The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 22, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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The Scio Tribüne
Geueral News
Pag* 4
Wardrobe Cleaners and Tailors
Officers Appointed
The following have been appoint­
ed by Nancy Arnold. Noble Grand
At 124 West 2nd Street in Albany,
•>t Leone Rebekah lodge, to serve
■peciaiito in hatidling dry cleaning
and dyeing by parcel post, receiving
1(0, IM*. MsrWaS M aim >
Warden, Caroline Shelton; Conduct­
Il In this manner from all over th«-
CHOOSING WALL PAPER or. Krane Hol teen; R 8. N G., laone adjacent country. an«l returning it in
Ray; L. 8. N 0.. I>ell Shelton; K. S. the same manner,
Many sali»fie>i
’•1’11 never buy "busy- wall paper
V. G . Freda Tnayer; LS. V.G., patron* in all M-ctions srnd their work
again.“ walled a young housa-keeper.
All garments lire amp!)
As soon as I saw tier room I knew Neva Thayer; Chaplain. Jennie Wed­ by mad.
what she lueulit
The occupant was dle. Inner Guardian, Mary Walter; protected ■( *11 times by insurance
kept busy working out s«|uarv* and
8ince this well-known firm ha» Lren
dlamolnla. or counting some «wet Outer Guardian. Jane Morrison.
recurring unit of design. To he sick
fur any length of time tn that room
would i>e a constant tortur« t» th«-
W* coll Id easily avoid such lol»
takes If only we «ould get the habit
of thinking of our walls as lutck
ground» Instead of as thctuselwa
supplying the decorations fur the
room, end keep them as soft and eeu
tral as fxaslble.
It Is not tiec«-s«ary to buy r»i>.-n» xe
|Mitwr to have nt tract lie walla for
moms, but It la a g««d plan to famil­
iarise yourself with the I m - s I to order
to rhooee the same effect In cbeapi-r
The mo«« satisfactory room I ever
saw was paired with mot II«xI gray
blue wrapping paper—and did mu
know that the very rheu|*st papers
are often put on wrong side out?
Mtyles change In wall |«n|>«-r. and
new designs are appearing every sea
son. hut of on« thing we are certain
the hideous cabbage rose and realistic
pc«>ny varieties are "out“ The pref
etwee« b all for plain effecis
Uf these the stipple tune« are very
That la probably because
the methods of coloring the paper give
a grvwt diversity of tone*, and at th«-
same time the effect subtly expressed
la one of distance, rest and quiet
Many of them papers are given a
pr e e s e d let tn re before the soft gniy*
and ecru« are stippled on. so that
they reevmble grass doth
Hlnillsr to the stipples are the two
tone |>spers having small all-over de
signa and stripes done tn two ton**
of some soft, neutral color, such ** *
shadow design of softest gray on a
background of Ivory or tan on acre.
Htri|*ed papers come under the gen
eral head of plain |>«prr* and they
have the advantage over perfectly
plain («Slier In the fact that loi|>erfrc
tlons In the walls an newer so readily
detect sd.
“Why don’t you praise your wife’s
cookin« once In a while? It makes her
feel good.“
“I’m afraid to try. Every time I any
anythin« la particularly nice it turn*
out to be something that wns pur
chased at the store."- Boston Tran
To Visit in California
Mylo Bartu went to Albany Satur­
day to bring out a new Overland
in operation it ha» enjoy «-«I an ever-
increasing patronage because of the
rea»onableneiui of charge*, the gen
eral excellence of work and reliabil­
Thi* parcel post service is a very
desirable feature. All you have to do
is to send in your work by parcel po»t
addressed to this firm ami tell them
what you want done.
They will give
you ma-trepolitan service and return
work to yo* promptly by parcel po»t.
We envy the man who can take a
fold bath and really entoy it. In
fact, we even envy th* chap who
can lie about it convincingly.
Jin 21
Ijiwrence Trask and wife were
Salem visitors Friday.
Mrs D. C. Abels was a Stay ton
caller Saturday
Mrs ('has Enter« and daughter
call«*d a* the IJoyd Davenport home
■ Friday.
J H. Johnston and family were
Sunday visitors at Arthur Veughn’a.
Mrs. George King called on Mrs.
