The Scio Tribune General Xewfl Pag« 8 J. C. Penney Company Albany Ice & Cold Storage Co. located at 3rd A Vine streets in Albany, aro manufacturers of pur« so to them Every customer pays appearance that will make th* eye* ice and is th«- home of the Ncutric ous one and the »am«- price. No more, of any lady sparkle with wonder : ice cream, which ha* been of such no les*, An«l that price assure* a and admiration at it* unusual attrac- i uaiform quality that the toruun» u «aie». No dia- tlveneaa. In their line of ready-to- ; will take no substitute from dealer». superior value. No sale*. account*. No charge The wear can be found the latest ideas of , Demand thu product This firm, for count*. miw Mpiare den) «nd just treatment the leading doaigfwni of thia country j the production of pure ice cream I* a alike to all. and Europe that have been purchased i model sanitary vstablishmrnt that is They carry at all time* a large with the idea of giving the men, la­ ' transacting busina-M on a large scale. stock of ladies' and misses' ready dies and young people of the city < A deca«ie ago ice cn-am was couriti- * ero«i a delicacy that was only to be to-wear garment* i and millinery. and aurrounding country the latest j used on Sunday* and holiday*. Il i* shoe*, ready-to-wear for men and Eastern fashion* most reasonably. boys, notions and general dry good*. They have been eatabiiahed here ' now come to lx- rKurniiet a* a io«»«! Truly one of the reliable, most pro- for some time and are two of the and not a delicacy. Without question thi* firm t* one gre««ive mercantile house* in thi* progressive merchandising establish­ of the cleanest and rnoat sanitary in­ I »art of the state. ment* of the community. They keep Radiating with the season'* latest strictly up-to-date and their reputa­ stitution*. and h«-ro a grade of tee design* in all It* line* and resplen- tion for good* of quality ha* been cn-am is manufactured that ia equal This toe ■lent with new shade* of the season, maintained through the cougw of to anybody's' anywhere. cream is not only health prot«-cting. these well known stores present an time. but health giving a* well. Only the purest of cream and flavor* are used 1 Prohibition and Poor Relief and every pn-caution is taken to make ______ . the product delicious and healthful. nnd country, at prices and terms that An interesting sidelight is thrown The machinery is of the latest mo«lel A Nation-Wide Institution' located at 317 W«*t Piret street in Albany, and the J. C. Penney Co. in to'banon. 571 general department »lores op- «•rated by J. C. Penney Company, Th»-y have opened 96 new stores, cov- «■ring an area of forty states. The stere of J. C. Penney Co. is an important chapter in the hu- tory of modern mercantile method*. It is more than important! It is In­ spiring! It ia a story of a bus ine»* with a Big Idea behind it—an idea that is clean, clear cut! The Big Idea with them for 22 years ha* b«>en and is today, th* patent fact that is un­ failingly go*cme«l by the Golden itul«: "Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even J. A. Howard At 325 West 1st street in Albany, is headquarters in this section for cannot fad to b* attractive to the in on th« relation of th« prohibition tending purchaser and have made rme practically neglible they make a price that it denotes The line* of near entrance to auto park ha* won satisfying kind, getting the work done I ------- since — 1917. J. How nearly tvpical this real and true value. pianos and player* have been en­ a wide reputation through expi-rt when promised. result ia. it ia at present impowuble work execute«! on custom top manu­ dorsed by the leader* of the world of Ih-lter call an«l see them the text to say. facture, trimming and upholstering, time you are in town *nd have a talk furniture upholstering and maltrv»» with them. They are vary courteous Advertising Oregon and will be pleased to ««plain the works. Thia efficient auto top establish­ tiro auto top proposition to you. ment is one Of the institution* of thi* whether you want to ordar at this Between now and th* end of Operate a laundry al Svcontl and section that i* running full time and time or not. March lb* Pacific Northwest, and Ferry rtroet* in Albany, Oregon, and has done quite a lot towards keeping They have taken many • naed car particularly Oregon, will be adver- aro building a new plant at Salem. the auto* in fine condition at the and made it look almost new through Oregon, which will be on«- of the best present time, when new one* are hard their excellent top and repaft work. tised a* never before in the history | in the state. of ibe «tat*. Advice* have just to secure. Don’t think that your car is gon« be­ | A laundry firm that Use* »oft Throughout all of thi* section of yond recall. In many rases a new been receiyed bv th« Publicity De- water throughout the entire process th* state there are many exampl.