The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 19, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Scio Tribune
Country Correspondence
Welton Goar an I H i ves Mit -r,.
Th« latter two played on the Aums­
ville team.
Mias Merle Bigham.who haa been
home for over a week on account of
illneea. returned Sunday and return­
ed her school at Oakview Moodry.
Mrt. Waunila'Kitchen and Vada
Whetstone and children visited at
the parental home« F. W. Maepelt
and T. M. Holt, respectively. last
Mr«. H. P. Rigg« and children.
Bertha. Harold and Charles, left by
auto for lut Grande Friday morning
where they expect to reside. Mr
Rigg« having gone on «ome lime
ago. Herman Zellar and Warren
G ar accompanied the family a« far
as Multnomah Falla, returning the
«a me dav.
Leo Zeller and «on, Herman, were
transacting business in Salem Mon­
Mr and Mrs. Walter Morris and
daughter, lone, of Albany, accom­
panied bv Miss Mona Trembly of
Eugene, «pent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Shepherd.
Mr. and Mis. Morris Hoff and
Mis« Young drove up from Portland
Saturday evening to visit the ladies'
parents, Mr. and .'drs.Wilson Young.
Will Moore of Salem visited at
the J. II. Kelly and John Shepherd
homes Sunday.
One more radio fan has l>een add­
ed to the list in our neighborhood.
Mr. Willard of Albany having in­
stalled one for Fred Mespelt Satur­
A number of our people have
been attending the meetings being
held by Teddy Leavitt at Crabtree.
Mrs. F rank .DeWall, Mrs. John
De Wall, Gertrude Yunker. Mr. and
Mrs S. B. Holt saw the basketball
game at Crabtree Friday night be­
tween Crabtree and Sweet Home,
the score being 106 to 7 in favor of
Dr. Tweed of Lebanon, the coun­
ty T. B. tester, was testing cattle
here last week.
L. E. Gilkey and sons of Albany
were visiting in this neighborhood
Those from here who attended the
basketball game at Scio Friday night
were Murrel and Marion Gilkey, 8.
F. Zysset and children. J. F. Som­
mer and children. Pearl Mitchell,
Carl Yunker, Jack. Herbert and
MALL'S i snaaa USUIMINK haa beer
uMd ■uccaaarully in th* ir«*un*nt ol
slats ut an Ointment which MutrSlr
Rrlicvss b> local application, and ths
Internal Medicin*. • Tonic, whkh ScU
through the Blood on the Mucous Sur
tares, thus redurina Ihs laBammatlon.
Bold by *11 drussiats.
F. J. Chaney A Co.. Toledo Ohio
W. A. Ewing.
T. J. Munkers.
Vice Pre*.
E. D. Myers. Cashier
The Scio State Bink
Does a (renerai Banking
Business. Interest paid
on time deposits.
Joe Young went to Scio Sunday
and had Dr. Prill lance an abscess
on his neck. He will be under the
doctor's care for «everai days.
Mr. and Mrs John Shepherd en-
tertaided the Farmers* Union •nd
families with a Valentine party Sat­
urday night. The rooms w«-re dec­
orated appropriately for the occa­
sion. A number of contests and
stunts were Staged, among them
were shadow picture« tw-hind a heart
shaped frame, which caused consid­
erable merriment, the men guessing
the women'« shadows and vice versa.
Refreshments consisting of eoffre,
sandwich«-«, pi *kle«,red heart co .ki«-«
and peaches with winpix-d cream
were aerved at a lat«- hour.
News From I .von«.
♦ ♦♦ • • • ♦ •
Feb IN
Farren Yonker and wife are mak­
ing an extended visit at the home of
her mother. .Mrs. Ge«>rge Colby
Mra. Alta Bodeker spent Sunday
in Salem visiting relatives
The community king given at the
Albert Ring home Thursday evening
was well attended and a very en­
joyable evening was spent l>y all.
L. H. Robert« spent a part of last
week in Salem.
.M as .McElhaney spent Saturday at
J. H. Johnston's.
The Allis freight truck was deliv­
ing some freight to the Four S.
Lumber Co. Saturday.
A wagon load of Fox Valley young
folks attended the program and l a
ket social on McCully mountain Sat­
urday evening It wa« given by the
school under the auspices of Miss
Arvilla Woodworth. A very good
time was reported, and although an
even dozen baskets only were sold,
the proceeds were about |40.
Miss» s Barbara Schwindl an<i Do-
ris Huber visit«?«! Hilda Johnston
la Your Child Making
the bone was broken.
W. E. Rodgers and wife of Ben­
If your child is not obtaining a sat
ton County came in Tuesday for a
isfactory average at achool you
should find out why. as defective vMt with his brother, George F
eyesight ia often responsible for poor Rodgers and wife
progress in studies. Don't wait
longer. Find out for auro—now.
H. L. Watenpaugh. principal, and
Progreaa at
School ?
Ralph Shilling spent Sunday with
his friend. George Daniel Gibbons.
In the evening they attended the
show in Scio.
Had Good Program
Send nioJ I or sketch
and we will promptly send you a
report. Our book on Patents and will be sen! to you
on request.
G. F. Korinek
I >1 ’.XTIST
parents, Mr. and .Mrs. George, last at 7:30.
J. L Kelly and «on. Jack, were in
Farmers are very busy this week
Tuesday afternoon.
plowing and seeding their ground
for February sowing.
Marion Tindal called on Hobart
Hoagland and family Sunday.
Mt. Pleasant Cole Newt
Feb. ¡7
from Vilas Arnold la«l Sunday.
Those present at the Ben Darby
home Sunday were: I. N. How«
and family of Salem, Uston Darby
and family and Will Humphreys of
Stay ton. Charley Peters and family.
