The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 05, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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The Scio Tribune
Conn fry Correspondence
Is Daddy Home ?
Albany Magnolia Steam Laundry
Operate a laundry at Second and
Ferry streets in Albany. Oregon, and
Feb. 3
j are building a new plant at Salem,
H. I*. Riggs left for I-a Grande Oregon, which will be one of the best
in the state.
A laundry firm that use« soft
Mr. and Mrs E. F. Krebs are the
water through*jtit the entire procrw
proud parents of a baby girl, born and executes the high«*st grade of
Sunday night.
work. A popular and well arranged
Carl Yunker's ear collided with i concern receiving
anoth« i Friday night (»etween Stay­ custom.
This well known laundry la one of
ton and Marion on his way home
the best equipped industrie« of this
from the basketball game at Mill
section of the country and tranaacU
City. Both ears were damaged con­ an extensive
over this and
adjoining counties, and the re pula-
The young people gave a party al ■ tion of their work for general ex­
the oi>1 achool house Saturday night, cellence is »prvailing far and wide
which was well attended. Luncheon over this part of the state.
The work is turned out in such a
was served at a late hour.
manner that you will be more than
Allen Gilkey went to Albany Sun­ pleased if you give it a trial. The
day to enter school there
Goal most delicate fabrics are handled as
»»•«pelt has also entered the Albany carefully as they would be in your
sch ool, while Lucille Sommer and own home as only experienced and
Violet Crenshaw have started to expert help are employed in the work
Cotton an*i hn*-n clothes have been
laundered for many centuries.
.Mr. and Mrs. R. R i’reever have before the birth of Christ th»* women
just installed a fine n«w radio.
of India and Egypt went down to the
F'rank Prokop and little banks of the Ganges and the Nile to
laughter, Anna Marv. went to Sil­ Wash their clothes on a ruck, rub
verton Thursday to visit the form­ them an*I b*-at them, and then earned
. -¿y O. Lawrence Hawthomc
I hear Bob shout a block away,
“Is Daddy home?"
When Mother calls them In from play,
“Is Daddy home?"
While Bower, who Is older grown.
Employs convehtion’s milder tone
And yet his «yagerneas is shown,
“Is Daddy homer
Then Dick and Phil take up the call.
“Is Daddy home?"
When Mother tells them In the hall,
“Yes, Daddy’s home!"
I hear the four begin to tear
lJke little wild men up the stair,
While lustily they all declare
That Daddy’s home!
Oh, what a blessed thing to hear,
“Is Daddy home?”
FYom voices so intent and dear,
“Is Daddy home?"
I hope that in the years to be
.My boys will knov, such love for me
That often they will call to see
If Dad Is home.
er's mother, brother and sisters. t<t-
them home.
This was perhaps th*
beginning of the laundry business so
you see that it has an humble b- gin
ning like most great industries. To
day it is quite different and at this
modern laundry the latest machinery
is in operation to wash comfort into
your clothes.
The business of this laundry is
now spreading all over this part of
the country and is by no means con-
fl nd to its home city.
The rapid
increase in the business is due to the
more than ordinary ability in the con­
duct of the aff ir of the institution.
The latest c! an'»*- a id renovating
machinery In th* r plant mukea it
I kimi M i - for them lu turn out work
that look* like new.
The management ami employees
are people who know the business
from A to 7. and when they advise
you about anything in thia line you
can depend upon what they say. They
are prominent business people and
among our most valued citisens.
We wish to refer all our readers
to thia progressive anti modern insti­
tution and to sug*-rst that as rt gardi
<1* |e-n>Ublr laundry work they cannot
do better than to entrust their »nA
into the care of thia well known
‘The Bilyeu Confetti*mcry in Si*> represent ua. Leav Lundies there.
turning Sunday, bringing her little
niece.Margaret Higginbotham.home
with her for a visit.
Farmer Is Also Benefited
by Consumption of Vari­
ous Weed Seeds.
(Pr«i>ar«<1 by th«
flat«« L>a«artm«at
of Affrlcaltur«.)
