The Scio Tribun« General Xe ir .« Vol. 4 No. 7 THE SCIO SPHINX BASKETBALL PARTY MR BAILEY VISITS US This comes in the form of a message from the girts B B team to any or all overworked mother's of the boys’ basket­ ball team. We realise, although not so strongly aa you, perhaps, what tremendous appetites your sons possess ami what a job it is to supply them with the necessary amount of good cooked food to appease them. Now, out with our suggestion, Let them cook it themselves? We know, from experience, that for cooks the boys’ tram can't be beat, although as a H R. team it dors seem at least possible. The reason we know of their ability in this line is because of a compact, formed before the boys’ Albany vs. Scio and the girls' I a - ba non vs. Scio games, to the effect whoever loot by the largest scon- would give the other a party. We were confident as to the final result, but the boys, owing to poor judgment, • Sought they might win by a higher score than ours. Fate was against them, as we had surmised, and it was their doom to re­ ward us with a party. Tuesday night the girls’ team practiced as usual, and afterwards, on arriving at the I). S. room, a delightful odor of ham burger assailed our nostrils. It is not nece»- xary to state the degree to which we en- joy«-d their feed of hamburger sandwiches, cocoa and cookies, but it waa great. We are not wishing the boys bad luck, but we hope they do it some more! Now, take our hint, and let the boys do They can! Mr. Bailey, of the Curtis Publishing Co., of Philadelphia, has offered to help us again. H« had v.dt.d us last year and we appreciate his visit now He spoke to the «tud.-nt body • «plaining his plan by which the student body could earn mon.y by g.-tin •, -ubvcriptionx to th«- "Country Gentle man.“ His plan Is the sum.- as that of last year. Each subscription for th* "Country Gentle­ man.” which is one dollar per year, whether n.-w or renewal, bringing the student body fifty cents for every subxeription. The student body immediately voted to again tak«> up Mr. Hailey’s plan. Two team« have been formed, Francis Wearly is captain of th.- " ’parkie«,” whose color is red, and Johnnie Wexely captain of the "Banues," who««- color is groan. The team having the greatest numbvr of sub­ scriptions will be given a party by the los­ ing team. To each person »ecuring six subscriptions a silver fountain pen or self opening jack knife will bo given. Anyone getting three subscriptions will earn a "l.eath«mcek" pencil. The “top" prise, to tha one getting the most subvcript.ons, will be a self-filling Conklin fountainp» n Mr. Bailey also gav.- a very interesting and instructive observation lesson In sales manahip. The contest will cl<««.- next Thursday. January 29, DO YOU KNOW THAT? Th«- class of '27 are sadly preparing to relinquish al) claim to enforce the wearing of the Freshman «»mblem at the en«l of this semester. Wr have taken great pride in seeing this work thoroughly enforced, and at lr)—"Shall I lower the curtain, air? One of the living «tatues has the hiccups!" Portland'« Auto Show I SOPHOMORE CLASS NOTES MR WAUTENPAUGH IS ILL We are all wry sorry to hear of the ill­ ness of our protestor, Mr. Wautenpaugh. He has been ill sine«? Monday afternoon and we an- all ho* mg for his sp«-<-dy recovery and n-turn t » school, for he has always proved a “f mi in need.” ciò 1 ligh School GIRLS ATHLETICS BOYS ATHLETICS The Scio High School girla’ basketball team defeated the Shedd M.S. Friday. Jan. 16 by a score of 26 3 The Shedd girls were greatly handicapped by the large floor, as they are used to a very small one. The Shed«! girls displayed very good sportsman­ ship and put up a much better flight than th«’ score might indicate The 8. H. S. girla were defeated by the Davis Hi girla of Aumsville in a practice game on the local floor Wednesday night. January 21, by a score of 12-10. At the end of the first half the score stood S-l in Scio’s favor. However, tb«> superior "bus­ kin« «■' of the D.H.S. girls proved one too much for our team in the third quarter, This was the fastest girts’ gam* played on Conference the local floor this season. games wilt probably be arranged later. Friday night, January 23, we Journeyed to Gervais and were defeated in th«* ’’city hall" to the tube of 13-H. The floor was so small that the S IIS team was unable to pa..< because one player would nrceasariiy The Gênais girls being be out of bounds, used to the floor bounced the ball from player to player, ami defeated us. Thia game was the nearest approach to foot­ ball that our girls have played, as kicking waa not uncommon (?). Only three fouls were called during the course of the gam.-, these being personal on the Seto guards during the first quarter. In order to avoid future handicap be­ cause of a small floor baskets have been placed on each side of the gym an«t w. will spend some time in practicing “cross­ wise” of our floor. The basketball floors of the Halsey ami Shedd High schools are reported to be about thia site. The lineup for Scio Hi in th« •• 1 eet de­ feat against the "Giants” corp . e.. to our team Although Scio did not win they took the «lefeat tn a very good sportsman- like manner ami wdl work all the harder for tl • next gam. «. The game here with Shedd was a very good and close game, which held tlie "fans” in a very high ami excited spirit. There ar nine boys out for "Basketball I” an are hoping sol- of them will bo Freshmen. Last Frida) aorm, of the girls did not wear green stockings ami were on th» point of receiving the punishment when the pro- f« "H annoiin< . roua and happy married life. Th- one and the only member of the Junior claw ha.« been appointed on the Sphinx Stuff, , I« is also manager of both boy’s and girl's athletics, besides playing basketball. Prof. "When did Caesar defeat the greatest number?” Student- "I think on examination day. There ara welfare of Oregon than the motor check which will set me up another 1 notch My wife likes to read the 45® dealers in Oregon, and between car. Trihune. as it is like getting news jfloo and IM00 garages and service front home to her. Wishing you and She Likes The Tribune stations. The increase in property all your readers a prosperous 1925. values in Oregon since the coming of the automobile has been greater We received a short letter the I am. Yours Truly, Vincent Shafranek than in any other equal period of first of the w««ek from Vincent .Shaf- time No single development of ranek of I «etcher, N. Dak., in which man ha« contributed more to the he says In part: "I am enclosing ree Tractor Schoo Bring us vour Job Printing. Albany BARRETT BROS. o Nothing tn Bring your troubles. o The School for your instruction only. (U Six reels of amusing and instructive pictures h c o Li. I I RFSHMAN NOTES Saturday. Jan. SI, and lasting over of $153.21» per month. Saturday. Feb .. It will surpass any previous rh««w. it 1« announced, The automobile industry of the It might I •• interesting t<> know country ia celebrating the 25th anni­ that the tot .1 businv s of the auto- versary thia year, with national mobile industry of Oreg »n for the shows being held in New York. Chi­ year 1924 amounted t-« 212»»J)3h.77H cago and San Francisco. The North­ and the payroll t > R300 etnul y>■« weal Regional Motor Show will be was $15.2d6.572 SO. or an average held in Portland, beginning neat o o O (/) Published by Albany, Oregon Barrett Brothers •; vv«. I