The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 29, 1925, Image 1

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    Vol. 28
No Meeting Monday Night
iH-cember was the last meet log of
the Forks of the Santiam Commun- ’
ity Club, for two reasons: None in
January because of the death of
Only Fight
President Frank Smith’s mother, in
Which Is
•li fcrence to him in his sadness; in
February. lu-cauae n»> community
has invited it and there Is no place
Is Over Banks Bill.
Opposed By Port­
City Officials.
to go.
Salem -The first two weeks of th"
Whether there will ever be an­ present session have pae.<-l with very
other meeting is problematical. If 'till» of Im port a mw accomplished
the same activity is shown during While a number <4 Imt» ;i.«nt bills
lite next month as in the last two have been Introduc'd no measure i>l
(eneral tntrroet baa r— lv»-d att-nU'Hi
months, it is certain no meeting will
In both houses
With ths »*»• t»it<»n
be held in March. Why let it die? of the fight In th» s-nato over th«
Did it fail in it’s mission? If so. Itanks bill, which gives th» right of
why? Were the officers, or any of­ ’appeal to the cir«-ill court wt-ro a
ficer. a misfit? If 1 license Is rsvokml by a city »-uuruil.
Who would do letter and bring I he first two weeks of th» »• -talon were
rather tamo and devoid of pubti»- In
more life into the club and common- terest. The Bank« bill pas d th...... it
Ity? Shall the dub die? These are ate. hut It will meet with strong up
question* that are pertinent, what position tn the bouse, a* it In Mttrrlj
jppoeed by Mayor Baker of Portland
any you. fellow citizens?
Cantata Please»
D. V*Poling of the First
Presbyterian church of Albany with
the memliers of his choir and an
eight-piece orchestra, gave the can­
tata "The Nativity" at the Christ-
tian church last Thursday night.
Those who attended say that this
was the best of the thiee these pop­
ular singers have given here. Just
prior to the dosing number Rev.
Poling lesl the audience in a com­
munity sing. An offering was ta­
ken wnich is to go to the benovelent
fund of the Scio church.
After the program they were in­
vited to the home of Mr and Mrs.
Mylo Bartu where refreshments
were served and a social time enjoy
and th» Portland council.
> The grist of bill» lntr<"lu"-'l »<-<-n>«
to be about as numerous as daring
previous sessions A tolsi of it bills
were in trod peed in the sonate au.I I3&
in the bouse »luring the first two
Governor Pierro and tho lawmakers
have not seriously »la h d. but troul>!<
le liable to break out at any tint -
particularly If efforts being put forth
to perfect an organisation to overvi»!*
the governor’s vetoes -U" -4.
Prohibition Investigation Lags
Little waa done by the commltte»
Investigating th» prohibition dei-..r
meat last week, but inter» -ting d-
velopnients are »*p» < t«'»l thia week
wfien officials of various • untl» ■» an»
others are expected to appear bef«»r<
the committee
The committee pu
in much time last w»-ek going thr,
the mass of rr«»-rd« brought from his
Portland office by Prohibition < <> n
mlaaloner Cleaver.
The public bearing <>n the prop
rat If lea i Ion of tl.>- >
meat to the federal con st lint Ion
brought lark»» delegations from Port
While It Is doubtful It the
amendment will be rattfo I. sentlmen
tn Its favor aostu« to I • Inert " ng
The younger members nt tb»- leg
lalure seem InUin-d to favor rat If i< a
tlon. but the older on»« are dead set
against it.
Irrigation, which la likely to be onr
of the most Important subj» ■ 1« to re
celve attention during the »»«Ion. 1»
tn more or less of a tangle
The bills propos-d by hr Anglo
London Parle bank <>f f » Fran» l»< o
ars sot liked by irrie onlsts who
Insist the mre»ur> ■» nr- for th»> in
t»r»et of th» bondhi d< rs of the Warm
Springs project an i not f»»r the te-m-fit
of the settlers " I ■ bank agmts flat
ly deny the Uni «tlon At lrn«t f» t»r
Irrigation bill- ».ill appear during th-
coming week
Creation >> an office of stats dire«
tor of Ian»' »»a lauiation to aup« rvls-
both arid aud net lan«l operations in
Oregon la recummci d<-4 In a rs|> rt of
th» committee on Irrigation BPP "nt
nd under authority of a legislative art
pass*-«! two yeara ago.
There will Iw a meeting of th»-
, stockholders of the Sci»> Mutual Tel
•»phon« Co. tn Scio, Saturday, Jan
131. al 10 a nt , the session to I»-
| held In the city hall, at nltkh time
1 the special committee on reviJon of
by laws will report The committee
, is composed of G I*. Sutherland, 11
|0. Shilling, S B. liolt. Ja* Oupor
and J. D. Drnsnmie.
