The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 05, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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The Scio Tribun«
General Xetes
Getting Tlrag.
"il’e must praetioo ecuwamy"
I've liera hearing that foe
ye- IV
I di-at miad practicing,
w lieu do ws graduate?"
la a
Baptist Church Notes
Sunday school at 10 o'clock every
Sunday morning. Everybody is in­
vited lo attend.
Christian Endeavor every Sunday
evening at 6:30.
Prayer meeting every Saturday
night at at 7:30.
Junior Endeavor at 2:00 Satur­
day afternoon.
Mr. Fred Waehlte will preach
next Sunday.
l>B0PLE-8 -°°LUM.N
Editor Scio Tribune:
Sum«- queer syllogisms in the Bible.
1st. Man was a dummy an«l a Mr-
rv»nt put in the garden of f.d«-ii to
drees and keep it. H«- had no know-
iedgv of good and evil >r even that
he was naked.
And Gml ileaigned
that he should not know or have thia
knowledge, and told him point blank
'the day he eat of the fruit of th-
tree of knowl«-dge of goo«! or evil,
he should die.” A strange piece of
logic when the knowledge of good
and evil will kill a man.
2nd. We mu«! owe our knowledg«
then, from the influence of «»me other
source, who also km-w what the re
suit would be by eating the fruit of
the tree of “knowledge of good and
evil,” and must hav«- heart! what God
had mm ! about eating of the “fruit of
the tree of kuowledgv of good and
evil." to the man and woman, an«l
•an! to the woman, "woman, ye sh«dl
not surely dm."
“Foi God doth
know, that in the day ye eat thereof,
your eyes shall be opened, and yi-
shall be a* gods, knowing good and
evil." "And when th«- woman saw
that the tree was good for foo«l, ph-as-
ant lo look at, and «-almg its fruit
would make one wise, she took of the
fruit, and did eat, ami gave also to
her husband, ami he at«* of it, ami
the eyes of them both Were op»*n«’d."
Now from th< > -illy ■.ll<>i: urn, mar>
owes Ills kuowledge of gvo«l ami evil
to Ave things.
God, tin­ maker of
man, the tree, the serpent, the worn-
an, ami the eating: Ami the Lon!
God Mid, “Behold thi man is become
as one of us, Gm! anil Serpent) to
know good from «vil: ami now lest
he put forth his hand ami take also
of the tree of life, and «-at, ami live
forever." Therefore I will eml him
out of the garilen to till th- ground
from whence he was taken. “So hi-
drove out the man ami h- place«! at
the east of th«- garden of Eden Cher
ubims, ami a flaming sword, which
turned every way, to keep them away
from th» trvv of hfo.
3rd. Now it weins that man'»
knowlmig* of ffvod and ovtl ram* to
him through the wisdom of the
pent, upon which the Lord
placed a curse, for divulging
•eervt hidden in the fruit of the
of “knowledge of good and evil.”
“And the Lord God Mid unto the
•erpent. Because thou hast done this
thou art cursed above all catUe and
above every beast of the Meld: upon
thy belly shall thou go, and dust
shall thou eat all the days of thy
This is a Bible naratlve of some
things found in the 2nd and 3rd
chapters of Genesis. I wonder who
believes it* l‘.rh*|»« some theologi­
cal student could enlighten the world,
and tell us through what channel hu­
man progress and the knowle.lge of
good and evil come, other than the
•erpent route. If it came this way,
I honor the serpent, anti would My
by all means, have the Bible read in
<choots, and give us mors* serpents,
otherwise KKEF IT OUT.
Much of the Old Testament scrip­
tures are absolutely rotten, and In­
decent. ami in the reading of which
in the school, no one could derive
any benefit whatsoever, for instruc­
tion in righteousness.
Take for example the book “Song
of Solomon.” and see how craay he
was on the subject of women. He
ha<l seven hundred wives and three
hundred concubine» one thousand
in all which turned away his reign
as a righteous king to the love of
women, and be writes thia crasy aong
about them. And the bible compilers
slip in a hea*l line comparing Solo­
mon's love of women lo the churrhes
love of Christ.
