The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 05, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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The Scio Tribuni?
Page 2
will give the cities of the Willam­ violation of Federal Regulation No.
ette valley access to an abundance 4. which permits the transportion
water for all out of the stale where taken, not
time to come, and pure water ia the more than two days* bag limit per
greatest drswing power for people week: vis.. 16 ge«*ae and 50 ducks
of pure, wholesome
to locate in any community.
The daily hag limit, under
But on the other hand, if the bill the Federal Law, with which the
carries with it the making of the •late laws of California and Oregon
valley counties district units and coincide. Is not to exceed 8 gecsr
bonding them for the construction and 25 ducks.
"If there was an actual violation
of the trunk pipe line to the several
large cities, whereby the entire of the Federal regulation relating to
county must help pay for city water transportation or bng limits, it
supply, we are opposed to it and the should be reported to the Federal
legislature should be; but if it is de­ .Game Warden for the district."
signed that municipalities wanting
shows how badly a
The above
l-ske water hunch taken from an unsigned and
reservoir for their own use and at I unknown source prove« out. The
their owu separate exprnse. then we latory waa used as we had printed it.
to tap the great Clear
are for it.
I f.-lnltf« Mil»«!***-« »•»
■»> 4w »»‘J tM Hwptob
h«: twf whtote h aitaMa.
„.I „it\. h*ditlaut» J*
w><K I »UrfV w»4 J u *-
(M9 Rf «it
The country district« and no one. an far as known, here
should not help pay for something or at Albany, questioned the bag of
Cities want, and must not be asked birds the four young men brought
to until such time as they can have h->me in the flivver—mind you. it
the same privileges
We want the 1 was no truck nor box ear. just an
Watch th* <1nle following your
want and ordinary flivver of a p ipular make
name on thia paper. It tell« wh»-n
your lime expire«, if a blue pencil can pay for. but the outlying dis­ They knew the law and observed it.
mark la under vour name, it mean« tricts muil not be asked to bond and could not have brought home
four paper will atop in two week«, them-wives to help
more than their limit if they had
tin I cm renewed. Start« when paid
To set aside the Cl ear I Jike water­ killed a million, because one small
for. «tot» at expiration
sheds for the people of Oregon is ear. four men and hag limit of birds
and right, hut juat now thu« was all that could lie handled. The
T hih ^ dav Feb 5. 1925
far and no farther until we know
"Pay dirt*’ in when you foot the where we’re at.
bill the politicians have slipped over
on you at each «coion of the legi«-
The Linn county fair seems tn tie
Tiic farmer ia prosperous today
drifting on unsteady waters and the
directors are studying their wits to
woo ha» wheat t<>«dl. Hut the gatn-
And a way of financing the deficits.
b't-r« in that cereal well knew that
At the clove of the fair last fail it
the farmer bad no wheat to «ell at
was thought the proceeds of the
a -v price when they 1'arUd their
tout-day exhibit would meet all ex­
campaign to ’shear the lamb«** on
penses, but it was found after a
the market
careful check-up that a $2000 deficit
was had.
By way of a suggestion
t en
were gone but a week, leav-
I ing on a Saturday
home the next Saturday, hence they
•l>ent but two days in California
and the rest in Oregon.
Klamath Falls is over 300 miles*
from Scio and some time was «pent
in g-ung and returning out
of the
If the sender
of the
eight days.
clipping had
as good a venae of
sportsmanship as he has of under-
handedness, he could have clearly
seen that the law had not been broken I
either by our story or the hunters.
The fowls were so thick down there
Politics I« waxing warm at Salem to the Ixiard of director« we arise to
that it was no sport to kill them,
ths-w days. The governor «K-nii to remark: Either hold the fair be­
•nd, we understand, became such a 1
be playing a lone hand against a tween the laying by of crops and
pest that the ranchers hired men to,
stacked deck of cards. And he will harvest, so as not to lie too close to
kill them at they alighted in their I
lose, no matter what his intentions the state fair; or, if necessary to
fields. That's why we said "iteras-!
nr recommendation«.