-* of top does not root nearly so much as partaient of th* Portland Chamber and execute* the highest grade of their expert work. It ia hardly pos­ you might think. These men will of Commerc* from the Burlington. work. A popular and well arranged sible to drive on any road in th«- make you a comfortable sleeping car a tremendous Great Northern and Northern Paci­ ’ concern receiving country without pausing an evidence out of your car without marrtt< th« custom. fic Railway Companies of the partic­ of the superior craftsmanship and appearance. This well known laundry is one of high grade material* which have won We are glad in this edition to give ular* of th* campaign that these th«- best equipped industries of this for this establishment so wide a repu­ commendable mention to the very three road* are putting on in con- section of the country and transacts tation. Not only do they execute all qx iior work lurne«l out from this aaetion with the Oregon month for an extensive business over thi* and class«» of custom top manufacture, ■ »tao!i-nt nnd to say that the pro­ March 1925. Kull page advertise­ , adjoining conatiea, and the ropvta- but they have won popularity also prietor anti employro are artist* ia ment* will be carried in at least 20 i tion of their work for general cx- through their expert trimming ser­ th' hi"; of mor«- than ordinary * cellence i* spreading far and wide vice. Their upholstering depart­ ability, and refer readers of thia edi­ magazin** having a combined circu­ ' over this part of the state. ment I* another feature and is not tion t<> them when desiring work in lation of 7,000,000. and reaching The work ia turned out in such a only dependable, but has that distinc­ th«'.r line. They are well known and th« farmer and th« man who lives manner that you will b«- mon- than tive "vogue and style” that add* to popular burin«-* men and take an ac­ ia the country. pleased if you give it a trial. Th«- tive part in all propositions which pro­ the beauty of your car. This ia practically only the begin­ most delicate fabric* aro handled a* The price* are of the most plearing mise public improvement ning of the campaign. People will carefully a* they would be in your come to Oregon by the hundred* own home as only experienced and expert help are employed in the work. and Scio will be visited by many. Cotton and linen clothes have be«-n Let's be ready to welcoi oe a strang­ laundered for many centurte*. Long er within our gates and make him before the birth of Chriirt the women Operate an up-to-date Overland the Spring« Ward Off.” The Exclusive Three Point Suspen- feel at tom»- he may locate among I of India and Egypt went down to th«- Mui Willys-Knight service station and salesroom at 324 Broadalbin street in i<>n springs cushion the car so this us if w* don't ecar« him away. bank* of the Ganges and the Nile to car gives comfort and easy riding. Wash their clothe* on a rock, rub Albany. The Willys Knight I* a car that "Any automobile worth buying ia them and beat them, and then Carrie«! The Tribune. SI 75 the year run* smoother and la more powerful worth installing Ga betel snubbers.” at the end of 50,000 miles than when The U iliys-Kmght cemes fully equip- it was lint taken out new, and with p- I with these snubber* from the fac­ It’s cooling feature« are su­ no oth< r mechanical exp« nse. Many tory, lf better and earner clutches owners of this famous car claim 23 perb. At Second and Washington street* ways taken an active interest in the to 23 mile* per gallon of gas The are ms«le. Willys-Knight have failed in Albany ia a prominent sanitary development of the community and Willys-Knight carries the most expen­ to find them. sive and only 100 percent fully ad Th. Overland is a car that solves institution which has aided in the up­ the institution is among our mast the problem which has baffled auto building of the eomnmnity and rend­ valued industries asset*. We wish to justabls front axle and steering me­ chanism that is used In the entire engineer*—how to combine riding er* a valued «nd an •xawntial service give them the prominent place which automobile industry. This car usee comfort with light weight and econ­ in the furnishing of their famous their modern dairy merits, as being The Overland Model 91*8 dairy products, which in the past amang the foremost concerns in the more Timken bearings than any omy. other ear in the *2,000 class. One Thro* Point Suspension Spring* make years have enlarged their business field in this part of the country in of the feature* of the Willys-Ki ght this possible. These are the first and are admirably equipped to serve thi* field of endeavor. They are big is the rear driving axles, wheel bane spring* of their kind, and they are the wholesale and retail trade, which contributor* to the progress and of 113 inches, of which 96 inchv* made in Chromo Vanadium Steel. they supply all over this section. A prueperity of the community. it spring*, which tell the story why They are exclusive with Overland. weB-k nown concern undnr a manage­ Popularity with both the producer it ride* well on any road; they re­ Reeaur.