General X*w* First Drawing Takes P! ace and the hour will be decided at 10 a. m., so be here on time—) I he winner or some member of his immediate family must be prize be held in trust. The 1 Oth name drawn wins the prize ii FREE More Prizes and SHOW Wenesday Afternoon T Buster Keaton in A “Hosni * HE SECOND PRIZE OFFERING, daeignrai to pul Seio of! the map and can use, is now in full »win» st alt tbe stores and buairt who are eontibuling to tbe enterprise but are not advertisinr Kemlle, W. F. Gill. J. B Cover. J. F. Wwady. J. Kelly. Bilyeu Confection L Jordan. F. T. Bilyeu. N. I Morrison. Kartu Mortor Co . Scio Garage. I Mountain Stales Power Co., Peoples Theatre and L. O. Porter. This is the proposition and the prises; Tbe big prise is a Crosley Tri Weaely’s south window, together with the second prise of |2>ur name on the ticket and deposit it in tbe bog. These w rel and thoroughly stirred up before the drawing takes olaee. Ask for v< rt. . • of each »tore aa to amounts. The winner or a meml»er of his Imm» Peoples! beati e Ftw but Hait Kindly Feeling ior Lincoln "Ti* (thè ló•utili hav» no usili regtatered In lirsteu lo ihwi-oy III» gv>v <*rnm»nt. wtille I tmve th» most sol wnB »n» tu jw «serve, pr<>l<*cl «nd do frnd It." »ahi utoestb la hi» ttrat in augurai. Thl» la thè Uncwla who sp pesi, to ih» coa»»r« ativra, thè I4nc.>ln who «avrai thè l'uk-iu eay» a writw la ih» Hosioa Globe. They quote blu» >m »tnancipatloii "lf 1 reold «ave tb» l niou wlthmtt freo log any slava. I wutild do It; lf 1 ouid sav» th» Union by frvwtug all tbr davra, 1 wuuld do IL ... W h» tra or I do abusi slavcey »nd Ih» culorad rere, I do Im-aus» I belici» Il h»)p» un thè Vak*.** Howewr touch h» hated »lavery I.incoia eaw Ih» Union aa hi» Il rat Job. ■nd sten thè Mungi«* tory of tuduy con r».p»t lilm <>n thl» count. Hat tbe u.*rH>iut»»ra Uncuin » mnark un Brrt »re ng a sia»» u ark* "If I »v»r set • chance to hit tkat (blag. I'm gulug I» htt II hard." l’uria» tbr »l-rlns of IUI«, on* of thè rad <1 set tii.g.ili*«*» tn Aiuurliw launted a fuU pad» fare “f lh* iju«» ripeter oa ita covar and In It» oli (urtai setlina JastlCrd Ita courar wlllt lamftle» frate thè lif» of I4n<<>lu Kv»n Lenin. In un» of hi» "Lettera lo American Wurkiagtuva." i-rauuwni».) ua thè »mastipatlon ut thè slave» ami pald tributa lo ih» Preaidrnt who ai .otupltsltrd IL l'ha gouth always frll that bad Un cola llved It wuuld hsv» barn »i February H «ingresa s»»rant>lral tn Joint convantion » At this convention th» vice pravi •lent announced h» liad the returna from the atatea of Tnuow ami lamMana. hnt In obedlrm-» tv the eg- l.ting lavra, h» held It tn he hl. duty not to present them to th» onori tian truly th» return» from tim loyal •tatas. lari tiding West Virginia, war* counted Th» result showed 212 alec- toral vetea for IJneoln and 21 for Mr- < Vanan. On the very day of th» President'» birthday, annoetk-anient came to Wash­ ington that the cotton ship» Mtiermun had aont from Savannah had put Into Naw Tort and Nawport. Il I The dispatches wer» featured In the n»ws- l>»V»rs announcing th» arrival of the V emel. and cotamenUng with favor on the prospect, of getting cargoes of retti* frota tb» newly opened ports of th» South If there war» any thought, of death <« hie talad on his last Mrthtiay. how­ ever. It is more than likely that they • •re due to a coanrlentioitsneM of having labored under too terrtdc a strain for any man tn survive, rep* rlslly with finir year» more of vets tloua problem» and unceasing labor ahead —I 1 Watch 1 he Windows. Ask for Tickets Attention! JV Ford Owners! For your Font Repairing and Cicnuine Ford Repair, Parts, bring your cars t.| BILYEU’S GARAGE He will do vuur repairing on Ford Schedule or repair by the hour. When in neral of Tire* for your bu.a, we have them at the right price SO* inch Cords from $b ihi up; 30x3 inch Tires $7 SO. Ford Trensmiaaion Band Linings, set oi three with i raih, ii n> $ I »Hl up. Ea 'I', (fswchavein Fasturn: : Vsivoline. Va ¡voline. 1 \cralol, ______ ______ _______ llyvis; Western: Zerolene E and Shell. Shell Clip Grease, ISc per pound in bulk •-bring your container. Foni Batterie». $16 50. Trade in that old Battery. •* Crossley Radio Set» arai Radio Batterica. WE 80UC1T YOUR PATRONAGE. BILYEU S GARAGE Farn T. B ii . yku , Prop. Phone 27 Scio, Oregon Tickets given with each >1.00 cash purchase or on account. s