The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 22, 1925, Page 9, Image 9

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    The Scio Tribune
Cenerai Xews
Page 9
The Fortmiller Funéral Home
At 420 West 3rd street in Albany,
in a new modern home which is con-
• true ted properly for the directing of
In a comprehensive review of thia
kind, embracing as it does the moat
salient features of our progress, we
cannot fail to devote to the profee
sioml status of the community, and
justly so to a profession which ia so
essential aa that of the modern fun­
eral director and embalmer.
In this
respect, this community poaseears an
effici.-nt representative in this well-
known Arm.
Since the foundation of their busi-
ncas, they have always been ready to
give the best service.
Not only haa
this accrued to the benefit of the pub­
lic, but haa built for them a reputa­
tion that haa spread for miles around.
Thia Arm ia courteous and their es­
tablishment is compiete from a stand­
point of stock, and from it they are
able to offer service that is unexcelled
in any city.
One particular feature of this es­
tablishment is the privacy for the
funeral, the atmoaplu-re is more of
the homelike, giving it a touch of
cheerfulness. In the family room and
chapel that same homelik atm •
- it
prevails that is different from sad­
All work is done privately in
their most sanitary and up-to-date
preparation room
As la well known, they h*v* con
ducted some of the largest funerals
ever held in thia section in an admire
ble manner, and their excellent faeil-
itles makes it possible for them to
render complete service
We wish
in thia review to compliment this firm
on the satisfactory service it is ren­
dering the people of th,« section.
Minuter Warns Girls
"Don’t substitute the phone di­
Rev. E. B. Ixwkhart. former pas- rectory for the Bible
"Don't show the wrung sign in
tor of the Methodist church at Jef-
A woman in i’urtlaml *cc«>*
ferson. but now with the Patton
strange man resented it,
Methodist Episcopal church In Port­
the man said. ‘Then take
land. preached a powerful sermon
Murphy Motor Company
At 2nd and Ellsworth in Albany, cowl line gives a finished touch of
•re the official representatives for ths trimness to the body, yet without any
Buick and Chevrolet.
sacrifice to Buick individuality.
The Buick ia a good looking ear
A more resilient spring auspem.on
that is also internationally good in give» these new Buick models a rid­
every lin* ami carve, in all details of ing comfort as delightful as th«-ir ex­
upholstering. Anish and equipment the terior appearance is pleasing.
Buick is A 141 Mode. Up-to-the min­
Each of the models has its own
ute in design, while the quality is the value particularly adapte«l to distinct
class of service.
Ail poareas those
best the world affords.
Buicks are built Just as well as inherent Buick qualities that assure
Buick experience and Buick engineer­ the owner the uninterrupted use of
ing skill, actuated by Buick good in­ his investment.
tent. can make them.
When better
The greatest satisfaction is found
automobiles are built "Buick will in the Buick four-wheel brake*.
build them."
Then ths price is set
Chevrolet, always in the van of
bas-'d on cost plus a reasonable pro­ progress, has a new body ami a one-
In a wore! the Buick you buy man top •nd is the moat completely
is ina«le Just as you would have it equipped auto that ia sold under u
Test every part and then thousand dollars.
watch «-very operation.
There. added to the valve-in-head
The new 1926 Buick line compris- motor and other mechanical equip­
es models for every poss.ble demand. ment made the Chevrolet a car in a
Each has the famed Buick valve-in- class by itself.
It has nice high
head motor, pressure fed to every back»«I seats, heavily upholstered and
moving part, as rugged and powerful as comfortaole as a morris chair. The
as ever.
All models urv equipped lop is mad«- of hi-avirr material and
with low pressure tires.
The Ntand- has th«- latest style of gyp«um curtain
vrd Six an«i the .Master Sixes are the in the rear.
most beautiful cars in America, ami
The recently n«-w Chevrolet has
well worthy of th«- ruiine they bwar. done away with the cables ami are
The improve«] radiator, hood and using rmis instead. The diam«-ter of
the brake drum has boon increased
*« -inch, thus giving additional brak­
ing surface, which is squalled to the
four wheel brakes on the large car*.
