The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 19, 1925, Image 1

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$1.76 the Year
Died for Hia Country
Word was received here last Fri­
day morning conveyitm the sad new»
that Iz>uis Borovicka. ana of Mr.
and Mrs. R Borovicka of Scio, had
paw-d away at 11:16 p.m Thursday,
after a linrenng iMneea from con­
sumption. at the government heepi-
tal at Walla Walla. Wash . where he
had been con fined for more than Zj
When the United State» entered
the world war. Louia responded to
the call of hie country and joined the
American Expeditionary Foreee and
was wnt to France. where he was
gassed by the Germans. On his re­
turn to New York after uoace was
declared, he was riven treatment in
a government hospital in the east,
but was later discharged as cured
Louia was born in Europe about
36 years ago, oming with hia par­
ents to America when five years old.
or in 1893. The family located in
Iowa in 1K94. a few yearn later going
to Minnesota and in 1902 came to
Scio, where he spent most of his
life, and was highly respected.
Shortly after his return to Scio he
was married to Mieslxmtee Svoboda
of Seto, and to them was born one
son. now past five years of age. who
survive him. Resides hta wife and
parents, the following brothers and
-liters survive: R R. Borovicka of
Scio. Joe Rjrovicka of Reaverton.
Mrs Alice Houston of Knox Butte;
one step-brother, W. J. Reran, of
Scio, two step-sisters, Mrs. H. J.
Cheh-sk and Mrs Rose Famoerine.
The retuaina were shipped to Al­
bany, where th« American Legion
had charge of the ritea, giving Louis
a military burial. Er. loins deliv­
ered the funeral eulogy, paying tri­
bute to the valor of the deceased,
and to all of America’s soldiers
Burial was had in Riverside ceme­
tery, Albany, on Tuesday, follower!
■by a large concourse of friends.
A. D. Elder Passes
A I). Elder. 62. native of Linn
County, died at his home at Shedd
at an early hour Sunday morning.
February 15. after an Illness of esv-
oral weeks.
Mr. Eider lived for several years
when a young man. in the Scio com­
munity. living a part of the lime on
Platt Mountain east of town and for
a time conducting a meat market in
He is survived by his wife
and four sons. Mrs. Elder was Miss
ilm;» M nigumerv of Scio before
her marriage, ami is a «later of Mrs
Descendant of Washington Line
Dwells in This Austrian Castle
Blood Relative of
First President
George Baron von Washing­
ton is Distinguished
Austrian Citizen.
Ths in--at dlebnguio'M-d alnamnS and
natiM-suke ot Uanrrge WuiiungtiW. **Qr
first Frr-eldcnt, lite» In Hurupe Ile le
Uerifsu Harun »«n tt -In. it, ot
Puvla, who »a« a •upt.iin of Austrian
cavalry and fotigiit ngaliist America in
the World wnr
I n. I r-m I» »i»t>
»oven yours old und lh< « atone. with
bta seven dogs, lu un mormon» ehubliy
castle in Styria, southern Austria
Nine hundr.-d year» ■ -". the baron
»ay», there was a I urtiti, lord of l< <ven»
worth, Kn^land. from whom the Wash­
ington» dev<*»nded
Fr»m iorfln to
Robert Wu»hinaton. lord of Hille
bourne. In lh»l. the family tree» of
(I«orge sod the were the same.
Hotter! Waalilng'on married the daugh­
ter of Lord Kemeford and had »errisi
eons tine was Hobert, Jr.. w I mmw »on»‘
•on» etnlsrate,) to Al»» rice One of
three grant-grandsous of ItuLcrt tv.»»
the greet-grandfather of <•■ orge Wash
Ingtou who hr one tlr»t Pi.-- I at of
th» Lnlted State«
John, another «on of lt--«-rt U ■»:
Ihgton. sad hl» d»--<«-mtn!
lived in
England until the eud <
.hr Kight-
eeoth rentury whrn th
but not tu \m.-rlia
,-• W, hln.;
ton. deacen.tant of J n went to The
Hague and »old lil- .rvl«-- where h<
cuvld as an odi.-r In ITWi l.e I. irnrd
that • It
■lent of the V -ri. in r.'i
» d
after fnvr«Wlg» nz found that «H-org.-
was hl» true I l.-wl eon- «
'« tlo-n
People's Theatre
Saturday Suaday
Cusick Rank Building
American* whs are intarectsd in the
family tree of George Washo gten.
