The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 19, 1925, Image 1

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    Vol. 2»
$1.75 the Year
Society andT'Iubs
Company in Trouble
When we begin to think th»t our
mission In life ia to keep what we
have and get all that belongs to an­
other. then indeed our path becomes
hard to traverse and sharp atones
begin to pierce our feet.
The coming to Scio of the gentle­
men who composed the Thomas
Creek Lumber Co. was hailed with
dt light by moat everybody, it was
felt that real lumbermen had now
taken hold of a worth while sawmill
and would make good. They were
real sawmill men it was said, and
they were
The company was com-
Dosed of J. K Elder. Claude Hickey
and A W. Sharpe. The former had
himself elected treasurer, and from
reports he made a good one— for
himself; in fact, it is said he and the
money have completely disappeared.
Messrs Hickey and Sharpe have
been made the “goats” of the com­
pany. and when the 10th of March
roiled around and no checks came,
they aud their employee became sus­
picious and Mr. Hickey went to
Portland to see why, but he could
get nowhre with Elder, and on
Wednesday Mr. Sharpe went down.
By this time Elder had dropped out
of sight. These gentlemen then re­
turned to Scio Thursday night.
By this time the employes were
getting pretty well worked up over
the turn of affairs, and were ready
to place a labor lien on the entire
plant and output, which we under-
stand Hickey and Sharpe advised
them to do. It is said tbe boys
have faith in Hickey and Sharpe and
are hoping thev will And a way out
of their present diffiaiilllM
Mr Sharpe and C.W. Hodge went
to Portland Tuesday to had Elder
and effect a settlement, if possible.
Thev bad the same good (?) luck as
the other men. We have po infor­
mation as to the amounts involved,
but it must be several thousand dol­
Ever since this mill, or the one
«.round which this mill was built,
was started several year»ago, it has
had a thorny road to travel. mostly
from lack of funds, and if it should
start operations again, it must have
sufficient foods to pay cash for ail
supplies and labor, for our loeal
peoplt are nursing a brokaa book
for carrying the load shoved oato
We have learned of no legal ac-
lion being taken by any one as yet,
although rumors have been thick.
The bridge luncheon club was en­
tertained by Mrs. John Weaely at
her home last Friday. The St Pat­
rick motif was carried out in the
In the afternoon's games Mrs C
W Bragg won Ar»t prise and Mrs.
W. F. Gill the consolation
DO YOU RfMfttlfl
When Fre i Bilyeu owned the
Arst auto brought to Scio am!
that R M Tain owned the
first truck? Joy rides then?
Had Narrow Escape
¡jwt Thursday evening while
turning from Scio to take part in a
Mr. and Mrs Fred T. Bilyeu were
hosts at a six o'clock dinner and
600 party at their home last Friday
The guests were Mr and Mrs. C.
E. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs Haman
Gaines of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs B
A Holtcvn of West Scio, and Mrs
home talent play at Richardson Gap
hall. George Patrnv came near Ice­
mg his life. W hen near the Frances
Arnold place he unexpectedly over-
took Ben Thayer with a heavy load
of lumber, and in order to save him-
m-lf made a short turn, hitting
something that caused his car to
turn over and brvak off th* right
wheel, sever the front axle from lhe
car and demolish the windshield.
11« hit his head against something
that caused a big knot to rise and
f.-eived other minor bruises
ha ,a ‘hankful that
“»• •««<*•"<
»“ '»“»'• »tioua.aa
hav* t**« hilled. He says
A W Hagey.
The im-ml-eri <-f th>- bid,- club
entertained their husband» at the
P H MacDonald home la»t night.
Mr. and Mr». C. W. Bragg invited
a few friend, for a six o’clock dm
ner at their home Monday evening.
Decoration« suggeative of St. Pat-
rick's day were carried out wi h
white carnations in green | h >»I<
and alao in the place cards
E. G. Arnold a»»i«led the hostess tn
600 was offered as the evening's
diversion. Mrs. Fred Bilyeu w m
ladies' Arst prize and Mr*. E G
Arnold the consolation; and Dr Prill
and W F. Gill carried away the gen-
tiemen’, prizes
Those present were A G Prill and
Birthday Surprise
Weaely Now Feed Saleaman
Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Arnold were
given a surprise at their home on
John Weaely bad sold his milk truck
Sunday. March 16, in honor of Mrs.
to Sam Stoller and had left the em­
Arnold’s 50th biithday- Every ».nr
ploye of the Scio condrnserv. This
brought well Aller! baskets and a
week Mr. Wesely announce« that he
good dinner was enjoyed bv all.
has entered the employe of the Scio
Those present were: A. 1. Arnold
Mill A Elevator Co. »nd will travel
Arnold and wife, J. L. Arnold and
through the country with a truck
wife, E. G. Arnold and wife. M ().
load of feeds selling to the farmer
Arnold, wife and son. Raymond.
