f Supplement to llìe Scio Tribune, Feb. 26, 1925 * • * «►♦ * 4» * 4» * * * * >* «-^ Mr and Mr« Lee George and) daughter spent Monday with her mother and brothers, the Trollin- gers. Feb 24 W. H. McLain lost a horse Mon- Mr. and Mrs. W. H McLain and i day T. M Russell, wife and daughter NO. 2—TO ADVERTISE—NOT opal Shilling spent Sunday even« attended an old friend's funeral at i mg and Monday with her sister, Hellefountain last Friday Iva McCrea -if West Scio Errel Osburn and family and Isaac Bennett and wife took Sun­ MORAL, REFINED. AU Wortk Wkie. (.'laud's uncle, Will Wolf, »pent Entire Change ol Prograin day dinner with T. M. Rutsell and Wednesday evening with Claud family. Every N'ght Churchill and family. John Bents called on W H. Me- Novelties Magic. Mystery Cle»n Mrs Ransom called on Mary Eu­ Lain Sunday evening. Comedy. Singing. Dam dig ami lot gene Miller one day last week. Glenn Shilling and wife »pent of Music. Miss Daphne Ransom has been as Thursday night with his father. H. CONTESTS slating the Shelourn teacher the last 0 Shilling. For Boy« and Giri». Valuab'c few weeks. She is taking teacher Weitie Kuiken's father and sister Prises Given Away F hkk . training at Aumsville, and as the of Lyons are helping to care for 3 Hours of Fun and Amusement class is so large they have to send Weibe and family. who are all d>>wn ior O ld ami Yol'M.. some of them to other schools for with whooping cough. practice work. Charles McClain and wife and Harry Chrisman visited relative« m Q. K. Grumes made a business Lebanon Sunday. trip to Scio Saturday. SHELBURN NEWS Free Show AVEEKXT \ UNIVERSAL ROAD SHOW 7 A large crowd attended Mr Wil­ ............ son's funeral Friday. I News From Lyons. Paul Smith is building an addition to his house, which he purchased • Feb 25 from F. A. Miller a short time ago. | and will move into it in the near George Davy and Mrs. Cora Bar­ future. ret of Stayton visited at the home Claud Churchill, the section fore- of , Perry Bressler Sunday. man. has been transferred toCregon Clyde McRae was a business caller City and will have charge of an extra at Jack Johnston's Monday morning crew this summer. Mrs. Churchill L H Roberts and Mrs. Aldi •«• and daughters *ill remain in Shel­ Hotter Is »pent the week-end in Salem burn until school closes early in the Clyde Thomas and wife were Sun­ summer. day visitors at J. H. Johnston'». Mrs J. W Miller and family Miss Rowena Campbell of Port­ »pent Friday evening with Mr. and land »pent th«- week-end with friends Mrs. Mams, near Kingston Mr at Lyons. Mams has Ix-en quite ill. but at last Mieses Hardison and Campbell reports was improving were callers at F. H. Budeker'« Rain Russrll ot New Grand Ronde Sunday afternoon. and his sister. Alma lwntx of Salem, Sli»wa Ella Johnston, Surry and •pen' Wednesday night with their Hilda Johnston were Sunday callers brother. Theron, and family. at Mrs Christ Surry’s. Clinton George spent the week­ Mrs John Sharp Sr of Silverton end with his sister, and family, Mr. is visiting at the Johnnie Sharp and Mr». E Gooch, in Portland. home east of town this week. Ralph Shilling «pent the week end with his grandmother. Mrs. M. E. advertise la The Scio Tribues and get rwtlo Shilling of Mtinkers. A MOTION PICTURE Acts o/ Vaudeville 7 1'11.1.1». Ol.SON America'* Create t Scandinavian Comedienne. She’» a Scream. You'll laugh. j. M\Y M oykh — Who will escape from a regulation Straight-jacket unaided. She ha« the world'« rec­ ord to l>e 'he only woman who ha* mastered thi* almost impossible trick. % Paor. M oy ra- The Man of Mys­ tery. M arc .UEHITK O os Who Please« The little I-adv C has . Y ovnt Producer of Come­ dy and Noveltie». And many other comedian«. Come and «re tor yourself. ¿'J A BIO COMPANY OE TEN PEOPLE Prof. Chan. Roemer’« ¿«Piece Orchestra ONE ENTIRE WEEK LN SCIO.. OREGON Peoples Theatre Mar. 2-7 Positively no children under 16 years of age admitted unless accompa­ nied by parent or adult guardian. I Admission Farr. Door* open at 7,30, curtain at 8 j OO ¿»Ï, »•«' .*• /<