The Scio Tribun« General Xews has« be-n discovered In laws enact««! at presloes «.-««Ion« of th« leglslatur« (Coatlnuwd from oar« I) th« v«n«t« this year has employed so tax on gasoils« Rills to n-l • •Xpert proof reader > pass on »11 bin. motor vahlcls Ileon«« feae; bill« before they are en«ro«aa4. parmanant fraachls«s for bus A stringent regulation of nsuntry H um . bills rsculatlng baadllghts. bill« dance halls would ba enforced und-r a for having th« stat« pollcw th« high house bill Introduced by Swan of Lino ways and prohibit "sp««d trap«' In county ■mall towns, bills to amand th« Mat« Three full pardons, eight reprieves mark«« road law «o that count lw can 17 commutations of «entence «nd M us« tb«a« funds for mnteblng «tats and conditional pardons »ere granted ta f«d«ral road mon «y. and fully a a ora persons convict---! of trloute« In Oregon of other highway m«a«ur«« by Governor Pierce during the first nam« will ba laglon two ye*rs of hl« admlnistrstlon. This A maaaura will authorlxa tha high • as set out In a report submitted tc way commission to Issue bond» up to the legislature th« « p«r cant constitutional Umita Senator Strayer has presented a hill tloa. The commission ba« «u-h au which would authorise .»unties to ap tborlty now but wants it mad« mor.- ply Market road funds to ««m- roads specific Tha governor wants to ra that have been designated as state p«al tha U mill road tnx and thus. |« blchways, but which are really market a bill to have thia tax davotad to buy roads It Is the *an>« measure he In Ing parks and scenic points on •tata troduced in 1S»33. when the house de highways (rated It because Strayer wouldn't sup L«gl«lstlva Bravitl««. port a tourist appropriation. Senator Johnson of Benton Intro flonalor Eddy la au’hor of two school ducsd a bill providing that th« dato« bills that also may get warm reeep for paying tasas In Oregon tn- chans--I tlons On» speclfl • <»rtaln fundaiuen from April * to May & tai subject« for the blah school currl With 1« Mentors supporting It on • culunt and th» other provide« for th« rising vot«. th« Mnats want on record •atahllshmvnt of junior eollegus It as favoring th« leasing of Muscle high school districts if the people of Shoals as against Its operation as • the district so elect. Th« schools governmant project. would offer two years of college work Because of the many errors th nt following the svbovl < uurae State Law-Makers Bilyeu Confectionery The Scio Garage Sec tia when you need «ny work done oil your car— our service is the best and our prices are tight. We want you to know you can do as well or better here than elaewnere. We tire giving tickets lor the big prixee, beginning hist Monday with each $1 cash purchase or paid on account. A«k for them. Watch our ad—something exti«ordinary coming tip. Cy rus & Bnx'k, Proprietors Cure Your Meat With Wright’s Smoke M ¡ide by I >istill ing wood. S dii by Kelly’s Drug Store S' Wr arc Coof'em ting in the priz-s and free show. A ticket given with cvetpr 50c cash purchase or paid on account, beginning last Monday. (hir store is a gi > d place to trade Restaurant Fresh Candies. Fruits. Nut« and Pop. >nt. 1. <■ Crrun. S It Drinks and Tobaccos. Lunches and Short Orders. Ask for tickets with each 25c cash purchase or paid on account. See our windows THE PEOPLES -STORE J. B. COUEY, proprietor W E still have some Good Coffee in cans st 50c tier lb two brands at 45c; a go««! grade oi Bulk Coffee for 40c. Small white l-eans at 9c »ml 10c. Several pieces Drews Ginghams at 18c and JJc ¡»er yard. A«k for tickets with 50c cash purchase <>r $1 p.iid on account«. Produce accepted same as cash. Look and Read Our Advice Is C. E. Kendle Says Don’t put ojf until tomorrow what you can do today. ' He will cooperate in helping make Scio a l.ittcr trading point and give the people service and more tor their money. I icketa given with each $1 cash deal or paid on account l>cginning Mon day. Jan. 19. Look for date of free si»ow. Now is the time to have that work d»-ne <>n your car to get it in sha|-c for .pring and summer. Call us up when you can come so we ian arrange to take care of you. SHELTON BROS Look over that car, see if there arc not some things that need taking care of Don't put it off; tomorrow may l»e too late. Gtxwl Meats serxed with a »mile. 1 karts with'each 50c pur­ chase or $1 paid on account, good for chance on the prises we began giving last Mand.-v and every day thereafter .until the drawing. Ask for them. We Meat the Bartu Me Tor Co. <■! Ihiv community. Ask the I ribune about dubbing rates We giv> ticket» with $1 caUi j uichase or paid