Editoriale Page 2 THE SCIO TRIBUNE Mt. Pleasant Cole New» I «SSsk*» K««rr rSvrMa, *T IHK TMHI.NÄL’HI ISMINQ It IMF A NY M »A*. U m l.««U Or«®»* I V. M.AA* • ... (jtltar Mr» I. V M> A.S» - a < IrrulMM Met Torrance The Scio Tribuni Veal April 14 Wc want your produce and guarantee you top market price». Our Luiiiicx* catal»K«bcd 44 vears ago. Reference: Bank of California. R P. Darby and family went to Our phone number Is 42-6; rail us. Billy Arnold’s Sunday. They are both improving. Reconditioning Shop Joe and Frank Hora. Charley I’e- and , ter* and family spent Sunday at Ben Parts f<»r All Car*.... ' Darby’s. Elsie Peters went to Scott's Mills 212 E. First Phone 379 to take car* of her sister and family ALBANY, OREGON • who ar* ill with flu. Bill Miller and wife and Ivan la>f- fler and wif* attended church at FOR OVER 40 YEARS Providence Sunday. II SIX'S CATA MM M I" I Albert Eberhardt made a busine»* u.*4 •ur«.«ast uliy in lit* lr.^.n...ii ul Catarrh. trip to P. P. Crabtree's last Monday H Alt.'S CITUIHII M» l>l< n »ist» ut an oiMmont «in . ’^uiAY, April 16, 1926 Henry and Alex Mmtrn took Car- .oline Min ten to Salem early Monday PAGE & SON The Tribune, fl 75 the year. Batteries Repaired and Re - Charged G«*nuine Ford Batteries, wood case, $16 50 Fan! Batteries, rubber case....... $18.50 The Scio State Bank Batteries repaired by an experienced battery man Batteries repaired on Ford schedule. Bring in your battery v and give us a trial. A dumb woman found wandering morning so she could return to her in Germany has bren claimed by studies at Beaverton, three husbands The silent kind are i FRED T. BILYEU •«—............I evidently popular. GARAGE AND SERVICE STA I ION » Phone 27 Richardton Gap Review* Have they had an epidemic or The short Skillflt Temples ha« th« ■»omething among the Nebraska law­ wire core, ia readily adjusted and yers? Farmers were in the majori­ holds so tenaciously that it is most ty in the lower house desirable for summer sports. Ask to see samples. Uncle Sam makes an honest but laborious penny by auctioning rum- runner’s motor boats and recaptur­ ing them again next week. fëfêiïîleade A community meeting was held at the Arnold school house Fue«dav night. Marvin and Eldred Ging have beeO building fence on their farm ^IL6Y SÇ6LÇ0Ï) Ambrosek saw mill Tuesday. Former Senator Allmrt J. Bever­ Joe Sharp and two friends of Leb­ idge of Indiana hit the nail squarely anon visited at the Piatt home last on the head when, in an after dinner Thursday Jlbstralls Obtained, fijamlned Edd Ambrosek and Miss Maude SCIO - . . OREGON speech in New York recently, he said: "We are suffering from too Dardy visited at Piatts Sunday even­ DR. A. G. PRILL many laws ” Yes, it is getting so ing. Physician now we cannot scarcely turn hand Clinton Arnold is working in the and or foot without bumping into some Star garage at Albany. Surgeon fool law. G. E Rodgers was an Albany vis­ District Surgeon S. P. Railway itor Wednesday. ^cio, Or. BRIEF AND BREEZY Real Estate Broker and Notar» Public Veterinarian h TAYTON, - - • OREGON Calls answered I’ay or Mght Tuberculin Testing It’s alright to laugh at your trou­ Veterinarian bles. but vou'd lietter not do it in Sterility, Abortion, T. B. Testing the face of a traffic cop. Students of war say that the next Phone*OflVe, IM J; Rse. 702 conflict will he waged with KU. ALBANY.OREGON Yes. and it will also be started that way. Lowe <5u Morrison Rsliabl® UnSertahers All funerals given by Nr. N. f. C Lows leba non Phone 91 Spelling Contest Ended Th* three grades presided over by Mis* Thayer ended their spelling It ia strange hnw much time some contest last Friday, which was stag-I H-ople waste in telling the world ed in a novel way. leaders had I how bu»y they are. DR. J. W. Gwn, the United States Shipping put on th* Richardson Gap r*>ad. Manufacturing Optician Delta Piatt was taken ill Tuesday.! Board decline* to become excited over Germany's saille*» ships. Ix>naid Arnold begun work at the G. F. Korinek EGGS HOGS been choaen. who in turn selected their assistants ami then the word* were written as the teacher pro­ nounced them. Some good and some very bad spelling was noted The losing side furnished the treats, i and all ended happily. > Cool, Clean Milk Prevents souring." Avoid this loss by cooling quickly and keeping milk where plenty of fresh air circulates, preferably in the open. Oregon Milk Company Condensery, Scio, Oregon *************»«*«««*»«»»*■■----- TtSfS S Under New Management The «Scio Meat Market Having j»urcli.«*cd the two meat markets in Scio. I consolidate^ them under the above name, and will strive to render efficient wrvice an«! give courteous treatment at all times. Will carry a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats 1 will buy your beef cattle. vea! and boys (alive or dressed) and pay you the top price». Sec me first. Herbert Shelton, Mgr. Shop. I C. J. BRUCE, Proprietor The saxophone in tome of the While loading logs on a truck at mill the other failure to met the notes when they day, Floyd Shelton sprained his left N. I. Mouu*>« ankle and ha* been off duly ever fall due. Phon» -Day. :we PATENTS Obtained. Scud modelor »ketch and we will promptly »end you a report. Our book on Palmi* and Trade marks will be tent to you on request. D. SWIFT & CO. — PATENT LAWYERS — 305 Seventh SL. Waihington, D. C- Over >4 Ye®r*‘ F.»p*ri»»<* THOMAS LARGE City and Farm Property Sold " In too many cases.” said Uncle • •a. tain" necessary fob Satan to go after sinners. All do old boy • » has to d» is to leave his addri Mote. 9 Speeches at public dinners in Ja* .pan are made before the dinner com- moocaa. Now we know what is meant by the wise men of the east. Disarmament can not be achieved merely by sinking our surplus men- of-war some way must be found for pacifying our retired men of war. SEED CORN Putting an Ad in This Paper European statesmen say that Un­ Is cheaper and will bring greater de Sam ia a Shylock. And our rec­ results than if you had a hov to erv List with me—Noexcltuive contract ollection is that a tricky lawyer your waras. If you have anything YES' we have "SOO” Score cards talked Shy lock out of his loan, both to sell or want to buy something.let' principal and interest 2c «ach At Use Tribune Otbor. e have a Ignited sm-ply; of 1925 < n p M-lect.d and t„tcd Seed Com at 5c per pound. I Ins own w„* raked and srle.ie.1 kv Mr. Tucek, near Scio. It is band ,I died wiih Hp. b.tt kernel* removed. Scio Mill & Elevator Co.