The oil system has been Igreatly im-
proved, doing away with all excess
tubing, The rear axle ia much heav-
ier than thoac on former mixlrls. The
Chevrolet mo«lei lx* l.uxr has bum­
per» front ami rear, nicked trimmed
radiator, headlights, motormeter, side
wings, I»uco finish in blue, gray and
blue-gray Aber upholstering.
The Chevrolet Utility Exprvas U
the lowed pric I i unlity truck in the
world capable < . t .. h avy duty ser­
l-ong g.-ade» ai d deep mud
are mastered by it without racing the
motor because th« three-speed trans-
mission provides correct gear ratio to
m> ,-t any conditions of load or the
Fh.-ir service department is moat
«-fficienl ami the numerous auto own-
er» know that when they do need ser­
vice this firm will see that they get it
promptly and aati factorily.
In making this review of the auto
d< v.-lopm. nl of thia part of western
Oregon we are glad to compliment
1» ■ m upon the < xcrllrnt line of cars
th«-y have chosen for the people, and
n frr titem to all our readers.
Sunday in which he alluded to the in your aign.'
"Don’t be a heathen on th«? Sab­
Ellingson murder, and then Issued
' Don’t go to hell in an automo­
10 timely.«ensible warnings to girls, bath. Attend church and Sunday
or any other way.
school and learn how to be strong in
as follows:
In the Kirkham Bldg, on W«*t wholesome.
Therefore, it ia not
’t be "just boy crazy,’ but
"Don’t hide your dates from your the time of peril an«l temptation.
First street in Albany, invite* the -trangu that they produce superior
, look for the man in men.
public to inspect their plant al all chocolates. What we wish to espec­
Don't say. 'Oh ptffie,’ after read­ times, the home of the famous choco­
ially call to our reader’s sttention,
ing First Fro verbs—just change lates which have been of such uni­ however, ks that it is their duty to de­
l.ocat« «l at 20» West 1st street in this principle was well accepted I • >n' for 'daughter' and thick a lit­ form quality that the demand for mand thia brand, not only because it
Albany, has gained a name that has proven by the success they have at­ tle.
| their products has spread for and is superior, but it is a local brand
xpreail over a large territory as a tained.
"Don't lose your temper and run Wide. A real live wire concern pro- and merits your support.
Here you will fimi w« II cook««!
place where both the local and trav­
during quality gomis that will lx-
It is not necessary here that we de­
away from home; keep your temper,
eling public can well satisfy their de­ food, wholesom»- ami d«-lieiou.«!y ap
found Wherever they sell the best tail th<- many desirable features of
mands in the matter of obtaining potisi ng. The service is equally sat­ it is good to have as ia also your candy,
Under the manag« tn«-nl of their service to the public.
go«xl f«»od.
The menu consists not isfactory, whether your order I»«' home.
prominent and public spirited buxi-
In conclusion, however, we wish
only of the prime necessities of life large or small, ami you will be mad«-
"Don’t call sin against God or the nsss men.
to state the manager and assistants
but many inviting and tempting de- to feel«that your trade m de-ired «ml flag a mixtake, a booze partv a good
There is probably no other com- have taken a commendable interest
the management.
liCMies are offered to the tastes of appreciate«! by
munity thia six« in the country that in all propositions that further public
There is no more attractn • ly fur­
the most fastidious.
IS better equipped in this respect for improvements and that they have
but laliel poison as poison.
