The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, April 16, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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Local New sa nd Classified
The Scio Tribune
be unnecessarily had.
As a-aau>>n are have been extra­
ordinarily wasteful, and now It i*
necewary for u* to take invoice and
see how we stand on the ledger of
this national resource.
Will we observe the week here by
some *ppr. priste program? What
say von. churrh. school, etti sen? No
N. I. Morrison wa* in Salem on pearance by the application of paint,
Iwttcr way to teach conservation to
paper and kalsomine in the room*
business Tueeday.
young and old.
and new linoleum on the floor of the
Wm. Downing of Mill City was in
lobby. A cement walk across the
Scio on busmens Tuesday.
front on Main street i* also planned
Make your garden grow with land for the near future.
plaster from W'esely'* grocery
Walker Bros, of Forest Grove, ye
John Densmore Jr. of Portland old time fiddler*, will play for an F‘>r Sale Kale Seed, 35c a pound,
spent the week-end with his parents old time dance at Tumble Inn next
by Chaa. Chrz. route 2. Scio. Ore­
gon, <>n West Scio road.
Wednesday evening. Here’* an op­
The home taient play, which was
"Atu 1 Intruding?"
Melvin Powell, wife ai.d baby vis­
staged in the Bohemian language at
iter] Oliver Powell and family Sun­
D. W. Dormer was in Portland
the Richardson (tap hall Saturday
night, was well attended and was a
For every want for your garden or
Guy Mcknight wa* a Portland vis­ success in every wav. Music «as
kitchen. Wesely has it. Freah and itor Monday.
furnisher] bv the Arnold-Kalina or­
L. F. Jone* and wife visited in Al­ chestra.
bany Sunday.
The hotel is being improved in ap­
Am I Intruding?
You'll find Your Want Here
Travel Planning
Mr. and Mrs Mylo Bartu have re­ portunity for us old timer* to limber For Sale Good Guernsey grade cow
with tir*t calf, for sale cheap
turned from a two month* trip in up and show the youngsters we yet
See LG. Faltus, Route 4, Scio.
know how to dance
See the ad.
C, I. Leavengood and wife of Leb­
For Sai* 55 rods of good uued wire
In Albany Saturday
anon made a short call in Scio Tuee­
fence, 9 wire*, for $10. Geo. C.
day morning.
(hristiannon, route 2. on Wr*t
Final plans for the Linn County .Scio roatf.’
Mrs. R M. Phillipa, who ba* baen
day of the spring Jersey show will
quite ill with pneumonia. I* now
Money at 5% with
be made in Albany on Saturday. Farm Lians
nominal commiiuion; prepayment
able to ail up.
April 18. 1925. at 1:30 p. m . at the
privi'edg«-» after first year. Wm.
F. W. Haskell and family of Salem city hall. All Jersey breeder* please
Kain. Albany Ore.
took Sunday dinner with I. V. Mc­ c<>me.
Cash paid for false teeth, dental
Adoo and wife.
Mrs. S B. Holt. Sec,
gold, | ttlnvm and discarded jew­
Linn Co. J. C. C.
elry. Hoke Smelting At Refining
The General Petroleum Oil Co. i*
Co . Otsego. Michigan.
painting the Bartu garagv in their
— for vacation journeys
Depend upon your locel S *t them
ifrnt for aid in completing your u *(H»n ¡ Un«»
!*'• high tunc ti> I (hitt*.
ah ait l *•-y.
And he B thneonghly it .f »true I I lr ren Jtdviee
you thl’ellltfmtly eKuit ve. «rton tpoc* vf
them. >ltd h<m 1» 4 la re»*« h tin tn.
nni v h ’I ♦ «oklets «nd
reunite informal uh » r N-*r Jmg
i <<ri..n»,.
Your 1* h -d a ¿Kill u r
;rf Ut • r*r you.
Southern fecifìc
Charter No. 192
Kesurve District No. 11
The Scio State Bank
At Scio, in the slat«- of Oregon, at the cC«< (>f business April 6. 1925.
loans arsi discounts.includingmhscuurit» show* in
items 29 and 3U. if any
» 97.367
Overdrafts secured and unsecured ..........................
U. S. government securities owned
.... . ...
Other bonds, warrant* and *<<ur>ti.s. including
foreign government, statu, municipal, corpura-
tion etc
fab) Caah on hand in vault and mu- from bank*,
bankers and trust companies designated and ap
proved reserve agents of this bank ....... ...........
33,487 17
Check* on hank* outside city or town of retorting
bank and other cash item*.................
