The Scio Tribun* General Newa Page 3 Business Men of Judgment Sense Revival of Prosperity for All Wc feel aurr our reader» will greet thi» xpecial industrial or Luaincaa review edition of T hk S cio T ribvne with pride. The theory of advertising loading the expense on the coat of good« to the purchaser has l>cen proven wrong. We believe that the automobile and g.-. d r< .<c well trvatesl. These business firms have kept fully abreast of every pulse Ivat ami growth, and aim to anti do give service lietter and at lower cost than one can obtain in moat instan­ ces in the larger ci ties. We are all proud, of course, of the gi wt’i of our metropolis. Portland, in population and industro yet the fact remains that she consumes very little of our products and returns to us very little of the money we spend with her merchant*. Albany, during the past few years, ha* awakened amazingly to her opportunities and ha* made a growth which is gratifying to it» tributary territory, of which Linn county is an important part. These business men ol Albany do not only invest in business buildings and enter­ prises of their town, but in the up budding of the entire Community to a very prolitab'e extent. In other words this entire portion of l.inn county is local ami >>u. paramount inter­ ests lie. and will continue to lie. in our home town yet we shall | •< in I we are sure our readers will greet, the efforts of Albany basinesa firms to establis . loser trade rela­ tions with the surrounding localities. If you can’t line! what you want in Scio, then try the county seat. Albany. Mountain States Power Company Whon» head office 1» located at 236 Lyon St., Albany, has greatly aided in the uplifting of the community, not only as regards social and civic pro- grv • . but also has been a most im­ portant factor in the industrial growth of Albany and vicinity. Truly a 20th century organisation under direction of competent and public spirited officers. One of the most popular institutions within the city’s borders, and one whose many patrons have found always willing and anx­ ious to do all possible both to pro­ vide the most service and to assist in all matters that concern the good of the community. Popularly known throughout this part of the country as “A Partner with the Public.” Ser­ vice is most complete, covering ade­ quate electric light, heat and power service of modern and satisfactory character. It is a fact beyond question that »• rvice rendered to their patrons over the community, and for the fact that ••very patron of the concern is also a loyal supported ami a consistent boos­ ter for it. it for the cities which it supplie*. It appeals to us that they have evidenced a civic economy and municipal wis­ dom which is conducive to progress and expansion. attractions of the community within a radius of many miles The Import­ ance of such admirable and adequate power service cannot be too emphati­ cally stated. Th« operation of modern and suc- ci isful electric! light, heat and power plants is an undertaking that requires the service of men of vast experience and a comprehensive knowledge. This cannot be acquired in a day, but must come from long study, ami practical experience. This company has this work in charge of experts It is a large concern with ample cap­ ital. organisation and resources. It As the world's it uuthorito Im- mad« electric light, heat and pow have approved the recent Inventions er service its business. Therefore, in equipment they have been imme­ any community is fortunate in having diately adopted by this company and such a modern and efficient concern this, coupled with the muint«1..ill. - to solve the difficult problem of ade­ here of one of the most modern and quate and efficient service so satis­ up-to datc plants in tins -notion, is factorily as this company is solving responsible for the very sat-factory Nor have the officials and their associates in this company been sat­ iated with merely providing for the immediate neeiis uf the people of this section. U ith a broad vision uf the future they have made improvement* with the view of greater expansion of their service and have b«.-n mo«t loyal supporters in the movement for "Greater Community." It is not necessary here that we detail the many desirable features of their service to the public. adequate electric light, heat and pow­ er service is essential to the progrv** and expansion of any community. Therefore, in d< tailing th« prosperity for a Ureater Community it i» w th a feeling of satisfaction that w direct your special attention to this coin pany. There is probably no other com­ munity this rise in the country that .