The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 26, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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LQca Is
in. l»sa. »cu,« i« aase.»
Al our new location, next to Pcop!«-s iheatre
Cherro Poultry
Cherro Flour
If you want many nice white lc.<
Hardwheat Fi
Í Lrca<! per sack. Cherro
vili do it.
Cherro Cereals
Cherro (ital am an«! Who e V cat ! air, with all the Lran with
a" tn* llour---alway» fresh and granular.
The fam«ms Ctlt i»RO P i
that make* <la<! «mile and
the ki«Itlics mv more—Cherro, the golden brown, delicious
hot cake Hour.
Cherro Poultry Feed
Known a« the lowest Fibre !•■ -,l oil the uiaikct. clean, whole*
tome; a fee«! for every need.
Cherro Dairy Feed
A full lim of High Clnaa D^irv Fcc!a.
Cherro Cow Chow, 18 per cent protein
Chcr*o Molaaaea Fee,I. Ib jx-r «-ent protein
Cherro Kremo Fee«!. 12 per cent protein
Cherro Calf Meal. 21 |»«r «.-ent pr«»tcin
Only one of these feel» that carries over 10 per cent tilwr
are made the new way. I n 4er pro»urv the molasses is prosed
into the dry feed, this assures a uniform fee«!
and free from lumps.
Call at Mumper’s New Place for
W !•: I I A VE MO V E D
into the building formerly occupi ,1 by llolechek’a
meat market, and are putting in a lull line of
Cherry City Milling Ccmpnny’a Feeds and Flour
Come in .,n«l a.-c the quality an«l price. Bring your Cream and
Egg* and take h«»me feed. We will treat y<>u right. (Fur motto
is 'Live and let live."
We deliver any place.
Scio Cash Produce Company
Until turther noth . will I c
pen till 8:30 p. m. Wed. an<l Sat.
We Buy and Pay Higi “«t Price forChittim Bark
If you believe in boosting the boosters,
if you believe in helping an institution
that spends its money at home, you
will support the Scio Tribune more
substantially than wishing it well
In spite of the arty seven »artrttoa
of al<h<nisrv. there ar* realty only
four ilWIod types uf l«-U «prlno. the
woven wire, tl»e link fabric. the «l'i­
I ra! an<! the bo* »¡•rings., A few words
Joe. Mayer and eon of Lebanon
about the advautsgvM« and <!iwl«at» were Scio visitor» Sunday.
la»>-» <«C rari» Will help jruu to Ctu»»se
Th* wo, en wire spring Is in reality
E H. Hobson and wife of Salem
a steel hauituock attached to a ste«l called on Scio friend» Sunday.
la «me type
»’cel h»m
mu<k Is attach*«! to the frame <lirw«*t-
Aliati Dannai» of Portland is visit­
ly, providing fur an e*«m distribution ing at th* J. N. Weddle home.
ut weight N<*, erthvSevs, It will *ag.
»0'1 when «me* str»t<-t««-d. there !» n>>
R L. Hixson was a business visit­
way by which tb* original tautn«*«* or in Salem Saturday evening,
can l* restorsd
Another type has
th* wire netting attach*«! tn th* frame
Fred Mumper and Vanny Shelton
at th* head hod foot by a row of
were in Salem on business Monday.
roll springs. Ttil» form of •u»|"-n«l"n
pmvnts sagging under »11 ordinary
Grace Bilyeu of Portland is spend­
usage, and even If »tre<«-hlng occurs
a few week» at her home here.
It can tw> corr«N-t«M by »Imply renew
Ing the Cutis it I» 1uijx>rt«nt that this
Mr». Dean Morri* and Mrs. Gor­
¡»lot b* knpt in mind when buying
Weacly were in Salem Saturday,
fur th* worst c«;.>pl«lnt that <wn be
made again,! l*d spring, is that they
D. C. Thom» and wife were in
stretch and sag tffi'tor the wvlght of
last Thursday and Friday,
th* body. Th* woven wire spring«
are the cheapest >>n the market.
MI mk - s Vella Brenner and Dorris
Th« link fabric spring >• made up
spent the week-end in Port­
of a«N-ll'»>a that consist óf four stm-i
vires linked «ogether. making an land.
Open square about four In-hes wide.
