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Phone 37» ALBANY, OREGON «otic» if FI m I ADVERTISING RAIK» SttllMitnl r w eRRfW pw H r * • » IM 4wt •é*Tkw*aa«. |w» mrk • • • M« Cani s4 lUx»» .»••<• IU rm M v .(«9. a *4 I wwwKataMW«« • R «B .« u m >« v « s at expiration. I M anx SHININ »;a. Executor of said I state Hill. A M auks , Attorneys for Executor. f 19. Till K5HAV March 19. 1925 Catarrhal Deafness IK ofl-’t »u»ed by an Inflamed ondlllon at III. nturuua llnlrs of lha Kusl« hKn Tab«. Wlwn thia tub« 1» Inflamed y«>u h*va a rumbling Bound or lm|*rrf»>'l ll-arm*. l.'alraa Uta Inflammation can b. r»lue»g. your heartng mar bo de­ stroy««! f era v«r Illi I a < ATAMHH WKnirrNR will do what we elaim for It—rM your »v»t«m at «'alarrh or tieafniMa eauae-i by C'afarrh Solti br all i«net» t^r over ** Tear» F. J <"h«ney A CoM Toledo. Ohio. T. J. Hunkers. Vice Pres W. A Ewing. President E. D. Myers, Cashier The Scia Siate Bank Doe* a General Bunking Business. Interest pani on time deposits. * h Your Child Making Good Progress at School ? If your child is not obtaining a sat­ isfactory average at school you should find out why, as defective O’esiglit ia often responsible for pool progr> as in studies. Don't wait longer. Find out for sure now ^.ÿùlleade Optont e trist. Ai. a Nv oaca a HAROLD ALBRO, Manufacturing Optician R1LSY SÇSL’I’OI) « Real Estate Broker and Notary Public lu trails Obtained, (.ramine d JCIO - - OREGOX I DR. A. G. PRILL Physician and Surgeon District Surgeon S P. Railway » Scio, Or. a G. F. Korinek Veterinarian OTAYTON, - - - OREGON < alia answered bay or Mght Tuberculin Testing 1 » Mutual Cream Station Ix-onard Jordan. Agent We have a new Anker-Holth Sepa­ rator on the floor; come and look it over. Highest market price paid for Poultry; Low« & Morrison Reliable Undertakers All funerals given personal attention by Mr. N IX Lowe Lebanon Phone *1 N. I. M osmms I Twine -I’ey. 39? i bun—Sight, ,W> A g'«w| place to renew acquain­ tance «nd make new friends will be at Lacomb tomorrow night, when the Linn County Open Forum meets there Much good comes from such association, as we learn to know each other better. If you have any books from the Scio school library, please return them, as others would like to read th« m also. If you can’t bring them in yourself, notify Prof Watenpaugh and he will call for them Prompt- nr«» in returning insures pleasure in <»nmg this applies to everything. Political rather than beneficial ia the motto of our dignified senators They teem to think the president ia not capable of choosing hia cabinet, men who will aaaial him in carrying out hia policies, and are attempting to name them for him If the sen­ ate wants to do something for the country. It will listen to the vice- president and become human rather than superhuman, and pay attention to the helpless taipaver back home by finding a solution to relieve hia burdens. If thia should be done, a greater respect for It would be had by the people. President Coolidge knows who he wants and should be allowed to have them. l'ruler New Management The »Scio Meat Market Having ptircliascd the two meat market* in Scio, I cun»>!idaled them undcy the above nagM, an*i will strive to rentier cflicicnt service And give courteous trqptmcnt at all tunes. Will carry a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats 1 will buy your beef cattle, veal anti hogs (alive or dresactl) and pay you the top prices. See me Ci*t. Herbert Shelton. Mgr. Shop. This way of romance G.v Ev train »n.l »im», «hnvos’i the St’hhfl J Nr« Yotk »I <*>•€• l’U< brL mute. pctb Ut--*t.i muterò C*!ii.'.mla TÏ ur eoe wait • »’ uiy —rherw.- die .* ..-t-rl I. :e tl rv> sib ths Sank- see land to New Ot leans. Y.u‘1! n h vour teals in the So >t> . .a I > . ■ Hi » car tre«h (rut. »nd w. cl. b -• »Iw« - • • d«!n lous traître. t • lattai trun.!» tor New Y‘-rl nic.U and i'crth tn« ludt d ia the tuie tare. A*k of »«; Carri«» Got«1 route from Von l?< ' * k. fruii detuui i/An.■*>"«. BETTER CHECK THESE UP A large majority of fires start in the chimney and flues "Safeguard­ ing America Against Fire" cites 10 reasons for thia: 1. Use of terra cotta sewer-pipe or other unprotected tile or hollow block* as a chimmey. 2. Conatruetion of chimney with bricks laid on edge instead of flat. 8. Chimney walla built with bricks laid on edge instead of flat. 4. Supporting chimnay on timber conatruetion of a building or upon brackets; or inefficient mason­ ry foundation. wh< n the chimney resta on the ground. 