The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 26, 1925, Image 1

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    Vol 2*
11.75 the Tear
Wilford Wayne Shelton
Wm. J. Wilson Found Dead
No. 2»
At Lacomb
Wilford Wayne. 16 months old
son of Mr. and Mr« F R
died at 7:30 Monday evening at the
Albany Genera! Hospital
Wayne and Verl, the next older
brother, had been quite ill with
whooping cough for several weeks
and last week Wayne developed
l-ast Wednesday at noon Wm J.'
The Linn County Open Forum
Wilson, who lived on the West Scio will meet with the Lacomb Com­
road about 4A mile* west of Scio, munity Club on Thursday evening.
was found dead in hi* barn, where March 19. if the date publi»h«-d in Shelton Bros, and Holechek
Auto* Line Streets for Block*
he had gone to -Io some chore* about county aeat papers is correct. All
Waiting for Prize Draw­
Bro*. Sell 1 heir Markets
I) o’clock.
When he did not come are invited
ing and Free Show
to C. ’ ‘»nice
in at the dinner hour, his father i
went to call him. making the flndj
Word also comes from Lacomb
Yesterday was the day for the
Monday morning a deal was com­
pneumonia, which in turn caused as stated above. The body was ly-' that a sheep grower« meeting will
drawing for the second and third
pleted through Tom luirge, realtor,
obstruction of the bowel«. On M >n ing on a pile of hay io a natural po­ be held there on Saturday. .March
whereby the two meat market* in
prizes offered by the merchants of
day his condition became »> asriooa sition. thus causing the belief the I 21. Sheep men. keep thl* date in
Scio to stimulate cash buying and
Scio are merged into one. Shelton
that it waa decided that an operation deceased had felt faint and had laid ' mind.
good will, and it was surely reflect­
Bros and Holechek Bros, disposing
was necessary. He was taken to down there to rest when heart fail-1
ed in the happy, expectant face* of
|of their businesses to C. J. Bruce.
The strawberry growers at La-
Albany where he was operated up­ ure or apoplexy seized him and life 1
the hundred* who came and wailed
Floyd and Herliert Shelton have
on in the rfternoon.
became extinct.
comb have contracted theii 1925
until the hour for th* drawing ar­
l>e«-n conducting their business in
W J.Wils-m was bom on the farm . erop of Marshalls for 8c and Etter-
He is survived by his parents, five
the Wr*ely builuing for the past
brothers, his grandparents, and oth w here he died 43 year* ago. or on! berg* at 9|c. fob., which is consid-;
At 10 o’clock the hour for the
two years, having moved from I heir
er relatives
Nov. 16. 1882, and had known no ered a pretty good price.
drawing was set by lot. The num­
former location in the hotel lit c
Funeral services will be held st other home. On October 12. 1904.
bers were on the half hour, and a
and put in a refrigerating i> •
11 o'clock this morning at the Christ he was married to Lillie E. Price,
Big Fox Man Visits
young tail drew 1:16. Promptly at
care for their meal* and tnaut u
ian church in Scio, the R< v W H who with one son. Wm. Woodrow,
that hour a young girl waa blind­
improvements. By their pleading
D. M Haskins of Newberg, ( eft** ’
I«ee of Albany ofli iating, and buris aged six years, and Wanda, a 19
folded. the nimM well shaken up in
I personality they have built up a fine
will be at l>ebanon.
months old daughter, survive
The gon vice-pre«ldent of American Na­
* trade and beeam- a real asset to the
a l-arrel. T«-n names were drawn
Mr. and .Mrs h ! I -. r..
deceased is also survived by hi* aged tional Fox Breeding Ass’n. visited i
from the barrel, and L. A. Poindex­
Shelton's parents, will hove been father. W. Wilson, and three sis- Dr. S. C. Browne ami Tho* Smail I
Jury and Walter Holechek open
ter was the 10th. thus winning the
married 40vear< in April; they have ter*. Mrs Maggie Quigley of near Sunday afternoon. These gentle-1
ed their market in Scio nine year*
second prize. The same precess
10 children and 20 grandchil lien, Scio. Mrs. Sarah Derrick of Rogue men have the Mine strain of foxe»
j years ago. and purchased the build­
waa gone through for the third
and this is the first death in their River. Ore.. Mrs. Wallace Perry of as Mr. Haskins, and he approves of1
ing and ground where they were Io-
prize, Truman l.uaenbach being the
Wolf Point, Mont
the manner in which they are car- i
immediate family.
