K K V •!*<*• zjf" 8&*E V ***»•.■< Xe The Scio Tribune Ornerai Xews Page 5 I Holman & Jackson Whore ptace of busin««s la at 32* den. fruit off the trees or vine daily. Broadalbin street in Albany; a gro­ Their bakery goods are th«» best cery and bakery that money can buy. They are baked spreading rapidly. under the most whol.-sonw conditions, Because of the great volume of and the very best of ingredients used All goods are »old in th.- very fr»-»h buniH-M transacted through their Their excellent ser­ tensive retail establishment; because eat condition. of their upto-**> m»n aiui tun* of settlement, today this has progressive people, upon who»»- in­ been done away with through the formation, advice ami «ervice you efficient service of the modern ab- can depend, ami they are loyal sup­ street companies that specialise in porters of al) propositions that pro this business. They have at their mote the progress uml expansion of command all of the data and inform­ eity anity of »olid i truck tires. Their quota of iale* SI. 150.327. last year for this district was 400'1. We are d*lighte»l to *ay they •ohi Income Dates Set i more than their quota. You can’t go wrung on Good Year The Internal revenue office has set , tires. Thon* who have tested them the dates for some of ha deputies i out have not onl> been pleased, but to visit Linn county and help all of ’ also surprised at the extraordinary You don’t need to us make out our income tax report mileage obtained. take either the dealer’s or the manu­ for the year 1925 facturer's word for their superiority On Feb. 11-12 the experts will b* —ask anyone who uses Goo«l Year at Lebanon, and at Albany on Feb. 16-24. Payment must be made on or before Mach 15, at Iraki half. “Are you laughing at me?" de­ manded dare the Irate professor of hie “No.” came the answer In chorus. “Well,” man to I the pro­ fessor, “what else is there in the room to laugh at?” When you entertain, let ua furnish you. with 500 score cards. Hammond Lumber Company Ixtcated at First A Jackson streets in Albany, is one of th* public spir- itr»l Arms of thia a*ction that has built a reputation far and wide for th* hig’vst grade lumber and building material. It is a well-known fact that there is no one institution in the commun­ ity that has met with greater favor with the public than this well-known institution. Ry reason of th* fact that the management has had wid* experience in every feature of this business and because their compre- henuve knowledge of every brench of the trade thi* establishment has continually increased the number of iu patrons » This There* are few establishments in th» Oregon maintained its 17th place in the relative standing of the states ment of Commerce. F. G. Will When it comes to Forel parts this Arm Is headquarters in this section when you have decided what you need you can depend on it that this well-known Arm will it. With the business ieumtn and the foresight which has won auch popu- larlty and patronage for the company in th* past, th* management has an­ ticipated the needs «nd demands of the poople of this section of th* state and is far surpassing even the largest ei pec tat ion; this Arm »till »pedalile« in rendering individual «ervie« to *v- ery patron, Courteous and efficient to a marked dorre* th* manager has surrounded himself with «very fea­ ture of th* busin*«*, and as a result, work move« along at a most rapid and Mt»« factory rat* tin and you will learn that they ac­ tually do stand up wonderfully urnier the mo«t gruelling tests. Try them yourself and you will readily be con­ vinced that they cannot be equalled. Il can readily be seen that this is one of the moat important features of the life of this section of the state, and adds materially to thr develop­ ment of the country. The fact that visitor« ami local patrons can get any­ thing an»l everything in the lines of supplies and service at the metropoli­ tan institution brings new people and new capital to th« county. The tire repair ami vulcanising de­ partment is on a par with the best in th.* largest cities and is prepare»! for the very beat of work in all branches of vulcanising and work. In making ibi» review of <>ur on* ward progress we wish to com pl i lent them upon having not only superior prmlucts to offer their patron* but also a superior service and one that is ever courteous and |ati<>factory. Torrance Reconditioning Shop At 212 East First street, in Albany, is one of the most nio»i«-rn and best equipped machine shops in this part of the state specialising in the rebor- ing of cylinders They handle McQuay Norris Pro­ ducts piston pins and rings, and carry a full line of parts for all cars on hand at all times. It to a well known fact that there is no institution in the community that has met in greater favor witih the public than this well known estab­ lishment. By reason of the fact tliat the mansg*m»-nt has had wide ex- purieac-i in «very ft-uture of tl « Im- nos» and because of their compr.-hen- siv* knowledge of every branch of the trade, this establishment has con­ tinued to witness the increase in the number of patrons. By close microscopic examination It has found that grinding of cylin­ der« to far better than reaming. What to cylinder grinding? It to a highly perfected method of making cylinder« round. Regrinding cylin­ ders has a desirable «fleet on the power in that it restores the motor to its normal condition. A regrind- ing job giv«s the owner s reasoned motor not obtamabte in • n«w car or tractor B*b*r«d cylinder» ar* b*c- ter than new ones, not just as good The Ira'ling auto, tractor and com­ mercial car manufacture* of this country ami Europe use th« process. To prevent the loss of power, to hate gasoline economy and a quiet humming motor is the desire of ««ery owner of a ear. The engine is the heart of the automobile an»l when it get* out of trim it requires work of a specialist Many garages and shops are equipped mechanically ami do not »■mpioy men except for the adjust­ ment of ears. ThY rimi iiitomotiv»* engineers with eye» framed to -i»-t» ct alt knock causva ol trouble. Motor engineers are employ»,«. .«. who understands all types of motors from th* simple one cylinder station­ ary engine to the four-cylinder, the six, the eight and twelve, an»! no mat­ ter what kind of motor you hav« you will And that when it go** out of thi« shop it will b* sparking on all cylin- iter». In making thi* review of th* re­ turn of th* country to normalcy w* are glad to compliment thia establish- m«nt upon th* position they occupy tn th* business Ilf* of U m country and refer their scrvjc** t* tltoir readers. ♦