• Kt S’. • - Jf ? * ' ’», A if , •>' '*.*1*' • >• -? r J»« 5C A# -• > ’ M- t * V - A * * -.*• S' * •• • " te A. *> ■ * •• • I Ìlilìl S- Mfcrii.'V l'iô_____ _ •z. - The Scio Tribune Éditorials THE SCIO TRIBUNE Torrance Reconditioning Simp and Part* for All Cara.... ALBANY. OREGON 212 E. First Phone 379 ge*t and moat uptodate In the »tale, Ridie Chrome called on the Thomas Phillip** to hear the radio Saturday if not the whole country. evening. Ijawrence Thoma*, one of Jordan’s Spring ia upon us and fermera on well drained land are plowing mœt rising voung men. is visiting at every dav. thus getting their ground home. He holds a good position at io shape for seeding at the proper Mt. Angel, we understand. E J. Burns, who works for John time. Where elee in all the United Shelton, broke his right arm while States can you beat Oregon’ working with horses. He was taken to a Stayton physician who aet it. When It comea to advertising It- will lie 1st«! off for • few days. He •elf as the city of crime, Chicago wine the limburger cheese. State Law-Makers Hall's Catarrh Medicine GILKEY STATION The*» whn srs In • "run-down" «-...«- tlon will non™ that «’• t»r*h tl -m m..«-h mors than when th.y |„ <1--t £«allh Thia fa«-t pro*.* that * mu I* a focal dtowi«.. it la rrwifiy lnnr» ItAl.I.W ¿ATAHHH MP.IWIVK I. a CaneiMd Tr.atm.nt both Incal and m- »i»d ha* bwn •>. .r..< | ... Jan 27 of butter per month, which la alao •oi l in Scio, Jefferaon, Stayton and Portland Mr. Hickey Surprised Mr. amf Mrs Paul A. Lardon en­ tertain« I a party of friends Tues­ day evening with a surprise dinner party for Mr. Claude Hickey, in hon­ or uf his birthday. A large birthday cake adorned the center of the table, around which were seated .Mr anil Mrs Joe Wese- |y, Mr. and Mr* Ethil Arnold. Mr. Mr and Mrs EJwin Holland. Mr and Mrs. J hnStieha. Thomas Ijtrge. John Kelly. Claude Hickey, and the h>*ts After dinner Card* and mu­ sic were enjotvd High scores were award« i to Mrs John Sticha and Thomas Large, the consolations go­ ing to Mrs Edwin Holland and Mr. (Continued from page 14 O-.s of the roost tm* portant Is ike Oaks* S» an msasuro. which would place a tar on bus and truck line* tor the malm*■nan«'* of high says The measure was drawn up under the direction of railroad st torneys The measure promises to precipitate a hot flcht In the «was I on Bus and truck lines representallree are on Hickey. hand to flabt fur the life of their bust Uses haw appear* 4 A 9 lb. b«.y was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Struckmeier ‘T .'77*' tot ■OM by ail dru<*f«<« Mias Mary Jarvis of North Bend F, J. Ch.n.y * Co.. 1\>l«fo. Ohfo. preach«'»! Sunday morning and again in the evening. Watch the date following your Mr and Mrs. Leater Holt of Carl­ name on this paper. It tell* when ton were Sunday guests at the par- your lime exmr«-*. If a blue pencil Entertained Husbands Camp Ground Law Offered. mark i* under your name, it mean* ental home of J. G. Holt CentrailtaiIon of control of ail alate Mr. and Mra. I. N. Lemon «f Cor- traffic officer* under one chief. Io !*«■ vour paper will stop in two week*, Mr*. F Gill. Mrs. John Wese- uni«-** renewed. Starts when paid vail is spent the weekend at the •elected by the secretary of state, su Iv. Mra. C. W Brau'g and Mrs Fred for. »tops at expiration. home of Mrs. Lemon's sister, Mra tborlslng Inrreas«* In the salaries of T Bilyeu were hostess«-* to the mem­ ths chief Inspector and operatives and IS. R. Holt. T iickshay . Jan 29, 1926 Improvement and r-sulatlon of sanl bers of the bridge club and their Sunday gueata at the W. J. Kelly iary conditions In public campgrounds husbamis at the Gill home last Fri­ home were: Mrs. Kelly'* mother. were proposed lu two bills prepared day night. A six o'clock dinner TO OCR CRIENOS IN SUNSWEPT Mrs Wm Barfling. Ira and Helen by Senator Magladry. was f ■ ow< f by the evensng at We are truly appreciative of the Serfiing. all of Silverton, and Mr. A memorial to congress urging fol bridge. