The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 22, 1925, Page 12, Image 12

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N E Bilyeu and wife of Albany
visited in Scio Tuesday
Roll Morris and wife went to De­
troit Monday to reside.
John W eeel y and son. Gordon and
wife, were In Portland Tuesday.
J din Denaniure Jr. want to Port­
Misa Lela Couey spent last Wed­
land Sunday to enter Behnke-Walk
nesday in Albany.
er business college
D C. Thoms was In Albany on
Rev. Eugene Ostrander of Eugene
business Saturday.
will occupy the pulpit in the Christ-
Audv Unger of Lebanon visited
lan church neat Sunday morning
at Fred Bilyeu’s Friday night.
Mrs. Emma Oupor returned last
Mrs. B A. Molleen is able to be Wednesday from a week's visit with
out again, after a short illness.
her cousin. Mrs. Hugh Everson, at
Miss Grace Bilyeu came out from Eugene.
Globe - Albany
Wages of Virtue
C. C. Bilyeu and w'fe and daugh­
ter. Miss Grace Bilyeu, were io Al­
bany Monday afternoon.
Watch Fur — Don’t «Mias It
‘So Big’
Coming Soon
A. L. Cleveland and wife and Mra.
Cleveland’s mother. Mrs. Hixson^
and M i < m Lucille Hixson visited at
the R L Hixson home Sunday af­
January Sale Ends Saturday Night, Jan. 24, 9 p. m
With better than $7,000 worth of goods to sell and only
until Saturday night in. which to sell it, we greet the peo­
ple of Linn county with the most startling figures that ever
appeared on good clothing and furnishings.
Suits ... at $13.60, $17.60 aW $21.60
Overcoats at $17.60, $21.60 and $26.60
Boya’ Knickers, all sires and pt terns,
$2.25 values
Bqya’ Knickers, broken «iso-
Boys Knicker Suits, broken auiea
Boys’ Knicker Suits, all good jialtenitu.
all site*, mostly with two pair ji
Leiles* Silk Hose. white ct brown
Choice of any $ 100
One lot of Sox, ll^Jt, gray aiul brown
1 60
One lot of Hqy a' fancy slipover Sweaters.
$2.50 «ml $3 00 values............
One lot of Men’s Cloth ami Felt Hats . t1 60
One lot of Felt lists .
. .
. t 60
One lot of Hats, including values at
$5 00 and up
One lot of Hats, incliulmg values at
$♦> 00 ami $7 50 _
One lot of Men’s Capa, values to $3
I < tther Wnrh Glossa
1 SO
One lot of Men’« black dress Shoes, calf
an<l kanswroo, $5.00 to $9.00 values. 3 60
Boys' dress Shoes, black or browm—
2 JO
Youth«’ sizes
. ___
Boys’ sixes
One lot of odds and ends in Shoes
Choice of any of our $5.00 ami $♦> (M)
3 60
six inch work Shot's
Every pair of Shoes in our Shoe Department
is R koucfd
One lot of Sox. fancy drop al itch ami
Men’s UnionMiits, all sixes, medium
weight _
1 V
T" W 9
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TKê fleto Tribuni
U'ho-e offic-l is at rooms 401-2 First
National Bank BuiMing. in Albany, is
one of U m - eminent chiropractors in
this part of the county. H<- is an ex­
pert in analysis and offers the people
the highest type of professional ser­
Many people from over this
part of the country are visitors at
his office smt receive very bciM-ftcial
In the prof< Mional life of this part
of the »1*1«- there is no one who has
had a more successful career than
Dr. Kvnagy., who is rvcognised as an
authority on chiropractic*. His sue
eees has been mark mi and he is often
consulted by members of profession.
Th«- work of the chiropractor i» to
correct subl uaations found in the
spinal column. This is ilunc by an ad­
justing move performed with the bare
hand in a scientific manner, which in
time returns the bony segments to
their normal articular relation and re­
leases the pres*are their formed do-
vtalions caused oa th* m-rvea affected.
When »ucn a<l)u»tm«nu are made re­
lief will follow unrrlarded and heal­
ing will result naturally.
¡1 is a professional man of extra­
ordinary power and understanding.
He pt.-sesra a natural aptitude for the
correction of all causes of disease.
