triefe Vol. 2« THE SCIO TRIBUNE 11.75 the Year S(-IO OREGON. THURSDAY. M\R('H 5. 192-5 Laid to Rest Friday Favor Santiam Road J D. Deuatnore represented thia: Mrs. Mary Kouba, who died on community as a member of the Linn Wednesday. Feb. 25. 11»25. was laid county delegation which appeared to reel Friday. Feb. 27. 1925, in before the slate highway commission Franklin Butte cemetery, the funer­ in Fortland last Thu red ay for th* al eulogy being by Rev. J. Y. Stew­ purpose of settling the county con­ art at the Christian church. Mary Kouba «a« born Feb 3. troversy over state de«ignation of a 1835, in Dacier, Morava. Austria highway from Albany to Lebanon. There ha« tw-en much contention Hungaria. and was therefore *.»0 bv residents at Brownsville to have years and 22 days old. She came th > road from Halsey to Brownsville to America in 18*2. and to Oregon to Ix-bsnon designated ss the slate in 1900. and had continued to live highway, while others who want the hero ever since. She is survived by road by way of Tangent to Lebanon, two daughters. Mrs Frant «Aa ll.n but the legislature had already des­ Ilk of Wisconsin and Ant na liartu ignated the Santiam road, and the of Scio, and one son. Foul Kouba. ild the of Kansas, also bv 10 grandchildren state highway commission latter was the ouly route they were and 18 great-grandchildren One by one the pioneers are pass­ interested in. This route will soon be named, but no hardsurfacing will ing over the last trail ne’er more to be done in the immediate future. return. Home Tie*** Mar. 12 Next Thursday night. March 12. the “I Will” community club of the Arnold neighbood will put on a home talent play of four acta in the Richardson Gap hall. The title of the play is "Home Tie«.” and there is an abundance of comedy through­ out. affording 2* hour» of hilarity. Silas Arnold. lister Arnold.George I’atrny. Clarence Shimassk, Corda Arnold, Vincie Roeprofka. Laura Bilyeu, Sophia Arnold and Helen Kihs compose the caat, which guar ante»« the play will be well given. . Of course everybody ia going. Stepanek Property Sold tjist Friday a deal was consum­ mated hereby Fred Sturges and wife becarie the owners of the H. A Stepajiax property, just north of J. L. KeRy’s home. The property it dose in end in a most desirable neighborhood. The consideration was 11000, the deal being made through Tom large, realtor We are glad the Sturges* have become residents of our dty end hope they will soon engage in the mercantile business here, as they are experienced business people. Henry Hassler Wins Radio The final drawing in the trading event that had been going for the pail two months took place Satur­ day and Henry Hassler was the lucky man. It waas >70Croeley3- tube radio, the beet at a medium price on the market today. It was announced at ths drawing that another prize drawing will ba put on early in April. Thera is a notable increase in patron» of Scio firms since the prizes have been in effect, and we believe it has been proved that it ia just as cheap to trade In Scio. Joe Menhart accompanied N. Mnrriaoa to Portland Tuesday I)K.C. KLCQ DENTIST Cusick Bank Building Albany, Oregon Plates That Fit 99 Crown and Bridge Work, Flat*-». Fillings. Painless Extraction. It will be to your advantage to get ray estimate». Dr. C. Fico, r OREGON LEGISLATURE COMPLETES LABORS No. .30 Another Kindly Letter Basketball-Pie Social The following letter is from a for­ mer resident of Scio, Mrs C. J.Yoe- bets, who is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Joe Fatrny, and is the kind that make» an editor's heart beat with joy: The lari basketball game of ths season will be held on Friday night. March 13, at the gym, when Scio plays a double header game with Cigarette Tax Is Mott Signal Gervais. The Ge vale teams trim­ Aciomplishment of the 33rd med Scio whet w< | 1» ed there re­ Legislative Assembly. cently. but on th ■ floor we Alhambra. California, should lw victorious. This being February 12. 