The economic value of birds, »«!>•■
dally Insectivorous birds lu farm <11»
trlcta, cannot be too strongly empha­
sised. in the opinion of the biological
survey of the t'nlted States L»vpart-
ment of Agriculture. For tbls reason
the bureuu la Interested not only In the
protection of migratory game birds,
which Is one of Its Important func­
tion* hut also In the conservation of
all beneficial bird life.
Hardly an agricultural peat exists
but has numerous effective bird en­
emies. For Instance. 2ft kinds of birds
are known to feed upon the clover
w«*evU, and a like number u|>on the
potato beetle, .TH on the codling moth,
BI <*n the gipsy moth, 4W **n horsertiea.
117 on btllbugs, Hft on clover-r*»*»t tmrera.
ie* on cutworms. 120 on leaf happen»
and 1<W <>n wireworms.
Devour Weed Seeds.
Birds bvnefit the farmer also by ent-
tng quantities of weed se.-ds. Il ha«
been estimated that a Single s|-e*iee of
sparrow In u single state -loaa —con­
sumed annually 875 tons of weed seeds,
Birds do not. of course. e»|*«H-lally sin
gle out the noxious seeds or an Insect
l»e«t for food; but eating indiscrimi­
nately and voraciously, the most
abundaut food Is taken first, nnd this
la llkriy to be the moving caterpillar
or adult Insect, or the seeds on the
plant <>r on the ground, where they
hate been carried by the wind Many
species of tdrds perform «nottier ini
portant servie« to tnan tiiruugli their
f»-edlng habits, since they act as stat­
eagers. in districts wbtre the dl«posai
of waste Is not completely tsken rare
of by community and Individual effort
birds make a valuable contribution to
public health.
Oomeetie Cat le Enemy.
Next to man himself, wantonly using
bls gun. the worst enemy of farm birds
la the domestic cat. htonns also de
stroy a great many birds by cutting off
their food supply. Protection against
the elements cannot often t»e provided
fur birds except where refuges or sanc­
tuaries are maintained for them, but
a protective public seutlmeot. ««I-
ported by effective laws will lessen the
damage done by man and domestic an
Imais Birds may be still further en­
couraged and Increased by the pro­
vision *»f f«*»d trees, such as the mul­
berry. which will serve the double pur­
pose of attracting them away fr*»m
cherry or oilier fruit Ire. a and supply­
ing them with suitable food.
Dairy Herds Do Well
on This Mixed Ration
Com soy-bean allage. clover bay.
ground com and oats, corn-soy-bean
fodder roAghnge with a «mall amount
of oilineul added each day—that’s the
ration <”hsrles Beck. Bremer county,
l*>«a. la using to produce the 1.0U0
pounds of milk be delivers dally at a
nearby condenaery. says a writer In
ftacerwffnl Farming. It doea not taka
a dairy minded farmer long to see that
Berk, wloiae herd of «0 grade <wwn are
•Hkiag •»'
Son. ha* the right 1*1* ■
“Laat spring I |*l mted soy beans
with the corn I expected to tire In my
«Ho," offered Beck. “I thought that If
Iteana were good in silage they would
bo all right In fodder, so I planted a
high gro« tng variety to be cut with
the corn for roughage
“Besides cutting the m«t of concen­
trated feeds by reducing the requlrr-
mentv of them, soy henna ln*r»-n«*> th*
efficiency of th*- st-u e • continued
Beck, while explaining bls *>*••<» of
dairy fanning.
An abundance of *-|.-vor bay Is grown
each year by Be* k who started several
years ago to grow Into the dairy bn«l
n*-»s Instrs*! of g -l* .- Ini- It In a lump
sum. A pure bred bull was the flr«t
move Beck made toward better dairy
Next he I-*-. *n • ling I s
poor cows That «' stem ha* t ole h •
herd one of th*- profit m.<kera In th*
Mr. and Mrs. T. M Holt visited she was on the road to recovery
nt the E. L. Whetstone home in Al­ Tuesday morning.
bany F riday.
