Pag«* 10 General Ne«i The ¿cio TribilUJ • .Many old subscribers and 54 new ones have taken advantage of our liberal reduction to $1.00 for the 1 ribune during 1925, and others “orter.” We have extended the time to Jan. 31, when the special rate ends. We are beginning to mark the papers this week, and if you see it under your name, the paper will stop with the last issue of this month unless renewed. We don t want to lose a reader, nor do we want to force the paper on you and the only way to know you want it is when you pay for it. If you want the Tribune, pay a year in advance and you save /And this is how to get it: Old subscribers will pay up to date and $1.00 will get the Tribune for the next 52 weeks- -that’s giving you 7 5c. New subscribers just pay the $ 1.00 and get the paper for 52 weeks. Now’s the chance to get the I ribune for $ 1.00, and this offer is good only until 7 p. m. Jan. 3 I. GRAB IT UP About Our Job Printing We’re Appreciative On the usual needs of an ordinary char­ acter, the Tribune can do your Job Print­ ing as cheap as any shop, and often much lower. If so, why have your sale bills, letter heads, envelopes, folders, cards, etc. printed elsewhere? We know we would get your work if we have the opportunity to prove it. The absent printer doesn’t pay taxes here, nor in any manner spend any money in the community—he takesit out, while the Tribune brings money in and spends it here and also pays taxes here. We leave it to you who should re­ ceive your next printing order.