1925. Salem The thirty third legislative assembly of Oregon completed Its la Mr. McAdoo, the last game, the gym should he b»rs after a seeslon which extended The Scio Tribune. packr») with fans the players feel atx days over the «»day ronsdtuitonal Scio, Oregon encouraged when the crowd is big p« rU-d By hold Inc over a few days A pie w-cud Would you kindly send our little and do their best - <• session dosed without the custo­ follow the game. mary confusion and turmoil which home paper to 427 West Main Str . marked the cloaln« hours of s»>tus pre­ instead of 1520 S Marguerite. Al- vious erselons In the double header ga« • wt'h hamba While the seealon will not be notable Both my husband and I have Halsey last Friday night, the visit­ for the number ot bls constructive many dear friends in Scio and local­ ing girls won 22-18, while the home m< aaurre pnwed. neither can It bs ertt- ity and then. too. my dear parents b<>ys won 15-7, Halsey receiving its letaed for bavins enacted lews detrf- meutal to the state at large. No e«-a and sisters and brother live points on fouls, with which some of «Ion In recent years has been so free that all iu all the little paper give« our buys were good in commlUing from proposed frwak laws Aside from me quite a homey letter. :be underyllns hostility between the The address above is my new of- Card of Thank* «overnor and the la« makers, the as* Building Slaughter House flee address. I have lieen onlv the j »ton on ths whole was harmonious and Ws desire to express to our many ! th< re »as little friction betwren bouse office girl here for the ’'Illustrated C. J. Bruce took over the two and senate or aiirnnt members Daily News.” but now 1 have Ix-en friend* and neighbors our heartfelt meat markets in Sno Monday •nd promoted to Alhambra District Man- thanks for the many kindnesses ex­ Cigarettes Teaed. io operating them as one under the From a taxa'ton point of view per Iager, so therefore I s|*end most of tended t<> us during the sickness, name of the Scio Meat Market, with haps the n»>st slsnal aceompliehment my time at the office, and feel that death and buris' of our little son, Herbert Shelton behind the counter . of th«- Sr salon was ths psssa«« of the if my paper comes direct to mi brother, grandson and nephew, and to wait on the trade. Mr. Bruc« 'clKaretts tax law ” Aa passed It cov­ place of business I can read it more we especially wish to thank the rn'n- ers cigarettes, papers, tube«, smoking plans improvements from time to islefy the singers, ths flower gills, tobacco and snuff Cigars and chew- thoroughly. time to better serve his natron» I now have only 24 trays deliver­ and for the floral offerings. 1 Ing tobacco are exempt from the tax. Mr. Bruce is now bunding a new Th- la« «as pa«-«d much against ths ing for me, as I have rut down from F. R. Shelton and family. slaughter house on his ranch, and “HI ,,f many of th» members of loth 30, which the other manager had. F. T Thayer and family. will make it thorougely sanitary in h,,u *■ aB deliver and therefore make» more own buying and slaughtering. and tlvp ba, ron, «•re so critical money. They make on an average friend» and neighbor« during the will buy your animals, alive or that th-re «as nothin« »las tor them of >14 per month delivering »1» ut sickness. death and burial of our be­ I io do. for ths governor Insisted that 126 paper* each morning. A pel- loved mother and grandmother, we dressed. failure I» pass such a revenue produc son would be surprUMil h<>w quickly with to extend our heartfelt thank«, in« la* would leave the stats without With Mr». Stic ha especially to the minister, the sing •ufflclent funds to meet Its various the little fellows get through with er« and for the beautiful floral of­ that many papers | activities. Yellow and white was the color I Then of course I have the adver­ fering». Estimates place the revenue expect scheme chosen by Mr» J. S Sticha sd fr«>m this new source durlu« ths tising tieeide» the circulation to at­ Erank Btirtu, sr„ and family for the bridge dub luncheon at het " ‘"•»s rear and s half st appr»sl tend to. so by the time a month home last Friday, daffodils, yellow mat sly ll.osi.ouo. on cigarettes alone Th* eigarvtts tax togethsr with the candles and yellow nut cup« plating I bill requiring a tax on the gross earn a part in the decorative arrnngernet. In«» of utilities and the measure re The yellow and white was also car- qU|r|ns payment of 10 per rent Into ried out in the menu. the «msral fund front the earnings of Mrs. John Wesely was awarded »df supportlaa stat.