* * A. t * » * •. ,8 .T *• t, «• V’. • e* . **• *’ » . 'I 'A », • < •- »'• » • • • A. '’’A Les* * S • , ' t •*'* • /¿e .» ' i-.t ÎL*«*- r- ' .X- • • •• ' •*»*'» *»'.*.'*•'*T J > » ■' ■::* ■' > •* . Ji-« » ■ *• > — » A .** ♦ « r-‘Ì\ [—w’-e'WV- . It ... .a*, a 5ft- - • The Scio Tribuni Éditorials Page 2 r Prill* Entertain Pyrotol Available worked to reach him. What he found in thia unexplored eave, if Dr. and Mr*. A G Prill gave a Another car of pyrotol. surplu« anything, went with his life. The dinner and 500 party to expense to reach film was mure than war explosive that has been dial rib six o'duck their friends al their SI50.000, but who will «ay it was uted by the government, will arrive several of The dinner not «pent aright? Kentucky spent in Corvallis this week, according to home Monday evening THVRAhAT. Feb. 19. 1925 the money hoping to And Floyd Col­ IC. R. Briggs, county agricultural was served at two small anil one large table, spring violets forming lins alive, and would have spent agent. The carload was secured by There ar* quite a few dangerous more if nrmwary. "Man's inhu­ pooling order* from Hubbard. L»b a very pleasing decoration for each sidewalks In th* city, and before manity to man" was missing there. anon. Scott's Milla, Albany and G-r- table. Cn the plac* cards were say­ ings appropriate to each guest in­ I vallia. some on* falls and break a leg. arm or neck is the time to repair them Chris Johnson and wife of North Th* part of the car to be distrib­ stead of their name* Five table* of 500 were in play liemember, you and your property Powder and their daughter, Ines. of uted from Corvallis will be delivered Mr*. C. W. during the evening. ar* liable fur any accident that oc­ 0. A. C. spent the week-end withC. to farmers on Feb. 20 from Fisch­ were •ward- Bragg and J. 8. Slicha curs on your sidewalk. It might be L. Fennel and family. er’* garage, which is directly across ed first pci/** and Mrs. W. F. Gill cheaper to fix th* sidewalk than to from the mill. Mr. and Mt*. J. S. Sticha and Mr. and E. G. Arnold the consolations. i>ay damages. It Is expected that thia is the test I and Mr*. Henry Hassler drove Thu«e present were Mr. and Mr*. ear to be pooled by Briggs before around the Albany • Corvallis - Mon­ W. F Gill. Mr and Mr* P. H. Mac Spring is upon u*. Old Sol has mouth • Jefferson • Scio loop Sunday. next fall. He is accepting orders, however, and it may be poasibl* that i Donald, Mr. and Mr*. E D Myer». crawler! from behind the rain bar'! C. E Arnold, distiiet manager of sufficient scatter«»»! orders will I t Mr. and Mrs E. G. Arnold. Mr and and smiled hi* sweetest smile upon the Western Stairs Life Insurance taken to enable farmer* in the Will­ Mr*. J.S Sticha, Mr and Mrs. Paul us. Refor* the spring rush is ■ Co., was over from Albany Friday amette valley to get a truck load Lardon. Mr. and Mr*. Fred Bilyeu. «••od time t<> repair our fences and to deliver a policy tn Clinton E. Ar­ together. 1 Mr. and Mr*. Rolla Shelton, Mr. and sidewalk*. clean up the premis«*s nold They are not related *o far Mr*. C. W. Bragg. Mrs. M B Cv- and give the house a fresh coat of as known. rus. J. L. Kelly and the hosts. cheerful paint. Visitor* are coming Pythian Sister* Entertain Mrs. (*he* ’ er Coffey and children this summer. so let's look pretty. came over from McMinnville Sator- Forty members of Leodas lodge, With Mr*. MacDonald day t> visit relative*. On Sunday of th* Pythian Sister*, and memlwrs With one swing of hi* executive ax*.Governor Pierce relieved his ad­ Mr*. Coffey was called to Silverton of their families were orated at the The bridge club was entertained ministration of the Cleaver, the big because of the aerlous illness of Mr. table last Thursday