i o < •. « « »• • I « • > 1 chose a charming trail orv day They said would lead to Nowhere, Rut I went blithely on my way To find what flowers grow thdre. For I was reeking happiness And courting Nature’» kind caress. I followed far this sylvan lane. Enchanted by its !>eauty, Forgetting qui te all hope of gain Î,. And thinking nau«bt of dutv. ’’ V. hen sudd--, iy 1 foiii.ii f t u. .k’ P For which my soul wa* hungering! 1 found the fortune which my friend -vji rk Had sought in vain on highways; I found contentment at lhe end Of one of Nowhere’* byway*. Here was the ctancp at last, I knt-w To do the work I wished to do! Washington Through ««van «low year« of un«<1 viancln« war. K<tl«h »ol«« worn A« llfa« Indiff.r.nt «lt(a to all man born; • Dumb for hlmaalf. unla«« It »•<• to Osd, Hut for hl* barafoot ««Idlar* «lo.ja.nf.* Tramt-ln« th» «Row to coral whara f>licali<>n unlcsa «be 1» handle«! carefully. . A Vielau« Circi« U hl Nagg» Slatinile» pro«« that marriage la a por,etiti»« «gainai ■ul- ride Mr N»ggw— Tea. and «tallatira • l»n pro»« that «ulcld« la a prev«®tlre a gal tut marrtag« Taking No Chance«. Viali«» (In »arty morning, after week-end. to chauffeur)—IhWt let m« ml*- my train tTvauffeur No danger, alt Th» tai« tre«a tol-l me It would cum ma my Job If I did — Stray Ntorlew Rot Shot« at Rolltie*. Tha hardret c.rrlr to aqu«r* la th* political ring —AxbrvUI« Time« Fruit tree« may bo Improvaxl by Crafting, but It dnawn't w"i to work In the caae uf political timber 4 I Contrivance Molds Bait Easily Reached by Mice Ren«d together with four nails. Mire are attracted to thnsa poleon *t«t • »nd have often been ot-»erv»d running around theta. Old Pohich Church • Caring for Dairy Bulls Not far from Alexandria, Va., la a chttrvii of which one bear» lew» than of •f»-ne of the other eburebre tn which the first President w»r«lilp>d Thia la the old 1‘ohhk -liUrrli. of which. Il la claimed. Washington «a» the designer. He alan wat a vestryman of thl* chur- h and it » known that he had a great and peculiar iilfcctlon for It. It la a church having tuu-li to do with the «pirli uni life of Washington. fare and Management of finir ilia" 1« the title ..f a new bulletin l> •d by the fnlted State« Depart nt of Agriculture •• Farmer»’ Itul •Un No. 1412, which dl«cu»M-* brletl- ,e numerou« problem* best-lag <>t »per management <»f dairy bull» * to handle them »afrly. and how t- ep th«m In good condition A copj the bulletin n>-»v l-e <« tirvd .ia Io., the «upply Inal*, from the I'nlte- area Depa*ttn»AI of Agriculture vv a - h I ng t it. Seif !. •-.h-rv for calve» have not proved prai th-al nor economical In ex- psrlmenta at Mouth Dakota State col- • ge. Too much high priced protein fl-ed wu* «ten and the calves were In too high a condition of flreh for eco- m-mli'.il growth. The calve* alao »h-wed poor barrel development. Indl- cntlng that very little roughage waa reten. Self-Feeders for Calves ANNOUNCING Our Annual Spring Opening Friday Evening, Mar. 27 Our windows will be unveiled promptly at 8:1 5 o’clock, Friday evening. SAID BY WASHINGTON New thoughts of Spring Draperies intermingled with our Gift Shop wares are die­ played in connection with the Furniture For Every Rm. A Living Room, Sun Room, Bed Rixmi and Dining Room arc displayed in our three windows. We also invite you to inspect our interior (within the coming week) and see the many comfortable and lasting pieces of Furniture. You will find our prices are always low. whether you want a complete outfit or just an odd piece of furniture. Second and Broadalbin Street» Will Your Name Phone Directory? Work is iiivt now being done in bringing the Scio .Mutual Ic'cphi.ne Company’s lint of subscribers up t<> dole m •uch ■■ old bekn* or barley. The <>11 popular with th* girl» He caa't fr»m the I wan« I* thus aheorto-d and dam-«. th» grinding la d<«e with lew« ttUfi Mlaa Tuddl« 11» la a Util« Hum«« culty. on Ida fret but be know« «o many de llgbtfull) noval buida .01 rntupanfe*w Ju»t a» ÎTta t-otay In atuall town«. When a tire «al <11« cotera |>-,g | h *|| wh * rung and at tlia el«nu| the member* of th« volunteer company cam« running from wherever they were; they hauled »tit the engine «nd dragged It. with a «core of men lOlftihg at a lung ro|«.. to the Ore. and ti n fell tv work for all they were worth, making the pump handle« go up and down like a «cr«uw. The Friend­ ship Ore «.mpunjr »at or gun I red <>n August 13. 1771 the year before Wa«h- ing't.n bought tlie engine for It. and la •till In «*l»ience, although now Alex­ andria ha* a paid fire department The engine 1« there yet. and on npe. -lai occa­ sion« It 1« brought out by the Frtend- alilp Veteran«' Fire aaaoriatlon.'* A good moral character la th« firw raaentlal in a man. I feel vi cry thing that hurt* the aen- aiblllty of a gentleman. I bopc, »»me day. we «hall become a •t<>rvtiou»e and granary for the world. We do not wl*b to be th« »nly pw- pie to mate the «Meet* uf an equal and good government. Would to God the harmony of na Ilona were an object that lay neareat to the heart« of sovereign»! I hold the maxim n<> lea« applicabl« Old Chronicle Telle ol to public limn to private affaira, that Waehington a* Fireman "hone*ty 1« the liewt policy." It ap|eor* to to.- that little more Georg» WhMilngion waa on>e a tin than common *vti»c and common boa- man, »«)» the Deirvlt New» Al lea* he pr««ented the volunteer company of e»ty would l>e n-.-r*anr> to make u* a great and happy nation. Alexandria Va.. with a flr»- engine. M I ntn rraolved that no mlercprvsent« Ji. Lawick. writing la St. Nichol»». llowa: to bo the strict line of duty. "Wadtlnglun prewnted the eng It. 1 be very Idea of the power and the In 1775 to lhe Frirndehlp dr« cum | .-..ple i,. xtaMlati govern paay. That »«» Ilu><»l a hufl.lrwl rl; ’it of ment pre«oppone« the duty o f every >e«r* liefore then* were paid firetuea In tho« days the fire lighting wa» done Individual to obey the e*tahll«lied gov by volunteer*. wl << helnagod to differ 1 rrumenr k Tt Mixture of Proteins Tua» years ago and mile» away I heard thin dedaration. But I am wiacr grown today And know its refutation; And I have wen how tragic it The fate of men with hearts like his. *4 \v*.A<* iV V: irA’- General New« 1 have no time to travel far The trail* that lead to Nowhere. For I must learn where ri< he* are And follow road* that go there; I could not well afford.” he »aid. “To wander where some cowpath ledr '«* ’* «• r • i A . . » w. * - r- ’ I. 4 V’ Fisher - Braden Co COM I* L ET E H O M E F (’ R N I $ 11 E RS A lbany O r scon z