The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, April 16, 1925, Image 1

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Vol. 2M
No 3H
Marton Thomas
Marion Thomas, 74, a native of
Linn county, died at his home near
Sanderson bridge at 8 o’clock Friday
morning from heart failure. Mr.
Thomas was a non of Mr. and Mrs.
John Thomas and was born in Scio
April 16. 1361. and had spent ail of
his life in thia county, residing mmr
Crabtree for the laat 40 years.
Thomas creek was named in honor
of the family, one of the first to set­
tle in this community. He had spent
his life as a farmer and stockman.
Besides his widow. Mr. Thomas is
survived by one son. Roy Thomas of
this county, five brothers and three
sisters. The brothers are J. K.
Thomas of Jordan, Newton Thomas
of Salem, Thurston Thomas of Stay­
ton. Gerald Thomas of Lyons and
lafayette Thomas of Eugene
enters are Mrs. AriNa Burkhart and
Mrs. Becky Kinser of Portland, and
Mrs. Sarah Snyder of Dallas.
Funeral services were held in the
Albany Baptist church at 2:30 Sun­
day afternoon. Rev. W. P. Osgood,
pastor of the church, officiating and
burial was in Riverside cemeUry.
Four Cows Pay Well
There is one consistent booster
for one of Scio’s big industries, the
Scio Condenser/. and that booster
is J. N. Ixmg. "Norm" has four
grade cows, and for March they
gave a little over 3000 pounds of
milk for which he received |74 36.
During the winter months he did
not feed any mill feed, and the cows
kept their averages up on hay snd
clover. During all this time the
family retained sufficient milk for
When S F. Zvsset started in
the Angora Goat business'*
And how the "wise once” de­
rided that spindling little kid
which Sam paid 325 for? But
Sam knew his 'kid* and for 25
years has been making money
from his purebred goats. He
had faith and stood on it.
Last Wednesday night
ball fans met at the city ball and
decided to organise a ball ti»m for
the season. Thos. large was elect-
ed manager and Rolla Shelton secre­
tary-treasurer. it is hoped to have
a team as strong or stronger than
last year.
Already nearly a hundred dollars
have been raised bv subscription,
and a home talent play by a com­
pany from Marion at the Peoples
Theatre Tuesday night netted a few
dollars more to the treasury. A
dance is advertised for Saturday
night. April 25.
the Z (• ii. J
hall, at which time a 8 piece orct^-s
tra will furnish the music. This no
doubt will help th«- treasury consid­
It taken money to run a ball team
and buy suolies. and as it is one of
our cleanest sports, the games this
year should be liberally supported
Considerable supplies have already
been ordered, and practices are be­
ing indulged in.
> The Thayer ball park will be unni
again this year, than which there is
no better in the state
Jordan Sells Business
home use.
Mr. Long says experience has
Leonard Jordan, wno came here
taught him to stay with one firm to
from Lebanon about a year ago and
come out ahead at the end of the
bought the produce busim-as of Ed
Holland, has sold out to D. W. Dor­
Myrtle Hodge Elected Queen mer of Eugene, who took over the
business laat Friday.
As soon as repairs on the building
The grade pupils have elected
Mvrtle Hodge to be queen of their formerly occupurd by J. D. Item-
May Day exerciaee, which comprises more are completed. Mr. Itormer
the usual stunts participated in on will move thereto, and expects to
May Day. A program is being ar­ enlarge his scope of business. He
ranged. A new feature will be an ia to retain the agency for the Mu­
exhibit of the work done by the pu­ tual Creamery and will han ile a full
pils during the year, and should be line of the Golden Phea >t prod-
Mr. Dormer com-* well rec­
an incentive for parents to visit the ucta.
and we wirb him success,
school, see the work that the child­
Mr. Jordan will remain here tern*
ren are doing and get acquainted
poranly, while he linda a suitable
with the teachera.
location to again enter business.
Leg Broken in Three Placee We are are sorry to lose this family
but wish the.u success wherever
Mrs. Joe Oupor received a letter they mav locate
from her grandson. Earl Stem of
Newport, conveying the news that
he had broken a leg in throe places
while holding down second base in a
bull game on Wednesday. He gave
no further information, except that
he was getting along nicely. Earl
is 16 years old and well known here.
The letter was received Sunday and
nothing further has been received.
