The Scio Tribune Country Correspondence * Mrs GILKEY STATION I : Clarence Bas* passed some old friends who aw) earlv Tuesday morning after an til- hnve moved away and would like to new of about a month The funeral know what is goin^ on? We furnish waa held at the box Valiev cemrlen the stamps and stationery. March 24 Thursday at 2 o'clock. Rev J. C. ven-txiund baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. E L. Whetstone Linn of the M E church officiating. 1 ♦ SHELBURN NEWS ! in Albany on Monday. March 23. Although several d>xtors were call« ! J Mother and baby are doing srell. to attend the child, recovery w»s of 2,*. »•• w ♦ ♦•4 Mrs Sims of Scio is nursing them. no avail, and it »evnwd impossitd« to j March 24 Lester Holt and wife of Carlton determine the cause and nature of Delmar Churchill moved over i were Sunday guesU at the paternal his ailment from Eddyville last week and are The Fox Valiev Girls’Sewing Hub home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Holt. staving with his mother. Mrs Q met with Miss Hilda Johnston on I The Ladies' Thimble Club met ¡Grumes. Delmar is the new section j with Lena l)eWall Thursday. Those Saturday afternoon. A very pleas­ foreman on the C. & E Ry. attending from a distance were Mrs. ant afternoon was spent on hand­ R. O Russell and family spent the Hannah Smith of Toledo. Mrs. Mat- kerchiefs. teatowels, pillowslips and we»-k end with relatives and friends! tie Irwin and Mrs. DeWall of Al­ embroidery, after which a short here. They are living at New i business meeting was held and fur-; bany. iGrnnd Ronde, J G Holt has Installed a milking ther details of the club wor«c a - , Mrs. Mary Cannon went to Rose-! I M- . ... 1 Refreshments consisting bu<< >nd C„n.tork ,Mt Friday to machine. 1. E. Gilkey and family of Albany of cake and sweet cider were serv--d. 1 vis t relativesand friends. were in this vicinity Sunday looking and the dub adjourned after ap­ Mrs. L Wyman called on Mrs.W. j after butines» interests. They have pointing Saturday. April 4. and the I'. McLain rented their farm to J. S Funk for home of Mrs. Harry Hobson a* the Mrs. Marion Brown and daughter date and place of the next meeting three years I H'llen spent the week-end with her O. L. Holt and son. Nolan, and m ther. Mrs. L. George. Nora Holt of Portland were Sunday Mrs. Ernest McCrae spent Satur SLEEP* HOli-JW NEWS guests at the T M Holt home. day afternoon with her father. H 0 Vivian Colvin of Aumsville spent Sh tiling March 24 the week end with Marion Gilkey. Mrs. Fred Roadarmel was sh >p Mrs. <» F. Morgan »nd Agrn-a ix ng in Shelburn Monday afternoon. Ben Schaefer and family of Stay- ton the W. A. Gilkey and Soucek called on the Did H«!sch- A. J McLain visited a few days Weld' Sunday afternoon S. F. Zy t homes Sunday. la Rt week with his niece and family, Oliver .Morgan has rented the ('. M rs T. M. Russell. Franklin Gilkey of 0. A C. Rhoda place «ni is busy plowing spending the spring vacation Mrs. I a - c George and daughter Mias Oneta Balschweid has I ,xn lc la. were shopping in Shelburn Sat- home. Orville Gilkey and wife and Miss laid up with a very »ore hand the u rday to get their spring supply of Merle Bingham drove to Monmouth last week irden seed Charlie Beard and son, Oliver, an- SuhdBV. Sunday dinner guests at W. H. The Farmers' Union met with Mr. busy hauling lumber Hain'» were R O. Russell and and Mrs. Wilson Young Saturday intly, T. M R usac II and family The Tribune would like awfuln night. After the business meeting >d Opal Shilling. a pleasant social hour was spent and well to have a c<>rre»H'ndent from Mr Denney of Albany visited the West Scio, from Larwd and fr n B«’ nnett’s and Cannon's last week. refreshments served at a late hour. Opal Mespelt was the motif for a Crabtree. Some of our subscribers 'Grandmother Miller visited her birthday surprise party Saturday from away would like to hear fr >m dm