The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 29, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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The Scio Tribune
Geucral New«
More Prizes and Big Free Show
li mw ntw r ■ 'rrn—nniuniiMwaiiii iimim ———tas— ism ir
gasUMn ..xa«.'"."
HE SECOND PRIZE OFFERING, designed to put Selo on the map as the best trading point, and to give th.- ¡..-»pie s methrng they want
and can ue. i* now m full swing at all the stores and buuneas houses listed ■
thar with others
who are eontibuting to the enterprise but are not advertising. Those contributing are Sc. • Mui A I evator < ■ R. M. ( ain. t I
Ksadlr.X. I <, • i. .1 B <
-- J F. Wesely. J Kelly. I
scb«k Bro«.. Scio Caah Produce Sdo Laund
L. Jordan, F. T. Bilyeu. N. i Morrison. Bartu Mortor Co.. Scio Garage. Dean Morris. Thomae Creek Lumbar (’•». W J (. hmmr. frank Kruml.
Mountain States Power Co.. Peoples Thestrs and L. 0. porter.
This la th- prop-mtion and the prize«: The big prise Is a Crosley Tnrdyn 3-tube Radio Set, value l.’> and will « -n 1» on display in J I
Wesclv’s south window, together with the second prise of 120 worth of groceries, and the third prise of me arti e or arte •• value I at $10.
All worth buying for. The campaign for these prises ends Saturday, Feb. 2H
A free show will be given at th* IV pl.-« Theatre on M.-dncs-
rtay afternoon. Feb. 25 - ves. free. At 10 o’dock that morning the hour of the drawing for the second and thir I p- • • w
>><• determined by
drawing the numlx-r from a box. and the number drawn eel the bour between 10 and 2 that day. ami the erne pr •<•» ur<- will l • followed f ir
Saturday’s drawing. The 10th name drawn wins the second prise, and the nest 10th name wins the third prix at We ln< <-ia» < drawing; the
same arrangement for Saturday; all drawings to be on the corner of Mam and Mill Streets. All stores r ■ »perating w.c have tickets h . i ballot
boxes. write your name on the ticket and deposit It in the box. The*« will be gathered up Wedae» lay ar t Saturday and put in a b x or bar­
rel and thoroughly stirred up befurs the drawing takes place. Ask for your tickets with every cash purcha-M or a • unts pai i
rding to the
rules of each «lore as to amounts. Ths winner or a member of his immediate family most be present
pi -lies n r h< I in tr, <t f >r hi n
Give Family Dinner
t ®
r. -S /I
‘A 1
Mr. and Mr«. 1> M McRmght
gave a dinner at their .home last
Sunday, a numlter of relatives be-
in« their guests. Th<>w present were
Misses Berths and Mattie Irvine and
Jess Ray of Lebanon, Harris McCune
of Moro. Oregon. Mrs. Hettie Rar
Mrs. Charlie Heard. Mr. and Mrs.
F. T. Thayer and the hosts and their
The Ones That Make It Payare
on Blankets
With the advance priic coming on. Blankets I kiua J i I at the j»rev­
int price* arc a good l>uy. not saying anything about the 10'4
discount. The above discounts arc for 1Ô Jay* ooly.
$12.1X1 Cotton
$ 9 MH
1 ♦» 50 Cot Ion
14 95
$15. OU Silk floae
MW Silk Floss
$13 50
Steel Beds
Bed Springs
$7 (Ml to SIMM)
$4 00 to $10.50
Don’t overlook the Aluminum specials now on display in the
»«»utli window. One lot Wc ami one lot SI-JO
feeding a Italanccd ration at this time
the year to keep that
cow in shape to do her best wl-.e.i *11
on the gras»
Golden Pheasant Dairy l eed
will do that and more, it will pay its wav ,o»J put your cow
»ring, reed
in sha|»e to return a profit in the spring.
I ved prices arc against
the dairymen now. on ac ount ol high
iigh priced
priieil wheat nod
ami corn.
but this condition of low priced butterfat and high priced teed
must change soon, ami f the cow is kept in condition to produce
hei best she will show her owner a profit far the year, otherwise
she »how* a Io»». Ask your ncighl»or why he feed's G olden
P heasant 1) aihv F i
eh .
Scio Mill & Elevator Co
Frevh Candies. Fruita, N'uts and Pupiorn. lie Cream. Soft llrinlo .»ml
T<4>acco«. Lunches and Short Orders. Ask for ficket» with each 25c
cadi purchase or paid on account.
See our windows
Tickets with every $1 (Ml cash purchase or ]>aul on account
We need, want and appreciate your patronage,
and it good service, treatment, credit accommoda­
tions and good quality of merchandise at reasona­
ble price* count with you, come and see us 'This
is our home ami bv all cooperating we can make it.
worth while for all of ua.
We arc in on the big drawing content ami the Fee­
picture show that will l>c put on by the Scio mer- •
chants. So carefully watch the Tribune for details..
Call for your drawing tickets that m - give free
with each 5(k purchase or $l|0O paid, on account;
produce taken same as cash.
Yours to live anti let live
Bilyeu Confectionery & Restaurant
Watch I he Windows.
Ask fur I icketa