Mias l^ta Couey spent the week­
This spring la also atts'-hed to the
frame by strong odi springs, as In end with M im 1'auhne Sims in Al­
th* heller make* of the woven wire bany.
type. When stretched out <<f shape,
thia spring can lie repaired either hy
James Stulcup and family •pent
rvpiacltig th* colls or inserting new
the week-end with friends in N*w-
links For a moi lune priced artici*
th* link fabric gives ei.ellent service. berg.
Th* open *|>ind »prlng is a „d of
E. D. Myers ar.d wife and J. s.
upright spinila, on the name order *a
and wife were in Portland
th<>s* used in upholstering furniture
One type. for wooden beds art, dl Sunday.
reetly <m th* slats, while a bette»
Maurice and Keith White of Wash­
style la swung on a steel framework
above crows wire, nr fix! steel hands ougal. Wash., «pent Sunday at Chai.
It to a comfortable spring. hut baa the
disadvantage that It la ha r, tor t»>
clean than the link or woven wlr*.
Juhn Rockwell was in town from
The bos spring la made upm aliti
his home on rout« 3 on businesa
a dl fTen^i t design
It has spiral
springs of tempered ,t«-*l, over which Munday.
to laid a padding like a tbln mattrvna.
J. W. Dirt of Woodburn tame
and tb* whole co,cred with ticking.
In auro«* grades this ticking la tufted over to attend K. of P, lodge Tues
on top like a ma It resa and tn other» :day night.
It Is not
Mis* Bera Morris of Lebanon spent
Tills type of spring Is |l»v most «•»
pen sir*, th* cost varying with the the week-end with her mother, .«fr».
quality and amount of the top filling
Sarah Morris.
It can. however, be bought wlthoet
th* upholstery.
Frank Donovan and family of Cor*
Being tnckwed tn ticking, the I h » i
villia visited al the C M. Donovan
springs ar* th* moat difficult of all to
Clean. Practically the only successful home yesterday.
way la to use a vacuum cieanrr The
Miss Sholtx and Warren Cyrus of
other lytMtn not eticoM-d. are ctoam-d
by brushing with a stiff bristle brush Salem vuuted Dean Morris and wife
the firat of the week.
Examination» for fouith claar
lAwrence Montgomery and wife
postmaster for the Lyon» postofllcc
Rolla Shelton and wife were in
will be held in Albany. The receipt
Salem on business Monday.
of application» is to close on April
Mrs M J Fickltn moved Tuesday
22. 1925. The position pave $716
from the Win. Sime apartment to
the E. C. Shelton apartment.
Mr» W. F. Snyder and Mrs. A.
D. C. Thom» and w-ife arid Miss
D Elder were Sunday visitors at
the home of their sister. Mrs Riley Edith Bentney and Mrs. I. V. Mc­
Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Snydvr ex­ Adoo were in Salem Saturday after­
pect to leave Seattle on April aeeund noon.
for Alaska.
Mrs. Jane Compton and her grand»
The “I Will” community club was eon. little Cleo Legner. are recover*
greeted by a packed houae at Jeffer­ ing from an attack of whooping
son last Thure«iay night when they cough.
pul on their home talent play,
Fred Smith went to Black Kock
"Home Ties". They are to play at
Monday to work in th«- lumber
Stayton tonight.
camp of the Willamette Valley Lum­
Mrs Rena Luciu» was called to ber Co.
to Susanville. California, last week
J. II Rockhill and family have
on business
Mr». J. P. Munkers
moved from Dayton. Oregon, to Mrs.
is leaving today with the Lucius J. P. Munkers* farm, which he has
children for Monmouth, where they
rente, i tor a term of three years.
will attend summer school.
Deck Crabtree of Toledo, Oregon,
The sirle in the Domestic Ait de­
is visi 'ing at the P. R. Bilyeu and
partment of the Scio school have In
George Arnold hones. Mr. Crab­
the window of the Hibler & Gill
tree is a brother of Mrs. Arnold.
store aome children'sdreaae», a prob­
lem they have just finished. This
High grade piano near Sein will
•» the first child's dress aome of them be Sold to reliable party at a big
have ever made. An inspection of saving. $10 monthly will handle.
them will convince any one that the A snap
Write atone« tn Tallman
girls are doing good work, and that Piano Store. Salem. Oregon.