■ rated. By strict attention to busi­
lucky man. The valuecf the prize*
Mr Wilson was prominent in the ing for their kennels
ness an>i courteous treatment the)
totaled $30-120 and $10.
fraternity, having tilled all
Mr. Haskins is considered one of
built up a fine trade
Two or
From every standpoint it ie bo-
the chairs in hi* local lodge, and the the largest and most successful fox
firm put in a
lieved the affair waa a soccsaa. to
*rvicea were held in Jeffer- breeders
in the United States
Mr* E. I). Mvers, Mr* J S Sticha.
refrigerating plant, and their i > u » i
both consumer and merchant, and
Friday under Ma- I has 76 pair at Dundee and 100 pan
Mr*. R. L Hixson and Mr«. Rol a *on at 1
ness has steadily grown since.
paves the wav for future courtesies
Erst ins. pastor at
i Hood River.
Shelton were host«- ei for the six
C. J Bruce is a newcomer to our
between merchant and easterner.
o'clock dinner and bridge party at of the Evangelical church at JrtT«-r-
c immunity, having recently tradid
The last drawing take* plaae Sat­
*on. delivering the eulogy. Burial
Visit Boyhood Home
Myers home last Friday evening.
a large mercantile stock at Fails
urday. when the grand prize, a $T0
Decorations wen- a centerpiece of WB*
In *he Miller cemetery
City to A A. Muck for his ranch
radio set. will be awarded tn some
daffodil* and pussywillow«. red white n’’“r •''belburn.
Arch and Fid Goins of Yakima.
about three mile* east of the city.
lucky person. The same procedure
god blue candle* in glass candlesticks
^he pall Iwarers were A. D. Hinz, Wn.. were in Scio last Saturday
The butcher business is not new to
to find the winner will be followed
and other* suggestive of Washing
kelly. Jas. Johnston, Dan Me­ They spent their boyhood day sin Scio
He will enlarge a* soon a*
a* was useu yesterday. Every arti­
lon's birthday. The twelve mem- l-^hlan, D. C. 1 horns and Carl W. and have many friends among the
possible, and will handle all kinds
cle given away was pure baaed from
her* of the club and their husbands llra*K-
older residents here. Their father
of meat, ami (dans to erect a slaugh­
a Hem firm. It pay* to trade with
built the Scio Souring mill and ope­
were seated at one long table
ter house on his ranch and do hie
home merchants who advertise.
The guests found their place* by till-
Card of Thanks
rated it for several years
>wn killing
Herbert Shelton ha*
The free show was a fine eomedy
ing m with their name* in sentence*
We desire to express our sincere was Mr. Arch Goins’ first visit tn been employe I by Mr. Bruce to lie
by the man who never laughs. Bus­
descriptive of themselves.
thank* and appreciation to our Scio in 27 years.
his meat cutler and wait on the
ter Keaton, in ■'Hospitality." ‘ The
In the evening's game of bridge friends and nrightiors for their kind-
Peoples Theatre was packed to the
Baptist Church Notes
Mrs. John Wesely and P. H Mac n-*** and sympathy shown during
Floyd Shelton is undecide»! hs ' •
doors, and the people enjoyed the
the future, but will probably remain
show immensely, thus showing the Donald won first prise* and Mr*. C. '»ur recent bereavement by death of
Sunday school at 10 o’clock ever)
th«- our beloved husband, son and broth­
m Scio. The Holechek boys will
appreciation of the hospitality of W. Bragg and E. G. Arnold
er; especially do we thank the breth­ Sunday morning. Everybody i* in­ finish the improvement* now being
the merchants and John We*el*.
ren of the Masonic order, also the vitad to attend.
made on their ranch, after which
Christian Endeavor every Sunday they may make a visit to Texas,
and for the beautiful fiorai
Masons Have Visitors
Annual C. EL Convention
evening at 6:30.
j offerings.
their former homes.