« of th* spring. Or* ria nd mod­ ment that is thoroughly conversant and the consumer is evidenced by duce ehoppy rebounds and side sway­ el 91 combines riding qualities of with every feature of the «iairy busi- the large number of farmer* selling ing; protect the car from road shock* large, heavy expensive long wheel and prolong its life, minimising the base car*, together with th* advan­ Th* plant of thia company i* a to them and the fame their brand of sanitary institution. and products has attained. Ry reason of twisting or racking of frame and tages and economy of unall light car*. model, body, which enables th* car to hold With one hundred inch wheel base equip*qi with the very be«t of mod- th* fact that they handle a volume the road better The ear and pa* the Overland Mrid 91 ha* th« lux« 1 ern mncflimory and Hinder direction of of buainca*. and it can be readily sengun rid* smooth a* though float­ nous ritling sate of th« i».yach latter-da* creamery men. >a. They are seen that thia twentieth century *r- ing. "Pre* from Road Shock* that wheel baee publto a^cjted ciUaag««. who have al- gamaatioa ate* enables them to pro and strictly up-todat* They make a specialty of furnishing ice cn-am for the trade and do an extensive whole.-air business. Dunng the «rar the national food administrator plac­ ed ic* cream in Clans Throe because they found it wns exceptionally high In foxxl valttr. One quart Of this de­ licious rev cn-am equal* two pounds of lean beef, I.K poumls of ham, 3.K posn«l* of egg*. 3 pounds of potatoes. There ton-, even al it* present price, ic« cream ia yet one of the cheapest foods. Thi* fiopular plant is one of the leading industries. They have always taken an activ a interest In al! matter* pertain to the gx»o«l of the county and have aide«! in the betterment of local ccridition*. realising that a larg­ er city and community would be a benefit to the whole p«»ople. We wish to compliment the management upon thrir progressive and successful pol­ icies ami to refer their « »tablishmcnt and it* products to «11 our reader*. Davenport’s Music House Blair & Bowerman’s Auto and mu-ic. Th« insure* the customer of getting a piano worth while and their policy of one pries and easy payment* injure.« you full value for your money. They will be pleased to *how you whetl-< r you desire to purchase just at thi* time or not. Hear them, then compare -then judge for yourself. They are thoroughly conversant with all feature* of the business over which they have direction and will be pleased to take up the matter with you. They operate an institution that add* much to the efficiency of the community a* a trading center, and in thi* review we are pleased to point with pride to the great success they nre making in their chosen pro- f< - i«>n and insure our reader* that at this establishment they will always re­ ceive a square deal. The proprie­ tors ar«- to lie highly complimented upon the valued service rendered to the people. It add* to the county'* progress and expansion to have in it* midst such firms u- thia one to which we refer all of our readers. Albany Magnolia Steam Laundry Irwin’s Garage th« m horn*. This was perhaps the beginning of the laundry business, so you see that it ha* an humble begin­ ning like most gr»-at industries. To­ day it is quite different and at this modern laundry the latest machinery i in operation to wash comfort into your cloth«*. Th« busmns* of thi* laundry is now spreading all over thi* part of the country and is by no mean* con­ fined to it* home city. The rapid mcren- in th«- burin«-»* is due to the mor.- than ordinary ability in the con­ duct of the affair* of the institution. The 1st« t cleaning and renovating machini-ry in their plant make* it poi-oble for them to turn out work that looks like new. I <■ ini«i..ig< ment and employee* are people who know the businea* from A to Z and when they advise yoj about anything in thi* line you < can depend upon what they aay. They ar«- prominent business people and I among our most valued citizen«. We wish to refer all our readers < this progressive uud to insti­ 1 tution and to suggest that a* regards < dependable laundry work they cannot <