Both sides hold it the week liefore the «tale
ed to be «port for them.”
"probably** want to serve the peo­ fair, make the admission 25c and
ple to the I h -» i of their "alility," 15c, and let aide shows and noise­
knew this, game wardens knew it —
but liefore the people arc cared for making attraction« come in on a
all but the man ashamed to sign his
u dities must be taken cate of. and percentage basis.
To charge the
this will result In shearing the pres­ «amc price for admimion to the
ent governor of appointive power, c unty fair forces hundreds to wait
creating numerous commissions, in­ for the state fair. The other sug­
A .Minnesota man has entered the
creasing salaries of certain office gestion is to sell the grounds and
holders, and otherwise running riot buildings and liquidate the indebt­ state university at the age of 75.
just to "get” some one. Erom our edness. and then let Linn county Maybe he*« one of the *e persons who
position on the political map it looks appropriate enough money to put on voted for Magnus John«<-n and
wife; bossed bv daughter.
There is every reason to believe the following week. We are for
Of course the country is more
the legislature will pa«s the bill set­
pro»[ieroua. We have twice as much
ting aside the Clear Iwke water­
money and it buys about half as
sheds and its potential horse power experience and past patronage seem
to the people of Oregon, and if it to decide against its continuance
American dyes are said to be get­
doe«, it will be one of the very few
ting better.
For that matter, the
pieces of Iw-neticial legislation to be
American colors never did run.
enacted at thi« session. The neces­
Some one sent a copy of the Scio
Strawberries are selling in New
sity for this is «pi»rent, because it Tribune of Nov. fi to "Field and
York at S3 a quart. Yes. we ate
— —-
Mtrtt’s lk<i
State luiw-Makers
Notice ia hereby given that th« un
(Coatinu«d from Dags 1 )
. usd was by an order duly made
i and < nterci <>f re- uni on th«.- Sth dsv of
•iate »ad i«at io th» bowls
be Jai usry,
in that certain suit in
provided by bouse bill to«. Th» »uoi thei' r'c.d < ourt of tto State of t»re-
of |7to,S<M> I* auasht to b» approprta- g n. for the County of I .inn. in Depart-
■ Nn " wit-rein Ralph lloilis, a
t»U by the bill tor lb» Ulvaaiun.
hi» guardian, was
Would lnvsst>Q»ts Stock Sales
plaintiff, and Nell Hollis-Hllyeu and
A aaeepltur lav <*’ I »»'Ion of »t<»k«. Myrtle Hollis a minor, were tiefsnd-
boada and other securities sold dar­ ants. duly appointed referee to make
aa).- of th« following described real
ing the past five year« In the »’at» is
property, to wit:
contemplair-d la a reeototton Intro­
Lot N»> Tine* 3> and th« East one-
duced In th« honao by It» pre»- u'e’l«» half i
<»f **«»» No. Two (2). in
No Two 2), in Wheeler’» Addi­
(Jordon ot Multnomah county.
It rreates • committee ro«np»,»«-d of tion to th«- < ty of Scio. Linn County.
the »peaker and two other nwmber« State ot Oregon.
Now, therefore, in pursuance of said
of the boua» and it la understood that
order and of the statutes in such cases
Its purpose ia to prob» Into every pair i. d provi Jt-d, 1 will, on Saturday,
Stock or bond leetie of masultude au the 7th i .«y “f 1«t>ruary. 1925. «1 the
P m. of said day.
thorlacd by th» corp,rat Inn depart
at the front door of the county court
Meat durlna th«- l*»t five >«-ara Par bou*» in the City of Albany, Linn coun­
ticularly. It 1» und«rstoo«L the roni ty Stair of Oregon. »«-II al public auc-
mitts- will taVeallcate the securities t <n. tor rash in hand, to the highest
bidder, all the right, title, interest and
sold by public ntllity corporation»
tl : arth «. plaintiff«
t'ader the provision» of a bill intro i d ,-f. ■ 'imt* in »aid suit, in and to
■lured by Henaior Eddy, any person th«« real pr -perty hereinabove describ­
dr Ivins a motor v- hi<le while Intoxl ed
Dat< - tl t (JU> lay of lanuarv, 1925.
