Vol. 28 THE SCIO TRIBUNE $1.75 the Year No. 27 City Council Pays Bills Jeff Bilyeu P um « J »me« Martin Bilyeu uaaeari away on Friday evening, February 6. at I An»g a towjf of hrortt the home of his Mater, Mrs. George Lewis in Portland. Jeff, aa he waa railed by hi« friend« here, had been a sufferer from cancer of the stom- arh for nearly a year. On New Years day he waa taken to the home of hia «iater, where he waa confined t • hia bed until the end came. Die body was brought to the Mil­ ler cemetery near Shelburn Sunday morning where funeral aervieea were conducted by Rev Waelthe. and bur­ »v^rratn^ nrFr jnu f'vtc —v " The regular monthly meeting of the city council waa held at the city hall last Thursday night, all niem tier« being present. Alter rradi' g and okeying the minutes of thi la ,rv meeting,and swearing in C L. I invll as a me ti­ tter of the council in place of J L Kelly, reports of committee« wrir heard. The water and light eommitte re­ Pint onj mJ ml b!*t, To frwotii feud uiw/ trot! Tftt wrme. of cuwrtr, M A*/ LUrrwrarA rAr /iJd ported the leaks vccasioned by the Dvccmlwr frees* pretty well taken Morti tht Jlmtng care of. and that several meter testa had town made on concerns using a U'hm'i tKe intoning of it— large quantity of valer, with ainax- Hrotti onj gilt a> fnt? ing results, showing that for a min­ Pton't you A»k>e. evv Jror, imum of $1 00 the user had been h i o VALENTIM* getting from 15 to $15 worth of ii mi *71* » A/afiAae water per month. Th«- way« and means committee reported having audited the record- er'« and treusurer's reports and found them correct. A motion prevailed declaring that ii fawcet in the house and another in n barn were two separate taps. Came to Us From “Lovr A petition signed by the property Lottery" of the Ancient owners on South Main «treat waa Romans. presented, asking that the lowland« lie drained, thvy agreeing to «land li "Ar-r rAr «¿>uwy i .A j J t ial took place Deceased waa born at Scio 61 rears ago, and »pent all hia life here. Hr ia survived by two sisters, Mrs. G W Morrow of Scio, and Mra. George i s Lewis of Portland. I Fresmsn Thorps Exhibiting Hi« Portrait of Lincoln. Two Mishaps .-..... mm» vi wma—maww—aoni ii. iwiw I i. rvi-uper itr W h.-ii I regained my While operating a portable wood hurg With my pre to have one of his hands badly las- rioua Geneva sketch of Lincoln, I went cerated. requiring four atitchea to In a Way, Most Interesting to the War department and asked for cl »«« the ugly gash, the medical at­ a furlough to go tn Gettysburg and of All Pictures of the make another «ketch uf the President, tention being given by Dr. Browne Great President for I* hud been announce«! that Mr The wound is healing nicely, but he Lincoln would speak on that occasion. Frertuan Th«»nx- in ihi nrtol. r u ». will be unable to use hia hand for I got the furlough und rode <>n the Ilohvd In I .esile» «ave n There were many o|a-n graves and 'In although the sprain ia quite painful had on board Mr« I buttle victims were taring buried newly elri'teil fr-nr I only a comparatively small number about and stirred u; fi , of people gathered about the »land to pany of the town ar. l Surprise Parent* he ir the speeches I stood Within I* pulled in we had Ibv ■ feet of Mr. Lincoln, as he sat on the firing a salute In In n G ■ Friday, Feb 6, was the 3«lh an­ orcu[Mlnt of the While II • platform. There I made another »ketch. There la a wonderful differ niversary of the marriage of Mr. Then I was Intr lu I M I me* In It« espresslon from that ot and Mrs George Weatenhouse. and coin aa the boy «ho : I - ■ I t' The lines sre saluto. She sm |l>.r- u|>er In bls left hand. There be >t<>od, Ida left foot nitvancwl ahead of children were present. Feb. 6 waa To tuy delight. Lincoln rep iteri hia rigid, ami lo-gun to speak, gestlcn- I let It t- also the !»th anniversary for Ken­ agreeing to Sty request luting somewhat with buth long arms known In Geneva that l*r> ».dent I.In neth. and he says it was the beet coin would honor the town by stopping The crowd settled down to hear an celebration he ever had. there a few minute«. on hl« wav to hour's nddress, but It was all over In ! take oflke. and from sut>rl«e until the l< ■■» than three m'nidea and the Preet | •lent ant down Ther«- was no applnu». ' train arrived every bell in <•■( t kept The uudh-nce was astonished. Three’ Executive* to Moot up a continual rtnxi»( I' i .