¡¡i 53
Total caah anti due from banks, item 9 and 11 8 33.578 90
Intervet, taxes and expense* paid
8JU9.437 2»
8 10, dun oo
(Capital stock paid in........................ . ............................
6.000 00
Surplus fund ................. . ...................... .
366 74
Reserved for taxes, interest ami d«-|>rvciati<>n
Daman* Deposits, other than bank*. -ubjeet to
Individual deposits subject to check, including de­
posits due the State of Oregon, county, cities or
180.4» 12
other public funds ............
Cashier'* check* of this bank outstanding payable
on demand.............................. .
7.111 77
Total on demand deposits, other than bank de­
posits, subject to reserve, items 23 A J6 ......... 8157,750 09
Time an* •avlegs Dspoalta, «ul>p <1 to reserve
and payable on demand or »ubjeet to notice
Time certificates of deposit outstanding
»,331 48
Total of time and savings deposit« payable on de­
mand or subject to notice........................................ 8 38,331 45
Total ................... . ......................... .............
8209.437 »
State of Oregon. County of I.inn, as.
I. E. l> Myers, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
th* above statement is true Io the best of my knowledge and belief.
F. 1). Mvsaa. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
lbw Uth day of April, 1925.
It Shelton. Notary INiblir
My commission expires Feb. 15. 11‘Ll*
Celebrate* Seventh Birthday Choice dahlia*. 25*. 35*'. 5iK,
colors, green and while.
C. W. BRAGG. Agent
Correct attest:
W. A. t wing.
Audie W. Myers,
Cherro Products at
A clean well balanced Poultry Feed cannot contain over I ner
cent of fibre
Ten of the Cherro Poultry Feeds contain less
than i per cent of fiber.
C* crr<> Cow Chow. 1H per cent protein.
Cherro Molasses Feed 16 per cent protein.
Cherro Kremo Feed. 12 per cent protein.
Cherro Calf Meal, 21 per cent protein.
A full line of Flour and Cereals packed in all sixes.
Bring in yoür produce and let us trade.
Thank You.
ial eollet’linn, named and labeled.
81 ÚU per dozen. Goin's Dahlia
Farm, Jefferson, Ore. 36-t-3-c
Mia* Bertha Irvine uf Lebanon'
Donald, «on of Mr. and Mrs. P. H
yisited the F. T. Thayer and Charlie
i Marl lonald. celebrated his seventh'
Beard families last week.
i birthday Saturday by inviting *ix- Notice to Whom It May Concern:—
Mr*. Stella Alphine and children I teen of hi« friends to a party in the-
Mv wife having left my bed and
board. I. Henrv W. Anderson of
of Albany visited hei |«rent*. Mr. .' afternoon. The time wa* «pent in i
Lyons. Linn County. Oregon, do
and Mr*. J. 1. Shelton. Monday.
I playing game«.
In a horseshoe
hereby -orve notice on all whom
Mr. and Mr*. W W. Harder of I throwing contest Helen Zavodaky ;
K may concern that I will not as­
! won the prize. The afternoon e|<»*-1
sume any liability or pay any bill*
Portland are «pending a few week*
or accounts uha'soever or of any
el with the nerving of refreshment*
at (heir ranch south-east of Scio.
nature contracted by said wife
and all de|>arted wishing Donald
Mr*. Jefferson Myers of Portland
without my written consent.
! many more hapnv birt Inlays
Dated this 17th day of March..
came out Tuesday afternoon to
Htnry W. Anderson.
•pend the week at the E. D. Myers
Mrs. Feri Parker and Mr*. Clinton
The bov* in the fith. 7th and Nth
Parker drove into Scio Monday aft­
grades took their »hovels and spade*
ernoon from their homes near Tilla­
and performed a man'* job around
the r<>*e bush«-* bordering the school j
Lawrence Montgomery took the property, and the task was perform !
day off yesterday to go fishing. ed in a neat ami painstaking manner. I
Frank Bartu carried hi* mail route Then they t<»ok rakes, pocket knives !
for him
and other deadly weapon* and pro-
Mr*. J. S. Sticha and the M isst « cwdrd to clean up the ground*. It
Veils Brenner, Dorris Weddle and is a neat job and some of u* older
Leia Coney were shopping in Port­ bird* should pattern after them.
land Tuesday.
Mr. arid Mr*. Robert Denby of,
Hillsboro and Mr*. M. A. Longa-
worth of Jefferson visited D. C. !
An Easter Dinner
Globe - Albany
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
April 19-20-21
RuJiartl Barthclinesa in
The greatest
achicv cnicnt of hi* career
“ Murdock ”
’I be famous White Mahatma
A family dinner wa« an enjoyable
8 Days, Starting
affair at the home of Mr*. Esther
Thom* and wife Monday.