rated would to guilty of a niiad»mean
A. K. M< M ahan , liefer«*«.
or. and upon conviction would to sub
Hat«- of first publication, Jan. H, 1925.
jart to a fine of not l»»s than $ISO nor Late of last pubbeation, Feb. 5, 1925.
more than IS- hi and by Imprisonment
In the county Jail tor a term ot not
W A. 1 vii g,
T. J. Munker».
leM than «• days nor more than »1« Pro». J. nt
Vice Fres.
E. D. Myer«, Caahier
The arnate piu»««-d a bill to author!« •>.
ths esrualn« of children atisndln« the
public «chools f»r a tH-ri'M: not in rv 1
ce«d two hours In any oi»e week, to
Doi*« a General Banking
attend schoola gl«lna religious Instrue {
ILisinr.’s. Interest paid
lion Voder th» bill si« b e»< us» must i
on time deposits.
be based on application filed by the
par*-nt or cvardian.
Legislativs Breviti«».
Hogs will not to permitted to ride
•■n running boards of automohliM If
itepreroutatlve Pierro'» bill become« «
law A penalty of |it>0 Is provid'd
0' : i.t. I S nd ;.!■ -Jcl or »kctch
The stats board of control would act
at\d v will ; r- n|»: !y »end you «
as th» purchasing sgency tor all state
r<; ort. Our b<H>l< <>n i'atcntv and
departments under house bill 25». In
troduced by HepresentatlVv Burdick
Appropriation of *235,000 tor build
Ing and «-quipping two »trurture» tor
the Monmouth Normal school Is s*>uxbt
-------PA1 I NT LAWYERS——
In house bill No 233. Introd i ■ o by
W -.»h ngton. D. C-
ths Polk county del*-gat|on
Before the Joint aas» tubly of senate
and house, convened at bls request
Governor Pierro read a »p«o lai me»
•axe demanding the repeal of the pub
He utilities act Insofar as the power
of election to concerned, and the sub
•t But ton of the power of appointment
In the hands of the governor
A bill by Representative Ford, vlr
tually ptadng construction of mark»
roads under coutrol of the state high
way commission In requiring that Io
cations, plans and const met Ion shall
be approved by the state commiMlon The Right Frame It ia of vital In­
before they are carried forward by
to rtance that the frame of your
the county court, passed tbs houx
gla.-»«-s -et projierly on your nose.
We have the Oxford, Princeton,
Twintex and numerous
Jury Litt Selected
vtner styles
You may make the
«election, but let u« do the adjusting.
The following have been «elected
The Scii State Bank
like the taxpayers are going to pay a big county exhibit at the state thinks be ought to go to some place
dearly for not thinking before vot­ fair. More people will see it and and learn something.
A fur coat keeps ‘ many a girl from thia part of Linn county t<>
ing last fall. But on adjournment - thus lie attracted to Linn than ia
day the state house will be flooded now taring done under the present 'warm thinking how much she still, serve as juror« during 1925:
ha» to pay on it.
with verba' bouquets thrown at the costly system.
Vilas Arnold. Frank Bartu, Eran
We think that child labor bill ci« G. Caray. Edwin Fleming, Marie
"lawmakers.’’ and we moasbacks at
County fairs are a good thing for
home will hear the noise and holler our people to get acquainted with ought to be amended to help mother N. Hodge, Thomas large. Joseph
“hurrah!**- until we go to pay our what can be grown at home and who tries to get her kid to do a few
how well, but It is really exacting errands once in awhile.
Four ages of man:
Bosaed by
double admission when the state fair
bostu-d by
ia only 2« miles away and occurring
Novak. Clora
Tepper, Charles
Effie Rodger».
Stalcup. Ernest A
Bernice R
Manufacturing Optician
Wagner. Esther
Holland. Floyd Shelton. Wm. M.
