The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 05, 1925, Image 1

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    Vol. 2H
11.75 the Year
No. 2«
--------- !----
Narrowly Escapea Death
Friday afternoon. Jan 30. 192ft.
will be remembered bv Kenn«th
Sims as h>ng as be live«. He is ooe
of the climbers for tba Mountain
Stales Power Co. and was on a pole
near the city limits of Jefferson to
make some connections with a near­
by house, when be thinks bis left
elbow brushed against the 11.000
volt wire, and the current shot
through him and burnt a hole in bis
right hand to tbe bone and another
bad burn on the left hand. Had he
not had hold of the ground wire be
would have been instantly killed, he
thinks, but this and his safety belt
he owes bts life to. He was brought
to his home and medical attention
given. He is nursing two very sore
hands, but otherwise is feeling fine
Luckily he is under tbe cum pen-
»a’ion act, which helps a lol. and
the M. S. P. Co. is rendering all the
ansi stance necessary.
Otis Compton Home
Otis Oimpton arrived from Hon­
olulu Tuesday night on a visit to
his mother. Mrs. J. Compton and
his sister. Mrs. John I<egn«r, after
an sconce of three years, during
which he was in the U. 8. Navy.
Ik* has twen stationed in the Hi*
waiian Islands. Philippine Islands and
in China, and snent eight months in
the government hospital in Honolulu.
In an interview yesterday morn­
ing Mr. Compton said. “I have seen
lots of country. Our ship came near­
ly living wrecked in coming across
When I left the Islands on January
sixth, the sun was shining.
tween San Francisco and Portland
a 27-year-old divorcee jumped oyer
l»oard and was drowned, and two
others jumped over board between
Honolulu and San Francisco." Mr.
Compton saya he likes the Pacific
Mobile Minstrels Please
A large crowd greeted the Mobile
Kay Minstrels of Aumsville, an ama­
teur wganixation. at th« Z. C. B. J.
hall Tuesday night, and all were
highly pleased and well entertained.
The jokes were new and calchy and
“brought down the house." After
the performance a dance was given,
the music being furnished by the
Steelhammer family of Woodbum,
Come again.
P.-T. Next Thursday
Next Thursday night is th« regu­
lar monthly meeting of th« Parent-
Teacher Aaaociatioo. and if the at­
tendance »rows as on former meet­
ings the school auditorium will be
filie«!. Tne meetings are becoming
interesting as subjects pertaining to
the local school are discussed. A
good program will be rendered
Everybody is invited.
I'mick Rank Budding
Albany, Oregon
u Plates That Fit n
Crown and Bridge Work,
Plates. Fillings, Painless
Extraction. It will be to
your advantage to get my
Removal of Port Commiss oners
Prompts Action to Curtail
Appointive Power.
Salem While tbe first t«o «o ka
of the present session were rather dull
and uninteresting, the third week wit-
■ eased the longeipe»- J break b*
tween the governor aad the I. glala
lute. The aovernor op o-d boatilitlei
when be attempted t<> romu ■ Ove
members of the Port of Portland com
mission and appt-1 nt In their place»
new men. The leglslsrure promptly
took up the aase of battle b> pn sing
a bill »bl«h takas from lb« g»«”i •>■
the appointment of members of io
foBinilMhm and places II slth the lev
(stature. and In the hill the • - mi
stoners which the governor sought tu
remove are named.
The speed with »hlch this bill W • •
passed up to the governor la a »'iliili •
example of to- ■ a > • i: i
1sture can function slten there la an
incentive. After a dlscueaicD of four
or five hours the bill pa rd the senate
and within an hour after It reached
the house It passed that body. In the
•enate only Fisk. Joseph. Kinney and
Zimmerman voted against It «nd tn
tbe house only Molt and Miller Un
doubtedly tbe governor will v •to the
bill, and it certainly will be pa,
over bls veto.
Would Curb Governor's P *»r«
Reveral other measures aimed al th<
governor's appointive pu«<-rs «»re In
troduced. among them bills to transfer
appointments to th-- full onnmlaslon
game commieslon and tbe penitentiary
to tbe board of control What th” util
come will be In the struggle bet« n
the governor and leirlela'.•
n- on
can foretell, but Btoal id *>-r'era I a
for some turbulent times during the
remainder of the « cm Inn
The ludlcatl iu are that IhU waek
will close up tbe laveotb ition Into
the state prohibition departn nt Just
what tbe recommendation» f the ape
rial committee of Inveetlgators «III 1»
Is as yet a matter of guear but It Is
not likely that there »III be a full
committee report favoring abolition
of the departm-nt
Th«-re 1» a p<>»
slblltty that the eommltlie may be
equally divided on this question and
another possibility that a majority
may favor abolition.