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Myers way our many friend* responded to and Mra. Frank Prokop and daugh­ era! aid In the development of Pacific were awarded ladies* and gentle­ «•oari r«>rta adjan-nt to lare* timber Enjoy this winter the to our special inducements, made ter. Anna Mary. hol«iIuas tn order tn make these men's high *c<>re*and Mr. and Mrs. warmth anil the health­ for the purpose of raising needed Moat of the young folks from cewalble to market*, wai passed by IL L H x*on. the low scores. Mrs. ful outdoor recreation of money we are thus able to take here attended the bask r that I game both house*. A. W. Hagey and Miss Eulalia Lind- California playgrounds. care of our obligations withoufbor- b»twecn Aumsville and Stayton on Legislative Brevities. say, huiiM guest of Mrs. Paul l^tr- Rumor has It that there la to ba SR round trip r.-wing money, and you received the Monday night. don. were invited guests. another "oleomargarine" bill brought Wintcr ex­ interest. The Thursday Thimble duh met to the ersston by the farmers' and cursion fare to Los An­ There are quite a few who have Thursday at the bom-* of Mrs Effie dairymen'a organisations. l)<> you think the American peo­ geles; return limit May n««t taken advantage of the liberal Sommer, with twenti two members A bill Introduc'd in the senate 31st via the comfortable offer and are in arrears, whose pa- present and one vi iter. Mrs Ira would create a board of automobile I ple have a ser..«e of humor?" "Yea,” convenient trains ot the i er will rutomatically stop with this Robmaon. Mrs. V**da Whetstone machinist examiners to I* composed answered Senator S«irghum, "Ev­ ery once in awhile somebody comes Shasta route. issue unless the subscription ia re- and Mrs. Nettie Irwin attended of three n>eml>ers. Women as well as men will be rom along that seems to have been elect­ •wtd *>r otuer satisfactory arrange- from Albany and Mi* Ethel Yunk- And you’ll like Southern pelted to obtain hunting and fishing Pacific dining car service ■ nt» mads We regret to do thia, er from Jofferaon Two contests llcwnscs under an amendment the ed because he amused the folks.” —highest quality food but I*« reason* compel: Postoffice were stage«! by the hostess and a house game commission will propose Henry Ste panek, who is working deliciously prepared and regulation* require ''paid in ad- vocal duet was rendered by Mr*. In a Mil. f<>r the S. P. Co , spent Sunday at The board of control and the budget served at your accus­ var.ee." an 1 some refuse to pay tha Crenshaw and Mro. Goar, the latter ( commission would be consolidated un his home here. tomed meal-time. overdue accounts; •o it fnuwt be "in also presiding at the piano. der house bill No 1». Introduced by advance" to all. Krom now on the Full stopover privileges Sunday morning. Mr*. J. F. Som­ Kllham. Multnomah county. Tribune will start when paid for ami mer narrowly e*ratx*d being senoua- cn route. Establishment of a state tuberculo «t t> at expiration. You will like ly burned when her dress caught •le hospital east of the Cascade moun For full information, ask this le tter a* you get use«! to it. fire from the heating stove. She lain* would be a question to be voted The blue pencil will tell the story, received some painful burns on her on by the people at the general elec tlon of November. 1*3*. If a bill intro and all m arrears have been eo noli- hand* poll.ng out the flames duced by Senator I’pton Is passed li. I. Saturday night. Jan 31. at Sunday dinner guests at the T M. Three bills, designed to protect 7:00 o'clock, the extra apecial ro­ Holt hooxc were Rev. and Mru.T.W. farmers saalnst trespassers. part leu ll ucti n end* arid the rate goes bark t’ooper and Mr. and Mr. John larly tourists who Invade their prem Is«* for articles of food, hate been In to SI 7S i>er year Vaughn of Jefferson. troduced by Senator Sam Broun ot HE right glass« > save sight, cor­ Mr and Mrs McAdoo. John Shepherd is putting in a Marlon county rect defects of vision and render telephone on line 3. To lay • loll on tax exempt aeeuri a nr vice far beyond the matter of George Ashford and fsmilv of ties st some points during their life price. Evestrain symptoms are na­ The bill netting aside the Clear Ktlertts Nolici Lik.- water shed* jmrmanently lo Marion. Mias Mary Jarvis of North time and make them pay their con ture’s call for help. Heed the call. Notice is hereby given that the un the people of Oregon was introduced Bend.Miss Emaline Carson of Albany trlbution to the public weal Is th* purpose of house bill TO, Introduced deraignrd was by an order duly mad.