evening when at the home of Mr* P. H. MacDon­ another pleasurable covered dish ald l**t Friday. lied candles and <>li*«ae|e between himself and the Ceffey's mother, Mr*. Hepbern. I» gfalnture. Wm. S Is-vena. form­ N I Moirteon and wife and Mrs. ■upper was served. Daffodils form­ other decorations about the rooms er district attorney of Baker county. Rebecca Morris attended the revival ed the decorations. Mrs JohnWtM- were »uggestive of St. Valentines U** immediately appointed to fill meeting at Crabtree Monday night, Iv. Mrs. Gilbert Melhmald. Mr* E dav Luncheon wan served at one the vacancy. It Is Imped greater which is te-ing conducted by Rev. D. Myers. Mr*. E G. Arnold, and .o’e! tek. the guest» being seated at »-.<■du ration will exist in all direc­ Teddy Ix-avitt, who held a very suc­ Mias Vella Brenner were «pectal four small table« on which were val­ tions in behalf of the prohibition cessful meeting in Scio two years hot teases entine favor«. Mrs. Maiiei C. Williamson. grand •go. department of the state. • In the summing up of the after­ chief for Oregca. mitde her annual noon's games Mrs Fred Bilveu re­ Dsn Mcljiughlin, who lives on the Floyd Collins waa dead when th« West Scio road, was in town th* last official vi mt to the lodge at thin ceived first prize. Mrs. Roy Hixaon. ! second, and Mr*. John Weaely the rescuet* found his body Monday in of the w**k buying material for lime. THE SCIO TRIBUNE k .»/< V\>>. the cave that had entombed him 17 lav« lefor* white exploring. Hi* was a horrible death, slow and sure. Incessantly for 17 days rescuers I making some improvements in hi* Mr and Mr* R L Hixson at­ home. Dan says he thinks he has become an expert in the art of hang­ tended ibe American Legion dance ing paper. in Salem Saturday night. Torrance Rcmnilitinning Shop and Parts for All Car*.... ALBANY, OREGON 212 E. First Phone 379 KoliCI cl Hui S«II! hmb I Not" • is hereby given that the umier- sq-< . .1. as I «-cutor of the W ill ami Es­ tate of John »himiler, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Linn Coun­ ty. Oregon, hi» final account as such E« < utr>r ami the said Court has filed Monday, th- 2 d day of March. 1925, at th<- hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. as the time for the hearing <>f objection* to said final account and • thereof. Any and al! peraonshaving objections to said final account are hereby notified to I t present at Saul time in the Coun­ ty Court room in the Linn County Court House, in the City of Allmny, Linn County. Oregon, and then and there make such objectiuna. F rank S hindlkk , ) i>-cutor of said Estate. Hit t £ M ark *. Attorneys for Executor. f 19, 28 m 5. 12, 19 Baptist Church Notes Sunday school at 10 o’clock every Sunday morning. Everybody i* in­ vited to attend. Christian Endeavor every Sunday evening at (i:30. Prayer meeting every Saturday night at at 7:30, Mr. Fred Waehlte will preach next Sunday. consolation. Punch was served dur­ ing the afternoon Mrs. z\ W. Ha- i J. D. Densmore and wife were gey and Mrs. Merle Cyru* were shopping in Salem Saturday even­ complimented guests. ing. —— I •i * Vol. 4 No. 8 THE SCIO SPHINX The end of the first semester and the lieginnlng of the second have been a suc­ cess. whether we passed our exams or not. There were some difficulties in ar­ ranging subjects and classes, but these have boon overcome and we are on our way again. Biology and Domeatic Art* ar* the only two new subject*. About on* period was taken Thursday afternoon for the purpose of a short pro­ gram in honor of Lincoln's birthday. A few sketches were read and song» were •un*. The High School Students are busy working with their play. "All a Mistake." It is to be given in about four weeks. DO YOU KNOW ; p •K‘ That one half of our Junior Class ia sick? That School plav within a short time? That we have five new students the second semester? That basketball season will be over the 15th of March? That the girls are talking of having a baseball team? That th* boya are getting baseball fever sine* the sun ha« been «hining? That we are glad to have our principal back with us again! I ROM THE ENGIJSH CLASS Scio, Oregon. Jan 22. 