Friday, April 24
Ray on Easter Sunday. Those pres­
D. C. Thom* and wife and Mime«
ent were Kenneth Miller and wife
Edith Pentnry and Vesta Sherfy of Carlton; R umc I Bickford, wife *
drove to Portland Friday afternoon
•nd baby and Mi«* Arlene Bickford
and returned Sunday evening.
of St. John», Ml*» Z<>na Ray and Ivan
Notice is hereby given th*t in ac-
The faculty of the Scio school and Pearson of McMinnville; Mrs D. M.
* 'lh ' hapter 314 of the
a few friends enjoyed a bonfire par­ McKnight and daughter. Esther, and
ty and weinnie roast at the Thoms son >. Uoyd. Linn Lambert, wife and Gen*r*‘ Ij,w" ,,f Or‘,»on for 1925
home last Wednesday evening
son and daughter. lamie Rav. wife and an order of th* County Court
of Linn County, Oregon, issued in
Thos. Ijirge jias leased the room and baby. Mr*. Esther Ray.
compliance therewith, all interest,
formerly occupied by l^eonard Jor­
penalties and c<»«t* which have been
Married 40 Year*
dan a* a cream baying station and
or may be incurred on all taxes levi­
will open a real estate office soon.
ed in Linn County. Oregon, on the
Last Sunday wa* the 4pth anni-
tax roll« for the rear* 1921. 1922.
Mrs. C. C. Bilyeu, Mrs. Oscar
versary of the marriage of Mr. and
Lindley and the Misaes Mvrtle Holha. Mr*. F. T Thayer, and the family! and 1923 will be remitted, if such
(delinquent taxes are paid on or be­
Mary Donovan and Rose Young vis­
•mjoyed a bountiful dinner prepared >
fore .May 1. 1925. This dot* not
ited at Crabtree Monday afternoon.
by Mi** Freda Thayer. Those pre»-1
apply t<> any tax upon which a eer-
Mrs. V. T. Wigleworlh
Mr*. F. T. Thayer is spending the ent were:
1 tificate of delinquency has been issu­
week in Portland with her daugh­ and son*. John and Junior, and
Frank Richard.
ter*. Mrs. V. T. Wiggleeworth and daughter Frances, of Portland, F.
Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon.
D. E. Werst, and her son Fax Thay­ R. Shelton, wife and son«; Beu Thay­
er, wife and daughters; Neva. Lc* ;
Uttllirt hNl l»llCI
lie. Freda and Bertha Thayer, an<| i
W. F. Gill and wife. R. M. Cain
hereby given that the final
Mary Harris.
account o. lisorgv K«-»-ch a* vsecutorof
and family, E. D. Mvers and family.
it is planned to have a family re­ the estate of J. E Y com an, <ieeeaee<l,
Mrs. Riley Shelton, Fred T. Bilveu
union aome time thi* summer, when ha* been fil--d in the i ounty Court of
th«- Hate ut Ovsgun for Linn County,
and family and Lionel McKnight
•II their children and their famHIoa ami that th l$th day vf May. ¡m. at
were Salem visitor* Sunday.
the hour af 10 o'clock a. m tn the
can be Dresent.
I ourt Room of said < ’«urt in the Linn
Ellis Donovan and wife. Mrs. Lena
tbunty Cvur* Houee at Albany.Oregon,
has he« n ft \r«f aa the time and place for
Peterson. Mr*. Ward and son, Carol,
American Forest Week
hearing abjeettona to said final account
of Portland, and Frank Donovan and
and the settlement theiecL on or be­
fore shirk tiqw all persona interested
family of Coavalli* took Easter din­
The week of April 27 - May 3 haa In said estate may appear and file ob­
ner with C. M Donovan and family. been deeignated by President Cool­ jections toaueh tinal account and con­
Mr. and Mr* L. L. Calavan and
Mr*. Claude Calavan of Sumner.
Wash , and Mr* J 0. Gill of Leba
non attended the Easter services and
basket dinner at the Baptist church
idge a« American Forest Week, and test th* »ame
G komgx K kkcf .
it has been requested that suitable
Executor of the »late, of J. E. Yeo­
pri>grams be arranged by churches, V. l.vLk Mci man.
Ntagsew, orrg *>.
schools and civic bodies, to properly
emphssixe the necessity to conserve Attonwy for Kxeculor.
First Publication, April 18. 11*26
I national forests so that oo wi
ljut l ublicauun. May 14. 1926
may <1