» • ; J t / : ■ kA?* /•*. * > • tj Î* «».***• ” ’ •• «> ’* r- «et« 4 « J«. A'* • c^’r Page 2 General Xews The Scio Tnbuné Editorials Prill« Entertain Pyrotoi Available worked to reach him. What be found in thia unexplored cave. If Dr and Mrs A G Prill gave a Another car of pyrotoi. surplus anything, went with hie life. The six o'clock dinner and 500 («arty to expense to reach him was mure than war esplosive that has been distrib­ S150.UU0, but who will say it was uted by the government, will arrive several of their friends at their The dinner not «pent aright? Kentucky spent In Corvallis this week, according u» home Munday evening THÜRRDAT. Feb. 1». 192Í» the money hoping to find Floyd Col­ |C. R Briggs, coun lins alive. sn4 would have spent agent. The carl There are quite a few dangerous more if necessary. Man’s inhu­ pooling orders frog sidewalks In the city, and before manity to man’’ was missing there. anon. Scott’s Milla* some one falls aod break a leg. arm vailia. or neck Is the time to repair them Chris Johnson and wife of North The part of the t Remember, you and your property Powder and their daughter. Ines, of uted from Corvallis are liable fur any accident that oc­ O. A. C. spent the week-end withC. to farmers on Feb. curs on vour sidewalk. It might be L. Ptnnel and family. er’a garage, which i cheaper to fix the sidewalk than to from the mill. Mr. and Mr* J. 8. Sticha and Mr. pay damage* It Is expecteii th« ami Mr*. Henry Hasaler drove car U> lie pooled i«y around the Albany ■ Corvallis • Mon­ Spring Is upon us. Old Sol has mouth • Jefferson • Scio loop Sunday. next fall. He m a< however, and it ma, crawled frum behind the rain bar’l C. E Arnold, diatiiet manager of sufficient scattered and smiled his sweetest smile upon the Western States Life Insurant!* taken to enable fart US. Before the spring rush is a Co., was over from Albany Friday amelte valley to g g «od time t<> repair our fences and to deliver a policy tn Clinton E. Ar­ together. sidewalks, clean up the premise* ■ nold They are not re 11 led ao far and give the house a fresh coat of as known. cheerful paint. Visitors are coming Pythian Sister —|j Mrs. Chea’er Coffey and children this summer, so let's look pretty. came over from McMinnville Satur­ — Forty meml«ers o With one swing of his executive day li visit relatives. On Sunday of the Pythian Sister nxa,Governor Pierce relieved his ad­ .Mr*. Coffey was called to Silverton of their families wet ministration of the Cleaver, the hie because of the wriou* illness of Mr. table last Thursday another pleasurable obstacle between himself and the Coffey'» mother. Mrs. Hepbern. h gislnture, Wm. 8. lx-vens, form­ N I Moiriaon anti wife and Mrs. supper was served. 1 er district attorney of Baker county, Rebecca Morn* attended the revival ed the decoration*. * was immediately appointed to fill meeting at Crabtree Monday night, Iv. Mrs. Gilbert Met) the vacancy. It is hoped greater which is being conducted by Rev. D. Myers. Mrs. E t cooperation will exist in all direc­ Teddy l-eavitt. who held a very nuc- Miss Valla Brenner tions in behalf of the prohibition ei**»ful meeting in Scio two year« hostesses ago. Mrs. Maliei C. Will department ot the state. • chief for Oregca. mi Dan McLaughlin, who livea on the official vlMl to th« Flovd Collins was dead when the West Scio road, was in town the last rescuers found his body Monday in of the week buying material for time HOW TO SAVE MONEY WHEN SHOPPING THE SCIO TRIBUNE «1 the cave that had entomlx-d him 17 dava I efore while exploring. His w as a horrible death, slow and sure. Incessantly for 17 days rescuers M»<- •<•»[»•? The I really C'MXl soap H * «mall linpur- Sider the aiiuoat Sp In the ln-m* •ble moathly and •iDjle item may H I* a good pian t out by reilaM* ecuoomy lo u«e .de aoapa la ih* «t noi mah* thè hst oae kind ot •very pur{Miae I luto n>U 'h>- prvarni-e aay Just when frase* to he nn I ohjerttonable. I* belleved to I. bui Ino ino- h v, nnd form* a h boiler, whlch an-l may rauas ; i «un «meraiiy ! berti addeil In 1 '* tiot, by ths ì ami hy ti» lu-n handled