George L Cleaver, head of the de
partment. baa already b- • n en»ured
for being too active poll 'rally and
there la a possibility It
the mtn
mlttee may roronin» nd I
as prohibition romml«ai»n»r
Testimony of smsitluual nature «as
apread before tbe legislative commit
lee latestIgatlng the stale prohibition
department. Fr m thia teetlc >ny It
appeared that tbe office of Cleaver
spent more tine In rhe- Ung up of
fleer» than In running il »n tuo< i
shiner» or I -otleggvis.
May lo.rstigatc Penitentiary.
Investigation Into the affairs of the
Oregon state penitentiary to deter
mine «bother the institution has been
conducted efficiently under the pree
ept administration, probably «ill t»
demanded In a remdutlon now being
Although no definite plan
baa been worked out."It was reported
that the Investigation might be con
ducted along lines similar lo that of
tbs probe now Involving the state pro
Mbit ton department.
The Joint ways and mesne commit
tee of the house and ornate reported
out favorably a bill providing tor an
appropriation of 11.500.000 with which
to assist tbe farmers of the state
whose crops have been destroyed be
cause of the recent cold weather The
money would be loaned to the farmers
under the direction of the state board
at control and would be secured by a
first mortgage on tbe growing crops
tor im and ISM.
No Auto License Changes
Tbs road legislation Is slowly
sumlng shape and It appears now
though Ibero will be no change In
the present chargee for lleenaee at
naiomobibs and tax on gasoline The
tows are likely to remain much In
their pre^al form, due to tbe «Ide
difference 1a the tbeurtee of tbe naw
*“•“**• »»bi-« ud the aeaating,
ImpcrsibllHy of compromising on a
■oiutnuo xround
The bouse bill. sponsored jointly by
Representative« H»sa and Oakea.
«btch seeks to extend provisions of
the railroad regulatory Set over high
way carriers, both freight irueks and
paaaenger bus»»«. promise» to provoke
a holler fight than on any other road
measure, with both opposing view
points armed strongly for the fray
Already this MH brought out the moat
best'd committee bearing no tar held
at this session, when railroad altor
neys appeared before the joint rostís
and highways committees and urged
hat bill No &• was fair and just and
should be adopted tor the beet Inter
esta of the State.
As strongly against II are ths or
xaulsed truck and bus Laos.
It appears now that there «III be nc
Mila tor s<rseranee tax. motion picture
Six Win Prize«
By-Law Changes Made
Mrs. Alta Rodgers, teacher of the
third, fourth and fifth grades, has
adopted a good plan to secure study
' and deportment in her etaam-s, an I
' the plan la prize«
The time to dc-
I termine winners runs through the
: semester.
Out of the three eiasees. two
1 from each received a 50c piece from
At the special meeting of the
stockholders of tbe Scio Mutual
Telephone Co. last Saturday the by­
laws of the company underwent a
great many chu m that have for
the ultimate < >d
■ l-etterment of
the lines and i ic *. rvi.-e over them
Another change la that of the an­
nual mxwtings which are lo held by
each line having one director and
they to elect ihe presiding officers
at that meeting
The business of
the company is to be directed by an
executive committee of five mein-
(»era. which is lo tie elected annual*
!y. and is to bav? certain jurisdic­
tion« over subordinate lines when
; their tea,-her for good deportment
iand spelling, and shows that compe­
tition and an incentive brings re
The winners arc Maurice
Shelton and Iter nice Simmons, third
grade; Leona Zavodaky and Itillie ;
Earle, fourth grade; llsrrv Wesely
and Fathei McKnight, fifth grade.
I. V. McAdoo made the presenta­ the owners fail tn act. This, it is
tions. and told the children that the ‘ thought will result in all line« being
opportunity to make good was with kept in good repair. The five min-
l them, but that they must keep their I ute limit for using the lines is to be
I foot on the brake so they can atop enforced, except for business mat­
when they feel lhemaelves slipping ters. It is hoped to have the by­
gway from duty and honor.
laws ready for publication next
tax. fist poundage tax. cigarette tax
er oibi-r taxes which. Governor Pierce
suggested. The governor has not pro
yarxd any of three bills hl nisei f and
no one else appears enthusiastic
enough over such subjects to take tba
time to draft th«m and lobby them
T«o pardon bills fell by the wayside
The officers are J. I). Densmore,
In the house when they were reported
Masquerade a Success
adversely and were, upon vota Indefin­
president; L P Arnold, vice-presi-
itely poetpon>-d
One provided tbe
The masquerade dance at the Z. I dent; J. li t’ouey, secretary; Scio
supreme court should have the pardon
B J. hail Saturday night was a State Hank, treasurer; S B. Holt,
Ing power after hearings, while the
Music 'Joe Dobrkovsky. H O. Shilling. H.
other prescribed the drawing of Juries success in every particular,
to determine pardons, hearings to be i was furnished by the Arnold-Kalinn E. Chrisman and I V. McAdoo, ex­
public and expenses to be borne by 'orchestra, the costume« were many ecutive committee.
