The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 22, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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P*g« 2
a serious problem
Parent* mu*t
be truthful, «tern and loving to the
child at all time* if they expect the
child to obey, be truthful and lov­
ing, the other ia. the whole human
family become barren, and no more
ch.ldren brought into the world to
biro* the tie that bind*. God forbid
Reconditioning Shop
Parts for All Cara....
the latter to happrn,
212 E. Eint
Phone 379
There ia a rumor going the round« |
that the route of the proposed San- i
' tiam highway from Albany by way
Half** Catarrh Medicine
of Goltra, l^«b*non, Cascadia and on
to Eastern Oregon,
. Thoa* who ar* In a ••run-down" condi­
tion anti noUro that I'alarrh bolb.r* t«.m
much mor* «han whnn they an in «rood
*•'’ ro-'«» "’>• whll*
Cutarrt, la a Rxal d t**a n . It )■ greatly
mnoancod hy n>x*tltutlns*l rondlt - -na
*».«•? ••»»<««« NS.OKixi; t. a
ron>Mn«d Tr*atm*nt. lor*I and In-
Im al and haa boon *u- -»a.r i| in tn*
• ’’«’eioii of.catarrh for over forty years.
Sr-1-1 by all 4n>rr*l
- r •«.
*■ C°- TWado. Ohio.
nitely settled
ia ws know not.
haa tx-en defi­
How true this rumor
A. C. Jenkins
Haa the national govetn
m«nt placed it« ok«y on the project
to Pordaiid
and Return
Bendit by low week-end
fares now in effect, on
gale Friday,Saturday and
Sunday—return limit
following Tuesday.
Or 15-day fares, on sale
any day-—return limit 15
days, with stop-over at
any point cn route.
Make all your travel
plans tQ take advantage
of these low round trip
For full information
about these and other
round trip fare*, com­
municate with
iu * i » ay
of IJnn county?
This paper has received no infor­
If there ia truth in the ru­
mor. will thus« who know about it
POSTAL INCREASE UNPOPULAR make toe truth known? Over her«,
we want to see paving started in
t'ungr«-«* is hearing from the peo­
IJnn county, but if we are t<* ansiat
ple in no uncertain terms in regard
in financing the project we want to
Ho the proposed increase in post of­
he hoard.
fice rate*.
This proposed increase
will add to the farmer'« cost when
Antagonism is developing fast be­
he ahifM* a crate of eggs, a aide of
tween the legislature ami the g >v-
¡bacon, a chicken, guinea, turkey or
er nor. according
nnv other farm product through the
Probably m ended to stir
mail. The farmer has had 3 year«
up hatreds so soffit specific laws
of hard time* and any iocrena« in
enacted and paaeed over a
the parcel poat rates will be a se­ may be
people «uppoaed they
ven- tax on him. it will tax what veto,
elected bruadmmdeU men to «very
he sells and 'ax what he buys, aa
of Mate government, ao do
the farmer ia the moat extensiv« branch
not disappoint them. Be big enough
user of the parcel post of any class
to sc« both sides to a question, and
of people.
out of fairness to the taxpayer give
The alleged occasion for this in­
ua law* that are «nr and appropri-
crease in the parcel past rates and
ion* that show a reduction in
i the rates on newspapers and maga-
zirn-a is (he bill which haa l*e«n in­
MtftiS MMlCt
tabltahsd the route without consid-
ing the above agvncn-« or the (icople
22. 1926
troduced increasing tho aalariea ofi
C. W. Bragg. Agent
m«*an approval by
Haa the county court es-
mation upon the subject that is au
.the post office employe« $300 pen
movements that
The country ia now about
to enter upon an era of prosperity»
the first pruaperity it ha* enjoyed fiw
several year*, and
this incraaas ih
postal rhtc* will tie a serious bte*
l>v|iartment No. Two.
| Beulah E. Desna,
G. S. Deane.
To G. 8. Deane, th- above named I de­
I n thk N ame or thk S tate op ork
OON: Y ou are hereby required to ap­
pear and answer the Complaint of tin-
above nanwd Plaintiff in the above en­
Th» week we are giving our *ulx titled < ourt now nn file with thi- Clerk
scribers another big paper, and also of said Cdurt. on or before the 22d day
| of January, 1925, that bring tbe last
mailing out «ample copies to every day of the time preecrilM-d in the order
residenl in the Fork* of theSantiam. for the publieation of this summon*,
ami if you fail so to appear umi answer
We are giving an extra inducement the plaintiff will apply to said Court for
lirf demanded in said Complaint,
to old and new subscribers. To
to it. which liwks so promising bow . i keep abreast with your community,
The functions of governtrant ia $100 ia all that la needed for the
year 1025.