In traveling over the country you nished cafe in this part of th«- county
this well known and popular concern bi-.-n willing and anxious to aid in
"Don't believe that every man or has provided modern and scientifi­
will find nothing in greater profusion than this one, anil there >* non«- that
th.- <-sponsion and growth of the com­
thun poor eating places. This is why has attained a greater measure of woman who is oolite to you in cally correct candy manufacturing munity at all times. Therefore, it
it is indead refreshing to find such popularity. There is none in which strange places is a camouflage artist, equipment.
has merited the popularity and liberal
up to «lute «-stablishments as these. the servici- ami cour • • ar.- more all men are not horse thieves or auto
Thia is a local candy manufactur­ -upport that it receives and we pre
They arc unsurpassed by any c*fe in pleasantly satisfactory
ing concern. It has the U-t equip diet that when each town in the com­
We are pleased in this revi« w to stealers. Hold faith in American ment, the most expert candy makers munity has become a famous metrop­
»urroundmgs or aceomnuxiation of
When the proprietor* went compliment th«- proprietor* upon th«-
ami it gets its chocolates and other olis this coni)>uny will continue to
Rev. (»ckhart further said, ac­ ingredients only from the markets minister to our candy needs in the
into business it was with the idea that
a modern cafe would be appreciated which is rendering a much n. < • «I • r- cording to the Oregonian;
"Ths affording that which is pur« and „me admirable manner.
by the local ami traveling public. That vice to this community.
New York police department ia re­
sponsible for the statement that
Phone 560-J
65.000 girls disappear in the United
Slates each year. Many more cases
l.ocate<i at 123 East 3rd strret, in it i* quite appropriate to give this
Convcni«-ntly located at First and ha* proven germination p« reentage. are not reported to the authorities' Albany, ia the oldest ar i only «■*• • labli'diim-nt the tills "paint head­
They stand behind th stock and give
Ferry street in Albany, carry "seeds
elusive paint and walLapa'r store In quarter*."
their years of experience and a large on account of the fear of publicity. I
Linn’ county, having been here 3H
You will firnl them courteous and
for every need” ami poultry supplies list of satisfied customers as their
l*?t us not forget that there are
efficient and capable.
of all kind*, which have been of such best reference*
devils who look like angels, who are
An extensive dealer n high grade Their charges are always right They
The stock not only inclod« fi*-ld able to fleece shrewd bankers with
uniform quality that the consumer
wallpapers, [wnt uppllos, and is tho are prominent busin« s* men of tbs
will take no substitute from the deal­ seeds of all kinds; it also includes their bad checks, toy with police, home of ths famous “Rasmn. -sn
county ami worthy of extended men­
er. A progressive firm under able garden seed*, flower seed* and a gen
evade the law and cover the trap on ( Paints" in this section.
eral line of supplies for
A complete department for paint­
the primrose path and trip unsus­
"As ye sow, so shall ye reap," is lawns and gardens.
uable suggestions -i* to how to dec­ ers’ supplies ia maintained and the
The proprietor* of thl (.ore invite pecting youth. History is eloquent
certainly a forceful expression and
orate your place *o tout it will pre­ prices on this class of goods as well
place their only to thoae who rea«i it."
•nd truck grower that would cause the public to makr th
sent an excellent appearance.
•is tho (Mint are lower than tho mail
him to use the greatest care in select­ headquarter* when in Albany and
The matter of paint« and supplies order houaos.
ing his aaad* Many very valuable they are more than gla«l to render
is a most important on*. They have
The paint department ia most com-
Open Tractor School
crops lias b«-en lost ami weeks of hard any littl«« service for your conven­
left nothing to chance.
The (Mints pl« te, featuring a full line of paints,
labor have been for naught by plant ience. It affor«is us pleasure to refer
•nd supplies offered by them liave cupirs in this section of the county
ing seed« that woul«l not sprout ami Murphy 8e«-«l ' lore to our readers
Barrett Broa, of Albany have an­ been scientifically tested ami found to «tains, varnishes, oils, roofing ar<|
and if they will give them a trial they nounce«! that in th« near future be the best possible. The prices are
painters’ supplies and wallpaper.
