rather discouraged for
a while, but pretlv soon he »aid.
"Well, it's luckv it didn't fall across
Preparing a Park
Sunday about 35 member« of the
S.ik «I Club and their familie* went
to the L uia Young grove, aliout
2 mile* southwest of town, where
they plied the axe. the hoe and rake
in cleaning ui> the ground* tor pic'
me purpose*
There are two acre*
in the plot and one acre waa cleared
Sunday, and when the underbrush
i» completely removed the ground*
will I m - electrically lighted and oth­
erwise itnpioved. and will be mad*
on« of the finest little parka in th*
We understand a large platform
will oe constructed for use in giving
dance* and caleathenic*. and that it
will l>e completed in time for a big
celebration on July 4th. The Port­
land Sokol* are expected to tie here
at that time.
Needless to My eata wet e taken
along, and the worker* enjoyed th*
Just /4rriued
Cusick Bank BuiMing
I the middle of it."
After we look our provisions up
he waa driving me back to Myrtle
Mra. John Sim* and .Mra. Oliver
Point, where I left my car. and it
Powell ar* aide to be out again af­
raining. The road* were very
ter being ill with the tlu.
■ slippery and all at once the darn
Kenneth Sima and wife of C«>r-
1 Ford took a notion to run over a
vallia1 viaited in Scio last week
bluff, and all that saved ua waa the
while enroute to Mill City.
front axle drug on the edge of the
Th >ma* Large la on a businem
bluff and stopped. I tried to open
trip to Portland and other point* in
1 the door but couldn't because the
the northern part of the Hate.
Scio Brightening Up
car was cramped, so I said. "I call
that lucky, if it is Friday, the 17lh".
Mrs. Helen Turck and »on. Ru­
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shelton are
So the next day we each went to
dolph, of Oakland. Calif , are visit­
' now located In their newlv purchas­ i our own home. We live about 40
ing at the Albert Young hum*.
ed home
Considerable work in the i mile* apart, ao wo are quite distant
Mrs. A. Shank* of Lenev«. Ore­
way of re-finishing on the inside has neighbors, and the roads are quite
gon ia at Dr. Prill'* to take care of i been done, and at present the out-
bad, ao we do not see each other
their place while thev are away.
whole day.
(side is receiving a coat of paint.
very often.
W. F. Gill and wife and Guy Mc-
The George M. Bilyeu home,
I am still able to eat three squares
J. W. Parrish and wife viaited
Knight and wife drove to Sale.~.. which w«a entirely »«.built the ear­
a day and »‘eep and smoke « camel,
their son. "Bill" and wife in Albany
Independence and Monmouth Sun­ ly part of the winter, ia now being
and am using the Country Club milk
| painted on the outside.
II had two timber cruiser» L>r supper
Mrs. F. A. Bliss of Rogue River.
The home of Mrs Rebecca Morris the other evening and .they were sure
Oregon, arrived Tuesday morning is being improved with pawr and
1 hungry and wet. Thev were ad­
to visit her sister. Mr*. W. S. Car-1
paint on both interior and exterior miring th* beautiful picture on the
and other improvements.
| Country Club milk can.
W. A. Ewing and wife. Mr» R. j
The house recently purchased by
My nearest neighbor is a cousin
Parlft-'DiTvb Lint
Shelton. Mrs E D. Myers and Mr» Mr and Mrs A. W. Ha gey, which
of Tom Laird, who formerly owned
J. S. Stieha were in Albany Friday j has been undergoing repairs, ia al­
of Superior
the drug store at Scio. He came to
most readv for occupancy.
call on me the other evening. so we
Wm. Beran and family spent Fri­
Harry Johnston is making rapid had quite a chat. Mad* me feel
day and Saturday at Portland and progress in the erection of hia house
more like home after finding out
other points in the northern part of j
Edwin Holland is building an ad­ who my neighbor is.
the atate.
dition to hia home.
Am dosing with beat regard* to I
See Our Window!
The Scio Slate Bank has juat re­ all mv friend*.
.Mylo Bartu and wile *|ient sever
Ask u* aliout them
al dava during the past week in ceived an application of fresh paint
Very Truly Your*.
Portland and point* in Southern and kalsomine on the interior walla.
HA Stepanek
McKinley. Oregon.