o ni neh tra* en In a «troni » «-lochine and re are aererai , elkall. Hoap b««'dlng a bit of thè tongur imi arili bit* « to recogplse Ivrled lirann f the hands in a* «rii as «d oilld *o*p. ig suda y«>iir litote alkail BEST available COPY THE SCIO The end of the first semester and the lieginning of the second have been a suc­ cess. whether we passed our exams or not. There were some difficulties in ar- ranging subject« and classes, but these have been overcome and we are on out way again. Biology and Domestic Arts are the only two new subject* About one period was taken Thursday afternoon for the purpoee of a short pro* gram in honor of Lincoln’s birthday. A few sketches were read and songs were sung. The High School Students are busy working with their play. "All a Mistak«-.” It is to l>e given in about four weeks. DO YOU KNOW That <>ns ha'f of our Junior Clue is sick? That School plav within a short time’ That we have five new students the second semester? That basketball season will be over the 15th of March? That the girls are talking of having a baseball team’ That the hays are getting baseball fever a nee the sun ha« been shining? That we are glad to have our principal back with us again? FROM THE ENGLISH CLASS Scm. Oregon. Jan 22. 1928. Dear Mr Line-In; When we studied about your speech at Gettysburg. I thought that if the radio had been invented at the tune, how many more thousand people could have heard your wondeful speech The radio is a wonderful apparatus, be­ ing composed mostly of wires and coils. The voice is sent u> the broadcasting sta­ tion on a wire. At the end you speak iu there is a microphone, and on the other amplify it until tl may be heard distinct­ ly. ELECT THREE DELEGATES Last Friday the Student Bods elected the three delegatee, to which eur school is entitled, to attend the Educational Fix­ position to be held at 0. AC.. Feb. 21- 23. Those elected to reproaent Scio Hl are; Arnold Zyseet. Anna Dolexal and Walter Chromv. Wa feel sure that these* three will enjoy the week-end to the full­ est extent and will bring back something worth while to the reel of us. FRESHMEN NOTES We are all feeling fine now. for the ee*- metier exams are over and now we can breathe again. Two new students have taken up the pursuit of knowledge in our school. The Freshmen Class is glad to welcome Charles Dulezal and McKenzie Callaway in their midst. All of us were surprised when the Sophomores told us we would not have to wear green on Friday during the second semester. SOPHOMORE NOTES We are glad to say that our elaaa I»' been enlarged by two members. Lirdtie and Ronald Summer. The cast for the High School play *ts* been selected and several members of our class have been selected. .Mr. Shimanek—"How is that 1 dnamrvr you ktasing my daughter?" Johnie—“I don't know, sir, unlrs* it’s because you woar rubbar heels. to the Bv Train and Ship to Netv York Go this wav—it n>sta but little more 8h««'s tv'itc l«i V aliform* ! i>r fine train« Js'lv llirnteacrnk Suntec route to N«W Otla'sn* Fa.rllrnt niea!« tn the S uithern Pacific dining CBS. Con nr« 11 >n at New OrleuM v i h t«ala- tial Meaincra Ito Nrw Y<«*k mr • «and berth Includ'd in the one fare, Scopovrt« rn route. the Xtardi Gra* at Nt» I'll«an». A»l aboutC*rri«(»< ■■ t>»utefr««»iS*n Dwg«' Apa< li»1 rail drtour ot Au cal Agent V C. E. Kendle Says Briny in your piov Jia res now ami have them rcadv for your spring Mark. Wr do acctv'crc welding, horseshoeing ami all kinds of l>la< ksmithing. lie will give you the beat service at the lowest prins \-.k lrt in the art of hang­ ing paper. in Salem Saturday aia Vol. 4 No. 8 i Torrance I //rough Ihe center; umping cen­ ter; Wilma Miller. Lona Zyaset. forwards. Ella Tucea. Mary Harris, guards; Fern Flanagan and Frances Wesely. subs. The game with Shedd there, on Jan.80. was a huge success for Scio. After the game with Shedd here, we naturally ex­ pected to win. and easily, ao we were sur­ prised and unanimously agree it was a much better game than the one here The Shedd girls showed up to a better advantage on their home floor, but