Cusick Bank Building
Albany, Oregon
“ Plate* That Fit ”
Crown and Bridge Work,
Plates, Fillings. Painless
Extraction. It will be to
your advantage to get my
Obey the Potato Law
Newsy News Notes
Hazel Philippi of Scio has t>eeQ
elected editor of the Co wl Barome­
ter. to be published May 9. This
edition of the college daily is put
out entirely by a staff of women
students each spring and has come
to tie a college tradition.
Eveline Shelton was born near
Nashville. Tenn., Nov. I. 1826, and
died at her home in Jordan. Linn
county. Oregon. April 8. 1925, at
the age of 98 yean. 5 months and 7
Married to W illiam Shelton in
Missouri in 1846. Crossed the/tains
with her husband and two daughters
in 1853. and aetUed on a land daini
about two miles east of Jordan. Her
husband diet! in I9U2. To this union
were born two sons and five daugh­
ters. of which but two daughters
survive Mrs. Drusilla Phillips and
Mrs. Marv PrivutL She is also sur­
vived by the following grandchild­
William Crabtree. Thomas
Crabtree, Thomas Phillips, Fari
Phillips, Floyd Privett. Brvant Shel­
ton. Mrs. Ed Townsend. Mrs. Ernest
Koble. Mrs. Elmer A. Clark. Mi»«
Ms bei Privett. Mita Iva Shelton,
Miss Winifred Privett; gr«-at -grafld-
cnildren: Floyd Crabtree. Warren
Clark. Galen Phillips. Wavne Phil­
There are several vacancies and
prospective vacancies for radio op«»-
rators in the Nth Service Co.. Signal
Corps. U. S Army, for duty at the
Presidio of San Francisco, Calif ;
Fort Douglas. Utah (Salt Lak* City)
amt with the Army Transport Ser­
lips, Glen Phillips, Earl Phillip«, jr.,
vice. If intereste«!. write Col. C. F
Floyd Privett, jr , Alfred Privi ti,
Andrews, recruiting officer. Railway
William W’ayne Privett, Mrs Logan
Exchange building. Portland. Ore.
Sorahan, Miss Mariam Jarvis. Mias
Louise Clark. Miss Myrtle Clark,
Delegates from universities and
Elaine Clark, Natalie Phillip«; al
colleges west of the Appalachian.
five great-great-grandchildren; Dale.
mountains will lie at the University
Roe. Maxine and Dons Crabtree and
of Oregon, beginning yesterday and
Margaret Sorahan.
extending over Saturday, to attend I
In the early part of her life she
the second biennial convention i f
united with the Baptist church, and
the Women’s Self Governing Asso­
was a staunch Christian until the end.
ciation. known on the Oregon cam­
She was a kind, loving wife and
pus as the Women’s league.
mother, a kind neighbor and charit­
able to all. She wa« loved and re­
The American Legion campaign
spected by all her acquaintances.
for a 35,000,000 endowment fund
The funeral was held at the home
fur rehabilitation and child welfare,
Friday. April 10, conducted by Rev.
which has been going on in several
J. Hays, pastor of the Christian
states, is now under way in Oregon.
church at Stayton, and interment
It will culminate in an intensive
look place ln-side her husband in the
drive probably about the last of |
Jordan cemetery. A large numlier
of relativesand friends accompanied
To make the Portland Rose Festi­ her to her last earthly retting place
val this year one long to be remem­ and left her in her firm belief of a
bered. Friday afternoon. June 19. r resurrection and entrance into eter­
nal life.
Six grandsons were pall bearers:
William Crabtree, Thomas Crabtree,
Thomas Phillips Earl Phillipe, Floyd
Privett and Bryant Shelton,
grotesque parade will be staged in
which all sorts of comic figures will
be in line to amuse the throngs of
iwople along the line of march. It
is planned to put Portland and Ore­
gon on the map as royal entertain­
Effective Wednwday, April 16.
the new postal rates went into effect
at the local poatoffice, and the in­
creases range from 15 to 100 per
cent. Money orders that formerly
coat 3c are now 5c. and up to 22c,
if you register a package and want
return receipt. 3c extra; if you want
parcel post spMial delivery, 15c ex­
tra up to 10 Ibe.. over that 20c; a
service charge of 2c required on all
parcels not originating on rural
routes; insurance rates are 5c an |5
up to 26c for |ll>0, with an exirn
3c fur return receipt; if you ha vi
anything come c. o. d up to 310. It
will cost 12c extra. 450 is 15c and
f 100 is 25c extra, private poet cards
now require 2c stamp.