In anv quantity he may • <rd
I Carl Smith and wife. J. I Shelton,
Mr. Weaely ia well k> vn to moot
wife and sous. Vanny and Lyle, and
every farmer in this and adj >ining
laughter. Andean. R-»e Shelton, wife
counties, snd as he is acquainted
»nd tuiu, Millard and Donald, Chas
With the feed bush. •»- and the prob­
Rhoda, wife and daughter. Maxine,
lems of the fan er and dairyman,
S P. Neal, wife and son. Vern. Mrs.
having »old tut - of feed when in
Emma Earl and grandson, Billie,
business with his brother, he ought
Riley Miller ami wife. Lawrence
to be succe sful
This is a new
Montgomery, wife and »on. IxRoy,
venture. n<> ioubt will be welcomed
¡Clarence Ixffl-r. wife and daughter.
by the feeders, and the competitors
Virginia, and Mrs. Ruth Frosch.
will watch the manner in which it is
accepted by the public.
we announced
Cecil O. Bates aud Miss Elsie
Isaak. oldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lorens Isaak, weia married
on Friday. March 13.
Second Spelling Contest
They »re at home to their friends
in a coxy cottage two miles north­
Tbe second spelling contest in the
east of Scio which they had all fur­
third, fourth and fifth grades in the
nished and ready for occupancy
Scio school was held last Friday.
Alta Pennel won first in the third
Sut»cri:>e now. 81.75 per year.
grade. Norma Mumper was first in
the fourth grade, and Harry Wes«
ly won Aral in the Afth grade. Har­
ry ranks first in the year’s work.
These prise contests hsve convert­
ed a class of rather poor spellers in­
to children doing excellent work in
Cusick Rank Bui Ming
this subject.
Albany, Oregon
“ Plates That Fit
Crown and Bridge Work.
Plates, Fillings, Painless
Extraction. It will be to
your advantage to get my
A Story in Pictures
Bnag a*
J«b Pmuag.
What had been expected to ne *
pleasure for our people last Frida
turned out to be a sad disappoin'
ment. What Scio and commo
had hoped to d i vas to sh< v
distinguished visitors a huspi:
equaled oowhcie ai. i a soil that
productiveness is amazingly ch »,
and easily cultivated. But ths s-ii
■lest thing of all was. "It was n< t to
The reason for this “pass op." as
given by B. W. Siller and a Mr.
Z.rzan. both of Portland, was no an
awer was received to a letter mailed
to Scio asking if Scio wanted a visit
ma le to it by lhe big eastern com­
mittee. but no information was giv­
en as to who lhe letter was address
< m ! to.
lliis will probably go down
n history like “button, button.who's
got the button." and be found in
the hands of the writer or as never
having I wen written. Al any rate,
no one here ever received »uch a
.■•tier so far as we can learn.
The fact that the committee visit-
ed here is doe solely to lhe efforts
of I. E Gilkey, formerly a resident
here but n->w secretary of the
i>any Chamber of Commerce,
«»me manner he learned of the trip
north from Malin would brirg
lul»'gati<>n through Albarn a 1
them slop there Thursday night. A
banquet was given them and quite
a nun.lwr from here was invited to
come over and sit in.
.Th— going over from here were
Joe Wesely. D. C. Thoms. Tony Sta­
ck. J S. Sticha. Anton Callus, S.
F Zyseet, I. V. McAdoo and others
whose names we did not learn.
Frank Bartu. ar., was a member of
the party on ita trip south »nd back
to Scio
The Scio delegation made
such a strong plea to visit here that
the chapcrones "kindly" consented
to come over. The party visited lhe
farm home of Mr Bartu and then
came on to Scio, where not more
(han 15 minutes was spent. For
fear some Scio livewire might blow
out a fuse, a Portland loan shark
saw to it that acquaintances must
!>e completed with an introduction.
Some of the party did get to say
they would return soon whan not
handicapped. They went from here
to Salem where the Salem Chamta r
or Commerce entertained them at a
noon luncheon. In the party were
Frank J. Prasil and J. M Kotek of
Chicago and Dr. Norris of Spring-
held. Mass . and her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Polecek, and Joseph Si­
mon of Cicero, III.
