General News The Scio Tribune . ■— 1 * <- ' ~ Perspective of O. A. C. Memorial Union Building for Which Fund* are Being Raiaed Among Students, Alumni and College Friend« for added motoring pleasures Ride on A .te ; ;•«. * A Motor trijw on Enk Cordi arc free from tire troubles. A Fi,It Cord to suit y our needs 30x.1| Cords from tl 00 up to $15 00 including 29x4-40 Ballonet. A real tidx at su additional cost of $1 00 with aach tire. Buy from us now und uvr money. The accompanying cut illustrates the ma», vr ,-re of He pr • < 1 • - to be on tf-e O A C campus ■ An» van and World war, I >w building to < mmemorate tlx aitivr part (>rrg- (on heri’Cs playe-1 in t! -- S|- . w ill tower 1W) (ret high and will be 5 ID by JCO feet The l-o ' c m..l«-r-al« u «--I will he «u»’h as to I l<-tt.| with 1 i «• !-c present -ampo I, architecture and vet be dut-txttve i» i—w taisc-l organisation*. M< lore than half of tne total f-SD.UD nrv .-1 iur out- The O. A. C. Memorial union CMS- pai«n to provide 5S00.01D needed to rra.rtruct a building which will be a peun.ment memorial to the college and State her-«« of the Spannh Amer» an and World wars and to hoiive all Dudent ami alumni activi­ ties on the O. A. C. campus, hav been cowplcted among ttuderts and is moling into dilferent district» of the sta'c where alumni ami friends of 'he college are located. More than half of the sum needed was raised on the campus in an in­ Inspired bv tensive drive of a week the record of O. A. C. and < iregim heroes in the war. the undergraduate > and faculty of the college pledged more tluin half of the total m three days. President W J Kerr, who was seriously ill at the time, sent in hi, pledge of SKll) on the «econd -lav of the drive Alumni in Portland nave responded with more than 5?5.(MD ami the campaign is now reaching into the smaller cities and communities of the Date. The great Memorial union project will seek to draw together the four component parts of the college stu­ dents. alumni, faculty and friends. It will he a great gathering place for college interests, a magnet to attract Student* and alumni in all walks of life and a melting pot to create a col­ lege democracy, vajr those in charge Ixiyalty of individual student, and alumni, who mortgaged their future earning power to help pay hack to their alma mater part of the training received, gave an impetus to the cam paign that makes the total objective assured, according to campaign lead era. One freshman student from Cali- In Day» Gone By On M»nd*v P. R Bilyeu handed us a ropy of the Maupin Times pub­ lished at Maupin. Oregon, under date of February IV containing the fol­ lowing which we thought would be fomia ple-lged fliVD to tlx cause ami | many contrihuti- ns of an-i rm>re ' were received More than of the total n now »ubscribr-l and ■ - - -.i; - h o - >1 •< the bud-lmg will begin in the Ute «um met of IvJ' and will l>e cswnplctesl by the fall term of I1»?*-, ac i hn»: to present plans Alumni are organ red , not only in Oreg i hut m Wash»» ton. California Haw ui. ami many eastern states where (ormer student- tre located The budding will have rooms for student activities, faculty meetings, assembly tail, for large gatherings trophy roc-ms where athlrt . ,w '- of the Varsity "O" a — ma he permanent!» k a. 1 p r<-» :» : the budding of camjni» riraruat» pro durtir-ns ami many other tvpes ■ risen» All tile stucient pcibll- ation- will be housed in the Iww ho ' which will he a ^tg advancement ot the old inadequate »«stem of puhhea tion offices Mattered over the entire campu« "The Memorial union hud-ting wdl relea»e much needed < Us» r .»n u th building» provider! by the state" ->i-l E. B Lemon regis'-ar. "( --liege life is highly orgarthe«! «nd mar. -•( the student groups re-mre a- -nm fa tkms which are needed for met rue t Iona I purposes The Me >- tai um---t budding is being built with sit gust ti­ the Mate, whuh is an important fra lure in Oregon's cdmati- tial pro gram" Of much interest to Mu-tent, and faculty is the plan for lite theater in the butldmg, *a»» the itoveimiig com mittev. One thousand pers- ns will Ur i separate lhetur Term« of sale: Cash in hand or note to draw four per cent interest with Bob McConnell a» security. My home is two miles »-a-t of Ver­ sailles. Kentucky interesting to our readers BILL BOOSTER SAYS ' A PUBLIC SALE IN IMW An old subscriber sends us the lowing bill of sale, taken from AnderaoD. Ky.. News of IM49 Having sold my farm and leaving for "Oregon Territory ox team will