Arthur Vaughn the last of the «reek.
Mies Wood worth, the Mimes Kui-
ken and Mr Neidigrr and Mr. Kui-
Fen were Sunday visitors at S. D.
Mi*s Lucille Sandberg, who haa
lieen v milirm her grand parents th*
past two months, haa secured a po-
ULi«4i In Salem, and went to the
capital city Sunday.
G. F. Johnston of Sal«-«* is stop­
ping with relatives here tht* week.
Mtisting J. H. Johnvloa with farm
Hu mired« And this a mo-t convenient
system of having cleaning done.
This establishment is (»opular with
all who have tried it and they put
forth their wry best efforts as is
ahown in the satisfaction In «-ach case.
The eatablishnwnt IS plendidly equip­
ped for all class«-« of dry cleaning
an«l no work is loo difficult to hamlie
in the most satisfactory manner.
Specialty is made of cleaning la­
dies’ garments and they also have a
list of men for whom they do this
class of work that includes almost
•very man in town who cares any­
thing at all about his personal appear­
Their pressing of garments is
always corn-ctly done and promptly
call««! for ami delivered.
The dry cleaning »>»t«-m uasd not
only clean» your clothes, but thor-
«•uglily renovates them in live m<»t
can tary manner.
It also turns them
out in the most approved styles with­
out th«- du.iirn-eable odor that accom-
psr < th<> work of so many cleaning
• «tabli«1 m- t*.
The latest cleaning
and renoval.n* machinery in their
plant makm it possible for them to
handle the most delicate fabrics and
turn th m out so the) look like new.
On-- of the features that recom
vi.. is that th« price of
woolen, is very high and it is a well-
ki>wn fact that modern cleaning
work such as their’s conserves the
Woolens and prolongs the life of the
We *r pl iM-«| to complim«-nt them
ipun th sol.»factory service rendered
ami to urge all our readers that as
r< -«rd.« c'< ..ning and dyeing they can
do no better than turn their work
ov«-r to them.
Mother ami l«al«e are doing well.
anta. Mr and Mrs. W. H McLain.
Cheater Chamberlain of San J«me.
W H. McLain and Geo. C. Miller
armed Saturday night Io ria-
att*nd«-d the regional convention of
homi-s of F’red Mespelt and
of the National Farm !x>an Associa­
His mother was for-
tion January 21 and 22. T. M. Rus
Mvspelt of this
sell conreyed them in his Ford.
Opal Shilling spent Friday night place.
J. J, McHenry of Corvallis
with h*r friend. Delma Bruwn.
Carl Smith assisted his unde. John here pruning hts apple orchard !
l>arbv and wife and daugh-
ter. Emma, were in Albany on busi-
neas Tuesday.
Alex Minten left for California
where he has lieen employed for
some time.
Iten llarby and son. Harold, call-
el <>n Cha«. Petera Wednesday.
Mow .Maude Darby was employed
Frost of Jordan, pluck turkeys for dav.
at the G. M. Hay home in Stay ton
Franklin Gilkey was home I from two days last week.
the market Monday
Mra A. Ewing of Scio visited her Carvnilia Saturday. He was accom­
Mrs Ed Eberhartit is improved
sister, Mr* Edwin Jones. Monday panied by Prof. Scudder. Prof. Wolf after a serious attack of lagrippe.
and two fellow students of O. A. C.
and Tuesday
<’,«■ rge Sandner and Arthur Me-
Charles Metlsin is bury thee* davs
Sunday dinner guests at the J. G. k- n .<• have been working on the
aoliciting subacrlptions for the Ore­ Holt home were: George Ashford and telephone line.
gon Journal of Portland.
family of .Marion. Rev. T. W. (’«top-
Howard and Earl Dnrby called on
There are several cssre of whoop­ er and wife of JetTerson and Mi-a F rank Hora last Thursday evening.
ing cough in this vici ilty now
Mary Jarvis of North Bend
Cha«. Peters, wife and son, Louie
Chari*« Ransome »ml family of latter preached at the school hou<* Ray, wife and son, Vilas and Ray
Aumsville spent Sun lay with J. J. Sunday morning
Arnold. J- < and Prank Hora were
Ransome and family at Shrlbu.Ti.
s. F. /.>»*< t and wife and chi Iren Sunday visitors at Ben Darby’«.