It is not strange, then, that ho is
o . of th busiest professions! men of
this vicinity, for his srrviers are tn
great demand. Ho is very courteous
and accommodating, and can bo
reached very conveniently. The gen­
eral sat.‘faction expressed by his
many ch- nt- and the great demand
for he eiv.ces constitute a wrll mer­
ited tribute to his efficiency and con-
K<-.i-nti>e.>» methods. W.- wish to com­
pliment him upon the very valuable
work that he is doing in this section.
a< I < -cl your special attention to
hia efficient methods.
Ikirris Weddle drove to Albany Sun­ badly hurt.
Flach owner paid his own damages.
day afternoon to call on Mra. M,
Haye. She is recovering nicely from The Silverton car was taken to Scio
for repairs, the occupants having to
her recent operation.
George M Bilyeu and wife re- ' spend the night there. Mr. Quinn
drove hie car home.
turned Tuesdey from Portland,
Shelburn Correspondent
G W Morrow and wife remai ne<i
at the bedside of Mra. .Morrow’s
brother. Jeff Bilyeu, who Is very ill.
The Tribune. SI 75 the year.
Dre»9 Well and Succeed
Sixty Years in Business on First Street
Word received here from Mra. Farm Ixans Money at fij'.c with
Anna Cals«an of Sumner, Wash., is
nominal commission; prepayment
priviledge- after first year. Wm.
that she is recovering nicely from a
Bain. Albany Ore.
recent serious illness. Mrs. ('alavan
is a former resident of Scio and has Bring in your veal and dressed hogs.
We pav you Pornland prices leas
many friends here who will l>e very
charges. No commission.
glad to know that she is recovering.
J. F. Wesel y. 22-tf
Announcement« have been receiv-
Farm Wanted — 1 want farms for
by friends in Scio of the birth of a
cash buyers
Describe and give
babv daughter to Mr. ano Mra.
price. R. McNown.
Hugh Kirkpatrick of I»et>anon. on
-on Bldg . Omaha, Neb.
January 12. She has been named
For Trade Black Alley, coming four
Nancy Ann. Mrs Kirki>atrick was
years old for cattle; also spring
wagon for sale for $30 00. See
Mow Ferris Calavan of Scio before
W. T. Hauler. Scio. Or.
her marriage.
All 1924 accounts not paid in full
by March 15. 1925. will be charged
interest at 8G from Jan. I. 1925.
and all such acenints not paid in
full by that date will be put on a
strictly c-udi basis.
These terms, although against our
personal views and business princi­
ples, are forced on us hv general
business conditions that require and
demand these steps
By enforcing these we will be
able tn handle our business on a
somewhat doser margin and give
our patrons a better variety of
gooda to select from, and those who
are not abusing their credit privil­
eges will j-av somewhat lew for their
goods and still retain their credit
terms with us.
Thanking vou all in advance bv
complying with this notice.
Ihese are only a few of the many bar gains that await you. Avail yourself now
of these bargain.« that won't be avasfa ble after the whistle blows at 9.00 P. M
January 24th.
Qya ity
x --. a
The following prices are our last effort to sell everything
down to nothing, within the next few days:
One lot of Shirts, with stiA collar to
match, $2.25 values
11 IS
One lot of Shirts. $1 50 and $1 75
values, two for
2 60
One lot odds and ends in Shirts
Fancy Wool Shirts. $4 50 to $6 00 val­
ues, including Pendleton virgin v%o«J 3M
Mra. Mary E. Miller has apt ■«■«led
to the circuit court the award given
her by the State Industrial Accident
The choir of the First Presbyter­ I ommlssion as a result of the acci­
ian chwreh of Altmny. under th* di- dental death of her husband. J. W. For Sale Gray Oats. 1923 crop,
cleaned; 60c bu«hel, cash. See
r*c<a>a of Rev. D. V. Poling, will Miller last summer.
F rank Hora, route 1, Scio
gare the cantata. "Holy Nativity"
Andy Jr., five year old son of Mr.
the Christian church in Scio
For Sale
Potatoes. 61.50 per 100
Mrs Andy Hetaend< rf. who live on
p Hinds. Call or phone Edward
this evening.
route 3. underwent an operation for
Kalina, route 4. Scio. Ore.