* better equipped in thu respect, tor this well knqwn and popular conc. rn has provided modern and aru-ntiAcally correct devices for the production an I distribution of electric light, h- it and power service. Dr. A. R. Mitchell Ixvcsted in Cusick's Bank building in Albany, is one of our prominent professional men enjoying a large and well merited patronage from the city an rt - on the work and the. pin ar most at­ tractive. Tt y are known for their prompt and efficient work. When it Lum«a to iiidmtui* and re­ pairs, you v ill find tin .--tubli hrn< nt complete and you will readily lenrn why it has com« to be known as the house of quality, the high« st eiinvs of service and the most reasonable price possible ar« features that bring them* an ever-increasing patronage. Chevrolet, Ford and light radiator­ may be shipped by parcel po,t The management is in the hands of a prominent citiaen active.) ints-r,-«te>i in home progress. We are pleased to compliment this wi-U known and just­ ly popular establishment and to sug­ gest to our readers that they tak- radiator troubles to them, while you will And all of the other features of their service metropolitan ami effic­ ient to the last degree. If you believe inlboosting the boosters, if you believe injhelping an institution that spends its money at home, you will support the Scio Tribune more substantially than wishing it well. THINGS UNUSUAL : By T. T. MAXEY itl«. W»tt»ib VkJvBJ PALM CANYON Nature richly endow««) this country with much of the tuoat majestic •i-vuvry un the giuba Tbs choicest placea "have been reserved for you. that you and your children after you may know and enjoy tlieae unspoiled bits n» of th» latest «deciIona to form a link la Fuel» Mam's chain iff lla­ ma I . bed tieauty spot» la Palm canyon, which has been described as "A bit of Arabia transplanted to the Weal era hemisphere," located 53 mil»» south east of Itlvcrslde, Fa I. Here in s aeriea of canyons but lit­ tle removed from a deaertllke srctlon grow st ores of maguinceat Washing- too palms tall, graceful, plctureequ» and centurles old, undoubtedly, th» only native palms In all California, aa well as a number of species of lnt»r eel log and unusual cacti th» entire ensemble funning a botanical collec­ tion both unusual and extraordinary. These native imlina are scattered along the banka of a tortuous Illi}» stresiu which flow* through th» ranyon and clustered around It in groves where It emerges from th» hills. Th» arena Is both surprising and romantic. It Is likewise magnifi­ cent because almost directly overhead Mount Man Jacinto rears Its lofty head. In one direction the canyon ap­ pears to tie dosed by a grest wall Of colwred rock. Righting about fare th» view leads out onto the desert b»y-rior beauty. There is no other one establishment more worthy of prominent mention in thi* edition than that of this je pular florist'* shop. The proprietor ha* provided a • r- vice and stock of the highest char actor which compare* very favorably with that of the moat ext« I. >iv, and artistic dealers in th« lai.. r cite . It is a well < stabli* ¡cd fact in thi* *«-ction that this establishment offer* th« trade a choice from the mathie physician, who places her year* of study, wide experience and large and increasing patronage from comprehensive knowledge al the ser­ th» city and adjoining countk*. vice of the people of thi* community. Thia day and age of specialists in You will And her courteous and *c- the profession^ has found that the commuiiating nt all times. The gen­ science of osteopathy ha* progressed eral satisfaction expressed by her and advanced with rapid strides, old many patients, people of standing in fashioned ideas of yesterday are now the community, is a well merit««! t> put aside and in their place are n«w, but» to her i-ffieient and c- . ri «. progressive methods of today. OMthods. This popular osteopath has kept The science of osteopathy wax dis­ pace with the times, readily adopt ng cover. <1 m the year 1N74. The first all the advances of science that have school was established at Kirksville, marked th» modern development of o* Mo., in 1HS12, and there are eight re- Uopathy most prominently. Undoubt­ eocnized sc bools today. Th» course edly no division of the field of scien­ of study covers a period of four years tific research ha* made greater ad­ with additional two year* in major vance* than the »cirncv of osteopathy. surgery. R« present««! by sum« of the greatest in thi* review of our valuable as scientific mi mis of the world that have set* we compliment the doctor on the develop»«! material progress in thi* valuable work «he is doing In thia sec­ important profession, and all the fea­ tion and th« advance* she Is making ture* that have received the approval in her rhosen field of endeavor. Women's Miase» and Children's Clothing and Haberdashery Salem, Oregon