-’s from
If you select your seeds from this will be eon* .nc« «i th it
We are gla«i to complime nt them
they will open a tractor school. The the lowest possible and the sen ice
well-known store you will be assured their store w il be of the highest pro­
rendered under the direction of a upon the position their enterprise oc-
Thetr p«,t reputation
th«- highest quality seeds on the mar- ductive val-
management thoroughly conversant i»n«l to assure the public that here
should earry a warning to the farmer is your guarantee for th« future. when they are complete information with every feature of the buxines*. they will always And courteous treat­
ket Their stock includes only such They publish a seed catalogue each will be given in this paper. This is We might sum it all up by saying that ment ami high grade good*
m«-rchandise as has been tested and year, a post caret will bring you one. a move in the right direction and
ought to be liberally patronized.
turned to that city after an alMence of Oregon and the Rush Medical
of eight years spent in Chicago and College of Chicago.
Returns to Albany
LaCroeae. He has leased the fifth
At First ami Ellsworth street In device an«! convenience for the
of the First National Bank
J, D I»enamore returned Tuesday
acurate handling of all business in­
Albany is a growing financial institu­
and will open offices Feb 1 afternoon from a short buainaaa trip
trusted to its care, ami enjoys the
tion that is making a splendid record confidence of
our citixen« in every
resident of Albany, has Just re- He ia a graduate of the University to Portland.
because of its conservative yet pro­ walk of life.
The offic.r* •re person* of wide
gressive business methods. Its man-
in the banking business.
•gement includes the most substantial
ami have always been
men of Albany who have aided in the
Whose interests are located at 2nd the growth ami commercial attraction lenliy managed concern ia a modem
upbuilding of this section for many loyal to the best interest* of the city
•nd have aided in every possible way and Lyon, or 21M West 1st street in of Albany and vicinity.
«anitary institution of thia part of
the country that ha* met with the
As the general purpose of this edi­ the city’s growth aami progress.
Albany, phone either 67 or 102, is
Th«y serve the public in a double
This institution is one of the great­
universal approval of the prop!'
tion is to give the local and outside
one of the moet substantial contribu­ capacity, for many farmer* and stock
Courteous and efficient to a marked
world an adequate idea of our pro­ est benefits to the city ami it* in­
tors to the continued progress and raisers ship their livestock to this well degree the mana ar« r haa aurrounded
gress and the general excellency of fluence is felt in every line of en­
of the community, operat­ known and reliable concern. This is himaelf with employee« who, like him­
our various firms, we deem it appro­ deavor.
packing industry, merit­ a local institution with local interests self, are thoroughly eonver**nt with
priate to devote space to this well
of the local pub.«« at heart, and it should receive the •vary feature of the business, and aa
known bank.
Guided and managed by cititene of guided the affairs of this bank ami I and paying the top of the market to consideration of all livestock produc­ a result the work moves along at a
ers in this section.
moat rapid and highly satisfactory
sterling worth, character, and integ­ for the splendid service they are i the stock raisers and farmers.
This Arm renders a dual semce,
To be able to make certain of gM- manner. The management bus bean
rity properly describes this banking offering to the local people. Such i
house. This reliable, financial insti­ men are bound to create a favorable ■ for they also supply superior inspect­ ting the very best of fresh meat* ia a closely allied with the large luslnsss
tution has had a steady growth of comment not only for the bank over ed hams, bacon, lard and other pro boon to any city or community, At inUrwii of thia section of the state
strength and usefulness since its in­ which they preside but for tho county ' ducts, fresh meats to the wholesale this plant only the most healthful •ya for some time and has k n instru­
ception and today it is recognised • • itself, and we predict that the future > trade and operate under the direction tern Is used in the process and conse­ mental in th» upbuilding of this sec­
. one of the strongest in this section holds even greater advances in the i of public-spirited management thor- quently they are not only health pro­ tion of the country and ths instits-
cragniy fxmiMar
i.imiiiar vax
oi tecting. but are ha*lth rl*lng
bank's buetaesa than they have en-joughiy
with every phase of
tion should rsseive the pstreitefs sf
This bank does a general
Ths gUtet W titte paputer and efite the entire people.
brasar* and w equipped «
Golden Glow
Imperial Cafe
Murphy’s Seed Store
F. C. Dctnnals
Albany State Bank
Nrbergall Meat Company