Parent-Teacher» Meet
Because of several counter attrac­
tions the Parent-Teachers’ meeting
last Thursday night was not a« well
attended as usual
President Cain
and Vice President M m Ihoms be­
ing absent Prof. Watenpaugh pre­
A short program »<>» given and
subjects tier laming to school better­
ment were discuss-d
At the dose
of the meeting an were invited to
the Domestic Sen to< loom where
refreshments were served and a so­
cial hour eujoyed.
Lunn Pioneer Dies
Notice to Sheep Men
People’s Theatre
Saturday Sunday
Presents a Maurice Tourneer
Some of our merchants are telling
part of their etore news in pictures
thia week, and we think it is preti*
good, don’t you? There is goad
news in our advertising Columns
this week
Funeral services were held at
Franklin Bull* cemetery Saturday
afternoon for Mrs Effie Duback,
who died at her home in Portland
last Thuralay . The service was con­
ducted by Rev. J. H Coullard of
She was the daughter of Mr and
Mrs. Gustas Schieman. and wm burn
ln the Thomas neighborhood in 1901
She was married to Charles Duback
in 1918. since which she has reeided
in Portland.
She is survived by her husband
and tw<> small daughters. Marvia
and Geralden«, her mother. Mrs
Scheiman, of the Thomas neighbor­
hood. four sister», Mrs Ullie Pow­
ers of Carl, Nevada, Mr». Hulda
Rebham of Silverton; Mrs. Daisy
Humphrey of Cushman. Oregon;
and .Mrs. Alla Dow of Bend. Ore­
gon. Tbe brothers ar« Safred anti
Otto Schieman of Beaverton and
Orville Schieman of Scio.
Mr». Dow is reported to be seri­
ously ill at a hospital in Bend
Millard F. Dawson, died at his
home in Albany Monday afjernoon
after a short illness following a
stroke of paralysis
Mr. Dawson was born in Indiana
When you entertain, let us furnish
in 1850 and crossed the plains by ox you. with 600 score cards.
team with his parents when 11 year»
Scio Zone Teachers Meet
of age
They settled on a farm
near Albany, and Mr Dawson con­
A meeting of the Scio »one of the
tinued farming until 1906 when he
State Teachers Association is to be
retired and moved to Albany.
held at Mill Citv on Saturday after-
The widow, four children, four
noon, .March 28. at one o’clock.
grandchildren and two sisters sur­
l)r. Korinek’s Poultry Tonic!
"All a .Mistake" tomorrow night.
Dr. Kor nek’s Lice Powder!
Vi»it Here Wai Shen
lh”re waa no tail
«•» ,h* wagon
Fred Swartz Killed
“'“J ‘bat it was traveling too near
the ceotur of the road, otherwise
Fred Swartx was accidentally kill­
lhe accident would not have occur-
| red. The coat of repairs to lhe car ed by an explosion of dynamite on
is to be borne jointly, we under­ his ranch six miles north of Jeffer
son last Saturday morning The ex
‘ act cause of th« accident is not
Although suffering from pain and
known, but it is thought to have
G**«a wa* ,ai*““>• hal>
from a defective fuse
wh*,e he had “
P*'1 ln lhe
T,w ” and ***re a
lar«<e crowd had •**”»bled to see U.
Mr Swartx was 4M years of age.
1**•««•••«•<•--•> • "J
is survived by a wife und sev­
lhr en<1 of *hich Gw,r«a coi“’
lBHa®1 temporarily, but is alright
The Coroner’s jury returned a v« r-
n,,w SPa^" forbWa «,vln,r l*r»^al
of accidental death.
<•* «•<*
“>e play, but all
wife. F. T Bilyeu an.! Wife. P II
MacDonald ami wife. W F. Gill and
wife. E. D. Myers and wife. J. S.
Sticha and wife. R M Shelton and
wife. E. G. Arnold and wife and the
rendered their parts uerfeclly.
last week
Mr». Effie Duback
With Owen Moore
si.d Bessie Love
Mack Sennett present»
“Hi. New Mamma"
with Harry Langdon
A meeting will be held at Lacomb
on Saturday. March 21, »1 i:3<) p.
! m. in tbe intereet of wool and mutton
grower». Problems of production
and marketing will be discussed
Two specialists who have been hold­
ing similar meetings in many parts
1 of lhe stale will be there to help
i vou.
Everyone owning sheep or expect-
: ing to go into the business should
attend this tree meeting.
Sodium Florida!
Walko Tablet»!
Lee"» Lice Killer!
Ix-e'a Gcrmosone!
Kre*o Dio!
Yo >ra lor
Sea vier. I
There were more deaths from al-
•oholiam be foie prohibition.
• to
- Iti* »