The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 05, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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The Scio Tribune
General Neva
More Prizes and Big Free Show
■ n
HE SECOND PRIZE OFFERING, designed to put Scio on the map a* the beet trading point, and tn give the people * mtethmg they want
and can uae. la now in full swing at sil th* store* and busmes* house* li«trd on t>
Mlt pair . toffttlwf with ■
: ■ - T
p » »
who are contibuting to the eat er prise but ar* hot advertising
Tho*e contributing sre Scio MUI X- Elevstor ('• . R M Cain. <’ I
Rendle. W. F. Gill. J. B. Couev. J. F. W*aely. J. Kelly, Bilyeu Confectionery. Ilolechek Bro«., Scio Cash Produce. Sei«» Laundry. Shelton Br«.g ,
L. Jordan. F T. Bilyeu. N. I MorrUutt. Hartu Mor tor Co., Scio (»ar age, Dean Morri*. Thoma* Creek Lumber («
J. Chr< -:iv. Frank Krun.I.
Mountain State* Power Co.. People* Theatre and L O. Per Ur.
Thia i* the proposition and lhe prise*: The big prise is a Crosley Trlrdyn 8-tube Radio Set. value I»5. and will »> m lie i»n display In J. F.
Wr*elv’a south window, together with th- aaeond prim of 120 worth of groeene». and the third prise of some arti- e or srti - ?« u <u< ! *1 $10.
All worth buying for. Th»* campaign for these prises end* Saturday, Feb. 2S
A free «how will be give« st th»- l’< >pl»-« Theatre on M»-dne«-
day afternoon. Feb. 26 re*. Free. At ¡0 o'clock that morning the hour of the drawing (or th* *ec>-id and third pr • will I«- determined by
drawing lhe number from a bos. and the number drawn set the boar between 10 and 2 that day. and the -aux- pr
lure will be fab iwed for
Saturday's drawing
The 10th name drawn win* lhe second prix*. and the nest 10th name win» th»- thirl prise, at W dne«iay'* dr* ing; th-
•ame arrangement for Saturday; all drawing* to be no the aorwer of Main and Mill Street*. All stare* cooperating will hav«« tick» t» an I ballot
box»-». write your name on the ticket and deposit it la ths bon. Thee«- will be gathered up W.«dne-day and Saturday and nut in s
x or bar­
rel and thoroughly »tirrrd up before the drawing takes place.
A*k for your tickets with every eash purch*«» or «cc-unts paid according to the
rule« of each »lure a* to amount»
The winner or a member of hi* Immediate family mart be present > o prokle* nor h»-ld in trust for him
Tell the Advertiser you saw his ad in
The Sc io 11 ibline; he’ll appreciate it.
; J
Golden Pheasant
Poultry Feeds!
We have a
. <>••• for the Poul­
tryman. compounded after the best formula.'!
known, and we guarantee maximum result*.
We are ready for the baby chick with
Chick heed
Chilk Starter Milk Mash (Fisher’«)
Developing Mash
Developing Scratch
Try Our Feeds and Compare Prices
Scio Mill & Elevator Co
Bilyeu Confectionery A, Restaurant
Fresh Candies. Fruit*. Nut» and Popcorn, ice Crvant. Soft Drink* ami
Tobacco*. Lunches ami Short Order». Ask for tickrt • with each Joe
cash purchase or paid on account.
Sec our windows
Watch The Windows.
Ask for 1 icketa
WL Attention!
Ford Owners!
We wish to Announce to You that we
Have Cancelled Our l ord Agency
’ Os
and are no longer connected in any way with
the Ford Motor Co. However, we are still
in the GARAGE BUSINESS and »¡JI cop inu<-
to give you the BEST SERVICE on your Ford
Car or Truck that it is possible for ua to ren­
der. We will continue to sell GENUINE
FORD PARTS and Service.
No matter
where you purchase your car or truck. >< u
will find ua ready at all times to give you the
beet service it ia possible for ua to render.
Fttr.t» T. BiLYtv. Prop.
Phone 27
Scio, Oregon
Ticket« given with each »1 CO cash purchase or p
«»n account.
See the free »hi