["HE SCIO TRIBUNE Torrance Reconditioning Shop and Parta for Ail Cars.... 212 E. First PI1..IX our wearing apparel, we too must •ay with the Savior "well done thou good and faithful servant.” — ■.......... ■■■11 ■- l* srt*n «ausa* ty sn unite««--' on «.f ths murou* linUi* of U-« KveiM-klM 1 4*«. Wlwn !>>!» lui» I* Ili1»>»"l >< m > I «»• a rombiin« sous-i or fnsm»;»« < lt' InIta n «nailon can 1« I <•!<-•*. »our haartns mar bs Uo- ».«or-d frrar»r __ _ ___ h M.i ■» < srannit wsentctvis wvì tin »Sit We • la»« for It -rM yo«••« fake warrant* by officer*and stool pigeon* who crave notoriety will make the work of our judiciary more honorable and conviction* eaa- j >er ««cured. Portland is now reck­ RTAYTON. - - • OREGON ing under such reign, and * man'* Calls answered Day or Night Immris not hi* castle Find th* Tuberculin Testing maker of moonshine, and the drink­ Mutual Cream Station er will take care of hima*lf when he can't procure it. Lexinnrd Jordan. Agent Ch F. Korinek Veterinarinn Wc have a new Ankcr-Holtn Sepa­ l h. advertio ment* this week rator on the rtoor; come and look it over. Highest market price paid u ii.mg with -prmg, and are worth for Poultr» ; y< ur time in reading. They are a personal invitation to you to visit them, to acquaint yourselves with Rvllabls Un«*rtaksrs tin- d» i»•i.dable merchandise they AU funerals given pevaonsl attention Curry. If their wans were not de­ by Mr. lows fy would not advertise N. <1 Low« S. 1. Voaai»«* Phcnc-fhiy. »7 to Ai . ivrrtiser is your best Night 3% H it tenant and hi* good* are fresher. Lowe &. Morrison PATENTS Obtain« 4 Send model or »ketch •nd we will promptly «end yoa a report. Our book on I’atcnt* and Trsde-mirk* will be »eat to you on request. D. SWIFT 4 CO. ___ - PATENT LAWYERS — 3 305 Seventh St. Washington. D. C- Over 34 Year*' Eapsrienes Order Your Envel­ opes Now—$5.00 per 7 liousand in th* whole affair, and if he wanted to could easily affect a settlement in full for th* laborer'• wages without a heavy cwt to th* workmen. Re- port *ay* Hallin haa a mortgage <-n the mill and is safe, and in thi* safe- ty could help the boys realise 100 cents on the dollar by finding a market for the attached lumber. But will h* do it? Will hi* aid lie with th* bankrupt company? So far. It is «aid. he is playing with the bankrupt company. It seem* money come* before the right* and protec­ tion of human being* Mr. Baltin here's your opportunity, can you •ee it? it is H|>» • ted that one of th* fas- • ititous I» w v married ladle* of thia bn a I w ith her glove* •■»•u.'ity i « extent inav be somewhat uh ir, t t there arc others. The <■ .i r <>f this tiaper needs bread a ith !»•« shirt on. he needs bread with his shoe* on. he needs bread with hi* pants on, and unless some >f ’he delinquent subscriber* to thia “U;i Rag of freedom” pony up b*- fre long he will need bread without « durn thing on. aay* the Browns­ ville Times. The rapid passing of the plasmerà who builded Oregon is taking place • Missing link'» skull ha* Iw-n found >n Java and another in South Africa., We're all brothers under the sk n Th- <:gr wul please rise and -mg the Internation- al. T The confidence man I* one who churns the but'er out of the milk of human kindneaa. Bring Your Job Printing to 1 ribune Under New Management The Scio Meat Market I i WL SYMPATHIZE How thankful the people of Ore­ gon ahould feel that they can go to bed at night without fear of being Wheat fields are showing no sign* killed by lightning; that when a pe­ of the winter's freeze and growing culiar cloud appear* on the horiton grain is carpeting old mother earth I they are not scared to death for in a beautiful green. Willamette fear it will be a tornado, that neith- Valley, as usual, is several leaps ¿head of our middle west states. When we can get away from our wrdld selfishness and pious worship ■>l the dollar, we’ll begin to live for other* and have more joy* io wor­ ship of righteousness. Selfishness •nd love of money will wreck homes and nations, as present-day event* HAROLD ALBRO, Manufacturing Optician are proving PJLEY SÇeL’FOI) the destructive work of a tornado to even vhiualia* the force of the ele- ! inent Even nt this long range our sympathies g<> out to the survivor* In the present difficulties of the and relative* of those who met an Thoma* Creek Lumber Co . it I* said untimely death, manv of the victim* that Hallin. *r„ hold* th« whip hand not having been found as yet. Catarrhal Deuhicss The Sein State Bank Their earthly work tafiniehed. Their j er intense hrat nor cold is their lot hardships are now being repaid to For this reason It ta hard fbr native them with crown* of glorv by the < iregonians to appreciate the fears Son of Man who said. "Well done, and hardship» the people of the mid- thou good and faithful servant.come die west suffer because of the ele­ unto me and I will give you rest.*' ments. Our ph<>n* number i* 42-6; call us. The immense ioasof life and prop- As we look back over the pages of time and see mother engaged at the erty by the tornado in Missouri, Ilii- •pinning wheel and loom a* she wov* I nois and Indian* last Thursday can- the doth that covered our body .and not i«e pictured in words. It is im- we not* how easy it is now to secure j possible for u* who have never seen ALBANY. OREGON ¿CIO The Scio Tribune Editoriale Pag« 2 Having purchased the two meat markets in Scio, I consolidated them under the above name, ami will strive to render «-flicicnt service and give courteous treatment at all times. Will carry a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats I will buy your beef cattle, veal and hogs (alive or dressed) and pay you the top prices. See me first. Herbert Shelton, Mgr. Shop. C. J. BRUCE. Proprietor Our Spring Style Exhibit Friday Evening, March 27 We invite you to attend Albany's Big Cooperatile Spring Opening, Friday Evening, March 27. Parade begins at 7:15, unveiling of windows at 8:15. Free balloons for the children. Lantern parade, band music, and in every win­ dow will be the spring’s newest. At that time in our win- dows will be seen the newest styles and colors in Men's Clothing and Furni hings. The Spring and After No man buys a suit just because it is Spring. But Spring tune prompts the thought of New Clothes—a new, fresh, bright Spring appearance. You’ll probably buy your Spring Suit within the n< xt f ew d tys, and you'll wear ft this Spring and long afterwards—with just as much pride, and with even more satisfaction, if your selection is made from our display of Spring Suits featuring Kuppenheimer. Michaels Stern, Clothcraft and brat Clothes A large number of New Suits are now on display AT $35.OCF New Models in Young Men’s Oxfords BLAIN and CLOTH ing coj $37.50 Hats. Cap*. Shirts and Sweater* DR E8S WFal^L AND SlKVEKI)