•ng moot Americans are. w.ll be Inter-
estog in thia photograph taken re-
eowtly In Austria of George Baron von
Washington, the Austrian descendant
of the Washington Imo and the bearer
of the same name s* hie lllustrioue
Amorlaan relative«,
tried I» |rt > Job Io America and let-
I tan were r*rhaa«i<l between the lie
The baro« baa no copy of hia great-
psawBCatber'« letter bet he does have
Um sri«i»«l gf |be gnawer oar Proof
The high waters this winter have
again cauiu-d much damage to the
property of W H. Bartlett.washing
away about half an acre and bring­
ing the bank of the channel up to
the apple orchard, the roots of sev­
eral trees being exposed for 10 or
12 feet into the bed of the channel.
In 1921 Thomas Creek cut a chan­
nel al>out 20 feet wide and six feet
deep through this property, ruining
a large strawberry patch, at which
time the profierty was owne«l by
George Merdian. Mr Bartlett now
fears the next high water will take
his orchard and walnut grove.
came near losing his life, he says,
while working al night to protect
nis property, when a big tree float­
ing down caught him and he was
«wished down stream on It. He
kept his head and managed to grab
hold of some willows at the bend
above the mill and saved himself.
He ha* asked the county court to
iuwist him in diking the stream tn
prevent further damage
w W. A. Ewing and 1). (' Thoms at
tended the legislature last Thursday
Mrs. Kate Muller spent the week­
end with her daughter. .Mrs Vivian
Moore in Portland
Mrs. Sarah Morris i» able to be­
aut again after a several days’
illness with the grippe.
J. S. Mollencup an I wife and Otto
Hoppes, wifo and • nail Son of Sa­
lem visited I’aul Lardon and wife
Misers Vella Brenner, Dorris Wed­
dle and Leta Coury were in Salem
last Wednesday night to see "Bring­
ing Up Father”.
« Dainted
I eople
Our Gang Comedy
“Big Butin»»"
Ask for prise ticket with
(irti paid admission.
Get Big State Order
It has just come to light that
Trollmger Bros, have landed a big
order for babv chicks from the state
hospital at Pendleton. About one
month ago J. Kina Montgomery, In
charge of the poultry ranch of the
hospital there, visited the Troilin-
ger ranch and was ao taken up with
their slock and records that he Im­
mediately placed an order for 2100
chicks (not 21,000 as reports«! in
the Albany Herald, although the
boys wish it was!.
Troliinger Bros, entered the poul­
try b«isin~«« abont sit rear« aF’’ *ad
hvv» built no a mer plo«i' and w
Mr. and Mrs. E D. Myers and Mr.
and Mrs. J. S Sticha attended the
showing of Norma Talmage in "The
Only Woman” in Salem Saturday
Mi»e Pauline Sims stopped >>v r
with her m-»ther Sunday ni. t>
enroute form spending the w ». a
end In Portland
She is employed
at the Hub confectionery in Albany.
Florer’s Comedians, who played
at the Peoples Theatre last week,
went to Brownsville Monday where
they are playing this week. Thev
expressed themselves as being well
pleased with their reception here and
aaM they liked the people ef Safe.
It is now beginnis* to dawu upor
the buying public that they enn d ■
iiettei. day in and day out, by doi> g
all their trading with the advertisers
in Scio. The pub'leie learning mat
money »|>ent kwav ro-.i home n»-v«-r
comes hack and th.r each repel:<»>n
make* the community poorer. It is
also learning that It costa money to
make special trips or pay for money
orders and i>areel post and thus in
the I ng run have paid more for the
good» wanted than the "imaginary”
«aving warranted.
Next Wednesday begins the end
■ >f a two month« p ize winning con­
test. wh<-n some time during the
day some one is going to carry swav
alm-dutely free 120 worth of groc­
eries nnd some one else is going to
g«t a|!0 rocking chair they are
n display in J. F. Wesely's show
window, as is the capital prize, a
radio art. which will lie given away
the following Saturday.
tin Wednesday afternoon a free
•how will I».- given at the Peoples
Theatre. If you like comedy, and
y»u are an admirer of Buster Kea­
ton, you will like him in ’’Hospitali­
The show starts at 2 o’clock,
and you are invite«!
To get the liest at a reat»nai»e
price, it will pay our rentiers to pat­
ronize the Tribune advertisers.
Read pages three and four, it's
ell there.
Property Again Damaged
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Harder of
Portland visited Mr. and Mrs P H
MacDonald Sumlay.
Thev were
Mrs. H E. Tobie of Reedsport enroute to Ashland.
vimted her uncle. W. D. Reid, and
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Forge return
Miss Reid, the last of the week. She
ed Sunday to their home in Salem
was enroute home from Salem where
■ after spending a week with Mr. and
•he had Iwen matron of honor at the
Mrs E. G. Arnold.
wedding of a verv dear friend.