<he applicant. *
' and varied and the crowd large ar.d
A bill altering ths present marriage
Crabtree to Have Revival
ll> cnse law as It pertains to medical
Among recipients of prizes were:
certificate« has been Introduced by
Representative Tucker. I.lnn county. Mr. White. Mr. Forge. Mr Rowling,
A two week's meeting is to be
It would abolish the medical certifi­ Mr. Simmons, Mr« R L. Hixson. held in the Christian church at
cate now required and permit use of a Misses lAtal’ouey, Frances and Syl­
Crabtree, Ixginning Sunday morn­
personal affidavit of applicant In Its
via Wesely. Iielta and Elsie Piatt.
ing. Feb.
conducted by Teddy
stead The latter would have to «Wear
There will l>e a dance at Richard­ laravitt. the well known evangelist,
'hat the applicant had been free from
•I(»ease tor a year preceding date of son Gap Saturday night. Feb 7. in ihe congregation has recently pur­
stead of the 14th as announced, and; chased a piano, installed electric
the above orchestra will furnish the i
Legislative Junkets Off
lights and are otherwise making «X-
There will be no leglelallve Junkets - music.
I tensive plana for the meetings,
to the University of Oregon and Orw
which no doubt will lie largely at*
gun Agricultural college during the
Bridge Club With Mrs. Myers - tended, as the Leavitt's friends in
present eras Ion. according to announce­
ment made by th» Joint «ays and
i Linn county are legion.
The regular fortnightly meeting
means committee of Ihe señale and
house. In lieu ot the customary Jun of the bridge club was held at the
Council Meets Tonight
kets, committee« of the «aya and home of Mrs E. I). Myers last Fri-,
means committee «III Inspect the edu
Luncheon was served at one
• aliona! Institutions and report their
Thu city council will meet tonight
o'clock, the twelve nirinbers of the
findings to the legislature.
in regular monthly session. Thera
A Joint bous» resolution. Introduced club lieihg si-at«««I around a long ta­
is considerable business to be trans­
by Speaker Burdick. would require tbe ble. on which a red cyclamen form­
acted and all members should lie
atate supreme rourt to give Its »pinion ed the centerpiece
present. This la also tba time for
upon Important questions upon "sol-'
In summing up the afternoon's
*mn occasions" when required by the
any citizen to tie heard on any sub­
Kames Mrs. J. S Stichs was aw ard-
governor, the senate or tbe bouse of -
ject of civic improvement or other
representatives, and all aurh opinions ¡ ed the first prize and Mrs R. . L.
matters affecting any or all citizens.
shall be published In cunnertlon with ■ Hixson the consolation.
The hour is 7:30 prompt.
tbe reported decisions of the court It '
la provided that a constltuttonal'
Prizes in W indow
amendment providing for thia shall be
Community Club to Meet
submitted to the people at tba neat
lait the Tribune can announce
«en-ral or special election
The Roaring Hiver Community
Scheel Bible Reading Asked.
that the prizes offered by the Scloj
will meet next Monday night
Hena'or Garland haa Introduced a merchants are now on display in the
bill providing for a commiseloa of south window of Joe Wesely‘e store it the Bergen school house, and s
nine m-niters to select certain por
good program has been arranged
Look at them. They are worth th-
tlons of the Bible each year to be
and a basket supper is planned, we
read In the public schools, the parta wholehearted patronage you can
This club is young,
selec'ed being designed to teach moral­ give the merchants contribming to
real problems at
ity and respect tor law
The > A.te ! the purchase of them to l>e given to |
that. Everybody is invited.
superintendent would tie es-offlcio some lucky parson or perMins.
chairman The other members «ould
be ch>ieen from church denominations,
Howard Watenpaugh of Union. I George Merdian. a former resi­
not more than one from each denomin
is assisting at the high school dent of Scio, arrived Tuesday even-
al ton. and one tnrniber to be a Jew,
one a Catholic and une a Chrtstiau during the illness of his brother. i ing from Seaside on a business trip.
He lent 1st.
Prof. H. L. Watenpaugh. He la em­ Mr. Merdian looks well, and he saya
Test Ixioka tor high and elementary
ployed at the experiment station at the Seaside climate has helped a lot
schools of the state, purchased bv the
I in restoring his health.
(Continued on page 2)
S d .!S « Richardson Gap
Saturday CpL 7
Night..... ICI). I
Music by the A mold-Kalina Orchestra
$1 00
Tax Included
Good Floor!
0oo<J Tirn,¡