5 Two or more connections to the same flue. 6. Building woodwork into the wall of a chimney, or placing it in If our w mmnfolk really want to contact with, or even in close prox­ be useful to the city, why don't imity to. Its exterior. 7. Smoke-pipei arranged to enter they organize a civic improvement a chimney in vertical line. club? An organisation of thia kind H Carelca*ne«i in sealing the con­ would work a wonderful change in nection l»etwren smosepipe and >ur civic pride in a very short time, chimney, and failure tn anchor and would ire worth while. Who has ambition enough to attempt the the pipe to the chimney. 9. Careleswnca* in not renewing a ega: ixati<>n of such a club in Scio? rusted smoke pi pa and also in al- lowing combustible material too Quite a numlier in thia communi­ near the pipe. ty have been investigating the ad 10. ('«releaanees in not keeping v «ability <>f planting Harding grass the chimney clean and joints in with the hope of finding a crop that I brickwork properly pointed will bring greater returns for labor and money expended. We know BRIEF AND BREEZY nothing about thia forage, but if the Scientists are still announcing die * til is adapted to its growth and will coverlee that may prolong life, pro- heir our farmers to greater pro»-, ^¡vided the individual escapes the periijf, then we hope the investiga reckless motor driver. tion will not have l»> n In vain. A New York reformer suggests a daily paper that prints no crime Newutwipermen from ail over Or­ news That will be a big step in egon were at Eugene last Friday the direction of conservation of pa- and Saturday, and they enjoyed the i per. week end to the fullest extent—two The chief end of man is to pay banquet* were given them, one by taxee. the Eugene Chamber of Commerce The race problem now is not and the other by the University of speed, but greed. Oreg. ui. We feel better from our j Germany has produced a pump short rest, have already dona a that renders a ship unsinkable. She week's work and hope our readers should apply it at once to her states­ and adverliaera enjoy our efforts manship. thia week. The wealth of the Unite«! States is estimated at 13.200 per capita. The shot teat atop made anywhere We have the last two figures now of by the ap-maora of the visit to Ore­ our per capita. gon of the Chicago committee to We have traded in our 1925 con­ find a suitable location for Cxecho- gress for a new one. but we can't Slavok farmers of the middle west tell yet whether we will profit by and ea*t was made at Scio, where la tiie exchange. located the oldest and largest Bohe­ Charley Dawes has insatted the mian colony tn Oregon, less than 15 senate. We thought the honorable minutes being allot»«) to the atop (?) senate was so calloused that it here There may be some backfir­ could not be done. The people back ing from thia, and the sponsors may home have been trying it for a long wonder what caused their work to time but couldn’t get a ripple. be eclipsed. Chicago cops have orders to shoot to kill. Chi ago crooks have been A lesson in pruning rose bushes doing that without orders. and cleaning up property may be Speculations as to how far the learned from the boys m the third, jobholders would stretch. If laid end fourth and fifth gradee of the Sere to end. are futile. They'll stretch school». The boys recently per- as far as the public a dollar? grill. C. J. BRUCE, Proprietor Stopover* < ti i i'' I.’r'uiilisr into rmatioa, ask Southam Pacific C. W. ERAGG, Agent ¡¿«a See F. E. SHAFER for I 1 I T ! ARNE SS I 70 S. Com l Street Salem, Oregon 2| in. heavy Double «X Stitchc«! I race. IJ in. Hip Straps, 5-ring Breeching Back Straps lj inch, Hold Back* H inch, Pole St rajvs IJ inch. Bridles (. up Bhmis i inch. Breast Strap- If inch Lines H in. by 20 tret. Bark Hand Felt Lined. Mar­ ket Tug 1J inch. Good Wide Belly Baiuk. 2%" Hamess, steel hames. $60.00 1 size 2” lighter Harness.. 50.00 A heavy 1 earn Collar, $4.65 each up A fine Line of Under the-Arm Indies Bags in Genuate Leather Lincs. Lines, Lints. { inch I inch Lv 20 feet . H inch 1-y 20 fret Ij inch by 20 lect Team Bridles, pair $6.25 7.04» MIMI 5.00 All Harness made of California Oak I anned Leather Hand Bags Suit C ases Gloves Purses Puttees NOTHING TAKES IH! PI ACI OF ‘^“LEATHER »