At this lime an exec ¡live b- ard
of five member« and a president,
secretary and ttea-urcr will be elec­
ted. should the pr>»(> < I change« in
the by-laws be a»i»»pted
There is
much of importance that should l»e
The Canyon’
Would AM Farmers
ttpuasor-d by the »ntlre eautecu Ore
gpp dsdagstioe. a MU was Uiirodnred
Ask for prise ticket with
♦ ach paid admission.
from California nearly a year ngo.
I or a time his life waa despaired of
but latest reports said he was im­
His many fnemls here will 1«
sorry to here of his present condì-
tlivtt and will hope for a speedy re-
A Birthday Surprise
.Mrs John !«egnei and her moth*
er, Mrs. Compton, gave Mr. Ix-gner
a surprise I irthday dinner Sunday.
Th«- afternoon naaard pleasantly with
playing games and a general g'»<d
cause for every In » connected with
the Scio swi’rhb ‘*r»l to i»e repre-
Miss Aileen Mumper, who is work­
sented at th»« meeting. Therefore ing in Salem, »(»ent Sunday al home.
again we sa>:
On Saturday. Jan 31, at 10 a m ,
every phone owner connected with
Scio central is invited to come to
Scio and hear the report of the com­
mittee. The meeting will be held
at the citv hall.
Don't forget the masquerade ball
Saturday night nt the Z. C B. J.
I hall, and the Aumsville home talent
minstrel show and dance at the same
place on Tuesday night, Feb. 3
good show is promised, and vou will
miss something good if you stay
Dr. J. G. Gill and family of Leba­
non visited Mrs. N E Gill Sunday.
People’s Theatre
Plate» That Fit
A Tractor School
Frank I’. Drvanrv.
one of the
A tractor school is to be held by
oldret men in Unn county, and a Barrett Bros . the McCormick Deer­
resident near Jefferson for more ing dealer» in Albany, on Friday.
than half a century, passed away at Jan 30. Thia school is held for the
the home of Mrs Suretnjr Han-ant. purpose of be1 ig <»f help to the us
a daughter, in l-elianon. <>n M»ndav, era, no matt.-r » is* make, and
Jan. 26. at H p m. Death wav due tractor drawn to
a m > to ail who
to the complications of old age
are interested in power farming
Tas Ban Aaked
Mr. Devaney was born in Frank­ whether they own a tractor al pres­
S-natnr Dennis Introduced a Joint lin county. North Carolina. October ent or not.
reaoltitlnn railing for a roastltutloaa
30, 1M2N, and while a small boy hej
The school is to be practical in
nn-ndment whh h would prohibit In I
way, we understand, and that
route and Inheritance tavaw tn Oregon
ng of interest will l»e doing
and In the hows- Iteprroeatatlvs Hhel
ton offered a resolution that woulf married to Miss Jemima White, who all the time. All questions a»ke»l
prohibit the snarttnsnt of an tacorn» pass»-'! away in 1902
The young will be answered, and internal com­
las prior to the year IV.’.O
couple later moved to Missouri, ami bustion engines explained.
The Dennis resolution la patternsr
at the tu-ginning of the civil war school is also given for the benefit
closely after a constitutional amend
m«nt recently ad. p’ed In Florida pro Mr. Devaney enlisted in the confed­ ' of young men and others who are
tibltlna inheritance and income taiss erate army, serving un<ler General interested in taking up the study of
This week will probably
Intro- Price. He was once taken prisoner operating tractors anJ tractor drawn
li.<Hon of the bill for a bow stats of- by the Union forces.
equipment, and this is a rare oppor­
'Ire building on ths capitol grounds
in the fall of 186S the family tunity to get a good start in the
t 'Joining the supreins court building came to Oregon, crieuong the plains
knowledge of modern tractors, their
lirpres-ntatlvs Kllbam of Multnomah
by ox team. Ten children wereb rn operation and care.
•ounty will father ths proposal and
The school starts at 9:30 a. m to­
will wk for appro*Itnatcly lilu.uow of t»> them, of whom seven survive
They are George of Albany. Robert morrow, and a lunch will l»e served
»tats funds.
Tits senate committee on banking of Roseburg. Andrew of Jefferson. I at noon, so nothing may be missed.
has Introduced tn the sonata a new Mr*. Surrtny Hansard of lx*l>an<>n. Six reels of pictures showing the
banking code, which has been com
.! M \
various subjects will be shown, If
piled as a result at a* study of mors
possible, everyone interested in
than three years by a committee ap
power farming should atterni
pointed In behalf of the Oregon Hauk
trs’ association.