offer on March 1, 1849 all ox teams except two. Buck and Ben and Tom and Jerry; 2 milk cows; I grav mare and colt; 1 pair of ox- 4 hounds, all toft mouthed, except one At the name time I will aell six ♦ negro slaves two men. 35 and 50 years old. two boys, mulatto wench­ es 40 »nd 20 years old. together to party. past several days. Marvin Berry and Miss Freda Garrison were married Wednesday and a crowd of young folks serenad­ ed them Friday evening at the home of her brother in Lyons. The Ray J Fox family expect to make a trip to Idaho in the near future. Mrs R II. Roberta and Miss Iler- nice of Salem have spent the j»aat week at the Alden Roberta home. Mrs. Mwrenee Trask «pent Sat­ urday night anl children had a achool party at thv Shelburn school house Saturday evening. Il 0. Shilling and the Mewlame« Go -ch. Ransom and T. J. Gibbon» were the chaperones. They report a plcaxant E hel Swank. Mrs. Walter Scott spent Wednes- d iv afternoon with Mrs Jack John­ ston. Mrs Colby went to Riverside Sat­ urday to assist the Merser and Can­ ning fanolies in caring for their in­ evening valids. Mrs Henry .Merser and Mrs Mrs. W. H. Mclatin was calle«! to Dwight Merser. en and yoke; 1 baby yoke; 2 ox carts; I iron p’ow with wood mole board; 800 feet poplar weather boards; 1500 ten-foot fence rails; 1 sixty­ gallon soap kettle; 85 sugar troughs mode of white ash timber; 10 gallon of maple syrup; 2 spinning wheels, thirty pounds of mutton tallow; 1 large loom,made by Jerrv Wilson. 300 hoop poles; 100 split hoops, 100 empty barrels; 1 32 gallon barrel of Johns >n Miller whiskey. 7 years old; 20 gallons of apple brandy; 1 40- gallon copper «till, oak tan leather; 1 doaen reel hooks; 2 handle hooks; 3 scylh. sand cradles; 1 doaen wood­ en pitchforks; one half Interest in Un yard; 1 32 caliber rifle; bullet mould and powder horn; rifle made by Ben Miller; 50 gallon» aoft ao-p: hams, bacons, lard; 40 gallons of sorghum molasses; six head of fox «rated in the well appmnted theater wlnrrg campus productions, lyieum numbers and other form, of enter­ tainment may lie given for the campus from time to tine A pipe-organ will ' c in»tallrd in the theater which wdl adjoin an immense rotunda where stu­ dent and alumni gatherings may be arranged Sitke the anncaineement that a class It. SiD watt bn dcasting station will he in«tall<-«l at O. A. C-. an effort is Icing nude to tie up the activities of the Memorial union with this feature lice cidlege is host to many speaker* of national repute and authorities on educational, scientific and economic «object* In addition die Ivctim num­ tiers bring artist* of international -me to the campus. In the jast few year* such singers a* Geraldine Far­ rar and M»'l«mr Schumann llemk; Mbeha Elman and Etna Ruhmstem, vndmist». and many other* have Keen entertainer, on the campus The lugh- ¡•owerr-l broadcasting station will make their artistry available to the en tire state A massive entrance to the building wdl lead into tlic main lobbv to be < ailed "Memorial Hall" Finest ex- . npies of art and sculpture will dec­ or at r the hallway Leading hack from it will be tile rotunda. where alumni gatherings will often he held ami where fri-m SOO to wi) persons may <■ served at special banquet* and luncheons (or which the college tea r-»>m is inade-niate \ cafeteria lor student, ami faculty - another feature planned (or the new building, which i, especie-1 to be >-a-iy for the use of tl* campus -Mie war fr-m nest fall. BILYEU'S GARAGE Fred Mantel, i, planning on going to Klamath Falls this week, where he has a j >b falling timber for the Potter Shaw Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Vaughn and daughter Evelyn were Sunday visit­ ors at J. II. Johnston's. Mrs. Henry Bodeker made a trip to Stay ton Friday to visit at the Carey Knotts home The families are olip-friends. and Mr Knotts is very ill. Cnarley Powelson of Mill City has Subscribe now —Il 7S the year Mar 18 been assisting Jack Johnston with hia plowing, etc., the past 2 weeks. At a meeting held in the Lyons school district last week. It waa de­ cided to continue the high school, also to arrange for another room to accomm<»date the grade pupils and to build a gymnasium this coming year. The girls sewing dub met at ths *♦♦♦ ««♦eeweeweeweeeees Cool, Clean Milk Prevents souring. Avoid this loss by cooling quickly and keeping milk where plenty of fresh air circulates, preferably in the open. Oregon Milk Company Condenser?, Scio, Oregon • t ‘ ■ * ’ 1 V> •i V* 4 • 4 .f 'W