General Xews Th« Scio Tribune Page 3 BILL BOOST» SAY1 Ride on FISK. Tice ■ ' r for added motoring p\ by O.Lawrence H.twt home You Imt they can’t fool me no more With that old «tuff ab<>ut a Santy Claus! Pve always fell ter it before An' swallcrvu all t‘w gags they sprung because 1 didn’t know no belter. Now / I'm wise to what my folks *re givin’ me. Td like to have my dad tell lw*w A guy could be when all tlwy say he'd be I On Christmas Eve, an' be in all Th»*hi ai • .in th«- wnrMat once! Gee whiz, | 1 wonder what my folk'- 'd call 1 A yarn o’ num1 as big as that one Lt And then I'd like to see as fat hl . A feller as his pitchers show come down ■ Aur needs -30x3| Cortis front >1 00 up to fit 00. in>'mling 29x4-40 Balloon. A Real Tube at aa Additions Cost ol l1 00 with each tire. Buy from us now and save money. BILYEU’S GARAGE F rep T. B ilyeu . Prop. BRIEF AND BREEZY Phone 27 Scio, Oregon Live* of great men oft remind us that many of them had to die to ba considered great. Miaeing California meewnger and JeHerton Cleaning & Preaaiag Parlon Satiaiaction Guaranteed J. H. Turpin, Prop. Jefferson. Ore. Leave vour work in Scio for me at Bilyeu'a Confectionery YOU MAY WIN |1,5— 110,000 was rsught in South Amer- lea. Cops claim that was carrying it too far. More college girls are now taking up basketball; it is such exce lent training for bargain counter rushes in after life. Dr. Frank Crane wrote of a North Dakota man, "He was a good tight­ If you are able to make the moat words out of the letters contained in the words ••T oilet N wessities ". A* total of »3 000 >■ Cut pnsea will be awarded to er all his iife and died holding his competitors in thia srife’e hand." Evidently she was a CKLAT WORDBUILDING C0NTUT Semi stamp for circular and rules. Ad­ fighter also. dress, Sheffield laboratories. Dept. 12. A Londoner advises Chicago to Aurora. Illinois. Hoi a spent Sunday at Ben Darby's, Misses Maude and Violet Darby «pent Saturday evening with Mary Hora. Joe Hora motored to Scio Satur­ day evening. Oral Rates sheared goats for Otto Limbek Sunday. Ixmia Geisler and family motored to Jordan Sunday. Ixiuis Geisler delivered two loads of sheep to Jefferson last Saturday afternoon. We understand that Ed Smith's have installed a new radio. Laurene Frame is visiting with Maude Smith. Joe Pietrok and family motored to Salem Sunday. The Shanks family visited in Al­ Travel Planning get helpfitl advice hang her bootleggers, but Chicago THOMAS LARGE.BiMMtMnt has no desire to drop so far in pop­ ulation. Citv and Farm Property If state« want economy, let them fill their legislatures wtih wives of pastors who make ends meet on their List with mc--Nc> exclusive contract husbands* salaries. American!* are becoming less and bany Sunday. less popular abroad. The people Mrs. Tempest Brenner and daugh­ Coming to Albany and over there evidently judge ua by ter spent Sunday at Linn lamberts. Salem the motion pictures we send them. Mr Stewart ami Mr. lairge are Scorning to Mt. Pleasant on Sunday, Sold Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for the past twelve years. Does Not Operate Will be in A iaany , Wednesday, April «, Albany Hotel and in Sat JEM. Thursday. April 9. Manon Hotel Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. IT PAYS IT DO Winter am cornin’. Cornin’ fas', But I got yams 'Nuff to las’. W »If. why vo* howlin'. Round ma do'? I got twenty washin's Could get mo*— 'Nuff to buy h**g meat An' apples for pies; Go 'way. W'lf. I advertise! —Coats (Kan.) Currant. ONC DAY ONLY No Charge tor