If you are already paid
not intended for profit, but for sen I
in advance. 11 00 will
If the express department of
our p«>«tal system is not self-sustain­ •xtend yoc. a year from that date.
ing. the department lietlar be with­
Notice ia hereby given that the un
and that part of the poital
d*rsignod was by an order duly madr
and entered of record on the 5th day of •ervice turned back to die exprean
January. 1926, in that certain suit in
The urwapapera aarf.
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ companies.
gon. for the County of Linn, in Depart­ magazines are already straining an
ment No. 2. wherein Ralph llollki, a
minor, by L. M Curl, hl* guardian, was der high ralv* and the demantksfwr
Slaintiff. and Nell Hollis T-dy-’i and free advertising. Every putetateer
lyrtte llolus, a n-i --r, were iefi-n-i-
anta, duly appointed referee so make is patriotic, believes in hia cuwntry
sate of th* following itescritx-d real and its institutions, and go«* farther
property, to wit:
¡«nd doea more to uphold Mem than
tx>t No Thiee (3) and the East one i
half i E.
of 1x4 No. Two (2). tr, the average layman, so why continue
Block No Two 2i, in Wheeler’s Addi ' l() |o«d him until hia baefc ia broken.;
bon to th«- City of Scio. Linn County. I
State of Oregon.
lawmakers are quwr birds, with.
Now. therefore, in pursuance of said but one object in view—“tax 'em till
order and of th« statutes in such case* ‘ |K
rhsd- and provide, I will, on Saturday, |th*' "re W*’’ WhiU
th« 7th day of February, 1925, at th«
hour of onv o’clock p. m. of said day, '
at the front door of the county court
It happen««! in San Francisco
Secretary of State
Hughe« haa
resigned, to take effect in
and President Coolidge has named
Frank B. Kellogg a* hi« *ucce««6r. j
It ia intimated the acceptance of lh<-
Dawe« reparation plane by the big
power« of Europe ia the cause of
th« resignation.
Hughe« see« the
Unietd Stat«« using th« navy to pro­
tect Europe, while tloohdg« »• e» the
W" Exclusive
father and brother, who hate her
deed. are goiqg to see she get* fair
batea until he acquires some
Bancroft Optical Co.
IU Wan nr* luwr
with the announcement
trial, while the “ friswda** who jaxx-
ed her into disobeying
■tor* than half right at that.
A kid'» definition of an economic
hiiijoy ia a father who give* him a
moonahm« and
¡love will wreck any human and oft-
I times a hole familea.
How far can
Ate»» orw«
parents go tn correcting the child­
Ba bee ri be no», $1.75 wr year.
Oregon Milk Company
■e«* suit of clothes for Chriatmaa
running and ruining their Mana? ia. bte
Condenaery, Scio, Oregon
to outshine
ren and how far can ehtldrea go in •ma neighbors never wor* in d«»u-
Prevents souring. Avoid this
loss by cooling quickly and
keeping milk where plenty of
fresh air circulates, preferably
in the open.
faatcad of the bicycle he expected.
Thrift and a desire
Cool, Clean Milk
and finally into mardar. have run to
doctor, musically inclined,
‘‘plays on th* catarrh," have b««n
her parents
C/V om e trist.
G. F. Korinek
•ame aloofness as now.
There la liatinction in glasses a* well
a« in clothed. You probably have the
correct hat for buxines« or dress oe-
cnsi ns. We hove the correct glasaea
lor a decree of said Court diasolving
the marriage contract now existing be­
Manufacturing Optician
tween plaintiff ard defendant ami a-
warding plaintiff the rare, custody ami
control of Harold Taylor l>eane ami rjisY sijeiToi)
Eilen Annette Dvan«, minor children of
plaintiff and defendant, ami that plaintiff
Real Estait Rrolçer
navejiulgmi-nt for the coats and disburse­
ment* of thi* •uit and that a décrit-
NolarQ Public
will be taken against you for such oth­
er and further relief a* to the Court
,4bitrall» Obtained, fiiamineJ
may *«em proper in the premise*.
Thi« summon* is pur>li*h<-d in the < IO
Scio Tribune by order of the Honorable
L, H. McMahan, Judge of the above
entitled Court, made and entered on
the Mh day of l*eceml«-r. 19’t. where
in this summon* is ordered ami directed
to b* published once a week for six
consecutive ami successive weeks, be-
District Surgeon 8. P. Railway.
Ing *eve > weekly publication* thereof.
The date of the first publication of
Scio, Or.
thia summon* i* the 11 th day nf Iiecem-
ber, 1924. and the date of the last pub­
lication thereof i* the 224 day of Janu­
ary. 1926.
H ill a M arks ,
Attorney* for Plaintiff.