the final score was 23-8 in favor of Scio. The game with Halsey at Halsey on Feb. 6. although it was close and hard fought, was not a success for Scio. It was one of the roughest games of the season, and we feel confident the score will be at least vice versa when we have the combat here. The final score was 11)4 In favor of Halsey. Our next game is with Gates on their floor. This is expected to be a good game, as both teams have had a better chance for practice. A practice game was played with Stay­ ton on their floor. Tuesday. February 10. Stay ton being victorious by a «cure of 7-6. When at I night sudden tremors shake, And agitate the casement. Th* cause may be a distant quake. On raisins in the basement. Mary—“1 want a loaf of bread. pl»a»*." Clerk—"You are a penny short The -*» c* ha* gone up since yesterday." Mary—"Then give me one of yesterday’s ;k*ve*" vwe e Vert' Bride bulclierWhat roast do you think would go well with a perfect darling dinner of a blue and-whitc dinner set?" A colored school teacher is credited with the following: "The word 'pants’ am an uncommon noun, because jMiit* a in singu­ lar at th«- top and plural at the bottom." Unreasonable Request Doctor—"Put out your tongue—more than that—all of iL" Child But, .i.ictor. I can’t It’» fast- ene«i on the other end.” Ala*! Johnnie (closing book J— W ii.it a t- i.b!» rr atur«- l* nt Minatour was! It says that it i>»«-d to devour a young matdi-ii at a tu«-al and then fall into a de«-p aier-p.” Swede "Uvercoiiie by the las»-he- chewed, I *up|x>»e." Some signs: His Sister—"You think she does not love you, but have you any proof for it?' TH Ernest—"Yes; proof* are obtained from negative* and »he rejected me no less than . three time*" A visitor at the school—"1 notice that your pupils are in a fine humor, hav* they been having singing er something?" Prof-—"No. to he frank, it’* jurt be­ cause my wife has b««en in and it tickles them to 'tenth to see some one boss me around." Prof. W^—"What docs this mean? Your sister just called up and Mid you were *ick and wouldn't come to school today. 8wede —"Why the big boob! wasn't to call until tomorrow." H atch for date of High School Play! You Will Want to See It and the Auditorium Should be Filled to limit •n bay, near a the chief L’ucle Ham jlBflt paaaee the l*t Wee I mito which St «em- aaUtlS flow* Ainerli a wnrd . id from which In tills home wjiere all is gladness they «rnttvr to th* four wind* I'll enjoy the peaceful twilight of the years! Funuerty known both aa Oyster and tMbbet l*lnun barge* which are towed to Kill* Islaii'i A* the liuiulgmnt* land lhey are formed into line* *nd tile pe»t the ln*pe«-tors who '*i»e them up" to illwover if there la any rvaaoa why they aliouid not be per­ mitted to enter America. They are re­ viewed by doctor* and examined by Inaqiei-tora and vice Investigator* Fret. Irg*. hands, a nn* body, face, eyr*. brad, are got» over They are carefully »f them Our line is complete. <»ur language and customs are un­ known. hence they do not understand Ask for tickets with every 50c purchase or SI (M) what It Is all about. Tla Mid that mor* tears have been shed here than Pnxiucv accepted same am if {»id on account, any other place In the world. Many cash. cry for Joy over perml»«l«'n to eritat. other* bee*use they are refnaed V K Korinek’s Stock Remedy Kelly’s Drug Store x* Just Received HIBLER GILL CO Frank Kruml Tickets with each SI cash U c are far y it over. Highest market price paid Coe Poultry ¡ a millkm have during a • ~ .I "f ■Y*"1 ».’**" A11 Next Week - 5 gallon Galvanized Oil C.m* uith faucet, regular $1.25, special all next week (only one tu a family) ........ ........ SI.00 $5 00 Copper Boiler. No. N .................. 4.25 I Sb 10 oil on Plow« and Harrows ALL NEXT WEEK N. 1. MORRISON rreali Smelt every «Is; Scio Meat Market Is cootMTiitiiig in th»* prize and free show pro­ grain with the other rnerehanta, and will give you tickets or < bailees with every 2’>c cash ptir- chase or fl paid mi accounts. Tickets ready now. HOLKCHf.K BROS , Prop. Ask the Tribune about clubbing rates