Conowttatlon Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate in medicine and surgery and is lieenoad by th«- state of Or -gon. Hedoea not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall atones, ulcers of stomach, tonsil« or adaaoMs. He has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, li yer. bears la. blood. skin, nerves, heart, kidney,blad­ der. bed writing, catarrh, weak hinge, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and recta) ailments. He low are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients in Oregon: Hedwkk Wilson, Gold Beach, Oto., varicose ulcere. Frank Koehler. The Dalles, Oregon, stomach trouble. Mrs. E. C. Hammock, Myrtle Point, Ore., goitre. Mrs J.Jin Me€oe. Lakeside. Ore., appendicitis. Henry Westfall Ontario, Ora., ulcer of stomach. Mt. Pleasant-Cole New» March It) There will be servies» nt Ila m and 7:30 p. m. Every- one be sure and come. Mrs. Frances Horeth spent Hun- day with home folks, M F. Ryan and family. Pete Fielder and Mr. Kramps motored to Portland Friday. Harley Darby, Charley and Frank Peters and Frank Sent were Stay­ ton visitors Saturday evening. l^eo Rund and family spent Sun­ day at Aegerter's. Mrs. Anna Pietrok is seriously ill with blood poisoning in her hand. John Shultx spent Friday evening with El Smith. Mrs. Chas Peters and eon Elvin spent Sunday with Mrs. Amelia Pe- ter«, J. L. Parberry and family spent Sunday at Ed Smith's. Mrs. Liuie Crabtree and Edna «pent one day last week with Mrs. Amelia Peters. : i Elsie Limbeck called on Dave Ae-, gerter Wednesday evening Harold Darby and Joe Sen* help­ ed Hora's butcher last Wednesday afternoon. Frank and Mary Hora spent last Mrs. Hands and Frank and Louise ' Tuesday evening al Ben Darby’s. Frames attended a birthday dinner Vea Downing is seriously ill at hie at Liuis Cob’s Sunday in honor of I home east of Kingston. Mrs. Cob’s birthday. Mrs. Louis Ray and son Lyle spent! March 24 Thursday and Saturday with her sister. Mrs. Cha«. Peters. Hen Darby and wife were Stayton visitors Wednesday forenoon and visitors al Chas. Peters in the after­ COMPARING FEATURES noon. Louis Geisler motored to St ay ton. O. M. Uitchiey. Boring. Oro., heart Sublimity and Aumsville Thursday, trouble. __ _ . Louis S. Striker, 3M £. Buchanan. Dave Aegerter motored to Scio Mrs. E C. Bates. Bak er. Ore . enema. Poatland. Ore., s.ienmdo and tonsils last Tuesday evening. Remember above date, that consulta­ Louie Ray made a business trip to tion on this trip will be free and that his treatment in different. Stayton last Wednesday. Mamed women must be accompanied 1. N. Howe and family of Salem. by their husbands. Address 211 Bradbury Bldg , Loe L A. Darby and family of Stayton, Lewie JUy sad family and Frank K. don't •■guai K a Your kx-al Southern Pacific agent la an expert in transportation matters. Let him help you. Ask hint regarding: Fares * Schedules Routes Reservations, etc. Thus benefit by lus experience and training — he is eager to serve you. Southern Pacific C. W. Bragg, Ixtcal Agent Ladies’ Hosiery for Easter Our Bear Brand line is full fashioned ami in the wanted colors attd woven from the finest quality of pure silk thread. See (hem They are extra­ ordinary values at >1.00 the pair. THE PEOPL.ES STORE J. B. COVEY, Proprietor Scio, Oregon Cool, Clean Milk - ■ — * -------------------------------------- ... — ■ —■ Prevents souring. Avoid this loss by cooling quickly and keeping milk where plenty of fresn air circulates, preferably in the open. Oregon Milk Company Condenaery, Scio, Oregon