Prayer meeimg every Saturday
Fred Hough of Albany, district
B<>th retiring firm* have been fair
The announcement is made that representative of the grand lodge, j
night at al 7:30.
Mr W. WiUm,
«nd honest in all their dealings with
the annual County Chriatiaa Endea­
Junior Endeavor every 2d and
Mr« Maggie Quigley.
Masons, visited the local xige last
the public, and they will be mimed
vor convention will be held in Laba- rhuraday evening and r ide a talk
4th Saturday at 2:10.
from the business circles. The new
non In-ginning Friday evening, Mar.
on the work being done >y the order.
She’s a Money Raiser
proprietor come* to us with a fine
6 and extending until Sunday even­
- —
Other visitor* weie Stowell Daw
record as a business man. and we
ing. .Mar. 8
It Is said a splendid son and Mr Foste» of Albany; Mr.
Richardson Gap Review*
Hazel Philippi is receiving just
ocspeak for him a cordial welcome
program has been arranged. We Sompter and Mr. Winters of Crab- recognition for her ability at OA.C.
oy the public. We understand the
have not learned whether Sdo will tree and Jam«** J <hnst<»n of Jetfcrson these day*. She I* * member of a
Feb. 24
ransfer in toto takes place March
be represented or not. If not. we
committee to raise $500.000 for ■
which includes th«» building and
Marvin Long was in Salem Tue»
should be, for we need much train«
> memorial building 200 feet square
Safety First Meeting
own d by Holechek's. But
ing the C. Fl can give.
■nd >80 feet high to be erected on
will lie operated, the one
The “I Will’’ community club met
J. W. Putristi went to Albany last the campus, for which more than
Monday evening, after having been
Drain Tile Laid
fhursday night, where he attended i-MJO.OOO ha* now been raised. It
postponed on account of sickness
a safety first meeting of the em- U thought the full amount will be
Mrs. Fl A. Wagner of Dalls« is
J K. Reilly was In town Monday
t he drain tile has been laid from ploys* of the Willamette division of raised by April I and the building
the W F. Pepper place on South th* Mountain State* Power Co. It completed early in the fall of 1926.
and friends here.
Main Street to the creek, and It is waa stated at the meeting that reg­ Mies Philippi acted a« a lieutenant
John Merritt. Benton Arnold. Rill
hoped the relief sought will be real­ ular school* will be held in the fu* during the drive and proved most
Rhoda and J. R. Piatt and their fam­
ized. It is eight-inch tile and aev- ture to acquaint the workmen on «uccrsaful.
ilies attended the revival meeting at
eral "T’s” have been placed along safety practice* and first aid»
Crabtree Sunday evening.
th»- line to enable property owners
L C. Quick of Mt. Pleasant was
L. P. Arnold is recovering nicely,
to lap in when neceeeary.
«hopping In Scio Tuesday.
and will soon be able to walk on hi*
foot again.
Clyde Rodgers and wife motored
- All 1924 accounts not paid by j
to Dallas Saturday.
March 16. 1925. will be charged in-1
M. P. Long and family visited
terest at 8% from Jan. I, 1926.
Billy Arnold and wife Sunday.
No exceptions to these terms. Al|
J. R. Piatt and family visited G.
such unpaid accounts will be put on
Cusick Bank Building
Rodgers and wife Sunday.
* cash basis after that date.
Albany, Oregon
Rhoda and family are re­
Yours respectfully.
covering from the grippe.
J F Wrm.Y
A play will be given about the
12th of March by the "I Will" club
Mr*. Kuba Dies
Crow n and Bridge Work,
at Richardson Gap hall.
• •
o □
Plate* That Fit
Plat*-*, Filling*. Painless
Extraction. It will be to
your advantage to gat my
Mr*. Mary Kuba. age 90. died at
her home on route 3 Wednesday
morning at 8:30 She wm the moth­
er of Mr*. Frank Bartu Sr. Funer­
al arrangement* had not been made
A brother from Wisconsin and
one from Washington and their
wives arrived yesterday for an CX-
tended visit with Dr. Roetein on
r*at* >.
o □ TJ .