Frank Hora. Theodore Belcoe, Clar­
ence Overholts of Portland and Ern­
est Isaak of Scio.
R. F. Darby and family spent last
Thursday with home folks. M. P.
Ix»ng and family.
Frank Hora called on Joe Sent
Monday evening.
Maude and Violet Darby called on
Mary Hora Monday evening.
Clarence Overholts visited his
brother-in-lasr. Ed Fleming. Mon-
Arwold Zyaaet. Walter Chromy an<l
Anna Dolezal. students of the Scio
high school, will attend the educa­
tional exposition at O. A. C. this
week end. While on the campus day.
they will be entertained at fratean-
The farmers are but* plowing in
Dave J Aegerter installed anew
radio in hit home lart week.
Mrs. J A. Shultz and »on K bert
were «hopping in Stayton Saturday
afternoon as was R. F. Darby and
Mrs T M Russell and children
The regulni meeting of the P T
spent Saturday with her parents, A. was held al the school auditori-
--------PATENT LAWYERS_____
30S Seventh St. Washington. D. C-
Mr. and Mra W H. McLain.
urn* last Thursday night, Despite
O«»r >4 Years' Esperianra
Frank Gooeh and family are living several counter attractions, a large
in Shelburn for u few months to do crowd was present. A most excel­
•»me repairing on their residence
lent program had baren arranged
Claude Churchill made a business and was well renders«! by the pupils
Real It»!* • Rrolfer
trip to Albany Sunday.
of the grade«, while John Fredrick
Notata Public
Franklin VanBrunt. who haa ueen and P. R liegstad put on a pleasing
bi I rath Obtained, f.ianuned
sick with typhoid fever, returned to blackface stunt.
his work on the railroad section the
At the busin«-ss tm-eting several K IO
first of the week.
subjects were discussed, the princi­
lx-e George and wife had for Sun­ pal one being on how to get more
day afternoon callers T. M Ruaaell students and transportation for
and family. James Trdlinger and them. To this end President Cain
family and Frank Gooch.
appointed the following committee
District Surgeon S. P. Railway
T. M Russell and family called to interview the achool board: Mra.
Sciu, Or.
on .Mrs Mary Cannon and Joaeph J. N. Long. Mrs. N. 1 Morrison and
Sunday to cheer them up
Mrs. Riley Shelton, they to report
The Shelburn school children had at next meeting
a valentine box last Friday and each
Washington*« Birthday
on«* received many beautiful valen­
tines. It sure was great sport for
t alls answered Day or Night
Tuberculin Trating
There will be a tmtriotlc sermon
the youngsters.
Fred Bowman was in Shelburn in th« Christian church Sunday eve­
ning by Rev. J. Y. Stewart, the DR. C. WARD DAVIS
over the week end.
Presbyterian pastor. This la Wash­
Mat Ewing and family
ington *a birthday, in these days it
land are visiting his sister,
First National Bank Building
SraiTo.s, Oaeuos
will be helpful to study the charac­
gene Miller this week.
Bridge aiid Piai» Work given prompt
Mr Dent. Federal Bank Inspector,
and eareful sltention. Aiso Exfractiou
inspected the sec-treasurer's books out in force to honor the Father of
Our Country. It is hoped that all
in this vicinity on February 12.
Lowe A, Morrison
will be there. Service
Mra. Marion Brown visited her
Reliable Undertakers
Ben Darby, Joe and Mr. Hora
motored to Salem last Monday.
Frank Siegmund of Fern Ridge
Mewlames Joe Senz and Ben Dar­
was a Lyons visitor Monday. He
by called on Mrs. Louis Geisler last
purchased a couple of Poland China
hogs at Fox’s «ale Saturday and was
Liston Darby called on the R. F.
over to make arrangements for feed­
and Ben Darby families Wednesday.
ing one with 10 small pigs and take
Harold Darbv had the misfortune
the other home.
to cut his foot very badly last Wed­
Mias Kate Kuiken. who ha« been
nesday while cutting brush.
He I
employed at the Mercvr home the
will not be able to work for several
past three weeks, haa secured a p«>-
silion :n Mill City and began work
Mrs Joe Brandt of Kingston
there this week.
ited her sister. Anna Senz. one day
Mrs. E. G. Siegrnu I of Fern
last week
Ridge spent the first o the week at
Several from Mt Pleasant and
the Ella Johnston h * e
Cole vicinities attended 'he medi­
cine sh iw in Stay ton last week and
report it to be very interesting.
Richardscn Gap Reviews
R F Darby and family motored
to Stavton last Saturday.
Feb. IN
Frank and Joe Hora were Stay ton
Ort el D vning of Lyons was at visitors last Wednesday.
G. E. RtxJxcrs Sunday
Mrs. Claude Darby and daughter,
Miss l>elta Piatt came duwn from fjivern. and son. Leonard, of Stay­
the Ambrosek X- Donohue mill Sun­ ton visited at Ben Darby's Friday
day and returned Monday
Sylvia. Ruth and I^eonard Darbv
George Arnold is doing his spring
of Stavton visiter! with Charley Pe­
Delbert Merrit is home on a visit. ters and family Saturday evening.
August Rahn got a load of hay
Mr. Wheeler was over from Crab­
tree Monday.
Mra. Clyde Rodgers' father and
mother of Dallas visited her Sunday.
Lester Arnold had his ankle crush­
ed at the Ambrueek mill Tuesday,
by a pile of lumber falling on him.
Dr. Prill graved it to ascertain if
thia vicinity.
funerals given personal attention
hy Mr. lows
I OK «
1 .obanon
Phone »I
N. I. Moaaisos
l'hono —Day, SH7
Phone—Night, :<S'6