- i ■ •urti outr» when they had cv|»ect««l an the noise away out In tl . < uttr; nr. ir' Die averting silently bruko up camo in to learn what II » all M- d The executive committee of the In ¡171 I went to Washington with Scio Mutual Telephone Co. ia called t o |.in< -In «ketches They were, • «-nly known «ketches from life of to meet at the Scio Tribune office e martyr Pre-deal. and that fact Saturday afternoon at two o’clock : terv*ted the smatora, to transact business and get the by­ 11.« v built a studio for me on the 1 apitvl r> of, over the senate wing, and i laws in shape for publication. The I u . -I ft for jn year«. I w»« turn j committee is composed of H. 0. II ii years old when given that Shilling. S B Holt. H E. Chrisman, »indlu. but not until last year did I tmisii my portrait of l.lne for It. Off For California Lincoln Portrait Drawn From Life Valentine’s Day of Pagan Origin llow and wh»-re did St. Valentine'» day originate? It Is «eld to have had Its lieglnnin: In tho farmyard, where ibv gander» chiuse tio-lr mates on the fouric n't day of February, a preliminari •’ their couHahlp being a rrmarkabl» fancy dance. Nor. In'hvd ibws thia theory <»f It» origin reiteri u | h > ii lover« « pnlnfUl rtdlmle. Inasmuch u« gander«, am« mal>rt of lov lol ter, was unnihilly held nt the lime of tho ftwilvnl calleil the fiupervulla I» cause It was belle»rt1 that Bi that «« a aon of the yrur birds cimar timi» mates It wss s festival celebrateli in February, In honor of I' Juno, and tahlrt« hvnrlng young worn en'« natie-s were drawn out of n bo» by the young men E-icb y»utl> aviti’ Ing himself of this ttrlvllige was el pert«*d to l«r until tlie next Hu|»errull« the faithful alien Inni <. remitting It In honor of a holy nmrlyr. who had bm-n doue to death at Itnlne In the Third centitrv, A 1» There wav no mw - c I b I reason why Pt. Valentine si. »» >1 l-r rima n In pref­ erence to any other saint It doe« not appear that he took any particular interest In Isvers and love-making But. having first In rn clubbed to death and then beheaded, hr deserved Io be Immortalised In some fashion, and In this wsy thr object was attained. The early father« of the church so modified tho Ru|M>r>nlla ns to give to the celebration a rellgloua character and at first the nam»*s of saints m-rv- drawn aa valentine«. In«trad ..f ihtaar of living young women F.v<-n nt the , Ha Was Posted. prrtMit day In «omo I'at hot le chnrrhe» Ilr Mv ’..ar. It « no u»c for you tn tlie custom Is observed "f «electing on I.- k t tho»c hats I ho vent more ; Kt Valentine’s ila, for the tostilo • • :•> S’ In my pocket. year • patron saint wtm 1« called a You m' -bt have known when • valentine. But youths «nd mnhlrn« > >ua> out Id want to buy a few finding little anmsiment In drawing thlnya. j •»At the names of dead and gone hot, fl«——I did. men. soon rrvln ready to clasp my hand Thru I took tay position on the next pint form and began my akefrh, while the crowd pushed up to «hake tils hand 'Of course that sketch was rough, but I got tho likeness Then catue the war. I collated and served la the *eeoafi Ohio cavalry, fighting ia the fibenandonh valley My hoaMh bavke down and 1 was aewt on If Mtr**’**. lad.. ( ffjQgg Peop le’s Theatre AH Week Presents Fiorerà Comedian* in Vaudeville with Picture* Ask for prisa ticket with each paid admission. There will be special «ervice next Sunday night, Feb. 15. at the Chrin- tian church. A «tory about condi­ tion« in the Near East an»l what is being done there will be told by Irvin Custer. The atorv will be I told in an interesting manner. Citi­ zens of Scio and vicinity should hear I this interesting talk. Rev. E 3 Muckley. paator of the Chrietiaa church,will preach Sunday morning on "The Kind of Paeaching Needed TodfiV.” nil c «1« except street intersections The p» tition wa« granted and the street and public property commit­ tee instructed to purchase the nec­ essary tiling. Speeding through the city, park­ ing on the wrong side of the atreet, md oth r infractiona of law were Its u«M-d. Tlie ordinance committee is t<> investigate the ordinances and make recommendation« as to chang­ es if found necessary. The following committees were named by the mayor: Way* mh ! Mwmn» Juh»» Wewiir, Cbm. w r 400 expenses so far oa the Gera d McDonald lost a valuable the water ay»tem, «ad the end t* horse laet week by poison from eat- I i«f Wbepur iCennoued ea *