The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 19, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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    General Xews
1 oo
<• l»U, Hsrkaad H AIM >
Ilo» aliali we cb-w’««- •<>»(>■ I The
probi mi or tlmiing a rvolly (osé »-ap
tbr «tally use la of no amali lm|»>r-
tsn.v*, alien «* conslder tbe slmost
Constant nvrd for SOUP In thè h«>me,
an<i a hai a rcmaldrrahle nomi hi y and
yeorly ripensa that alngla |tvm may
There’» a certain tender feel in’
That I notice comes a-st««alin’
*Round my heart and never seems to go aw&y
Till the chorea have been completed
And once more we all are seated
To enjoy tiie restful closin’ of the day.
Darkness somehow always finds us
In a state o’ mind that binds us
To the fireside we have learned to know so well;
Home to us is still a treasure
And we get a heap o’ pleasure
From Its comforts, more than tongue can ever tell.
Folks who cherish home and stay there.
Those who eat an' sleep an’ play there.
Are the folks who know what happiness can be.
Oh there’s nothing half so pleasin’
When the world outside Is freezin’
As this cozy nook that love keeps warm for me.
to Netv York
tn the first place, it la a gvod plan
to use only ttoape put out by reliable
liras It 4a nover an ecuoomy to u«e
cheap anti poorly made soaps tn the
laundry. And we must uot make the
mistake of thinking that one kind of
soap will answer for every purpose
Saps sre cla-sdled Into mUd. mo-
ilium sn-l strong, according to th«
amount of free alkali present Nearly
every horns laundry ahoubl be eqillp|w>d 1
with at least two of these, and wry :
probably you will nee-l all three Neu­
tral or mllil soaps should be used for
woolen materials, iWIcatv rulors and
all fabrics which even lhe smallest
amount of alkali might Injure. A me­
dium s>>ap la beet for durable fabrl. *
A strong yellow snap ta ell right for
n>uch work anal for washing greasy
overalls anal men's v.-rk clothes.
Tlie yellow or dark brown cola>r of
w>apa la generally a|t»e to the presence
of rosin II Is hard to say Just when
r»sln a<ide«l to a soap rrssrr to be an
aa|vantage and be«'omes objectionable.
In small quantities It is believed to
help whiten the cb-thee. but too tnu<'h
will yellow the chathea. an«! forms a
sticky sa um in the wash holler, whl<-h
settles Into the clothes and may cautas
trouble in Ironing You run generally
tell whether rosin has l-een sal-lea! In1
excessive quantities or not. by the
peculiar reatnous <eb>r, and by the
sticky feel of the bar when handled
The presence of too much fr-w
alkali Is also serious, even tn a strong
soap, It Is hard on the clothing and
hard on the hands There are several
gi«w| taoats for eaa-ass alkali. Hosp
salesmen try for it by holding a bit
of tlie saaap a>n tbr end of the tongue,
Alkali la very caustic and will bite
M<my hamvehreper, learn to recogiilxe
Its presena-e by the shriveled, drawn
anal dried up feeling of tbe hands
after using A safer plan, aa well sa
cheafaer. Is to buy a good ml lai soap,
and then add the washing *iwla yaatir
self to the Waiter. If more alkali
seems ihslrnble.
Go this way—it «.«'»is
but little more
Runa route la» «.'sidoatu .
<■-ut fins
trains Jsilv
<■ <nce»««-nl, '"inset
route to N«w <'«1» in*.
Esavllent ruttala in the Southern I’acifU
dining car.
Connection at New Oilcans w i
tlal »-esina rs fa . N w York an« unai
berth J In tlae one fare.
Stopover, rn route, «re lhe Xlardi Gras
St Nara I'«leans.
Aria aboutC.w«!•>’<'••■'«* nHar» frema '-an
Dice. A|'s* la« 1 r, l da «..air ol Ari aia.
For /urther in/onruition.
C. W. Bragg, Ix>cal Agent
C. E. Kendle Says
Bring in v«»ur plow shares now and have them readv f«»r your
spring work. We do acrtvlci e welding, luarxeshocing aiul «11
kinds of !•!«« ksniithing. Il<- will give y«au the laest service «1 the
lowest prises. Ask fur tickets with each 50c cash purchase or
$ 1.00 pai«l on atccount, goal for drawing Feb. 25 an«l 2H.
f Is I «rc. We lave Fresh Garden Seeds.