Mrs Wm. Brent: r, Mrs. J S appendicitis at the Albany General
Stichs and Mmses V' Ila Brenner and Hospital Saturday. He ia recover­ For Sale G<»d gentle cow. Will
be fresh in a few days. Inquire
ing nicely at this time.
at ('. D Compton's Scio, Or. 1-p
The Blain Clothing Company’s 60th Anniversary and
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Portland Friday on a vielt to home
Marion Arnold and wife have re­
to their home in Eugene af­
Wayne Slewart and wife of Al-
visit with relatives and
Imny were calling in Scio Wednesday
I. V McAdoo and wife drove to
Salem on busli>*e* Sunday after­
Prof. Watenpaugh was taken ill I
Fred Daley dispensed the soft
Monday and ia still confined to hia
and cigars at the pool hall
Fred Bilyeu and family visited
H. MacDooald was on a
the W. J. Unger family in Lebanon
Fred Sanders and Mr. and Mr*.
last week.
McChesney of Albany railed al D.
Mm. N. F- Gill has received an-
Antone Roeprofka and wife were
C. Thums' Sunday afternoon
in town from their home on route«
°t U* birth of a baby
While uractlcing basketball in the Monday.
^ra. Lionel Hibler
gym last Friday afternoon. M im
_ __
I at Seattle. Mr. Hibler is a grand-
D. ( Thoms and wife attended '
_ .....
Freda Thayer fell and injured her
. .
son of Mrs. Gill.
right knee.
George Mikyaka, who has been
working for Chas CXrt during the
D M. John of the Oregon Life
>>ast year, left Saturday for hia home
Insurance Co., was in Sein on busi-1
at New Prague. M inn. He is a broth­
news Monday.
er of Mr«. Joerph Vejvoda of Scio.
Senday & Monday
The local team w>>n ths* girls has
John, were shopping in Albany Sat-'
Jan. 25-2ti
ketball game from tlie Shedd girls
urday morning.
Friday night, while the Shedd boys
Herman Eckhart and wife of Port-' trounced the local boya. Both good
land visited P. H. .MacDonald and game«, the Shedd girls being rather
wife over the week end
Local New* atul Classified
Page 12
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Yours respectfully.
J. F. W km » i . y .
Autos Collide
Shelburn. Ore .Jan. 20. (Special)
An auto col'ision occur cd one-half
mile east of Shelburn Sunday after­
noon between Joe Quinn's ear and a
car belonging to a man from Silver-
For Sale Good, clean vetch, cheat.
oats and clover baled hay; also
baled straw. Priced right. See
FL L Bilveu. route 3. San. 25-p
For Sale lx»->»e Hay. at thelbarn
or delivered, at market price for
kind you want. See Chgg. Chrx. 1
mile west of Scio, on West Scio
IS tf
For Sale
Seven Shoats. weighing
about 75 pounds. Good thrifty
pigs at reasonable price. Inquire
of Chas. A. White, Scio. Ore.,
Route 2.
For Sale — A 600 egg Master incu-
w botor, In good condition. Price
$35 00.
Goose feathers, 11.00.
per pound. Mra. E. L. Bilyeu,.
Route 3, Scio, Ore.
No Baby Chix this year, but can fur­
nish eggs for hatching, U (X>
iwr 100
S. C. Whits leghorns.
Hanson’s Strain.
R. C. Pettit, Scio, Ore.
< oil
Lighting Systems For Sale
Cheap Some never been uncrat­
ed. *>me used less than 3 months.
At own Price. See Wm. Hoflieh.
the I*elco-Light man at Albany.
24 d
For Sale — Burroughs Adding Ma­
chine. practically new
In tiw
one year. Also 15 h. p. Fairbanks-
Morse elehtrie motor, complete
with starter «nd two transform­
phone or write to S. J.
Bend*r, Scio, Ore.
ton, The Silverton car was going W’. A. F.«mg.
T. J. Munkers,
Vic* Pre«.
west and the Shelburn car going east, President
E. D. Myers. Cashier
the road being narrow they met bead
on. The Shelburn car lost its bump­
er and the Silverton car Ha left fen­
der and the hood was badly dented
and lamp Droken. The windshield
Does a General Banking
B um in ran.
Interest paid
was broken by a little boy being
thrown through it. No one was
The Scio Stato Bank