Mr. Holt also attend-
Several men from Shelburn and
••d the tractor ach<»ol given by Bar­
vicinilv visited the county sent < n
rett Broa.
Tuesday in the Interest of good
Mr and Mrs Joe Quinn of near
Stayton, their daughter Heasie and
H. O. Shilling was shopping in
her s*»n lister, were all Sunday vis­
Shelburn Monday.
itors at the J. H. Kelly home.
Mrs Oral Bates and tola George
Mr and Mrs. W J. Kelly were
were shopping in Shelburn Satur­
Ainday guests at the R. R. Freever
Mr. and
home of J. II
in Portland with home folk«.
The dit«*ctors of the P. C. <). T.
Co. held a business meeting at H F.
Rodeker's Saturdav morning
George Colby and M. F’wtin left
Wednesday morning f<>
where th«-y are inter»-
Th v
take two or three
I in a log­
tya to mane the
The ladies of he community gave
Mra. Ella
l.v< 1.« a
M « Ly* n
wife last
J. L Parberrv, wife and son. Ir­
vine and wife, spent last Sunday af­
ternoon with Joe Sens and wife.
R F Darby spent last Sun-
lay afternoon with Mrs. l-ouia Geis­
Tonv Minten. Louis Geisler
in Sublimity laat Sunday.
Mr« Huntley sjwnt Sunday after­
Feb 2
ris went to Portland Sunday for a
-ion. Edward, and hired man wets
Mt. Pleasant-Cole New*
Mrs. Orville Gilkey and baby Fer­
noon with Mrs. Izimbert.
laat Monday.
Feed for Fall Hgs
Frwtlng the fall farrowed H«
should be glvsn careful attend*«. Hr
«»•-•—!» a «ulxtltute f*>r the green fee«)
ibe summer pig gets to keep him
thrifty «nd healthy The best winter
euhstltute for green feed Is alfalfa
hay of g<H«t quality
Fall pigs fed
on a ration consisting of corn and
tankage In proper prwport Ion« and
having free sccea* to One alfalfa hay
«III gain and thrive almost a« well
as spring pigs on alfalfa pasture If
protected from «»Id and disease. The
protein requlretnvnls must also he
met This will require one half pound
of tankage per head |*er day. When
tankage and alfalfa hay are fed tuln
eral mixture« are not needed.
and children, + • ♦ • ♦ ♦♦
have move . to Kingston, where she
i rnrst Isaak of Scio apent Sunday
Joe Hora was laid off from work
last week because of illness.
Hen Darby called on Joe
with Th«*odore Helcoe.
Mis« Angcline Ryan of Salem spent
H<*ra the week-end with home folks.
last Thursday.
Arlene Darby apent Sunday after
George Sandnrr was a Stayton noon at Ben Darby’a.
visitor last Wednesday
Mra. R F. Darby and daughter,
Charley Peters, wife and son. El- Arlene, attended church and Sunday
vin, spent laat Monday with home school at Scio laat Sunday morning.
folks, Hen Darbv and family.
Sent drove to Salrm Sunday to
F’rank Hora, D.ek Lyons and liar­ *ce F'rank
He is reported to lie im­
lev Darby spent last Tuesday evening proving nicely.
at Hen Darbv *a.
Mrs Ella Lyons of Lyons Is mov-
Mr. Ruewin. Torn Fleming and i mg to K*ngxti»n where she Is to take
Harold Darby were business callers charge of the store.
at Fid Roberta* last Monday.
Thursday allernoon at the commun­
ity hall.
»¡th Charley Peteis and
Saturday night.
Dave Aegerter was a Salem visitor ftaak'a.
Ralph Trask «pent W«-dnes
Ban Darby, wife and son. Harley,
and granddaughter stayed over n*ght
day afternoon with Alla Bodekvr.
Mixa Hardison x|M*nt the week-end
Hora visit«-*! at Brlma's last Satur-
•lay evening.
Kelly of
Albany are visiting at the parental
Feb 2
Clinton Trexler had a veterinary ware in Stayton Saturday evening.