Mr* Mark M Peery of Spring­
Card of 1 hank*
field and aon. Dr. Harold Peery, of
Your* for
The Flag* Are Here
W'e wish to extend our heartfelt I j
Marshfield viaited Mr*. Sarah Mor­
Srxvicx !
thanks to our neighbors and friends | 7
_ flags
ri* last Friday.
ar* ;____
her* ; for _____
street j dec«»-
The Kmghte of Pythiaa and th*
Pythian Siatera lodge* have decided
to hold a joint Mother'* Day pro­
gram a* near Sunday, May 10. a*
possible. Mr*. J. S Stieha. Mr*. P.
H. MacDonald and Mr*. E. D. My­
er* represent the Siatera and Dr. A.
0. Prill. J. 8. Stieha and I. V. Mc­
Adoo the Knight* aa a committee
on arrangement*.
It ia hoped that the member* will
watch for the date and bring moth­
er with you. The Pythian* want to
honor the mother* and want the
When you are ready to sell your
mother* to honor them on thia oc­
call J. L. Rodger* and get
casion. No doubt a good program
Will i-e
will be provided, and suitable aou- hi* prices at West Scio
venira presented to each mother ■hipping every week.
J.S. Stieha. Rolla Shelton. Edwin
Holland. P. H. MacDonald and E.
G. Arnold attended the ba tel all
game in Portland Sunday.
When and how the first brick
budding was erected in Scio?
It wa* about :w; year* ago. one
bright, warm day. on a pile of
old lumber on the lot where
Kelly'a drug »tore now aland»,
that K E. Hibler, A J. John­
son. S. M. Damele/J. A. Bil­
yeu. Ed Goin* and S I. Shore,
all buainea» men. "viewed with
alarm" ao many frame buai-
n*s* house*
After a full diacuaaion of the
need of brick building*, a plan
to finance the conatruction of
<>ne wm formulated and decid­
ed upon. The next day, it ia
•aid. Ed Goins announced he
would build a brick building
on the lot where the Scio Meal
Market ia now. and th* build­
ing ia »till there and used by
the meat market and the ex-
prewi company. The brick wa*
made in the city 'imita on th*
ground now owned by Mr*.
Next year J. A. Bilveu built
the brick on the lot where the
memorable meeting waa field.
All of the partipant* are dead
except Mr. Hibler. who live*
in Seattle, and Mr. Johnaon,
who live* in Corvalli*.
How much in error are we?
Who can tell ua more about it?
No. 38
J. J. Ruxicka of Albany, recently
of Ontario, Oregon, »pent Monday
with J. F. Kukacka
Mr. Ruticka
ia well pleased w th the Willamette
Th* food sale given by the first
five grade* of the Scio school last
Saturday waa well patronised
teacher* say they eould have dis­
posed of twice the amount.
Miles Cary told ua Tuesday that
he killed a eopperhewi snake, «nd
•aid it waa a specie seldom »een in
th* valley. They are aaid to b* very
sue. and their bit* is aura
te th* victim.
foilet Articles !
50c per package
for the assistance given us during
the illneaa and death of our beloved
mother, and for the floral offerings.
Mr. and Mr*. L. E ('«Well
Ralph W Kreitx
A. R. Kreitx
, ygtion*. and when used on occasions.
Main atreet should preaent a beauti-
ful appearance. All purcha»era are
urged to come to the Tribune < tfic*
and get their equipment.
Tomorrow i* May Day. and aa the
eehool ia aporopriatelv observing the
day. why not diaplay Old Glory in
front of our place* of buaineaa?
Alright, let’* do it
Drug Store
S aturday . .M ay 2
Settlement Made
On the street corner* we learn
that a settlement has been reached
between the workmen and Thomas
Creek Lumber Co. We ar* not in­
formed aa to the term*, but presume
they were satisfactory to the work­
We do know that lumber is
being hauled out.
"The Code of the Wilderness”
A Vitagtaph Special
Western Picture
SUNDAY and .MorDAY, Miy $•<
Zane Grey'a
M Wanderers of the Wasteland ”
Matinee Sunday at 2 p m.
T visoay , .M ay &
Jeaa Rodger* shipped a :<-ad of
A a * fat iamb* to Portland Tuaaday. 1
« Western Picture