Abbott. Wm, J. Beran, Dizabeth
Den«m<>re. Flo Garland. John Jiroch,
Kcal Estate Broker
Ethel Loag, Joseph Menhart, Sterl­
and ¡\olartj
ing P. Neal. James R. Piatt, Leooe
Ray. John A. Simmon«. Effie Som­
mer. Jasper N. Weddle and .Mar­
garet Serfling Kelly.
Shelburn—Melvin 0.
Arnold. J.
P. Bentz, F. A. Bowman. Marion L.
jdbstrallt Obtained, (larnntj
Brown. Harry E. Chriaman, Robert
District Surg« n S. P. Railway
|Stream.” the national monthly for •»me once.
They have about $2.95
F. Darby. EHa Densmore. Jom-ph T.
I sportsmen, and wiote on the margin worth of looks and a nickel's worth
Funk, Eimer E. Galloway, Benjamin
' 'Can’t This Be Prevented?” The of taste.
A, Hol teen. Hazel Kelly. Wiebe
London Art Center is agitated
article was our story about the re-
Kuiken. El«ie E Limbeck. Edwinl>.
; turn of George Brock. Cou Dona- about a picture painted by a grocer.
Lyon«, Cha«. McClain, Archie Me-
■ hue. R om Ray and E. G. Arnold London should see some of the pic­
Crae, Maude E Roadarmel, H 0. «TAYTON,
from Klamath Falls with a flivver tures by «ome of our American real
t all» answered Day nt Night
Shilling. Paul Smith. Geo. M I*rol-
load of gee«e and ducks and giving estate agents.
Tuberculin Testing
linger, Dennis Watkins and Zilla
I them to friends in Albsmy and Scio.
If you wish an answer to your
The sender signed no name, but the prayers, «how your sincerity by
Scio, Or.
Reconditioning Shop
Parts for All Cars....
G. F. Korinek
magaxine published the story and. working for it.
212 E. First
Phone 379
: the editor unlimbered as follow«:
"All excesses in killing of game-
Profits From Apples
A Hint to Knocker«
are in violation of the ethics of good
I sportsmanship, and
such excesses
A Nantes hanker who i»eueif cir­
may. under veiy favorable and un­ culars warning his clients that the
HAUL'S CATAHMH UKHK'ISW ha» beer usual conditions, he committed with­ eotmtrv was going to the demnition
<■«•4 ■«K.saeCuUy in toa ir«atm«nl «I
in the law. There Is no way to bowwows ~iay bo expelled from
HAix-a cinsHit WKUict** eaa- i reach such conditions except be re­ Frunce.
Should every country take
ateto of an Ulntmvnt which Qukkl,
lulls van by local apt’Hcatlon. and ths formation and regeneration of the
latsrual Marlirias. a T<w»le. which act»
ihro'ish Ihr II <wx| on lh>> Mumu« Hur- individual.
far«-« thu» ml « ins tlw -itUmnuikw.
"The above example of game
BoM by all Aruasiaia
F. J Chan r • On Wtoto OMe
'hoggishneea* would appear to be io a
similar action againwt calamity how­
lers w population soon would be pro­
Ant riia Express.
regions-- San
First National Bank Building
Careful records kept for the pa«i
20 yesrs of the r»»«t of every orchard
operation «n<! th» Income from th- Bridge and Hat«» Work given prompt
and careful attention. Also Extraction
Mie of th« fruit in ■ typical ten acre
Ruldoln apple orrhnrd In wrot«»rn New
York »how thnr apple growing h»«
paid nn attractive profit, nt lenxt In
Rahabla Undertaherw
this orchanl Tto nvernje yearly net All (unirais given rorsonwl attention
profit '»n ■ bnrrrl of apples for the 20
by Mr. lowe
year period ha» tom «1 .'q »nd the av­ N. V. I j » ws
N, f. Monetär»«
erage annual profit per acre tor the 20
Thone—Day, 397
Phon« »I
Phone—N igbt, 395
years ha« be«-n *12071
that the »ri-hanl is worth *.'■<»> per
arte. Ito annual net ditoh-ad has boo AdvrrUsr ia The Soo Tribun« and g»t