Ilaruld and F'arl Darby and F'rank
over to nee a sick cow Monday, and
R. F. Darby, wife, and daugther,
week's visit with friends and rela­
Clarence Henry and Haaao Hunt-
Emma, spent last Tuesday with home 'ey motored to Murphey at Stay ton
Mi«a Iva Weinberg, who attends folks. M P. Long and family
■ last Sunday.
Louie Ray rnd wife were trading
high school at Lyons, spent (he
Earl Darby. Frank Hora and Carl
in Stayton laat Tuesday.
♦ week-end at home.
Bale«« ai»ent Sunday afternoon at
Newa From Lyons.
turned home from Albany Sunday
Donney and Hazel. Fat I-ambert and
wife, Mrs Huntley and »on, flask»,
laat week.
Mra. E. H. Kelly and children re­
Birds Will Eat
Injurious Bugs
Bob Kelly loot a fine Jersey cow
R F. Darby was in St .yton. and
Hen Darby and eon. Earl, were in Joe Senx was in Albany Monday.
Stayton on business Saturday.
Leo Bund and Joe Jacobs called
otwiate her brother's store for the ♦ • • ** »♦*-*^***-*«-*^« ♦♦♦♦♦♦
on Louie Geisler laat Friday.
present time.
Feb. 3
Flovd F'itswater has moved hi*
Floyd Martin and M. Mercer were
family to Mill City, where he is ein-
Stayton visitors Wednesday.
Mr. an<l Mrs Walter Stmtt and took a truck load of fat porkers to ployed in the cam pa.
Richardton Gap Review*
Fab 3
Mis« Delta Piatt
return«»*! home
Mrs Linn I-ambert spent laat
fbr a few days last week.
family of day with her mother, Mra. Ray.
J. H. Johnston's Fridav.
The Ambrosek A Donohue
Joe Hora wai In Corvallis last Fri­
Mrs. Caeil Manning and small s*»n Grass Valley. Oregon, visited with
mill has recently employed some
and Mrs. Elmer Hiatt and G F-
Tat Lambert and wife. I*eo Hund. new men.
Johnston motored to Salem Satur­ the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. McCrea of Weal
Joe Jacoba and George Rav were
dav evening
visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E.
A community sing was held at E fnmilie« took Sunday dinner
E. Trask's Thursday evening, about. W. If McLain.
wife and daughter,
County Surveyor Leonard with
IS attending.
were Albany
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and two viewers viewed the new road Smith, Robert and Mabel Schultz, all
Mr. and Mra Johnnie Sharp have northeast of Shelburn last Wednes of Mt. Pleasant motored to Prichards
M. P. Long has about completed
laat Saturday night to attend the
leased the house on the W'. R Sur- day.
work of installing his new Colt
T. J. Gibbons made a buaine»« dance, but were diaappotnted at find­
rv farm east of town and moved in
ing that it had been postponed.
trio to Albany Monday.
Fxl Bilyeu has returned from a
Miss Georgia Whitney spent Wed­
Mrs Alden R*»l»erta were callers at
.Mill City laat Thursday.
Homer Russell and
opportunity to view hie shadow i Minnville spent last Sunday with business trip to Portland.
nesday night with Hilda Johnston.
Geo. E Rodgers was a buxines«
Miss Goldie Richards of Mill City Monday, so we hope for fair weath­ home folke. the M. F. Raymond
caller on Conrad Westenhouse Tues­
spent the week end with Virginia
Tony Minten and family spent last day.
H 0. Shilling attended the phone
A short program la being arrang­
with her mother. Mrs. Rox­
Willis Brown is reported to have meeting at the Scio citv hall last
for the "1 Will*’ community elub
ie Shanks and family.
searletina and has been eonfined to Saturday.
at the Arnold school house
Ed Eberhardt and family motored
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith, of the
the house for several day*.
!n District No. 65. next Tuesday
S P. depot, called on Hobart Hoag­ to Salem Sunday evening.
The Tribune. 11.75 the year
land and family Sunday
J A. Schultz, wife and chiidreo. night, F«i.ruary LP.