- and entered of record on th«- Sth dav of in the *enate Tuesday by Senator and Franklin Gilkey of O.A.C. were by Repre«»«ntailve (formas. The bill January, 1926. in that certain suit in Joseph <>f Multnomah county. Thia gueata al the W. A Gilkey home provides that Inheritance taxes shall the Circuit Court of the Slate of Or. bo laid upon tax exempts shea thet gon, for the County of I.inn. in 11« art- biil and its coti»«qurnces are of par­ Sunday. m«nt No. 2. wherein Ralph II •:ii*. a amount interest to every cm sen of The crew of men that has been •re bequeathed tn eatatr* from their minor, by L. M Curl, his guardian, was former owner to another Mr lleriuaii ALBANY OBgB, plaintiff, ami Nell Hollia-Hilyeu and the Willamette vallev, becauae thia working down near the Thomas has had legal advice and beilevas th« HAROLD A EBRO, Myrtle Hollis, a minor, were defend­ immense body of pure water and creek bridge to prevent the creek law will •ustaln hl* bill ants, duly appoints*«! refer««’ to mak«' Manufacturing Optician sale of the following «lescnbed real the unknown horae power therefrom from taking the road have complet­ property, to wit; i* to l>e saved to the people. Write ed the job. Former Scioite Good Asset Lot No. Tluoe 13) and the East one- Mr. an«! Mrs. Fred Mr*pelt and senator Garland or Repreaentativea — —— — half iK. SL L°* Ntt Two <2>- ,n Block No Two 2). in Wh«-eler‘a Addi­ Swan or Tucker for a copy. «laughter, Ouak visited at the Joe ficai Estale Proper The value of small indualrie* tn a tion to the City of Scio, Linn County. Kitchen home m Albany Sunday. and Notary Public community is well illustrated in a State of Oregon. Miss Merle Righam of the Oak­ report of the busineM of the Dallas Now. therefore, in pursuance of aahi ylbtlnCt» OStained, Examined Senator Borah and aides on hia order ami of the statute* In surh case* view schoi'l «pent the week-end at Creamery covering a period of a I m , u I KIO - - - OREGON made and provkled. I will, on Saturday, ’fault-finding' committee refuse to o. th* 7th day of February. 1926. el the k. appointment of Attorney General her home in Portland. nine months. The creamery during hour of one o’clock p. m. of said day, DR. A. G. PRILL Clifford Kelly took the train for that time has had an output of 6S.- at the front door of the county court Stone to the U. S. supreme court by Physician bouse in the City of Albany, l.innt oun- President Coolidge. Since the pres­ Mill City Monday, srhere he will 963 pound* of butter and has dis •nd ty. State of Oregon, sell at public auc 1 visit relative*. tribute«! approximately $40.000 lion, for cash in hand. to the highest ident must stand or fall with the Surgeon Heeman Zeller went to Ijfon* among the farmers of thnt vicinity bidder, all th* right, title, interest and men he chooaea as hi* subordinates, Hist riet Surgeon S. P. Railway claim of th* several parties, plaintiffs Sunday to viai* hia sister, Mra. Nor­ in payment for butterfat and pro ­ why should Borah be ao careful? and defendant* in sal«i auit. in and to Scio. Or. the real property brroinaboyo describ­ He would not be responsible, besides man Garrison, returning Munday. duce of all kind*. ed E A. Wagner, manager of the Dated thia «th day of January. 19*26. hi* republicanism is not too pure. A. K. M c M aham . Referee. creamery, went from here to Dallas Dale of first publication, Jan. 8, 1926, JORDAN ITEMS ! ab«>ut nine months ago, after ope­ Sunday** Portland papers said Date of last publication, Feb. 5, 1926. - . • OREUON rating a creamery here for a year, -FAY TON. Gov. Pierce had the whtpband at the < all* answered Day or Night Jan. M leaving because the patronage did '■ legislature, and then carried a story Tuberculin Testing Mrs. Gearhart waa a Jordan shop­ not warrant his remaining, and our from Tom Kay l«*ashing the gover­ people lost a valuable aa*et that has DR. C. WARD DAVIS nor unmercifully, an«i saying he had per Saturday. Mr. Weieh returned from a trip lieen se ured by Dalia*. Mr. Wag the governor "sliding." Just how ner paid to the producers here dur­ much of the political bunk coming to Ashland. Oregon recently. First National Rank Building Mrs. Endrea ta nursing Mr*. ing that year more than $26,000, from Salem can be believed is quite Svvrro*,