lghter, Mrs. Charles McClain. night. About thirty young people these communities through the Tn- Six nday. Will some gathered at her horn« to help her bune. so they write us ___ I ’ rhe world was made in six day», celebrate the occaaion. The even- one please volunteer. We have a*ked a number of people privately to take ou see. there wasn't any aerate to ing was spent Haying games. Will ,'ct>tMult. freshments of punch, fruit salad and on thia work with no suce, -o cake were served. .Mrs. Anna Chapman of San Joee. Calif., mother of Mrs. J. K. Rei ley and Fred Mespelt arrived unexpact- edly Sunday morning, giving them a pleasant surprise. Harold Reiley. her grandson, came from Roseburg on the same train, but neither knew the other was on the train until they got off at Albany. Mrs Antone Holub and son. Frank of Heppner. Oregon, are visiting her brothers, the Prokop boys. ’ Easter Is Eut a /.itile Distance Ait'aj Your Market Basket gixxls and vegetable* which we handle. field. Try a mixed case and lave them <>n hand when you nerd them. Queen* ware Raymond Rrooka called on Char- ley Paulson r riday evening. Jack Johnson and children were West Stayton visitors Sunday. Mrs. Clyde Sherman and children of Mill Citv »pent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mra.Har- veV Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott were Monday and Tuesday visitors at Sil- verton. Mrs. Johnnie Sharp, jr.. returned Thursday morning from California, where she spent the past month visiting her parents. Mrs Caddie Martin was a caller at Mrs. J. H Johnston’s Thursday «ftarnoon. in* m.- Priced right. • 1 urn ¡»lung* A Misunderstanding last week the editor of the Tribune misundcrstixxl the duties of Mr. John Wcwly, who ha* entered our em­ ploye aa talesman, when the new* story said he would sell and deliver in any quantity to the consumer at each call. Mr WcM-ly’« i* to sell to the consumer di­ rect. eliminating the middle man, and deliveries will lx made to the farm T order* arc jixlidually or collectively large enough to warrant it Thia is a new de{*arture and means a big saving to the feeder». Our feed* are as g ><-d as the lx*t at a little less coat. Scio Mill & Elevator Co B«gBgtUSSri w ii ..-aikBL-MhaaMMSMaiMi la all yourj with a Crosley I rirdyn 3-1 ube Set Three tube« do all that five tube« will do. Mr». Alex Bodeker and little daughter were Sunday visitor» at Mr». George Berry a. Mrs Geurse Colby la at Riverside at present helping to care for Mr». Henry Merser. who ia reported im­ proving but unable to come home dered him unable to work for a few They are aa fretih a* the day they were gathered from th< Radio Pleasure Mar. 24 days. J Can lx-M lx tilled here with all the choice canned New« From as yet. Mr. and Mr». Alden Roberts tertained company from Salem last of the week. Hal Shelton came out from Hammond camp 24 Thursday, hav- ing Che misfortune to get hit in th» leg with a piece of steel, which ren- > Buy a Croaley- Cost Less—Are Better Croa ley« from $14.80 up to $110.00 Five Tul* Noutrodyn« Set». installed, SIJO.OO Radio Batterie« and Supplies. 170 S. Coml Sti eet in. heavy Double Strap*. 5-ri ng Brete Hold Baik* 11 inc i ket l ug Ij itun. 'ii A' Stitched Trace, l| in. Hip Badi Strap* li inch, les »trap* If inch. Bridles Breast Straps if inch Line« ick Band Felt l.inetl. .Mar- ■ fl feet Lines. 11 ¡nd >» ' •O feet Lincs. If inch lr JO lei t 2 inch Team Lritf es. jMir M.2S 7 oo » IHI 5 00 All Harness r lade of California Oak Tar med Leather Hand Bai’s Suit Cases Gloves urs fS Puttees A fine Lina * FRED T. BILYEU Salem, Oregon of Under «he-Arm Ladies Bags in Genuine Leather «GARAGE ANU SERVICE STATION Scio, Oregon Phone 27 Hart Brooder Stoves 5OO Chick Capacity $10.25 R. M. CAIN t.X‘Z ■■■■ NOTHING TAKES THE PLACE OF LEATHER rtf one pf th« Tribune advwrtieerw ‘’»ting" vou. tell ui; ’s «««.aia »¡«ht ! teiJ a ¡ hlfTl treat« •». you it right, him. if bo t -’A <■*