Lev George nurchsaed two pork- took Miss Ethel Zysnet. who «|»ent
Harley and Harold Darby and
Mr« F.'lmer Hiatt end Mrs. Cecil ers fn.a T. M Ruse« II last week
the week-end at home, back to her Cha« Petera were visiting rt Claude
Manning and small sen of Salem are
Marion Brown also bought a pork­ school and viaitod at Stayton with Darby's last Sunday morning.
visiting at the Al*x Bodeker home. er of T. M Russell on Thursday.
the A C Beauchamp and Ben Schae ,
F rank and Joe Hora were shop­
Maude Johnston called on Mrs. |
Mr. Ben Watkins is not very well fer familie*
ping in Scio last Saturday afternoon
Ray Huber Friday morning.
these days
He is able to lie up but
T. M and W. H. Holt were Al­ and evening.
Mrs. IJ. S Berry visit«>d tbe Fox he has a young man with him to do bany visitors Sunday.
Ben Darby, wife and granddaugh­
Valley school Thursday afternoon
the chores.
T. J. Butler ami wife of Albany ter spent Saturday night at Frank
H. 0. Shilling and children spent visited at the J G. Holt home Tues­ Pruitt’a at Scio.
Sunday with Lee George and family. day.
Tony Geisler hauled wood to Scio •
John Vaughn and family of Jef­ last Saturday.
ferson and Mrs. Radford and little
Hasko Huntley was on the sick
Baptist Church Notes
of Albany attended ser­ list last week.
Jan. 20
vices here Sunday.
Clarence Huntley is employed at
Sunday school at 10 o’clock every
M m Daphne Ransom* waa shop­
Senz Brothers* aawmill.
ping in Salem Satnrdag.
Sunday morning. Everybody la in­
Huntley, Frank Peters,
Clinton George ia firatg the dookey vited to attend.
attended a dance
The local Farmers’ Union met at
engine for the S. P. IL R. They are
Christian Endeavor every Sunday
the Fred Sommer home Saturday
working at the North Santiam rail­ evening at 0:30.
road bridge.
Prayer meeting every Saturday night. After the business meeting
Mr. Hora has been on the sicklist
a social hour was enjoyed, and re­
Member* of telephone Mne No. 44 night at at 7 30.
met at W. It Mclxin’a on January | Junior Endeavor at 2:00 Sator- freshments were served al a fate for some time.
Ben Darby and daughter. Violet,
I hour.
16th for their nraiual meeting and day afternoon.
se«ian which ho had bought. He
and Mrs. Bartu and her sister. Mrs
Joiey Barrett of San Francisco, who
has baen visiting her« for sevral
wc-ks. exiwict to leave soon after
the first of the month for California
••lection of officers for the ensuing
Mr. F’red Waehlto will preach
where Mr. and Mrs. Bartu will visit
for some time.
president; H. O Shilling, sec-treat;
W. H. McLain and t). G. Wyman
el^-tod delegates to attend the ♦
Rtchardson Gap Reviews
called tn*«ting at Scio on January I.*...»«.................
17. After th* bugine» meeting
pop ’
Jan. 20
Jan 20
i c«>ra was M«rved to those present
A >è pound baby girl was born to
Mrs. Roland Darby visited her I Who were: lx* George, wife, and
l«-la, J _
,___ , ___ .___ ____
mother. Mrs. M. P Long. Friday.
O G, Wyman, wife, and two Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kelly Satur-
children. Fred Roadarmel and neph- day night at the home of Mrs Kel-
Misses Dollie and Reta Arnold and
Itoyrtmnd Harris; Charles Me- fr’« •<•»«. Mr* Jo* Kitchen in Al-
Mrs. E L. Bilyeu were on the sick
Carl Smith. Fritx Patrie; H. ,
This is their second girl
list last week.
M. P Long is maUdling a Colt! 0. Shilling and eon. Ralph, beside*
| the host family.
lighting system in his home.
Alec Williams was shopping In
Mr. Russell oi Foster. Die., wood.'