vocational training in the school is
Mias F2«ie Limbeck has just pur­
worth while;
chased from Fred Bilyeu, a new
Crosley Radio. It was installed
yesterday morning, and they listen­
in on the noon concert in Port­
Authorised Auction Sale and Interstate
i:— Palace Feed r-hed. IK J
R. M Oin. wife and eon. Clem-
Raektoncs. SOO H
L Mwa Mnry Wwely. J. F. W
-' o •
' i.-tosi.¡an i >a¿r • »»
iy and wtfa. E G Arnold and wife
and C W. Brag« aad wife saw The
Thu f of Bagdad" in Albany Sunday
Rev. W J. luirge will be at the
Mrs. John Sima la numng In AL
Mt. Fl * aaan t church nest Sunday,
Imny thia week
and wlU preach both morning and
Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Prill were Sa­ evening. Morning aervice at 11;
lem visitors Monday.
evening service at 7:30. Mr. Large
Miss Mary Walter was in Albany would like the whole community to
on business last Thursday.
Women’s Misara and Children's
Clothing and 1 laberdaahcry
». y * . • ** w.
The flcio Tribune
Local iïewaand Cia s.sifoA.
? •
Fred Neal of M tinker» Station.
I>*o N- al of Black Rock, and their
»««ter. Mrs. E E Hanson of Salem
were summoned to John Day, Ore­
gon. owing to the illneaa of their
father, Pottie Neal. They left by
auto Monday afternoon.
When you entertain, let ua furnish
you. with 500 score cards.
ïou'll rind Your Want Here
Sr »M
bel nMhtns una»» t&r wr lass»
For s tie or Rent
8-room houae
on Soulh Main Street. See Fred
T. Bilyeu.
F ir Rent 10-acre tract on We»t
Scio r< M«i; also cow for sale. In-
quire of E L Sizemore, on place, c
For Sale One Jersey cow with calf
aaJ one 15-montha-oid Shorthorn
i e Win. Dobrkovaky. rt.
3. Scio, Oregon.
Farm L nns Money at
u n.nai comuu-n >n; prepayment
privia-l,. f after first year. Wm.
Bain. Albany Ore.
For Side
'0 to t»«l ton» of good
Cheat Hay, baited, $15 per ton at
Call M. Kelly, ScioJeffer-
a >n road; ; <>"h phones.
C.cih paid for fa'»« tteeth, dental
go’ I. p: itinum an«i discarded jew­
elry. Hoke Smelting & Refining
Co.. t)i-o/ .. Michigan.
For Sale Young Turkey Gobbler,
weigh« about 12 pound»; or will
r hen
Mrs. A Het-
xen iorf. Scio, Ore., route 4. c
I’otatc f.>r Sale — Both for table
u»e and teed. Netted Gema and
Sultrier: also good feed grinder.
2 h.>rae power. See Chaa. Chra,
On W« st Scio road.
Any girl in trouiii* may cummuni-
cate with En-ign Lee of the Sal­
vation Army at the White Shield
IL>me. 5fJ> Mayfair Ave., Port­
land. Oregon.
High grade piano near Scio will be
sold to reliable party at a big sav-
ing. >10 monthly will handle.
A snap
Write at once to Tailman
Piano St ire. Salem. Ore, 33-t-2-c
Nolic«! to Whom It May Concern: —
Mv wife having left my bed and
b oard. I. Henrv W. Anderson of
Lvona. Linn county. Oregon, do
hereby serve nolle«, on all whom
it may concern that I will not as­
sume any liability or pay any bilia
or n< Hunts wha'aoever or of any
nature contracted by aaid wife
without my written coneent.
Dated th « 17th «lay of March,
Hxnry W. Anderson.
For Sale — 31-t acres of good land,
six mile» from live town of about
1.000 | k > i pulation; good graveled
roa«l five milca of the way, four
mil«*» from railroad station; one
and one-half miiea from goxi
act»«, I; ha» good »eveti room houae.
large burn; 80 acrea in cultivation
balance In pasture and timber;
has plenty of g«wwj water, one run­
ning stream
Term» can he ar­
ranged on part. Addreaa. Owner,
cure Tribune. .<cio. Oregon.
G'ûbe - Albany
Sunday and Monday
March 29-30
frivolous Sal
A picture that will
r» cave everybody —*
Mai’eat .Mt. Ramer,
M ary P ickfond in
Dorothy Vernon
</ Haddon Hall