-IAYI o N,
Poetrdflre Addrvi-* of
Attorney* for Plaintiff,
« all* anawerrd I «ay or Night
Albany, Oregon.
Tulwreulin Testing
The fully of a husband frequently
tlon. for cash in hand, to the highest mur.dernd * Cold blood l»ecauar «tee '
Another place where government
bidtter. all the right, lit!«, ml« rest and t ..(.¡..-....i . , h_r ic ______ u j____ ». .._
claim of the several parti««, plaintiff»
»'*■•* in year-old daughter should protect American eitizen« b
and itefendatitf in said suit, in and to [ going t«e>iKX dance« with the under-
the real property h. raitiabovc describ­ world habitues. In ber anger. th« in America.
Henry Ford’s railroad is trying to
, Dated this Sth day of January, 1925. daughter secures het broth«*'* re­
a little money from Henry
A. K. M< M ahan . Referee. volver and from behind shot her
Date of first publication, Jan. It. 1925.
Ford. Henry must have a hard
mother dead. Taking what money
Date of last publication. Feb. &. 192&
time trying to keep hia left hand
she could find she sought to forget
from knowing what hia right hand
-j her deed with “friends** who jazz
is doing.
and drink and “love.**
Th« law
Bright young boy who came home
lound the gut. and she in m jail; her
Optical Parlor
Phone 124-J
In the Baltomor- Bldg., in Albany, tlx I- 4 5 <-m norm- corner. A poorly
on«- of the prominent buainraa men of located door may lx- constantly in the
wiy of tr.dhc from one room to an-
the county, who is an architect of
»t . r.
Tin rign-ttable feature i*
proven ability.
Secun- the M»rvic<*ü that t - flaws and defects of a plan
of thi» competent archili-ct for th-- are never apparent on paper to the
amateur horn-- design is sure to meet amnti ur pl:in»man but are soon no­
many ob«tAcle« and make mi «ta km tic-ubte after the home ia occupied,
For the .««me amount of money in-
that cannot be n-ctificd after tip- con­
struction has begun or after the home v> t- -i. -•< I... ■- can lx- planned by nn
arcli.tect an-, considerable money can
ia completed.
Every p«-r»on feels capable of plan­ b< frequently saved by following hi*
ning a home that will be, in hi» belief, advice.
In the nr; lutcctura! department of
a jx rfect domicile and it is thi» very
fact that has caused th« erection of thi* firm a large number of amateur
*o many awkwanl -l-sign».
Th«- ap- plan* for prospective builder* are re-
parvnt -implicit)’ of planning presents reived to figure on and these embody
a h. r that invite amateur work, but «•xceilvnt nii ax, but every plan mint
our am ice i* to engage the most com- be und the awkward features
;>«tvnl architectural >• rue or select eliminated.
Special plana and new
a set of plan« that ha* be- n prepared •I. -git, nre constantly created, to give
and approved by professional archi­ their cu tomer- the I m nvfit of the lat-
• -rt development in homebuilding. Se­
An ill pl&e- d window may seclude cure their services.
state highway commission made any
slate aid?
First National Hank Du.bling. ia equ-pp- With tlx Ini- t approved <te-
for <-iy-editiou* business. Their
Albany, is the beet equipped and Well m
work c>mpri ••* all the advanced me
managed beauty parlor in th»- county,
tl -tU tuck m manicuring, facial work,
under the aid- management of Mi«* msrcelling, hair dressing, hair tinting
Eva Murphy, who obtained her bum­ ami scalp treatnu-nls.
To be accur­
neat education und- r an able and well ate in t! - ir work, years of study must
known beauty *chvol.
Thia training lie given to the construction of the
and knowledge obtained by years of skin, Mipplem.-nt-d with years of
practical experience ha* built for her pr-irtienl experience.
The ni.inugxmenl and aaaiatanta
the well sscrited patronage rwcehted.
Thi* well known profession has de­ anil their desire to please make thia
veloped in the pant )--«r> from a beauty parlor moat worthy of men­
trade to an art of science. Thi* day tion and we wu<h to compliment them
anil age of specialists ha* found the in thin edition for their success ac-
art of beauty culture advancing with qu red -n their special field of en-
d< -vor.
IT.onc 351 R for appoint­
rupoi strides.
The 141 Ko« Vanity Shoppe is well ment.
if true, who was
with an appropriation?
Watch the date following your
name on this paper. It tells when
•your time expire«
If a blue pencil
mark is under vour name, it means
' vour paper will stop in two weeks,
unle«-« renewed. Starts when paid
for. «tons at expiration.
The Scio Tribune
l^a Kose Vanity Shoppe
Two aolutiona
present themaelvee:
1 •*