The Scio Tribune Violet Crenshaw Dies; State President Visits Mr» A. M. Byrd, husband and so.i Andy and Kelly Movre of Salem. Grandma Chapman spent Sunday at the horn«* of her son. Wm Mrs- Gilkey. April 14—Violet, the l&- pelt. In Albany. year old daughter of Mr. and Mr» Otto Yunker and aon Carl cam«* S. P. Crenshaw, died Wednesday home Saturday from Mil! City, where evening at the Albany general hos­ they are working, returning Mon­ pital, where the underwent an ope­ day. ration for appendicitis a week be­ Mr and Mrs. Pete DrWall of Al­ fore. She appeared to be getting bany were Sunday guests at the along nicely until Tuesday night, home of their so«-, John DeWall. when »he became much worse.and a S B Holt of the Crabtree school second operation waa performed ia having vacation thia week so that Wednesday, but dying an hour later. hia school will not be out before the She is survived by her parent«. 8th grade examinations. five brother». Hoyd. Lloyd, Carol. Mr and Mrs T M. Holt an IJ F Oswald and Clyde, and two sisters, - Sommer and family visited at the Lucille and Veloris, beside» a hoot of ; E. L. Whetstone home in Albany relatives and friends who moum her loss. Violet will be sadly missed ‘ Sunday afternoon. Franklin Gilkey of 0. A. C. »pent in this community, where she haa , the Easter vacation with home folks lived for four veara. and endeared Mrs. Waunita Kitchen and Opal herself to all who knew her by her Meepelt of Albany spent the week bright and cheerful disposition. end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Funeral services at the Riverview Fred Mespeit, coming n>ur»day < w school house were conducted by Rev. ning to attend the funeral of Violet T. W. Cooper of Jefferson, the house Crenshaw Friday. being filied to capacity, school being dismissed in the Devcncy district and also at Crabtree, where she waa Sleepy Hollow Resident on Vacation Secs Things attending high achool at the time of her illness. Burial was made in Franklin Butte cemetery Friday. The county convention of the Far­ mers' Union held at the Riverview school house Saturday was well at­ tended. The stale president, Her­ bert Egtiert and wife of Wasco i county. State Secretary Mrs. G. B. Jones and husband and Mr. and Mrs. Tedrow and daughter of Mon­ mouth were among the viaiting members from out of the county. A banquet was served at noon by the Riverview local. Millon A. Mil­ ler. Senator Garland and Wm. L. Teulsch of O. A. C. were the prin­ cipal speakers of the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Holt and eon Melvin visited at the home of Mrs. Holt's sister. Mrs. 1. N. Lemon, in Corvallis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd drove to Salem Tuesday night to attend the initiation of American Yoemen Mr. Shepherd went again Wednes­ day. living the Linn county delegate to the state convention held there. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hoff, son Crawford and Hazel Young of Port­ land spent Sunday with home folks, the Wilson Young family. Crawford remained for a longer visit. Lynn Young is now working for the Western Union Telegraph Co. Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hvde and aon Jay of Wrens spent blaster with Mrs. Hyde’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Zyaset. Mrs. Hyde and little eon remained for a two week’sviaiL Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Calavan of Sumner. Wn.. Mrs. Claud Calavan of Auburn. Wn.. and Mr*. J. G. Gill of Lebanon, were guests at the J.G. Holt home Sunday afternoon. Elben and Kelly Moore and Andy Byrd of Salem spent the week-end here—Ellen with Mr. and Mrs. J G. Holt, the boys at the J. H. and Ern­ est Kelly homes. Mr. and Mrs. L. E Gilkey and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. Gilkey’s sister. Mrs Cora Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kelly had as guests Sunday all their children and families, also Mrs. Keilv’s sister. Sleepy Hollow. April 14 -John Leffler made a bu»m••-.» tup to Eu- gene Friday. Mrs O. F. M >rgan spent Sunday afternoon at Ed Balschweid's. Mrs. Ed Balschweid and daughter Creta and son Richard -pent Friday and Saturday at Oil Bilyeu's. Somebody waik«*d in and picked all of Tom Leffler’s flowers Sunday while he was gone. Some nerve, Pll say. Agnes Soucek was at Ed Balsch- weed's Thursday evening listening on the radio to the Broncho Buster» of Calgary. Canada. Our esteemed neighbor. El Bal- •ch we id, on his annual vacation, has been down on the Natron cutoff making a visit to his daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Carpentei. Mr. Carpenter is chief lumber in­ spector and representative of the Southern Pacific railroad for the Natron cutoff. He has 11 tunnels under his con­ trol and operation, using over two hundred timbers per day. The tun­ nels are working two shifts of eight hours. Mrs. Carpenter is bookkeeper and private secretary for the F. B.Wible Lumber Co., cutting heavy timber» and specialties She is drawing a nice compensation. The sun shines up then very day and they have to turn th. steam on the right of way to l>. e p the deer off. This is the extr »me divide and I seven miles has to be walked or rode horseback, Mr. Balschweid says it was fine up there and enjoyed his stay, although it was extremely short and Mr Carpenter’s time was so occupied that he was a poor host. Mr. Balschweid says if anyone wants work there’4 the place to go. as there is work of every kind and at good wages. Mr. Balschweid also visited his aon and daughter-in-law. Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Balschweid. in Port­ land. Death Calls Lad at Jordan; Playmates are Pall Bearers Jordan. April 14 — Thomas Weech, age 14. died at an Albany hospital April 10, a*i • Hint you want Hibler & Gill Company attended the Easter services and dinner held at Burmeister church Sunday. Mrs. Townsend of Salem wi s the guest of Mrs. Henrv Phillip« a few day» last week. Father Diet in Michigan; Easter Brings Happiness 1 Shelburn, April 14 Mrs. J. J. I Ransom received the sad news ef the sudden death of her father. S A. Gray, at McCain. Mich., last Sat­ urday. Her brother. J. L. Gray, of Portersville. Calif . drove through and joined Mrs Ransom on the trip east to attend the funeral, leaving early Monday morning, Mrs. Ran- sum will be gone about a month or six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roadarmel and his father from Portland, and Raymond Harris, a nephew, spent Wednesday evening with W. H. Mc- l-ain and family and listened to a good program on the radio. Clinton George spent Easter with home folks. The railroad construc- lion crew is stationed at Snodd at pi event. Mrs. Ix»e George spent Monday with her mother. Mrs. Nancy Troll- inger. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Wyman and children spent Easter with hie moth­ er. H. 0. Shilling and children and F. M Rusnell and family spent Eas­ ter at W. H. McLain's. The child­ ren had great sport hunting Easter; egg» and bunny eggs hid around in the grass near the house». Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roadsrmel had for Easter guests Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ win Holland and daughter Betty Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Eolia Shelton and daughter Ardith and Mary Har­ When you entertain, let us furnish ris. all of Scio, and Fred’s father of you. with SOO score cards. Portland. They ail did justice to ”Am I Intruding?" Mrs. Roadarmel's excellent dinner. C D. Trexler received a truck! load of lumber from Albany Toes-I day. He Is going to build an addi­ tion to his residence. Old Time Dance Musk by Page 3 Country Corrttpondenc* Baptist Chut ch Note« Sunday school at 10 o’dock every Sunday morning. Everybody ia in­ vited to attend. Christian Endeavor every Sunday ’ evening at 8:30. Prayer meeting every Saturday night al at 7:30. Sul ecr oe ftow. f t 75 tq t yrtt $2.25 FOR THIS Genuine Horsehide FIELDER’S GLOVE Fishing Supplies R. M. CAIN BascbsH Supplies