A short funeral service will la»
Colonisation Body Desired.
held in Lebanon at 10 o'clock thi*
T. L. Dugger Stricken
Colonisation and settlement of Idle morning bv the Elka lodge, and the
lands and creation of what would be
burial service will be In charg»i of
received here last
known as the Oregon state colon Isa
L Dugger, many
lion commission ars provided In a bill
Introduced In the senate. Ths colon! at Franklin Butte cemetery about I i years publisher of the Tribune ami
cation commission would be composed o'clock.
me »»f the Imst known men of Linn
of throe members to be appointed by
¡county, had suffered a stroke of pa-
the state board of control, who would
Telephone Meeting Saturday ral) si» a his home in Hotel Lebanon,
««rve without compensation.
i where he has resided since returning
The senate approved a bouse Joint
resolution authorising appointment of
a committee of five members of the
legislature to confer with similar com
mlttcea from Washington and Califor­
ed until a late hour.
nia with relation to uniform traffic
laws in the northwest states.
Swearing In Vetera Prohibited.
Arm Causing Trouble
8» earing In voters at the polls
would be prevented under a constitu­
Several months ago Will Richard­
tional amendment proposed tn house
son received an injury to his left
Joint resolution No (. Introduced by
arm while bridling a horse that has
Itepreaentatlven Hwan. Collier, llow
caused him almost continuous pain
ard. Oak«'» and North. The bill pro
»idea that only petsons who have be.>n
ever since, and has twen under the
duly registered miy vote. It le de­
constant care of a physician. For a
signed to prevent marshaling of vote»
limo it was thought the arm was
by any particular Interrata at elec
dislocated at the snoulder, but as
th«- pain did not cease and heal, the
A bill cal I In* fur the appropriation
of 91WV to t— paid In lustsllin«ots of
arm was put in a cast for several
ItO a month to Mrs. Isabella T. (leer,
weeks, with no apparent success.
widow of the late e* Governor T. T.
Mr. Richardson was in Salem Monday
Ge«r. was Introduced In the house by
and had the cast removed. He still
Wo-.dward Multnomah county A long
suffers intensely jtnd is worried as
petition signed by many representative
Portlanders requesting legislative re
to the outcome.
lief for Mrs. Geer accompanied the bill
The gathering of Information by a
Scio Well Represented
committee of seven members for the
purpose of recommending conaolida
One of our citizens who was in
tiona and eliminations of state depart
Albany Saturday says that Scio and
meats and boards, with corresponding
vicinity was well represented. He
reductions In governmental expenses,
report» having seen the following:
was proposed In a Joint resolution In
trodured by Henator To»»ge.
Guv McKnight. Tom Large. L. F.
Would Regulate Stages
Jones. John Hubacek, George Bil-
81 nee the Introduction of the Hall
Primary Amendment Proposed
veu. Ed Bilyeu, V. E Shelton. S. F.
tillla to cut automobile license fa in 4»
Two proposed amendments Io th- per cent and substitute a »cent sales
£>saet. T M. Holt. Steve Young.
Jake Bilyeu. John and Frank De­ direct primary law. «ailing fur eon tax Instead of the present tai on gaao
vent Iona have app-arrd
tins no highway legislation of Im
Wall. Mrs M. P. Long
bill provides for a post primary noitiin portanee has appeared In the senate
ating convention, and a bill ap nsor-d in the house several new highway bills
The Tribune. 11.76 the year.
by the Jackaon »-ounty dslegatlon pre
(Continued on page 2J
vide« for a pre primary ro<"inm-n<lln>
convention The Milla bill *■« report
ed back by the house Judl» lary com 4
mltta» without recommendation Th»». (
bills will umloubtedly provoke a flo-■ I
of oratory
Saturday Sunday
The drive for more normal school«
for Oregon npeio d In the house. wh< n
Zane Grey’»
Cusick Bank Building
delegations In both bouses from Jack |
Albany, Oregon
son. Josephine and Klamath countlm ,
supported by some scattering tn»m '
i burs. Introduced houw bill No t7. In
tended to rehabilitate the Ashland n»r .
Cmwn and Bridge Work,
Simultaarouvly In the ernate a bill
Jack Dempsey in
Plate», Fillings, Painless
waa iatrodnrod to abolish, formally
"The Title Holder”
Extraction. It will be to
the Mate normal school at Weston
of th» “Fight and Win’’
your advantage to get my
Regents were suthorlsed to dispose ol
th» property to the city of Wroton
Pioneer Croate» Over
In the senate pro*Idina for the appro
pr lai Ion of 9300.000 to be used by lb«
state board of control in affording re
lief to whrat farmers of the stats
whose crops have been destroyed by
tbs rm-ent trews- Ths bill authorise«
the board of control to loan from tbb
fund to fartn-rs for the purr base ol
not to rvrred &00 bushels of aesC
wheat, takina a n»»<rigag» oa ths cro|
as s-rurlty for ths loan
No liß
--------------------- AT-----------------------
Z. C. B. J. Hall
Jan. 31
Scio, Orcgjpn
Showing all the phase* of
the Emancipator’s Life
Music l»y /\m<»l«l-Kalina
(»-picce Orchestra
v "
Admission 11
Star Theatre, Stayton
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Jan. 29, 30, 51,