Brigham Young of Utah fame was
not in it with Solomon. Then why-not
read in the schools the Mormon Bi
bl«, or the Koran? All have som><
Korinek’s Stock Remedy
A remedy for every complaint.
Sold in Scio at
Kelly’s Drug Store
through the
W »,
By Train and Ship
to Neto York
t«o this way- it costs
but little more
6Ks«<• rvuir I.» « «litornn
four fine
train* drilv
then«« iiini» Sunset
toute lo New t bl .-ana.
Ea.silent molí in the Southern I'*« itU
dining car.
Ci’iin-'-i-.-nrlS.» Ihlnni* •- | «la­
tía! Mesmer» Mr New York imal> anj
berth in,hide I tn the «-n* fare.
St.>povcra «-n ««Mite, —re the Mardi liras
st New O«l< .ns
A»k alsHitl'arrivol « « ■«■ rout- hoin 1'«n
Ihrg»« Apmiw I rsild tour ot An ona.
’ ’•V'T
Fur further in/or million. »nie
C. W. Brau#, lx»cal Agent
g«>od, as well as bad things in them.
Wisdom and hutory of th- pa t
ought to be suftirx-nt ground- for
k«*eping all Bibl«-» ami religion out of
our public schools. Th«* Bible u
mighty dry reading to most people,
and unless the U-acIn-r was nn expert
interpn-U-r of it, then- couhl be no
benefit derived from it. It is like nn
old violin.
You can play any kimi
«if a aim- on it, by fingering th-
strings to suit the tune.
hi -p it out of the schools.
J. B. COUEY, proprietor
JUST RECEIVED: s.« cral niece* of Gingham* for spring.
To sec them is to want them. Com«- in and look them over.
We arc still selling gmal *<•«•< 11«--., r«o mv .«I 2 lbs 25c, and we
have Crimson Rambler. \V« tiding Breakf-ist .«nil Staley’s sv rut's
in light and dark—the l(h arc 80c for «lark .mil 85c for light.ttie
5s a«e 40c ami 45c.
Ask for tickets with cash or paid on acc't.
We are cooperating in the prizes and free -how. A ticket given
with every 50c cash purchase or paid on account.
Our store is a good place to trade
C. E. Kendle Says
Bring in your plow aliare* n«»w ami ha*
them rcadv for vour
spring work. We do acetylene wckl
, h. t-«-*h« « mg and all
kind* of blacksmithing. He will give - ,,u the bevi service at the
lowest prices. Ask for ticket* with each Ah «.ash purchase or
$1.00 paid on account, good for <h iwing Feb. 25 an
Scio Cash Produce Company
We will give tickets with «• h $1 wortl
or other produc brought i*. Ixginning I
cash. Bring u* your produce.
Say* lie •& in on the prizes and free show for hi*
friends and we licgan giving ticket* last Monday.
Ask for them with each $1 cash purchase or |>aid
on account. For hardware we’re hard to beat.
Hereafter all machine extras will be CA..I. and no special
order* will be sent for uni«*» paid !<>r in advance.
Wa carry a good line of RUBBER BOOTS.
weather necessities. Sec us ami keep dry.
Ask for tickets with every 50c purchase or $1 00
paid on account.
Product acccptr«! same
Hibler & Gill Company
Frank Kruml
Shoe and Hameaa Makar.
Tickets with cadi SI cash
We are for you and Scio.
Mutual Cream Station
Leonard Jordan, Agent
Will give tickets with $1 worth of
cream, eggs and poultry Lrought
us, itcginning last Morulav.
Special Prices on Meat Every Saturday
Fresh Smelt every day
Scio Meat Market
la coo|w>rating in the prize and free tliow pro
gram with the other merchant«, and will give
you ticket* or chance* with every 2'»c caah pur*
rhaae or |1 paid on account*, Ticket« ready
v ~ U