The rale of postage on newspa­
pers and magaxinea remain the same
as befoi*, except if the reader wants
tn mail his paper to some one else it
takes rate of 2c for each 2 ounces
<>r lees, if the weight is 8 ounces
ur more, parcel post rales apply.
Mail matter of the third class in­
clude book*, cnculars and other
matter wholly in print (except news-
pa|>ers and periodicals), and other
mailable matter not included in th><
first and s>-c->nd class <>r in the fourth
third class does not include
any mailer exceeding 8 os. in welgnt.
The rate of postage is Ijc for each
2 ox. ur less up to and including 8
ox., except that the rates on books,
catalogues, seeds, cuttings, bulbs,
roots, scions and plants, not exceed­
ing 8 ox. in weight shall be Id for
each 2 ox. or tern.
If you require special handling of
parcel post packages it will coat you
25c extra. This charge is made to
expedite parcel post delivery.
With Mrs. Prill
Mis. A. G. Prill was hostess for
the bridge club at her homo last
Fiiday afternoon. Apple blossoms
formed the decorations in the parlor
while green and yellow predominat­
eti in the dining room. At the con­
clusion of the games the diping room
doors were opened disclosing the ta­
ble on which reposed a centerpiece
and place cards of colored Easter
eggs. The guests were allowed tn
choose their places al the table in
the order of their scores. Mrs Paul
lardon having high seme was given
first choice and Mrs. P II. M ik D n
aid having the lowest score had no
In the death of Aunt Eveline, the
community is again reminded that
Portland will entertain 16 big its founders and builders are fa«t
convention* this year. A real task, entering into the rest that ia theirs
The long and useful l.fe of Aunt choice.
but PortliUMl can do it.
Eveline has been a constant remind­
er that love, kindness and charity
For your garden seed, either bulk
Tomorrow Night
are wholesome remedies to prolong or package, get them at Wesely’s
A 21 piece orchestra of the
life and make the world happier grocery.
Christian Church of Albany will give
and better. She has finished her
a recital in the Christian Church at
labors, having done them faithfully
Crabtree on Friday evening. April
and well, and a most wonderful her­
17. Part of this orchestra has ap­ itage Is given to her many relatives
peared in Crabtree before and a
and friends.
crowded house is assured.
Saves Money for You
An admission of 10 cents for child­
by Ex terminating
Play Not Well Attended
ren and 35 cents for adults will be
The grower or dealer who <>b-
serves the new potato law will ben­
efit himself and will not have to fear
prosecution, says C. E. 9p«.-nce,Stab-
Market Agent.
The law simply
forces growers and shippers to state
what kind of stuff they are selling;
and tn back it up with their name
aod address
No man putting up
an honest pack will try tn evade the
law. There is a penalty of both fine
and imprisonment for violation, and 1
A small housegreeted the W’.O.W.
players of Marion at the Peoples
j Theatre Tuesday night when they
put on their play. "Poor Father’’
for the benefit of the Sei» baseball
The players did their parts well
considering the small attendance and
lack of appreciation on the part of
the audience.
The Wesely three piece orchestra
furnished mpsic during the evening
Only a small sum above expeugs*
was realised by the ball club.
the legislature made it the duty of
the state department to piosecute
violators. Leaflets giving the new
law and also the standard g>ades
will be eent to anyone for the ask­
ing bv the State Market Agent, 714
Court House. Portland. Oregon.
B A. Holteen, Otho Wallace, N.
I. Morrison. Thos. Smail. Kiley Mont­
gomery and J. N. Weddle are among
those who >>ian to attend the I. O. O.
F. convention at Sweet Home Satur-
New Postal Kates
Owing to a misunnerstandiag as
to tha dale, the Parent-Teachers’
meeting last Thursday night wae
Lice and Mites
and a* a protection against
Contagious Poultry Diseases.
Economical, Lfficienl, Uniform
Easy to use.
One gallon main a II*)
of efficient ilisinl««
ready for ua.
Yours for
S ervice !
not very largely aticndad.
- « ■‘•'fc.? •»%->
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