L l i. « », I'crrv ». Nurthrup A King’s (hi-
i«ati set» 12c lb. tar <
a!ay and Wednesday a.f next week
« l««ly demonstrator will dem- .Mitratc I've! Bros Washing praaal-
uct» at our store. Y«»ut .>i' g i $1 10 wa-rth «>1 I’cet’s Washing
Machine S»w»p. l'i>- t.u White and Creme Oil Soap for tl.00
during the dvmonsliation.
Kills island In New fork bay, near
the .Statue of Liberty, Is ths chief
landtag place provided by Uncle Ram
for Immigrants Through It paaaea the
conolant stream of foreign born which
Hows A merles-ar a rd and from which
they scatter to the four winds,
Formerly known both as Oyster
and Gibbet Island. It was acquired by
the national government front the
Blnle of Sew York tn IMN ami became
our lending Imuilgruttou station In
After leaving quarantine Immigrants
are lauded on barges which are towed
to Kilts Island
As the Immigrants
laud they are formed Into Hues and
Hie past the InsfuMdors who "also
them up“ to discover If there la any
reason why they aionild not be per­
mitted to enter America They are re­
viewed by doctors and examined by
iaapnetors and vice Investigators
Feet, tags, hands, arms, body, far«,
eyrs. head, are gone over. They are
carefully scanned tor akin, comiu uni-
esble and eye diseases
A remedy for every c«>inp mt.
If found to lie O. K In every way,
linmigranta are permitted to pass, pur­
Sold in Scio at
base tickets to d.-attnallon, their
woney exchanged for Its equivalent In
>ur currency, and given assistance la
l«M-ating friends or relatives. Other­
wise, they are held fur further In­
vestigation and developments and
We are cooperating in the prise» and free show. A ticket given
Anally passe.I or returned to the coun­
with every 50c cash purchase or paid on account.
try from which they camo, aa condl-
Our store is a good place to trade
tlons warrant.
The majority of three newc.ifttem
t" straight away to the big ettleo—
three fourths of them. It Is said, to
the territory east of the Ml sales l ppi
river and north of the Ohio river
Ellis Island Is Intensely Interesting.
Amusing and pathetic Incidents occur
dally. All Immigrants approach It In
Some new nundwrs in ladies', men's am! misses' Shoes in the
fear and trembling lest they prove
latest styles; also men s heavy work Shoes.
unlit 1» enter. To nearly ail of them
Our line is complete.
our language and customs are m-
known, hence they do not understand
Ask for tickets with every 50c purchase or $1 (M)
what It la all about. Tie said that
more tears have been ebed here than
paid on account.
Product accepted same as if
any other place In the world. Many
cry for Joy over permission to enter,
others because they are refused ne
heennse a family la separated, maybe
for life, one member being unfit
Uncle Aem's entrance laws are rigid
—not that be wishes to keep out de
Mutual Cream Station slraIdes, hot becaaee of the Impera­
tive necessity of preventing undesir­
Leonard Jordan. Agent
ables from entering As many as fidOO
We have a new Anker-llolth Sepa­ Immigrants have passed through EDIa
Shoe anti Harness Maker.
rator on die tloor; come anti look Island In a single day, and more than
Tickets with each SI cash
it over. Highest market price paid a million have entered durtag a MagU
When old-age at last has found me.
When its shadows creep around me.
And life’s sunshine slowly fades an’ disapitears.
Then with heart still free from sadness
In this home where all is gladness
111 enjoy the peaceful twilight of the years!
I. !’• < IH E Y, proprietor
Good Meat Mixed with a .tin «
I icketa with each 50c pur­
chase or $1 |mt<l <>n account, giHxl for dinner on the prize» we
l>cgari giving last Monday «nd every day thereafter until the
drawing. Ask for them.
W’e the people of this community.
Korinek’s Stock Remedy
All Next Week
5 gallon Galvanized Oil Can» with faucet, regular $1.25,
special all next week (only one tu a family)
....... $1 00
$5.00 Copper Boiler, No. K
.... ......
4 25
5.25 Copprr Boiler, N«>. 9
... ... ..... .......
4 50
Kelly’s Drug Store
10 . off on Plow» anti Harrows
Ask for tiikcts with each $1 cadi pur«Ease or paúl
on account. For hardware we’re hard to lient.
Just Received
Special Price* on Meat I'vrry S-tnidnv
Fresh Smelt every • !.,
Scio Meat Market
Is cooperating in the prize and free show pro­
gram with the other merchant*, ami will give
you ticket* or < ’nance» with every 2.*>c catdi por»
chare or $1 paid oil account». Tickets ready
110LE( HI.K BROS., Prop».
Frank Kruml
We are far yaw and Seva
for Poultry ;
Ask the Tribune about clubbing rates
M *