Joseph Vejvoda ha« moved his
Lloyd Chrisman and wife and
•hoe repair shop from Scio to Hub­
Walter Scott of Lebanon were in
bard. He and Mrs. Vejvoda went
Scio on business Monday.
‘ to their new home last Friday.
I >lt.C. FIOQ
Dr. C Ficq, Dentist
Dr. and Mrs. E H. Hobson gave
a six o’clock dinner at their home in
Salem last Thursday evening, honor­
ing Mias Vella Brenner on the occa­
sion of her birthday anniversary.
The centerpiece was a large \iw
of pussywillows and red carnation*
i hearts were attached to the pussy­
willow branches with red ribbon
' streamers extending to the plat«-»
The executive committee of the
Scio Mutual Telephone Co. held a
business meeting Saturday after­
noon and organized by electing H.
E. Chrisman chairman and 1. V.
McAdoo secretary.
The matter uf printing the by­
laws was the only subject di«cuaae-<
at that time. It was derided not to
have them printed in the paper, but
in book form, with advertising. This
brought up the necessity for a new
directory and the same to be finan­
ced by advertising
The by-laws
are to tie printed in it, if the ven­
ture proves good
Tom l-arge was
employed to solicit the advertising. |
Somebody Will Win
illg s> »fated lu the letter Was that
it urn» not tn accord with the policy
>f the American government to tx-stow
•rti.e» id any kind on foreigner» to
the rtdtHWi of her own citlrma“
However, he admitted his Idood re-
latlonahlp lu James
Doan Morris ami wife were Salem
latter «e la-urn that Janie* Au «Id ng
I.« a I*» mail« a name and | h within m visitors Monday.
life for hlm«etf, and hl» »a>n Jacaali nB
even greater one Jueob »old hl» aerv-
S. B. Holt and wife vi*lted in Scio
l- t-u tu th»- bavarian givv eminent under Sunday afternoon,
King l.ndwtg I, and finully brcaias mar­
tial of the »oiirt
lie became a baron
Roy Shelton and fam iy of Salem
and lord of the estate at Nulling. Vp
visited Seto relatives Sunday.
l-er Ituvuria
Jarot.’» only •'», Mail-
iidimn. the present bar<>n » father, car
A. E Randle and Tom Butler of
rteat the family career »till further by
were in Scio Monday.
marrying a royal durtiea» —a cousin tu
tjtt. en Mary of England
Now the
Clarence Overholts of Stayton was
u..»n 1» the last of hia line, hi» brother
m Scio Tuesday morning.
avlng dlrd. -I'athtlniler Muguglne
About the By-Laws
ai Ara» Or«r*
-taw mailer
immcj HW*
Elden Knauf had the misfortune
of having an ugly cut in the second
linger on his right hand Sunday while
working at the sawmill of the Thomas
The eastlo of George Baron voi Wathm-jion, of Austria, the doocondant
Creek Lumber Co.
of the Waehmg'on ime sn4 the bearer of the same name a* hie itluotrloue
L. P. Arnold suffered a crushed
American relative.
ankle Tuesday about noon while
tent •«■lit r«-fu».ng Juiue» « military working al the |)onohue-Ambro«ek
("■»t in the n«- v republic. Ucorpe's sawmill.
He wa* brought to Scio
a-aaon for live refusal and plain deal- for .medical attendance
Walter and Jerry Holechek were
in Portland Monday huving beef cat­
Another brother. John, kept
shop f r them during their absence.
Cw«n and Bridge Work.
Plates. Filling». Painleaa
Extraction. It will be to
your advantage to get my
. .......
Two Sawmill Accidents
Funeral services were held at the
Me|h<>dist church In Shedd Tuesda'»
morning and burial was at Hill tsm-
etery at Brownsville.
“ Plate* That Fit ”
In Honor of Miss Brenner
A large birthday cake was a feature
of the dinner.
The guests were Mr and Mr». R.
L. Hixson. Mi sues L*ta Coney, Vella
Brenner and Dorris Weddle; J. !«
Kelly, Roas Ray and Ardell Brock
of Scio; and Elim Cooley of Salem.
The evening was pa*se«! in danc
ing and singing.
Riley Shelton and Mrs. Areh Ray of
Albany, Oregon
Katorwl M tte«
iaiM ’ one»-
fl • y n^w hv «- !••
incubators going and sw ha ■ ■ .in»
eggs from their own flocks, which
are the O.A.C.strain with records ae
high as 32d eggs per year. It means
considerable to this community to
have a chicken ranch like the Trol-
lingers are building.
Mr. W bur of Ali-anv wag la frig
oo buAooso Maoday.