- actfvttfse. marks»! a new era tn taxation tn Oreg»»», Inlti- first prize in the afternoon’s game» •tin« a eyatetu that promises to relieve and Mrs. M B. Cvrua. who was a real property of much aaseeament bur­ complimented guest, was awarded den. the consolation. While the Isglelature save ths gov­ Texan Visits J. F. Wesely and Cha . y Mikers were in Salem. Corvallis and Albany yesterday. Mr. Mikers is from Yoakum. Texas, an I ia here looking for a location. H. «ays he had nev­ er seen a mount on. a large river or the ocean un'il he made this trip He like« Orej-.n and will probably locate here. ernor hl» tax on tobacco. It Ignored hl» suggestions for a severance tax and a number of other possible sources of revenue Governor Retains Patronage Governor Pier«» was not made • martyr by the legislature Hl» pul ronage «»a not taken from hlm A futile attempt or »o to shift some ot hie appointive power to tho elate board of control cams to naught. In the patronage Un« th« «..vernor still retains In hie charge ths fish commloston and ths gams commlsaloa He did not loos lbs atats prohibition department, but waa compelled to Sunday Morning Service make a change In th« head ut that it» partment. by th« appointment of W, Rev. J. Y Stewart will preach in H Levans to succeed Geo. L. Cleaver. ths Christian ehutch Sunday morn­ The proposal of tho governor that ing. The subject of the aermot. ‘be public service eommlselon be mad« will be 'The Battle and the Crown • • appointive by ths governor Instead of .leetire. aa at present, failed, and bls We all want the erown. Are we refusal to approve of an appropriation goes by I have accomplished coi std- erable. I never knew how much work there waa to a paper until I Inman to work for this concern more than a year ago. Why, I don't see how you get all the news into that hide paper that you do. for such a »« dl place. Dear me, here the reporters and photographers an 1 advertising men and all that sort of people work all day long to keep up a daily pa- pel. Il is no little job. either Well, Mr McAdoo, please keep on publishing the little home paper an»i some day. niayl>e u> the near future, it will be a big paper Yours respect fully, Mrs. C J. Yocubeta. Mrs. Bilyeu Entertains Mrs. Fred T. Bilveu invite«! a few friends for a game of 600 Tuesday evening, honoring Mrs. E. 11. Hob­ son of Salem, who is spending th« week with friends here Mrs C. L Fennel won flrst prize and Mrs. M B Cyrus the consolation. The even­ ing closed with the serving of dain­ willing to fight the battle? r,r lb« commission «as ovsrvfdden. ty refreshments. Service in the Mt. Pleasant church t ut h. wen a point hr havfnr '*>• legla Those present were Mrs Mac­ at 2 p m -- -- -* en page 4.) (O.ntiaued Donald. Mrs. Cyrua. .Mrs. Gill, Mrs. i fc Mrs Fennel. Mrs Myers Mrs H«b 4 » son, Mrs. Sticha, Mrs. Hixson. Mrs. Parent-Teacher Frill, Mrs. Arnold. Mrs Bragg and The regular monthly meeting of the hostess. the Parent-Teacher Association will! People's Theatre be held next Thursday night in the school auditorium. A good pro­ gram and eats, and committee re- porta will feature the evening. All are invited to come. Sunday and Monday I'resents Blanch Sweet, Bessie Love Warner Raster, R«4«ert Agnew in Those Who Dance See Hibler & Gill A g’i|’P'”> picture with a moral For your Spring Curtain ma­ terials. We have some late patterns. Priced reaaona- Comedy “Zeb fi. Paprica In Appreciation As we look back over the years we served the people In our humble way over the counter, we cannot help hut appreciate the splendid patronage you have extended to us. and our success was due to your loyalty to os. We sincerely thank you We have sold our business to Mr. C. J. Bruce and bespeak for him yeur loyaJ support. Shelton Bru» 4 Baptist Church Notes Sunday school at 10 o'clock every Sunday morning. Everybody is in- riled to attend. Christian Endeavor every Sunday evening at 6:30. Prayer meeting every Saturday night at at 7:30. Mr. Fred Waehlto will preach next Sunday. Rex Shelton Cuts His Head Kez. young son of Mr. and Mrs. F. R Shelton, tipped over a cha r on which he was sitting in one of the school rooms Toesday morning, and struck his head on the radiator cutting two gashes in his head. II was taken to Dr. Prill who dressed hi« wounds. Two stitches were re­ quired. Subscribe now. 11.76 t*r year. ■ lonteel Cold Cream Pace Powder 50c KELLY’S e »L 'S V- 1 »’ vv’lv iVv* »’¿'■JJ,'* Jy'-Ï * .■'**’ -, ?:«. X •• r --.'-y'