Shelburn Monday.
contractor for Crown-Willamette pa-
Mrs. Mary Cannon and eon. Isaac*
ycr mills at Salem, was at Mr. Piatt*«
Located conveniently at 138 West
Bennett, were shopping in Shelburn
and Mr. Rodgers. Saturday lueking
1st street in Albany, is a promin« nt
Monday forenoon.
over their white fir timber. It looks
electrical Arm of this section, render­
Carl Smith and wife spent Sunday
ing a metropolitan service in ever)
very favorable for 2,000 *r 3,000
with hie mother near Jordan.
branch of the electrical business, and
cords of white fir wood being mov­
Delma Brown ipent th* week-end considered the authority in these
ed from thia vicinity. whi<^> would
parts upon electrical work and appli­
with her aunt, Iola Georg«.
n>*an a job for tbe m«n who ar*
They have provided a tre­
Glen Shilling and wife and Virgil ances.
loosing for work.
mendous stock of modem electrical
Shilling took dinner with their fath­
necessities and carry standard lines
The danc* at Richardson Gap hall
er Mondav.
Electricity b no longer a conveni­
la said to have been well attended. •
Wyman Brothers are plowing their ence. but b also a necessity in the
A three act plav was given before
■ corn ground for spring planting thia motiern household, and this Arm ha*
the dance.
provided a large stock of modern ap­
M im Mabel Long viaitod her sister.
Mr* Boh Kelly and aon, Jimmy, pliances which arc designed not only
Mrs. Robert Darby, Sunday.
returned home frem Albany Sunday to lighten the work but also to lessen
Mr. Crabtre* viaitod his sister., where Mrs. Kwlly had been for med- the cost and turn housekeeping from
aa unpleasant job into an attractive
Mrs. George Arnold. Sunday.
icni treatment fer the paat m<W»th. (ask.
There b no modem electrical
Leonard Arnold and Misses Reca Her health is mtseh improved.
gmwahscs or necessity that they
Arnold and Delta Piatt «ver* kt Al­
T. M Rueanll end famity took Sun­ h»ve failed to provide for you and a
bany Monday.
day dinner with Mrs Ritospll’s par-
F. H. Bussard, Pfop.
were shopping In Stayton Monday.
The bical telephone company is
Joe Hora trnik his father lose* Dr.
hauling out new poles to replace th«-
Brewer Monday.
' old ones on the line.
Ed Eheihardt and sons. Archie
and Albert, were trading in Stayton
i Monday.
Mt. Pleasant Cole News
Louie Ray went after the road
drag last W«>dnesday. He intends
Jan 20
tu have a gixid road.
Ben liar by and wife were in Stay­
Seng Bret hers closed their mill
ton on huaineu Tuesdav.
the first two days of this week on
Louis Geisler ia g rubbing on hi» account of the funeral of their
ranch the paat few days.
mother-in-law, Mrs. l^aux.
Willard Electric Store
iliard. Prop.
departnu-nt will prove a revelation in
They operate a wry complete efee-
regard to the low expense of electri­ trical -l«rv and have the latest inven-
cal service.
tioru in modern vh-ctrical appliances
It will pay you
This Arm early realise«! the condi­ of i >ery ih-aoription.
tions of the «lay and seeing an oppor­ to look the store over the next time
tunity to be of great service to the you are in Albany, as it is a liberal
ladies of the country an«i at the same education. They are agent« for Ra-
time build a business, secured tip­ dlo (’orperation of America. Gilfillan
sales and service for many of the Radio. Northwestern, and G. F. John­
leading manufacturers of household son Piano Co., all standard companies.
appliances and thus are in a position They carry a line of standard parts
to furnish anything and everything and will at anytime repair your radio
in the way of m<xi<-mixation of the set. The famous Edison Maida lamp
is alro handled by them.
home from an electrical standpoint.
They deal on a large scale and be­
In making this review of the pro-
cause of their large volume of busi­ p -ot-r,
of the |x riod we desire to
ness they have a tremendous buying refer this establuihment to our reader»
power and are therefore able to se­ as one that rrw els the demands of the
cure price concessions not possible for day, no matter what they may be in
the smaller dealer.
their lines, and to say that the repu­
This makes it possible for them to tation of th«- pert has been maintained
sell for les*
and to refer to all