1925. Dear Mr Linc ln: When we studied about your speech at Gettysburg. 1 thought that if the radio had been inven ted at th* time, how many mor* thousand people could have heard your wondeful speech The radio is a wonderful apparatus, be­ ing evmpoeed mostly of wire* and coil*. The voice i* sent u> the broadcasting sta­ tion oo a wire. At the sod you »peak iu there is a microphone, and on th* other end is th* transmitter, or th* part that •end* th* sound in th* air. ' This is caught bg receiving **ta. that amplify it until it may be heard distinct­ ly. With this machine in our house* nrw we could hav* listened to your speawhu ■nd yet have been thousands of mile» away. Very wncvreiy your*. R. C,. '28. ELECT THREE DELEGATES Last Friday the Student Bod* eleeterf the three delegatee, to which sur school is emitted, to attend the Educational Fix­ position to b* held at 0. AC.. Feb. 21- 33. Those elected to represent Scio Hi are; Arnold Zysaet. Anna Dolexal and Walter Chromy. Wa faal ears that these- three will enjoy lha week-end to th* full­ est extent and will bring back aomething worth while to the reel of us. FRESHMEN NOTES We are all feeling fine now. for th* ae-- mesler exams are over and now we can breathe again. Two new student* have taken up the pursuit of knowledge in our school. The Freshmen Class is glad to welcome Charles Dolezal and McKensie Callaway in their midst. All of us were surprieed when the Sophomores told us we would not have to wear green on Friday during the second *eme«ter. SOPHOMORE NOTES Published by >ci( ) 1 ligh School ATHLETIC NOTES THE SPICE BOX The girls' basket bail team of S H. S. has undergone a recent change in the line-up. The team played Lebanon with the fol­ lowing line-up. Bertha Calavan. running center; Bonita Sutherland, jumping cen­ ter; Wilma Miller, Lona Zysset, forwards; Ella Tuces. Mary Harris, guards; Fern Flanagan and Frances Weaely, sub«. The game with Shedd there, on Jan.80. was a huge success for Scio. After the game with Shedd here, w* naturally ex pected to win, and easily, so we were sur­ prised and unanimously agree it was n much better game than the one here The Shedd girls showei up to a belter advantage on their home floor, but the final score was 23-8 in favor of Scio. The game with Halsey at Halsey on Feb. 6, although it was close and hard fought, was not a success for Scio. It was one of the roughest games of the season, and we feel confident the score will be at least vice versa when we have Softening the 8ound Coed—"Your new overcoat is rather loud!" Frosh "It's all right when 1 put ou a muffler." the combat here. The final score was 11-14 in favor of Halsey. Our next game ia with Gates on their floor. This is expected to be a good game, as both teams have had a better chance for practice. A pt act ice game waa played with Stay­ ton on their floor, Tuesday. February 10. Stayton being victorious by ■ »core of 7-5. When at night tuddrn tremor« «hake. And agitate th* casement. The cause may be a distant quake, On raisins in the basement. Getting the Effect Bride (to buteh<-r)—"What sort of ruast do you think would go well with a perfect darling dinner of a blue arid-white dinner »••( ?" Mikad Number« A colored -chool teacher is credited with the following: "The word ‘pants’ am an uncommon noun, b»-